Esempio n. 1
        public void load_product()
            Fftfx_c Fftfx_c_new = new Fftfx_c();

            Fftfx_c_new.dr_ft_fx(common_file.common_app.yydh, common_file.common_app.qymc, common_file.common_app.czy, DateTime.Now, common_file.common_app.xxzs_zsvalue);
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Esempio n. 2
        public void set_7day(string yydh, string qymc, BLL.Common B_Common, DateTime rq, string czy, DateTime czsj, string Table_name, string colu_name, string xxzs)

            DataSet DS_temp;

            //F_ftfx_7days_add(yydh, qymc, B_Common, czy, "F_ftfx_7days");

            DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select count(id) as zfs from Ffjzt", "id>=0");

            float zfs = 1;

            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                zfs = float.Parse(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["zfs"].ToString());
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, zfs.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "总房数" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            float wxf = 0;

            DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select count(*) as zfs from Fwx_other", "id>=0 and (ddsj<='" + rq.ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59" + "' and lksj>='" + rq.ToShortDateString() + "') and zyzt='" + common_file.common_fjzt.wxf + "'");
            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                wxf = float.Parse(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["zfs"].ToString());
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, wxf.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "维修房" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            float qtf = 0;

            DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select count(*) as zfs from Fwx_other", "id>=0 and (ddsj<='" + rq.ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59" + "' and lksj>='" + rq.ToShortDateString() + "') and zyzt='" + common_file.common_fjzt.qtf + "'");
            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                qtf = float.Parse(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["zfs"].ToString());
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, qtf.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "其他房" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            float kzfs = 0;

            kzfs = zfs - wxf - qtf;
            Ffjzt.Fftfx_c Fftfx_c_new = new Fftfx_c();
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, kzfs.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "可租房数" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            float yjld_fs = 0;
            float yjld_rs = 0;

            Fftfx_c_new.dr_fx_dd_lk_yjld(B_Common, DS_temp, ref yjld_fs, ref yjld_rs, rq);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, yjld_fs.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "预计离店" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            float yjdd_fs = 0;
            float yjdd_rs = 0;

            Fftfx_c_new.dr_fx_dd_lk_yjdd(B_Common, DS_temp, ref yjdd_fs, ref yjdd_rs, rq);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, yjdd_fs.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "预计到店" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            float drdl_fs = 0;
            float drdl_rs = 0;

            Fftfx_c_new.dr_fx_dd_lk_drdl(B_Common, DS_temp, ref drdl_fs, ref drdl_rs, rq);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, drdl_fs.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "当日抵离" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            float zfs_0       = 1;
            float kyfs        = 0;
            float yd_zz_zy    = 0;
            float yd_zz_rs    = 0;
            float wx_other_zy = 0;

            common_file.common_used_fjzt.get_zyfs_fx("", rq, common_file.common_app.is_contain_wx, ref yd_zz_zy, true, ref yd_zz_rs, ref wx_other_zy, ref zfs_0, ref kyfs);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, yd_zz_zy.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "占用房数" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, yd_zz_rs.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "在店人数" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, kyfs.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "可用房数" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            string czl = Convert.ToString(Math.Floor(yd_zz_zy / zfs * 10000) / 100) + "%";

            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, czl, " and zyzt='" + "出租率" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);

            float zzff = 0; float yjzff = 0;

            Fftfx_c_new.get_ff_app(yydh, qymc, czy, czsj, rq, xxzs, ref zzff, ref yjzff);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, yjzff.ToString(), " and zyzt='" + "预计房费" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);

            if (yd_zz_zy == 0)
                yd_zz_zy = float.Parse("1");
            string pjfj = Convert.ToString(common_file.common_sswl.Round_sswl(double.Parse(Convert.ToString(yjzff / yd_zz_zy)), 0, common_file.common_sswl.selectMode_sel));

            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, pjfj, " and zyzt='" + "平均房价" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            //if (yd_zz_zy == float.Parse("1")) { yd_zz_zy = 0; }
            DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select sktt,sum(lzfs) as fs from Qskyd_fjrb", "id>=0  and fjrb<>'' and lzfs>0 and (lksj>='" + rq.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "' and ddsj<'" + rq.ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59" + "') group by sktt");
            string get_value_sk = "";

            get_sktt_fs(yydh, qymc, ref get_value_sk, rq, DS_temp, common_file.common_sktt.sktt_sk, zfs);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, get_value_sk, " and zyzt='" + "预计散客" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            string get_value_tt = "";

            get_sktt_fs(yydh, qymc, ref get_value_tt, rq, DS_temp, common_file.common_sktt.sktt_tt, zfs);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, get_value_tt, " and zyzt='" + "预计团体" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            string get_value_hy = "";

            get_sktt_fs(yydh, qymc, ref get_value_hy, rq, DS_temp, common_file.common_sktt.sktt_hy, zfs);
            update_record(B_Common, yydh, qymc, czy, get_value_hy, " and zyzt='" + "预计会议" + "'", Table_name, colu_name);
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;