public void getDetails() { var patient = new Patient(); var doctor = new Doctor(); var drug = new Drug(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the below prescription details"); Console.WriteLine("Patients Details "); patient.PatientList(); Console.WriteLine("Enter PatientId : "); PatientId = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Doctors Details"); doctor.DoctorList(); Console.WriteLine("Enter DoctorId:"); DoctorId = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter the prescription Details"); PrescriptionDetails = Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int option; var dbEntity = new HospitalManagementDbEntities(); Console.WriteLine("1. Enter Patient Details"); Console.WriteLine("2. Display Patient Details"); Console.WriteLine("3. Enter Doctor Details"); Console.WriteLine("4. Display Doctor Details"); Console.WriteLine("5. Make an Appointment"); Console.WriteLine("6. Make a Precsription"); Console.WriteLine("7. Exit"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the option you want to choose"); option = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (option) { case 1: AddPatient(); break; case 2: var patient = new Patient(); patient.PatientList(); break; case 3: AddDoctor(); break; case 4: var doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.DoctorList(); break; case 5: AddAppointment(); break; case 6: AddPrescription(); break; case 7: Console.WriteLine("Exited Successfully"); default: break; } void AddPatient() { using (dbEntity) { var patient = new Patient(); patient.getDetails(); var check = dbEntity.Patients.SingleOrDefault(t => t.PatientFirstName == patient.PatientFirstName); if (check == null) { try { dbEntity.Patients.Add(patient); dbEntity.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Patient added to the list"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Patient is already in the list"); } } } void AddDoctor() { using (dbEntity) { var doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.getDetails(); var check = dbEntity.Doctors.SingleOrDefault(t => t.DoctorName == doctor.DoctorName); if (check == null) { try { dbEntity.Doctors.Add(doctor); dbEntity.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Doctor added to the list"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Doctor is already in the list"); } } } void AddAppointment() { using (dbEntity) { var appointment = new Appointment(); appointment.getDetails(); var check = dbEntity.Appointments.SingleOrDefault(t => t.PatientId == appointment.PatientId); if (check == null) { try { dbEntity.Appointments.Add(appointment); dbEntity.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Appointment is scheduled."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Appointment is made earlier."); } } } void AddPrescription() { var prescription = new Prescription(); var drugs = new Drug(); prescription.getDetails(); var check = dbEntity.Prescriptions.SingleOrDefault(t => t.PatientId == prescription.PatientId); if (check == null) { try { dbEntity.Prescriptions.Add(prescription); dbEntity.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("See the below list to choose the drug mentioned in ur prescription"); drugs.getDetails(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Name of the Drug"); drugs.DrugName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Prescription is successfully made."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Prescriptions is already made. Just Collect it."); } } }