async void acceptRide(Models.ActiveRequest request, string destAddr)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ZUMO-API-VERSION", "2.0.0");
                request.EndTime = System.DateTime.Now;

                //Delete old request
                var response_post = await client.DeleteAsync("" + request.ID);

                var responseString_post = await response_post.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                Debug.WriteLine("Old request deleted");

                //Create new request with valid EndTime
                string ser_obj      = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request);
                var    content_post = new StringContent(ser_obj, Encoding.UTF8, "text/json");
                //post it to the proper table
                response_post = await client.PostAsync("", content_post);

                responseString_post = await response_post.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                Debug.WriteLine("New request created with EndTime");

            await DisplayAlert("Ride Accepted", "Destination: " + destAddr, "Back");

            refreshData(this, null);
        async void onPinClick(Object sender, SelectedPinChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.SelectedPin != null)
                int selectedID = Int32.Parse(e.SelectedPin.Label);
                Models.ActiveRequest request = null;
                foreach (var req in requests)
                    if (req.ID == selectedID)
                        request = req;

                Debug.WriteLine("Ride ID = " + request.ID);
                string startAddr = await getAddress(request.StartLocation);

                string destAddr = await getAddress(request.EndLocation);

                //Display info about request and option to accept ride
                var accept = await DisplayAlert("Accept this ride?", "Location: " + startAddr + "\n\nDestination: " + destAddr + "\n\nRequest time: " + request.StartTime.ToString() + "\n\nNumber of Passengers: " + request.NumPassangers, "Yes", "No");

                if (accept)
                    acceptRide(request, destAddr);
Esempio n. 3
         * void onDropClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * {
         *      Pin destination = new Pin();
         *      destination.Position = new Position(43.068152, -89.409759);
         *      destination.Label = "Hold to Drag";
         *      map.Pins.Add(destination);
         * }
        async void onSubmitClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Add code to submit ride request to database
            if (App.riderID == 0)
                await DisplayAlert("Bad Login", "Rider ID is invalid, please log in via Facebook", "Back To Main Menu");

                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MyPage());
            else if (map.Pins.Count() != 2)
                await DisplayAlert("Missing Starting Point or Destination", "Please make sure you have a valid starting point and destination", "OK");
                List <Models.ActiveRequest> reqList = new List <Models.ActiveRequest>();
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ZUMO-API-VERSION", "2.0.0");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Before the request to server");
                    var reqResponse = await client.GetAsync("");

                    //This will be an IQueryable object
                    Debug.WriteLine("Before the response from server");
                    string reqResponseStr = await reqResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    Debug.WriteLine("After the response from server");

                    //The following will convert the json to an actual rider object
                    reqList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Models.ActiveRequest> >(reqResponseStr);
                App.activeReqID = reqList[reqList.Count - 1].ID + 1;

                Models.ActiveRequest req = new Models.ActiveRequest();
                req.ID      = App.activeReqID;
                req.RiderID = App.riderID;
                if (map.Pins[0].Label == "Starting Point")
                    req.StartLocation = map.Pins[0].Position.Latitude + "," + map.Pins[0].Position.Longitude;
                    req.EndLocation   = map.Pins[1].Position.Latitude + "," + map.Pins[1].Position.Longitude;;
                    req.StartLocation = map.Pins[1].Position.Latitude + "," + map.Pins[1].Position.Longitude;
                    req.EndLocation   = map.Pins[0].Position.Latitude + "," + map.Pins[0].Position.Longitude;

                var subPage = new SubmissionPage(req, start.Text, dest.Text);
                subPage.ButtonClicked += OnFinalSubmission;
                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(subPage);
Esempio n. 4
 public SubmissionPage(Models.ActiveRequest req, string startAddr, string destAddr)
     start.Text += startAddr;
     dest.Text  += destAddr;
     request     = req;