Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)

            HybridFlow.OcsUrl       = GetConfigValue("OCSUrl");
            HybridFlow.RedirectHost = GetConfigValue("HybridFlow:RedirectHost");
            HybridFlow.RedirectPort = Parse(GetConfigValue("HybridFlow:RedirectPort"));
            HybridFlow.RedirectPath = GetConfigValue("HybridFlow:RedirectPath");

            var tenantId     = GetConfigValue("TenantId");
            var clientId     = GetConfigValue("HybridFlow:ClientId");
            var clientSecret = GetConfigValue("HybridFlow:ClientSecret");
            var scope        = GetConfigValue("HybridFlow:Scope");

            // Get access token and refresh token.
            var(accessToken, refreshToken, expiration) = HybridFlow.GetHybridFlowAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret, scope, tenantId);
            Console.WriteLine("Access Token: " + accessToken);
            var refreshStatus = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(refreshToken) ? refreshToken : "No refresh token requested";

            Console.WriteLine("Refresh Token: " + refreshStatus);
            Console.WriteLine("Expires: " + expiration);

            //  Make a request to GetTenant endpoint
            Console.WriteLine(GetRequest($"{GetConfigValue("OCSUrl")}/api/Tenants/{tenantId}", accessToken).Result
                ? "Request succeeded"
                : "request failed");

            // Check if offline_access scope has been requested. This scope can be requested for hybrid clients
            // that have been created with AllowRefreshToken option set to true, which is also the default option.
            if (scope.Contains("offline_access"))
                // Get a new access token from a refresh token. If the previous access token has not expired it can still be used.
                // This will also reissue a new refresh token. Old refresh token will no longer be valid after use.
                (accessToken, refreshToken, expiration) =
                    HybridFlow.GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(refreshToken, clientId, clientSecret);
                Console.WriteLine("Access Token: " + accessToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Refresh Token: " + refreshToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Expires: " + expiration);
                Console.WriteLine("No refresh token requested.");

            //  Make a request to GetTenant endpoint
            Console.WriteLine(GetRequest($"{GetConfigValue("OCSUrl")}/api/Tenants/{tenantId}", accessToken).Result
                ? "Request succeeded"
                : "request failed");
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)

            HybridFlow.OcsUrl       = GetConfigValue("Resource");
            HybridFlow.RedirectHost = GetConfigValue("RedirectHost");
            HybridFlow.RedirectPort = Parse(GetConfigValue("RedirectPort"));
            HybridFlow.RedirectPath = GetConfigValue("RedirectPath");

            var tenantId     = GetConfigValue("TenantId");
            var clientId     = GetConfigValue("ClientId");
            var clientSecret = GetConfigValue("ClientKey");
            var scope        = GetConfigValue("Scope");

            // Get access token and refresh token.
            var(accessToken, refreshToken, expiration) = HybridFlow.GetHybridFlowAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret, scope, tenantId);
            Console.WriteLine("Access Token: " + accessToken);
            Console.WriteLine("Refresh Token: " + refreshToken);
            Console.WriteLine("Expires: " + expiration);

            //  Make a request to GetTenant endpoint
            Console.WriteLine(GetRequest($"{GetConfigValue("OCSUrl")}/api/Tenants/{tenantId}", accessToken).Result
                ? "Request succeeded"
                : "request failed");

            // Get a new access token from a refresh token. If the previous access token has not expired it can still be used.
            // This will also reissue a new refresh token. Old refresh token will no longer be valid after use.
            (accessToken, refreshToken, expiration) = HybridFlow.GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(refreshToken, clientId, clientSecret);
            Console.WriteLine("Access Token: " + accessToken);
            Console.WriteLine("Refresh Token: " + refreshToken);
            Console.WriteLine("Expires: " + expiration);

            //  Make a request to GetTenant endpoint
            Console.WriteLine(GetRequest($"{GetConfigValue("OCSUrl")}/api/Tenants/{tenantId}", accessToken).Result
                ? "Request succeeded"
                : "request failed");
Esempio n. 3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            bool test = false;


                if (SystemBrowser.openBrowser == null)
                    SystemBrowser.openBrowser = new OpenSystemBrowser();
                    test = true;
                    SystemBrowser.password = GetConfigValue("Password");
                    SystemBrowser.userName = GetConfigValue("UserName");

                HybridFlow.OcsUrl       = GetConfigValue("Resource");
                HybridFlow.RedirectHost = GetConfigValue("RedirectHost");
                HybridFlow.RedirectPort = Parse(GetConfigValue("RedirectPort"));
                HybridFlow.RedirectPath = GetConfigValue("RedirectPath");

                var tenantId     = GetConfigValue("TenantId");
                var clientId     = GetConfigValue("ClientId");
                var clientSecret = GetConfigValue("ClientKey");
                var ocsUrl       = GetConfigValue("Resource");
                var apiVersion   = GetConfigValue("ApiVersion");

                // Get access token and refresh token.
                var(accessToken, refreshToken, expiration) =
                    HybridFlow.GetHybridFlowAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret, tenantId);
                Console.WriteLine("Access Token: " + accessToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Refresh Token: " + refreshToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Expires: " + expiration);

                //  Make a request to Get Users endpoint
                var result1 = GetRequest($"{ocsUrl}/api/{apiVersion}/Tenants/{tenantId}/Users", accessToken).Result;
                    ? "Request succeeded"
                    : "request failed");
                if (!result1)
                    throw new Exception("Request failed");

                // Get a new access token from a refresh token. If the previous access token has not expired it can still be used.
                // This will also reissue a new refresh token. Old refresh token will no longer be valid after use.
                (accessToken, refreshToken, expiration) =
                    HybridFlow.GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(refreshToken, clientId, clientSecret);
                Console.WriteLine("Access Token: " + accessToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Refresh Token: " + refreshToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Expires: " + expiration);

                //  Make a request to Get Users endpoint
                var result2 = GetRequest($"{ocsUrl}/api/{apiVersion}/Tenants/{tenantId}/Users", accessToken).Result;
                    ? "Request succeeded"
                    : "request failed");
                if (!result2)
                    throw new Exception("Request failed");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (test)
                    throw e;

            if (!test)