public override void Complete(CompletionContext context)
			using (EditStringResourceDialog dialog = new EditStringResourceDialog(this.content, this.preEnteredName, null, true)) {
				dialog.Text = this.Description;
				if (dialog.ShowDialog(WorkbenchSingleton.MainWin32Window) != DialogResult.OK) {
				this.content.Add(dialog.Key, dialog.Value);
				this.CompleteInternal(context, dialog.Key);
		/// <summary>
		/// Present a form to the user where he enters the name for the new
		/// string resource and then insert the key value into the text editor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="textArea">TextArea to insert the completion data in.</param>
		/// <param name="ch">Character that should be inserted after the completion data.
		/// \0 when no character should be inserted.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true when the insert action has processed the character
		/// <paramref name="ch"/>; false when the character was not processed.</returns>
		public override bool InsertAction(TextArea textArea, char ch)
			EditStringResourceDialog dialog = new EditStringResourceDialog(this.content, this.preEnteredName, null, true);
			dialog.Text = this.Description;
			if (dialog.ShowDialog(WorkbenchSingleton.MainForm) != DialogResult.OK) {
				return false;
			this.Text = dialog.Key;
			this.content.Add(dialog.Key, dialog.Value);
			return base.InsertAction(textArea, ch);
		void EditResource(object sender, EventArgs e)
			MenuItem item = sender as MenuItem;
			if (item == null) {
			ResourceResolveResult result = item.Tag as ResourceResolveResult;
			if (result == null) {
			object value;
			string svalue = null;
			if (result.ResourceFileContent.TryGetValue(result.Key, out value)) {
				svalue = value as string;
				if (svalue == null) {
			EditStringResourceDialog dialog = new EditStringResourceDialog(result.ResourceFileContent, result.Key, svalue, false);
			if (svalue == null) {
				dialog.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, StringParser.Parse("${res:Hornung.ResourceToolkit.CodeCompletion.AddNewDescription}"), result.ResourceFileContent.FileName);
			if (dialog.ShowDialog(WorkbenchSingleton.MainWin32Window) == DialogResult.OK) {
				if (svalue == null) {
					// Add new resource.
					result.ResourceFileContent.Add(dialog.Key, dialog.Value);
				} else {
					// Modify existing resource.
					result.ResourceFileContent.SetValue(result.Key, dialog.Value);