Esempio n. 1
 public void AddUser(User user)
     Dal.Save(string.Format("INSERT INTO [User] (Name, Email, Password, ClientId) VALUES (N'{0}', N'{1}', N'{2}', {3})",
                            user.Name, user.Email, user.Password, user.ClientId));
Esempio n. 2
 public async Task <User> GetUserByEmailAndPasswordAsync(string email, string password)
     return(await Dal.GetByIdAsync <User>("select * from [User] where Email = '" + email + "' AND Password = '******'"));
Esempio n. 3
 public User GetUserByEmailAndPassword(string email, string password)
     return(Dal.GetById <User>("select u.*, c.CurrentMonth, c.MonthlyBudget from [User] as u inner join client as c on u.ClientId = c.ClientId where Email = '" + email + "' AND Password = '******'"));
Esempio n. 4
 public async Task <List <Item> > GetItemsAsync()
     return(await Dal.GetAllAsync <Item>("select * from Item"));
Esempio n. 5
 public async Task <User> GetUserByIdAsync(int userId)
     return(await Dal.GetByIdAsync <User>("select * from [User] where UserId = " + userId));
Esempio n. 6
 public async Task UpdateUserAsync(User user)
     await Dal.SaveAsync(string.Format("UPDATE [User] SET Name = N'{0}', Email = N'{1}', Password = N'{2}', ClientId = {3} WHERE UserId = {4}",
                                       user.Name, user.Email, user.Password, user.ClientId, user.UserId));
Esempio n. 7
 public async Task AddClientAsync(Client client)
     await Dal.SaveAsync(string.Format("INSERT INTO ITEM (Name, CurrentMonth) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}')",
                                       client.Name, DateTime.Now));
Esempio n. 8
 public async Task <List <Expense> > GetExpensesAsync()
     return(await Dal.GetAllAsync <Expense>("select * from Expense"));
Esempio n. 9
 public async Task <Item> GetItemByIdAsync(int itemId)
     return(await Dal.GetByIdAsync <Item>("select * from Item where ItemId = " + itemId));
Esempio n. 10
 public async Task AddExpenseAsync(Expense expense)
     await Dal.SaveAsync(string.Format("INSERT INTO Expense (Name, ItemId, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, Price, RelateToMonth, ClientId, Description, Payed) VALUES (N'{0}', {1}, N'{2}', N'{3}', {4}, N'{5}', {6}, N'{7}', N'{8}')",
                                       expense.Name, expense.ItemId, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, expense.Price, expense.RelateToMonth, expense.ClientId, expense.Payed, expense.Description));
Esempio n. 11
 public async Task UpdateExpenseAsync(Expense expense)
     await Dal.SaveAsync(string.Format("UPDATE Expense SET Name = N'{0}', ItemId = {1}, UpdatedAt = N'{2}', Price = {3}, RelateToMonth = N'{4}', ClientId = {5}, Description = N'{6}', Payed = N'{7}' WHERE ExpenseId = {8}",
                                       expense.Name, expense.ItemId, DateTime.Now, expense.Price, expense.RelateToMonth, expense.ClientId, expense.Description, expense.Payed, expense.ExpenseId));
Esempio n. 12
 public async Task <Expense> GetExpenseByIdAsync(int expenseId)
     return(await Dal.GetByIdAsync <Expense>("select * from Expense where ExpenseId = " + expenseId));
Esempio n. 13
 public async Task <List <Client> > GetClientsAsync()
     return(await Dal.GetAllAsync <Client>("select * from Client"));
Esempio n. 14
 public async Task UpdateClientAsync(Client client)
     await Dal.SaveAsync(string.Format("UPDATE Client SET Name = '{0}', CurrentMonth = '{1}' WHERE ClientId = {2}",
                                       client.Name, DateTime.Now, client.ClientId));
Esempio n. 15
 public void UpdateUser(User user)
     Dal.Save(string.Format("UPDATE [User] SET Name = N'{0}', Email = N'{1}', Password = N'{2}', ClientId = {3} WHERE UserId = {4}",
                            user.Name, user.Email, user.Password, user.ClientId, user.UserId));
Esempio n. 16
 public async Task AddItemAsync(Item item)
     await Dal.SaveAsync(string.Format("INSERT INTO ITEM (Name, Price, ItemTypeId, ClientId, DefaultIncluded, MonthsPeriod) VALUES (N'{0}', {1}, {2}, {3}, N'{4}', {5})",
                                       item.Name, item.Price, item.ItemTypeId, item.ClientId, item.DefaultIncluded, item.MonthsPeriod));
Esempio n. 17
 public async Task AddUserAsync(User user)
     await Dal.SaveAsync(string.Format("INSERT INTO [User] (Name, Email, Password, ClientId) VALUES (N'{0}', N'{1}', N'{2}', {3})",
                                       user.Name, user.Email, user.Password, user.ClientId));
Esempio n. 18
 public async Task UpdateItemAsync(Item item)
     await Dal.SaveAsync(string.Format("UPDATE ITEM SET Name = N'{0}', Price = {1}, ItemTypeId = {2}, ClientId = {3}, DefaultIncluded = N'{4}', MonthsPeriod = {5} WHERE ItemId = {6}",
                                       item.Name, item.Price, item.ItemTypeId, item.ClientId, item.DefaultIncluded, item.MonthsPeriod, item.ItemId));
Esempio n. 19
 public async Task <List <User> > GetUsersAsync()
     return(await Dal.GetAllAsync <User>("select * from [User]"));
Esempio n. 20
 public async Task <Client> GetClientByIdAsync(int clientId)
     return(await Dal.GetByIdAsync <Client>("select * from Client where ClientId = " + clientId));