public int VerifyInDepot(int MainID, bool t, int TableTypeID) { Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo bllAI = new AmountInfo(); Hownet.BLL.Materiel bllMat = new Materiel(); Hownet.Model.ProductTaskMain modPTM = GetModel(MainID); List <Hownet.Model.AmountInfo> liAI = bllAI.DataTableToList(bllAI.GetList("(MainID=" + MainID + ") And (TableTypeID=" + TableTypeID + ")").Tables[0]); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRe = new Repertory(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRe; Hownet.Model.Materiel modMat = bllMat.GetModel(modPTM.MaterielID); int a = 0; if (liAI.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < liAI.Count; i++) { modRe = new Model.Repertory(); modRe.Amount = liAI[i].Amount; modRe.BrandID = modPTM.BrandID; modRe.ColorID = liAI[i].ColorID; modRe.ColorOneID = liAI[i].ColorOneID; modRe.ColorTwoID = liAI[i].ColorTwoID; modRe.DepartmentID = modPTM.DeparmentID; modRe.MaterielID = modPTM.MaterielID; modRe.MeasureID = modMat.MeasureID; modRe.MListID = liAI[i].MListID; modRe.SizeID = liAI[i].SizeID; bllRe.InOrOut(modRe, t); } } return(a); }
/// <summary> /// 审核/弃审入库单 /// </summary> /// <param name="ID">入库单ID</param> /// <param name="t">真为审核出库,假为弃审入库</param> public bool CheckIsOK(int ID, bool t, int Depot) { bool _isOK = true; Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); Hownet.BLL.ProduceSellOne blPSO = new ProduceSellOne(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); List <Hownet.Model.ProduceSellOne> li = blPSO.DataTableToList(blPSO.GetList("(MainID=" + ID + ")").Tables[0]); modRep.DepartmentID = Depot; for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { modRep.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRep.ColorID = modML.ColorID = 0; modRep.ColorOneID = modML.ColorOneID = 0; modRep.ColorTwoID = modML.ColorTwoID = 0; modRep.SizeID = modML.SizeID = 0; modRep.MaterielID = modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modRep.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID = li[i].MeasureID; modRep.MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); if (bllRep.GetAmountByModel(modRep) < li[i].Amount) { _isOK = false; break; } } return(_isOK); }
/// <summary> /// 当生产计划被标记为完成等状态时,更新该生产计划库存数量到空闲库存 /// </summary> /// <param name="MainID"></param> public void UpPlanMD(int MainID) { Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); List <Hownet.Model.Repertory> li = bllRep.DataTableToList(bllRep.GetList("(PlanID=" + MainID + ")").Tables[0]); List <Hownet.Model.Repertory> ll; Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); if (li.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { if (li[i].Amount > 0) { ll = bllRep.DataTableToList(bllRep.GetList("(PlanID=0) And (DepartmentID=" + li[i].DepartmentID + ") And (MListID=" + li[i].MListID + ")").Tables[0]); if (ll.Count > 0) { ll[0].Amount += li[i].Amount; bllRep.Update(ll[0]); } else { modRep = bllRep.GetModel(li[i].ID); modRep.PlanID = 0; bllRep.Add(modRep); } li[i].Amount = 0; bllRep.Update(li[i]); } } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="MainID"></param> /// <param name="t">真为审核,假为弃审</param> public void Verify(int MainID, bool t) { Hownet.BLL.ProduceSell bllPS = new ProduceSell(); Hownet.Model.ProduceSell modPS = bllPS.GetModel(MainID); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRe = new Repertory(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRe = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); List <Hownet.Model.WMSInventoryInfo> li = GetModelList("(MainID=" + MainID + ")"); if (li.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { if (li[i].RepertoryID > 0) { modRe = bllRe.GetModel(li[i].RepertoryID); modRe.Amount = li[i].NowAmount; bllRe.Update(modRe); } else { modRe = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); modRe.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRe.ColorID = modML.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modRe.ColorOneID = modML.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modRe.ColorTwoID = modML.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modRe.CompanyID = li[i].CompanyID; modRe.DepartmentID = modPS.Depot; modRe.MaterielID = modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modRe.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID = li[i].MeasureID; modRe.SizeID = modML.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modRe.MListID = li[i].MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); modRe.Amount = li[i].NowAmount; li[i].RepertoryID = bllRe.Add(modRe); Update(li[i]); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 审核/弃审入库单 /// </summary> /// <param name="ID">入库单ID</param> /// <param name="t">真为审核出库,假为弃审入库</param> public void VerifyProcess(int ID, bool t, int Depot) { Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); Hownet.BLL.ProduceSellOne blPSO = new ProduceSellOne(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); List <Hownet.Model.ProduceSellOne> li = blPSO.DataTableToList(blPSO.GetList("(MainID=" + ID + ")").Tables[0]); modRep.DepartmentID = Depot; for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { modRep.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRep.ColorID = modML.ColorID = 0; modRep.ColorOneID = modML.ColorOneID = 0; modRep.ColorTwoID = modML.ColorTwoID = 0; modRep.SizeID = modML.SizeID = 0; modRep.MaterielID = modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modRep.Amount = li[i].Amount; modRep.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID = li[i].MeasureID; modRep.MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); bllRep.InOrOut(modRep, !t); } }
/// <summary> /// 审核/弃审入库单 /// </summary> /// <param name="ID">入库单ID</param> /// <param name="t">真为审核出库,假为弃审入库</param> public void Verify(int ID, bool t, int Depot) { Hownet.BLL.ProduceSellInfo bllPSI = new ProduceSellInfo(); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.BLL.RepertoryList bllRL = new RepertoryList(); Hownet.Model.RepertoryList modRL = new Model.RepertoryList(); //Hownet.BLL.Measure bllMea = new Measure(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); List <Hownet.Model.ProduceSellInfo> li = bllPSI.DataTableToList(bllPSI.GetList("(MainID=" + ID + ")").Tables[0]); Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo bllAI = new AmountInfo(); Hownet.Model.AmountInfo modAI; Hownet.BLL.OtherType bllOT = new OtherType(); DataTable dtOT = bllOT.GetList("(Name='仓储单位')").Tables[0]; int measureid = 0; if (dtOT.Rows.Count > 0) { measureid = Convert.ToInt32(dtOT.Rows[0]["Value"]); } //DataTable dt = bllMea.GetList("(Name='件')").Tables[0]; //if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) // modRep.MeasureID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()); //else // modRep.MeasureID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { try { modAI = bllAI.GetModel(li[i].SalesInfoID); modRep.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRep.ColorID = modML.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modRep.ColorOneID = modML.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modRep.ColorTwoID = modML.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modRep.SizeID = modML.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; if (measureid > 0) { modRep.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID = measureid; } else { modRep.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID = li[i].MeasureID; } modRep.MaterielID = modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modRep.Amount = li[i].Amount; modRep.DepartmentID = Depot; if (li[i].MListID == 0) { modRep.MListID = li[i].MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); bllPSI.Update(li[i]); } else { modRep.MListID = li[i].MListID; } if (li[i].RepertoryID == 0) { if (Depot > 0) { bllRep.InOrOut(modRep, !t); } } if (li[i].RepertoryID > 0) { modRep = bllRep.GetModel(li[i].RepertoryID); if (t) { modRep.Amount -= li[i].Amount; } else { modRep.Amount += li[i].Amount; } bllRep.Update(modRep); } if (li[i].RepertoryListID > 0) { modRL = bllRL.GetModel(li[i].RepertoryListID); if (t) { modRL.Amount -= li[i].Amount; } else { modRL.Amount += li[i].Amount; } bllRL.Update(modRL); } if (modAI != null) { modAI.NotAmount = Convert.ToInt32(li[i].Amount); bllAI.UpNotAmount(modAI, t); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
/// <summary> /// 审核/弃审入库单 /// </summary> /// <param name="ID">入库单ID</param> /// <param name="t">真为审核入库,假为弃审出库</param> public void Verify(int ID, bool t, int VerifyMan, int DepotID, int TypeID) { if (TypeID == (int)Enums.TableType.P2D) { try { Hownet.BLL.Product2DepotInfo bllP2DI = new Product2DepotInfo(); Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo bllAI = new AmountInfo(); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.BLL.Materiel bllMat = new Materiel(); Hownet.Model.AmountInfo modAI = new Hownet.Model.AmountInfo(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep = new Model.Repertory(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); Hownet.BLL.RepertoryList bllRL = new RepertoryList(); Hownet.Model.RepertoryList modRL = new Model.RepertoryList(); DataTable dtRL = new DataTable(); Hownet.Model.Product2Depot modP2D = GetModel(ID); DataTable dtP2DI = bllP2DI.GetList("(MainID=" + ID + ")").Tables[0]; List <Hownet.Model.Product2DepotInfo> li = bllP2DI.DataTableToList(bllP2DI.GetList("(MainID=" + ID + ")").Tables[0]); modAI.TableTypeID = 1; Hownet.BLL.OtherType bllOT = new Hownet.BLL.OtherType(); DataTable dtOT = bllOT.GetTypeList("成品单位").Tables[0]; decimal one = 1; decimal two = 1; int dM = 0; if (dtOT.Rows.Count > 0) { one = Convert.ToDecimal(dtOT.Select("(Name='车间换算')")[0]["Value"]); two = Convert.ToDecimal(dtOT.Select("(Name='仓储换算')")[0]["Value"]); dM = Convert.ToInt32(dtOT.Select("(Name='仓储单位')")[0]["Value"]); } for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { modRep = new Model.Repertory(); modRep.DepartmentID = DepotID; modRep.BrandName = modRep.ColorName = modRep.ColorOneName = modRep.ColorTwoName = modRep.CompanyName = modRep.DeparmentName = modRep.DepotInfoName = modRep.MaterielName = modRep.MeasureName = modRep.Remark = modRep.SizeName = modRep.SpecName = modRep.SupplierName = modRep.SupplierSN = string.Empty; modRep.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRep.ColorID = modML.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modRep.ColorOneID = modML.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modRep.ColorTwoID = modML.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modRep.SizeID = modML.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modRep.MaterielID = modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modRep.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID = bllMat.GetModel(li[i].MaterielID).MeasureID; modAI.MainID = li[i].TaskID; modRep.Amount = modAI.NotAmount = li[i].Amount; modRep.MListID = modAI.MListID = li[i].MListID; if (li[i].MListID == 0) { modAI.MListID = li[i].MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); bllP2DI.Update(li[i]); if (dM > 0) { modML.MeasureID = dM; } modRep.MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); } else { if (dM > 0) { modML.MeasureID = dM; } modRep.MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); } if (li[i].TaskID > 0) { if (t) { if (one > 1 || two > 1) { modAI.Amount -= ((int)(li[i].Amount * two / one)); } else { modAI.Amount -= li[i].Amount; } if (modAI.Amount < 0) { modAI.Amount = 0; } } else { if (one > 1 || two > 1) { modAI.Amount += ((int)(li[i].Amount * two / one)); } else { modAI.Amount += li[i].Amount; } } bllAI.UpNotAmount(modAI, t); } if (dM > 0) { modRep.MeasureID = dM; } else { modRep.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID; } modRep.ID = bllRep.InOrOut(modRep, t); if (li[i].DepotInfoID > 0) { dtRL = bllRL.GetList("(BatchNumber=" + li[i].MListID + ") And (DepotInfoID=" + li[i].DepotInfoID + ")").Tables[0]; if (dtRL.Rows.Count == 0) { if (t) { modRL = new Model.RepertoryList(); modRL.A = 1; modRL.NotAmount = modRL.Amount = li[i].Amount; modRL.BatchNumber = li[i].MListID; modRL.DateTime = DateTime.Now; modRL.DepotInfoID = li[i].DepotInfoID; modRL.DepotInfoName = string.Empty; modRL.ID = 0; modRL.IsEnd = false; modRL.MainID = modRep.ID; modRL.PlanID = 0; modRL.QRID = li[i].MListID.ToString(); modRL.Remark = string.Empty; modRL.SpecID = 0; modRL.SpecName = string.Empty; modRL.StockListID = 0; bllRL.Add(modRL); } } else if (dtRL.Rows.Count == 1) { modRL = bllRL.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(dtRL.Rows[0]["ID"])); if (t) { modRL.Amount += li[i].Amount; } else { modRL.Amount -= li[i].Amount; } bllRL.Update(modRL); } else if (dtRL.Rows.Count > 1) { List <Hownet.Model.RepertoryList> liRL = bllRL.DataTableToList(dtRL); for (int j = 1; j < liRL.Count; j++) { liRL[0].Amount += liRL[j].Amount; bllRL.Delete(liRL[j].ID); } if (t) { liRL[0].Amount += li[i].Amount; } else { liRL[0].Amount -= li[i].Amount; } bllRL.Update(liRL[0]); } } } if (t) { modP2D.IsVerify = 3; modP2D.VerifyDate = DateTime.Today; modP2D.VerifyMan = VerifyMan; } else { modP2D.IsVerify = 1; modP2D.VerifyDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1"); modP2D.VerifyMan = 0; } Update(modP2D); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else if (TypeID == (int)Enums.TableType.P2Pack) { try { Hownet.BLL.Product2DepotInfo bllP2DI = new Product2DepotInfo(); Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo bllAI = new AmountInfo(); Hownet.BLL.PackAmount bllPA = new PackAmount(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.BLL.Materiel bllMat = new Materiel(); Hownet.Model.AmountInfo modAI = new Hownet.Model.AmountInfo(); Hownet.Model.PackAmount modPA = new Hownet.Model.PackAmount(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.Product2Depot modP2D = GetModel(ID); Hownet.BLL.OtherType bllOT = new OtherType(); DataTable dtOT = bllOT.GetTypeList("成品单位").Tables[0]; int TaskMeasureID = 0; DataRow[] drs = dtOT.Select("(Name='车间单位')"); if (drs.Length == 1) { TaskMeasureID = Convert.ToInt32(drs[0]["Value"]); } List <Hownet.Model.Product2DepotInfo> li = bllP2DI.DataTableToList(bllP2DI.GetList("(MainID=" + ID + ")").Tables[0]); modAI.TableTypeID = 1; modPA.DepartmentID = DepotID; for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { if (li[i].MaterielID > 0) { modPA.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modPA.ColorID = modML.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modPA.ColorOneID = modML.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modPA.ColorTwoID = modML.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modPA.SizeID = modML.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modPA.MaterielID = modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modML.MeasureID = bllMat.GetModel(li[i].MaterielID).MeasureID; if (TaskMeasureID > 0) { modPA.MeasureID = TaskMeasureID; } else { modPA.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID; } modAI.MainID = li[i].TaskID; modPA.PlanID = li[i].TaskID; modPA.Remark = string.Empty; modPA.Amount = modAI.NotAmount = li[i].Amount; if (li[i].ColorID > 0 && li[i].SizeID > 0) { if (li[i].MListID == 0) { modAI.MListID = modPA.MListID = li[i].MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); bllP2DI.Update(li[i]); } else { modAI.MListID = modPA.MListID = li[i].MListID; } bllAI.UpNotAmount(modAI, t); bllPA.InOrOut(modPA, t); } } else { bllP2DI.Delete(li[i].ID); } } if (t) { modP2D.IsVerify = 3; modP2D.VerifyDate = DateTime.Today; modP2D.VerifyMan = VerifyMan; } else { modP2D.IsVerify = 1; modP2D.VerifyDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1"); modP2D.VerifyMan = 0; } Update(modP2D); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public int MDPP(int MainID) { try { Hownet.BLL.MaterielDemand bllMD = new MaterielDemand(); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); DataTable dt = dal.GetPPMDList(MainID).Tables[0]; List <Hownet.Model.MaterielDemand> li = bllMD.DataTableToList(bllMD.GetList("(ProduceTaskID=" + MainID + ") And (TableTypeID=41)").Tables[0]); for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++) { if (li[i].MListID == Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[j]["MListID"])) { li[i].RepertoryAmount += Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[j]["RepertoryAmount"]); bllMD.Update(li[i]); break; } } } dal.UpPPMDList(MainID); List <Hownet.Model.Repertory> liRe = bllRep.DataTableToList(bllRep.GetList("(PlanID=" + MainID + ")").Tables[0]); DataTable dtRep = bllRep.GetPPList(MainID).Tables[0]; Hownet.Model.Repertory modRe = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); bool t = false; for (int i = 0; i < dtRep.Rows.Count; i++) { t = false; for (int j = 0; j < liRe.Count; j++) { if (liRe[j].MListID == Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["MListID"]) && liRe[j].DepartmentID == Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["DepartmentID"])) { liRe[j].Amount += Convert.ToDecimal(dtRep.Rows[i]["Amount"]); t = true; break; } } if (!t) { modRe = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); modRe.A = 3; modRe.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(dtRep.Rows[i]["Amount"]); modRe.BrandID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["BrandID"]); modRe.ColorID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["ColorID"]); modRe.ColorOneID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["ColorOneID"]); modRe.ColorTwoID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["ColorTwoID"]); modRe.CompanyID = 0; modRe.DepartmentID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["DepartmentID"]); modRe.ID = 0; modRe.MaterielID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["MaterielID"]); modRe.MeasureID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["MeasureID"]); modRe.MListID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["MListID"]); modRe.PlanID = MainID; modRe.Remark = string.Empty; modRe.SizeID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRep.Rows[i]["SizeID"]); modRe.ID = bllRep.Add(modRe); liRe.Add(modRe); } } bllRep.DelPPList(MainID); return(1); } catch { return(0); } }
public void Verify(int MainID, bool IsVerify) { Hownet.BLL.Pack2DepotMain bllPDM = new Pack2DepotMain(); Hownet.Model.Pack2DepotMain modPDM = bllPDM.GetModel(MainID); List <Hownet.Model.Pack2DepotInfo> li = DataTableToList(GetList("(MainID=" + MainID + ")").Tables[0]); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); Hownet.BLL.PackAmount bllPA = new PackAmount(); Hownet.BLL.RepertoryList bllRL = new RepertoryList(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Model.MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.RepertoryList modRL = new Model.RepertoryList(); DataTable dtRL = new DataTable(); Hownet.Model.PackAmount modPA = new Hownet.Model.PackAmount(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); modRep.BrandName = modRep.ColorName = modRep.ColorOneName = modRep.ColorTwoName = modRep.CompanyName = modRep.DeparmentName = modRep.DepotInfoName = modRep.MaterielName = modRep.MeasureName = modRep.Remark = modRep.SizeName = modRep.SpecName = modRep.SupplierName = modRep.SupplierSN = string.Empty; Hownet.BLL.OtherType bllOT = new Hownet.BLL.OtherType(); DataTable dtOT = bllOT.GetTypeList("成品单位").Tables[0]; decimal one = 1; decimal two = 1; int dM = 0; if (dtOT.Rows.Count > 0) { one = Convert.ToDecimal(dtOT.Select("(Name='车间换算')")[0]["Value"]); two = Convert.ToDecimal(dtOT.Select("(Name='仓储换算')")[0]["Value"]); dM = Convert.ToInt32(dtOT.Select("(Name='仓储单位')")[0]["Value"]); } try { for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { modPA = bllPA.GetModel(li[i].PackAmountID); if (IsVerify) { if (one > 1 || two > 1) { if (one > 0) { modPA.Amount -= ((int)(li[i].NowAmount * two / one)); } } else { modPA.Amount -= li[i].NowAmount; } if (modPA.Amount < 0) { modPA.Amount = 0; } } else { if (one > 1 || two > 1) { if (one > 0) { modPA.Amount += ((int)(li[i].NowAmount * two / one)); } } else { modPA.Amount += li[i].NowAmount; } } bllPA.Update(modPA); modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); modRep.BrandName = modRep.ColorName = modRep.ColorOneName = modRep.ColorTwoName = modRep.CompanyName = modRep.DeparmentName = modRep.DepotInfoName = modRep.MaterielName = modRep.MeasureName = modRep.Remark = modRep.SizeName = modRep.SpecName = modRep.SupplierName = modRep.SupplierSN = string.Empty; modRep.DepartmentID = modPDM.DepotID; modRep.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRep.ColorID = modML.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modRep.ColorOneID = modML.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modRep.ColorTwoID = modML.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modRep.SizeID = modML.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modRep.MaterielID = modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; if (dM > 0) { modRep.MeasureID = dM; } else { modRep.MeasureID = li[i].MeasureID; } modML.MeasureID = modRep.MeasureID; modRep.Amount = li[i].NowAmount; modRep.MListID = li[i].MListID; if (li[i].DepotBrandID > 0) { modRep.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].DepotBrandID; modRep.MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); } modRep.ID = bllRep.InOrOut(modRep, IsVerify); if (li[i].DepotInfoID > 0) { dtRL = bllRL.GetList("(BatchNumber=" + li[i].MListID + ") And (DepotInfoID=" + li[i].DepotInfoID + ")").Tables[0]; if (dtRL.Rows.Count == 0) { if (IsVerify) { modRL = new Model.RepertoryList(); modRL.A = 1; modRL.NotAmount = modRL.Amount = li[i].NowAmount; modRL.BatchNumber = li[i].MListID; modRL.DateTime = DateTime.Now; modRL.DepotInfoID = li[i].DepotInfoID; modRL.DepotInfoName = string.Empty; modRL.ID = 0; modRL.IsEnd = false; modRL.MainID = modRep.ID; modRL.PlanID = 0; modRL.QRID = li[i].MListID.ToString(); modRL.Remark = string.Empty; modRL.SpecID = 0; modRL.SpecName = string.Empty; modRL.StockListID = 0; bllRL.Add(modRL); } } else if (dtRL.Rows.Count == 1) { modRL = bllRL.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(dtRL.Rows[0]["ID"])); if (IsVerify) { modRL.Amount += li[i].NowAmount; } else { modRL.Amount -= li[i].NowAmount; } bllRL.Update(modRL); } else if (dtRL.Rows.Count > 1) { List <Hownet.Model.RepertoryList> liRL = bllRL.DataTableToList(dtRL); for (int j = 1; j < liRL.Count; j++) { liRL[0].Amount += liRL[j].Amount; bllRL.Delete(liRL[j].ID); } if (IsVerify) { liRL[0].Amount += li[i].NowAmount; } else { liRL[0].Amount -= li[i].NowAmount; } bllRL.Update(liRL[0]); } } } if (!IsVerify) { modPDM.IsVerify = 1; modPDM.VerifyDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-1-1"); modPDM.VerifyMan = 0; bllPDM.Update(modPDM); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
/// <summary> /// 审核外协来料单 /// </summary> /// <param name="MainID"></param> /// <param name="IsVerify"></param> /// <param name="VerifyManID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int VerifyWXIn(int MainID, bool IsVerify, int VerifyManID) { try { Hownet.Model.StockBack modSB = GetModel(MainID); if (IsVerify) { modSB.IsVerify = 3; modSB.VerifyDate = DateTime.Now; modSB.VerifyMan = VerifyManID; } else { modSB.IsVerify = 1; modSB.VerifyDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-1-1"); modSB.VerifyMan = 0; } Update(modSB); Hownet.BLL.StockBackInfo bllSBI = new StockBackInfo(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo modSBI; List <Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo> li = bllSBI.DataTableToList(bllSBI.GetList("(MainID=" + modSB.ID + ")").Tables[0]); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllR = new Repertory(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modR; if (li.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { if (li[i].StockInfoID > 0) { modSBI = bllSBI.GetModel(li[i].StockInfoID); if (IsVerify) { modSBI.NotPriceAmount += li[i].Amount; modSBI.NotAmount -= li[i].Amount; } else { modSBI.NotPriceAmount -= li[i].Amount; modSBI.NotAmount += li[i].Amount; } li[i].NotPriceAmount = modSBI.NotPriceAmount; li[i].NotAmount = modSBI.NotAmount; bllSBI.Update(li[i]); bllSBI.Update(modSBI); } if (li[i].MListID == 0) { modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modML.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modML.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modML.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modML.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modML.MeasureID = li[i].CompanyMeasureID; modML.SpecID = 0; li[i].MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); bllSBI.Update(li[i]); } modR = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); modR.Amount = li[i].Amount; modR.MListID = li[i].MListID; modR.MeasureID = li[i].CompanyMeasureID; modR.DepartmentID = modSB.DepotID; modR.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modR.BrandName = li[i].BrandName; modR.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modR.ColorName = li[i].ColorName; modR.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modR.ColorOneName = li[i].ColorOneName; modR.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modR.ColorTwoName = li[i].ColorTwoName; modR.CompanyID = li[i].CompanyID; modR.CompanyName = string.Empty; modR.DeparmentName = string.Empty; modR.DepartmentID = modSB.DepotID; modR.DepotInfoID = 0; modR.DepotInfoName = string.Empty; modR.ID = 0; modR.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modR.MaterielName = li[i].MaterielName; modR.MeasureName = string.Empty; modR.PlanID = 0; modR.Remark = string.Empty; modR.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modR.SizeName = li[i].SizeName; modR.SpecID = li[i].SpecID; modR.SpecName = li[i].SpecName; modR.SupplierID = 0; modR.SupplierName = string.Empty; modR.SupplierSN = string.Empty; bllR.InOrOut(modR, IsVerify); } } return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { return(0); } }
/// <summary> /// 审核外协领料单 /// </summary> /// <param name="MainID"></param> /// <param name="IsVerify">真为入库,假为出库</param> /// <param name="VerifyManID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int VerifyWXOut(int MainID, bool IsVerify, int VerifyManID) { try { Hownet.Model.StockBack modSB = GetModel(MainID); if (IsVerify) { modSB.IsVerify = 3; modSB.VerifyDate = DateTime.Now; modSB.VerifyMan = VerifyManID; } else { modSB.IsVerify = 1; modSB.VerifyDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-1-1"); modSB.VerifyMan = 0; } Update(modSB); Hownet.BLL.StockBackInfo bllSBI = new StockBackInfo(); Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo modSBI; List <Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo> li = bllSBI.DataTableToList(bllSBI.GetList("(MainID=" + modSB.ID + ")").Tables[0]); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllR = new Repertory(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modR; if (li.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { if (li[i].StockInfoID > 0) { modSBI = bllSBI.GetModel(li[i].StockInfoID); if (IsVerify) { modSBI.NotPriceAmount += li[i].Amount; modSBI.NotAmount -= li[i].Amount; } else { modSBI.NotPriceAmount -= li[i].Amount; modSBI.NotAmount += li[i].Amount; } li[i].NotPriceAmount = modSBI.NotPriceAmount; li[i].NotAmount = modSBI.NotAmount; bllSBI.Update(li[i]); bllSBI.Update(modSBI); } if (li[i].DemandID > 0) { modR = bllR.GetModel(li[i].DemandID); if (IsVerify) { modR.Amount -= li[i].Amount; if (modR.Amount < 0) { modR.Amount = 0; } } else { modR.Amount += li[i].Amount; } bllR.Update(modR); } } } return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { return(0); } }
/// <summary> /// 审核/弃审入库单 /// </summary> /// <param name="ID">入库单ID</param> /// <param name="t">真为审核入库,假为弃审出库</param> public void Verify(int ID, bool t, int Depot) { Hownet.BLL.SysTem bllST = new SysTem(); Hownet.Model.SysTem modST = bllST.GetModel(bllST.GetMaxId() - 1); Hownet.BLL.StockBackInfo bllSBI = new StockBackInfo(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); Hownet.BLL.StockBackInfoList bllSBIL = new StockBackInfoList(); Hownet.BLL.RepertoryList bllRL = new RepertoryList(); List <Hownet.Model.StockBackInfoList> liSBIL; Hownet.Model.RepertoryList modRL; Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep; Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo modSBI; Hownet.Model.StockBack modSB = GetModel(ID); List <Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo> li = bllSBI.DataTableToList(bllSBI.GetList("(MainID=" + ID + ")").Tables[0]); for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { if (li[i].StockInfoID > 0) { modSBI = bllSBI.GetModel(li[i].StockInfoID); modSBI.NotAmount -= li[i].Amount; //if (dt.Rows[i]["NeedIsEnd"] != null && dt.Rows[i]["NeedIsEnd"] != DBNull.Value && dt.Rows[i]["NeedIsEnd"].ToString() != string.Empty) // modSBI.IsEnd = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["NeedIsEnd"]); bllSBI.Update(modSBI); } if (li[i].MListID == 0) { modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modML.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modML.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modML.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modML.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modML.MeasureID = li[i].CompanyMeasureID; li[i].MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); bllSBI.Update(li[i]); } liSBIL = bllSBIL.DataTableToList(bllSBIL.GetList("(InfoID=" + li[i].ID + ")").Tables[0]); if (liSBIL.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < liSBIL.Count; j++) { if (t) { liSBIL[j].BatchNumber = li[i].MListID; bllSBIL.Update(liSBIL[j]); modRL = new Hownet.Model.RepertoryList(); modRL.A = 1; modRL.Amount = modRL.NotAmount = liSBIL[j].Amount; modRL.BatchNumber = liSBIL[j].BatchNumber; modRL.DateTime = DateTime.Now; modRL.DepotInfoID = liSBIL[j].DepotInfoID; modRL.DepotInfoName = string.Empty; modRL.ID = 0; modRL.IsEnd = false; modRL.MainID = ID; modRL.Remark = liSBIL[j].Remark; modRL.SpecID = liSBIL[j].SpecID; modRL.SpecName = string.Empty; modRL.StockListID = liSBIL[j].ID; modRL.QRID = liSBIL[j].ID.ToString(); bllRL.Add(modRL); } else { bllRL.DeleteByStockInfoID(liSBIL[j].ID); } } } if ((!modST.MaterielByTask) && (modSB.State != (int)Hownet.BLL.Enums.TableType._采购部收货)) { modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); modRep.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRep.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modRep.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modRep.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modRep.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modRep.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modRep.MeasureID = li[i].CompanyMeasureID; modRep.MListID = li[i].MListID; modRep.Amount = li[i].Amount; modRep.DepartmentID = Depot; modRep.Price = li[i].Price; modRep.Money = li[i].Money; bllRep.InOrOut(modRep, t); } if (modSB.State == (int)Hownet.BLL.Enums.TableType._采购部收货) { modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); modRep.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRep.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modRep.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modRep.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modRep.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modRep.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modRep.MeasureID = li[i].CompanyMeasureID; modRep.MListID = li[i].MListID; modRep.Amount = li[i].Amount; modRep.DepartmentID = Depot; modRep.Price = li[i].Price; modRep.Money = li[i].Money; bllRep.InOrOut(modRep, t); } } // Hownet.Model.StockBack modSB = GetModel(ID); if (modSB.State == (int)Hownet.BLL.Enums.TableType.P2D) { if (modSB.CompanyID > 0) { Hownet.BLL.Company bllCom = new Company(); Hownet.Model.Company modCom = bllCom.GetModel(modSB.CompanyID); if (t)//收货 { modCom.Weight -= modSB.Weight; } else { modCom.Weight += modSB.Weight; } bllCom.Update(modCom); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="MListID"></param> /// <param name="DemandID"></param> /// <param name="StockInfoID"></param> /// <param name="Amount"></param> /// <param name="TypeID"></param> /// <param name="TaskID"></param> /// <param name="RelatedID"></param> /// <param name="t">真的添加记录,假为删除记录</param> public void UpAmount(int MListID, int DemandID, int StockInfoID, decimal Amount, int TypeID, int TaskID, int RelatedID, bool t, int DepotID) { #region 使用原仓存 if (TypeID == (int)Hownet.BLL.BaseFile.MaterielDemandClass.PlanUseRep.使用原仓存) { if (t) { //查看之前使用库存的记录,将本次使用原仓存的数更新到数据表。 Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielDemand bllMD = new MaterielDemand(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep = bllRep.GetModel(RelatedID); //需要转出的空闲物料 Hownet.Model.MaterielDemand modMD = bllMD.GetModel(DemandID); modRep.Amount = modRep.Amount - Amount; //扣掉有使用的空余数量 bllRep.Update(modRep); modMD.RepertoryAmount += Amount; //更新物料拆分表的已备料数量 bllMD.Update(modMD); //是否此前有本计划单的备料 DataTable dt = bllRep.GetList("(MListID=" + MListID + ") And (PlanID=" + TaskID + ") And (DepartmentID=" + DepotID + ")").Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //已有,则加上本次数量 dt.Rows[0]["Amount"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["Amount"]) + Amount; bllRep.UpdateByDt(dt); } else { //没有则插入此数量 modRep.Amount = Amount; modRep.PlanID = TaskID; modRep.DepartmentID = DepotID; bllRep.Add(modRep); } } else { } } #endregion #region 已申购数量 else if (TypeID == (int)Hownet.BLL.BaseFile.MaterielDemandClass.PlanUseRep.已申购数量) { if (t) { //更新这个生产计划中该物料的已申购数量 DataTable dt = GetList("(StockInfoID=" + StockInfoID + ") And (TypeID=" + (int)Hownet.BLL.BaseFile.MaterielDemandClass.PlanUseRep.已申购数量 + ")").Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dt.Rows[0]["Amount"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["Amount"]) + Amount; dt.Rows[0]["NotAmount"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["NotAmount"]) + Amount; UpdateByDt(dt); } else { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["RelatedID"] = RelatedID; dr["Amount"] = Amount; dr["DemandID"] = DemandID; dr["TypeID"] = (int)Hownet.BLL.BaseFile.MaterielDemandClass.PlanUseRep.已申购数量; dr["MListID"] = MListID; dr["TaskID"] = TaskID; dr["StockInfoID"] = 0; dr["NotAmount"] = Amount; dr["IsEnd"] = 0; dr["A"] = 1; dt.Rows.Add(dr); AddByDt(dt); } } else { } } #endregion #region 已采购数量 else if (TypeID == (int)BLL.BaseFile.MaterielDemandClass.PlanUseRep.已采购数量) { } #endregion }
/// <param name="t">真为审核入库,假为弃审出库</param> public bool VerifyStock(int MainID, int PackID, bool t, int VerifyMan) { try { Hownet.BLL.StockBack bllSB = new StockBack(); Hownet.BLL.StockBackInfo bllSBI = new StockBackInfo(); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRep = new Repertory(); Hownet.BLL.Deparment bllDep = new Deparment(); Hownet.BLL.PackAmount bllPA = new PackAmount(); Hownet.BLL.MaterielList bllML = new MaterielList(); Hownet.BLL.Materiel bllMat = new Materiel(); Hownet.Model.PackAmount modPA = new Hownet.Model.PackAmount(); Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList(); Hownet.Model.StockBack modSB = bllSB.GetModel(MainID); Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo modSBI = new Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRep = new Hownet.Model.Repertory(); Hownet.Model.Deparment modDep = bllDep.GetModel(PackID); List <Hownet.Model.StockBackInfo> li = bllSBI.DataTableToList(bllSBI.GetList("(MainID=" + MainID + ")").Tables[0]); modPA.DepartmentID = PackID; for (int i = 0; i < li.Count; i++) { modRep.BrandID = modPA.BrandID = modML.BrandID = li[i].BrandID; modRep.ColorID = modPA.ColorID = modML.ColorID = li[i].ColorID; modRep.ColorOneID = modPA.ColorOneID = modML.ColorOneID = li[i].ColorOneID; modRep.ColorTwoID = modPA.ColorTwoID = modML.ColorTwoID = li[i].ColorTwoID; modRep.SizeID = modPA.SizeID = modML.SizeID = li[i].SizeID; modRep.MaterielID = modPA.MaterielID = modML.MaterielID = li[i].MaterielID; modRep.MeasureID = modPA.MeasureID = modML.MeasureID = bllMat.GetModel(li[i].MaterielID).MeasureID; modRep.PlanID = modPA.PlanID = 0; modRep.Remark = modPA.Remark = string.Empty; modRep.DepartmentID = modPA.DepartmentID = modSB.DepotID; modRep.Amount = modPA.Amount = li[i].Amount; modSBI = bllSBI.GetModel(li[i].StockInfoID); if (modSBI != null) { if (t) { modSBI.NotAmount -= li[i].Amount; } else { modSBI.NotAmount += li[i].Amount; } bllSBI.Update(modSBI); } if (li[i].MListID == 0) { modRep.MListID = modPA.MListID = li[i].MListID = bllML.GetID(modML); bllSBI.Update(li[i]); } else { modRep.MListID = modPA.MListID = li[i].MListID; } if (modDep.TypeID == 39) { bllPA.InOrOut(modPA, t); } else if (modDep.TypeID == 42) { bllRep.InOrOut(modRep, t); } } if (t) { modSB.IsVerify = 3; modSB.VerifyDate = DateTime.Today; modSB.VerifyMan = VerifyMan; } else { modSB.IsVerify = 1; modSB.VerifyDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1"); modSB.VerifyMan = 0; } bllSB.Update(modSB); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }