public static MeshData EncodeMesh(Mesh mesh) { MeshData meshData = new MeshData(); foreach (Vector3 point in mesh.vertices) { meshData.vertices.Add(EncodeUtilities.EncodeLocation(point)); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.triangles.Length; i += 3) { meshData.faces.Add(new int[] { mesh.triangles[i], mesh.triangles[i + 1], mesh.triangles[i + 2] }); } if ((meshData.colors == null) || (meshData.colors.Count == 0)) { foreach (Color color in mesh.colors) { meshData.colors.Add(EncodeUtilities.EncodeColor(color)); } } else { foreach (Vector3 point in mesh.vertices) { meshData.colors.Add(EncodeUtilities.EncodeColor(; } } return(meshData); }
// Constantly check for new messages on given port. private void ReceiveData() { // Open. this.client = new UdpClient(this.localPort); IPEndPoint anyIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); // Infinite loop. try { byte[] data; string receiveString; while (true) { // Receive Bytes. data = client.Receive(ref anyIP); if (data.Length > 0) { // If buffer not empty - decode it. receiveString = EncodeUtilities.DecodeData(data); // If string not empty and not read yet - react to it. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiveString)) { #if DEBUG2 DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Total Data found: " + receiveString, ref this.debugMessages); #endif if ((this.dataMessages.Count == 0) || (this.flagForce || (this.dataMessages[this.dataMessages.Count - 1] != receiveString))) { this.dataMessages.Add(receiveString); this.connectionHistory.Add(anyIP.Address.ToString()); this.flagDataRead = false; if (OnReceive != null) { OnReceive(); } } else { #if DEBUG2 DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Message already added.", ref this.debugMessages); #endif } } } } } catch (SocketException exception) { // SocketException. #if DEBUGWARNING DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "SocketException: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages); #endif } catch (Exception exception) { // Exception. #if DEBUGWARNING DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Exception: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages); #endif } finally { this.Disconnect(); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // React to a value change. public void OnValueChanged() { if (UDPReceiveComponent.flagUICommunicationStarted) { #if DEBUG Debug.Log("ParameterUIMenu: Updating UI values."); #endif // Find Objects. GameObject[] goBooleans = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(this.tagUIItemBoolean); GameObject[] goCounters = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(this.tagUIItemCounter); GameObject[] goSliders = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(this.tagUIItemSlider); #if DEBUG Debug.Log("ParameterUIMenu: Found items: booleans: " + goBooleans.Length + ", counters: " + goCounters.Length + ", sliders: " + goSliders.Length); #endif // Extract data. List <bool> bools = new List <bool>(); List <int> ints = new List <int>(); List <float> floats = new List <float>(); foreach (GameObject goItem in goBooleans) { bools.Add(goItem.GetComponent <BooleanToggle>().value); } foreach (GameObject goItem in goCounters) { ints.Add(goItem.GetComponent <Counter>().value); } foreach (GameObject goItem in goSliders) { floats.Add(goItem.GetComponent <FloatSlider>().value); } UIData ui = new UIData(bools, ints, floats); // Encode and if changed - send it. byte[] data = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("UIDATA", ui, out string currentMessage); if (ParameterUIMenu.lastMessage != currentMessage) // TODO: Technically not necessary now since we call directly from UI elements themselves. { ParameterUIMenu.lastMessage = currentMessage; #if DEBUG Debug.Log("ParameterUIMenu: values changed, sending: " + currentMessage); #endif if (ParameterUIMenu.sender == null) { ParameterUIMenu.sender = FindObjectOfType <UDPSendComponent>(); } if (ParameterUIMenu.sender == null) { #if DEBUGWARNING Debug.Log("ParameterUIMenu: No sender Found."); #endif return; } ParameterUIMenu.sender.SendUI(data); } } }
// Encode a Mesh with a Color. public static MeshData EncodeMesh(Mesh _mesh, Color _color) { MeshData meshData = EncodeMesh(_mesh); meshData.colors = new List <int[]>() { EncodeUtilities.EncodeColor(_color) }; return(meshData); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A function responsible for decoding and reacting to received UDP data. private bool InterpreteData(string message) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = EncodeUtilities.StripSplitter(message); if (this.lastMessage != message) { this.lastMessage = message; #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "New message found: " + message); #endif string[] messageComponents = message.Split(new string[] { EncodeUtilities.headerSplitter }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (messageComponents.Length > 1) { string header = messageComponents[0], content = messageComponents[1]; #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Header: " + header + ", content: " + content); #endif if (header == "MESHSTREAMING") { InterpreteMesh(content, SourceType.UDP); return(true); } else if (header == "CONTROLLER") { InterpreteRobotController(content); return(true); } else if (header == "HOLOTAG") { InterpreteTag(content); return(true); } else if (header == "IPADDRESS") { InterpreteIPAddress(content); return(true); } else { #if DEBUGWARNING DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Header Not Recognized"); #endif } } else { #if DEBUGWARNING DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Improper message"); #endif } } } return(true); // Since we have one interpreter anyway }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // Get inputs. List <RobotData> inputRobots = new List <RobotData>(); Connection connect = null; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, inputRobots)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData <Connection>(1, ref connect)) { return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process data. if (connect.status) { // If connection open start acting. // Send robot data. byte[] bytes = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("HOLOBOTS", inputRobots.ToArray(), out string currentMessage); if (this.flagForce || (this.lastMessage != currentMessage)) { connect.tcpSender.QueueUpData(bytes); //bool success = connect.tcpSender.flagSuccess; //string message = connect.tcpSender.debugMessages[connect.tcpSender.debugMessages.Count-1]; //if (success) // this.lastMessage = currentMessage; //UniversalDebug(message, (success) ? GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark : GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); } } else { this.lastMessage = string.Empty; UniversalDebug("Set 'Send' on true in HoloFab 'HoloConnect'.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output. #if DEBUG DA.SetData(0, RobotStreaming.debugMessages[RobotStreaming.debugMessages.Count - 1]); #endif // Expire Solution. if ((connect.status) && (connect.PendingMessages)) { GH_Document document = this.OnPingDocument(); if (document != null) { document.ScheduleSolution(RobotStreaming.expireDelay, ScheduleCallback); } } }
// Collect environment meshes public List <byte[]> EncodeEnvironmentMesh(out string currentMessage) { currentMessage = string.Empty; List <byte[]> data = new List <byte[]>(); FindMeshes(); if (this.scannedEnvironment.Count > 0) { // Combine meshes CombineInstance[] combineStructure = new CombineInstance[this.scannedEnvironment.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (MeshRenderer meshRenderer in this.scannedEnvironment) { MeshFilter meshFilter = meshRenderer.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); combineStructure[i].mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh; combineStructure[i].transform = meshRenderer.transform.localToWorldMatrix; i++; } Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.CombineMeshes(combineStructure); // Encode mesh MeshData meshData = MeshUtilities.EncodeMesh(mesh); byte[] localData = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("ENVIRONMENT", meshData, out string currentLocalMessage); data.Add(localData); #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Mesh Encoding: " + currentLocalMessage); #endif currentMessage = currentLocalMessage; // // Encode meshes separately // // { // // MeshRenderer meshRenderer = this.scannedEnvironment[0]; // foreach (MeshRenderer meshRenderer in this.scannedEnvironment) { // MeshFilter meshFilter = meshRenderer.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); // MeshData meshData = MeshUtilities.EncodeMesh(meshFilter.sharedMesh); // byte[] localData = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("ENVIRONMENT", meshData, out string currentLocalMessage); // #if DEBUG // DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Mesh Encoding: " + currentLocalMessage); // #endif // data.Add(localData); // currentMessage += currentLocalMessage; // } } else { #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "No meshes found."); #endif } return(data); }
// - RobotControllers private void InterpreteRobotController(string data) { List <RobotControllerData> controllersData = EncodeUtilities.InterpreteRobotController(data); RobotProcessor processor = ObjectManager.instance.GetComponent <RobotProcessor>(); foreach (RobotControllerData controllerData in controllersData) { if (processor.robotsInstantiated.ContainsKey(controllerData.robotID)) { processor.robotsInstantiated[controllerData.robotID].GetComponentInChildren <RobotController>().ProcessRobotController(controllerData); } } }
// - IP address private void InterpreteIPAddress(string data) { string remoteIP = EncodeUtilities.InterpreteIPAddress(data); #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Remote IP: " + remoteIP); #endif // TODO: Add ip integrity check // TODO: Should not be stored in udp sender. UDPSendComponent sender = gameObject.GetComponent <UDPSendComponent>(); sender.remoteIP = remoteIP; UDPReceiveComponent.flagUICommunicationStarted = true; // Inform UI Manager. ParameterUIMenu.instance.OnValueChanged(); }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // Get inputs. List <RobotData> inputRobots = new List <RobotData>(); Connection connect = null; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, inputRobots)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref connect)) { return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process data. if (connect.status) { // If connection open start acting. // Send robot data. byte[] bytes = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("HOLOBOTS", inputRobots.ToArray(), out string currentMessage); if (this.lastMessage != currentMessage) { connect.tcpSender.Send(bytes); bool success = connect.tcpSender.success; string message = connect.tcpSender.debugMessages[connect.tcpSender.debugMessages.Count - 1]; if (success) { this.lastMessage = currentMessage; } UniversalDebug(message, (success) ? GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark : GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); } } else { this.lastMessage = string.Empty; UniversalDebug("Set 'Send' on true in HoloFab 'HoloConnect'.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output. #if DEBUG DA.SetData(0, RobotStreaming.debugMessages[RobotStreaming.debugMessages.Count - 1]); #endif }
private void OnClientFound() { this.flagConnectionFound = true; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; // Receive Bytes. int dataLengthToRead =, 0, buffer.Length); while ((dataLengthToRead != 0) && (!this.currentHistory.Contains(EncodeUtilities.messageSplitter))) { this.currentHistory += EncodeUtilities.DecodeData(buffer, 0, dataLengthToRead); dataLengthToRead =, 0, buffer.Length); } if (this.currentHistory.Contains(EncodeUtilities.messageSplitter)) { ReactToMessage(); } }
// Constantly check for new messages on given port. private void ReceiveData() { IPEndPoint anyIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); byte[] data; string receiveString; try { // Receive Bytes. data = this.client.Receive(ref anyIP); if (data.Length > 0) { // If buffer not empty - decode it. receiveString = EncodeUtilities.DecodeData(data); // If string not empty and not read yet - react to it. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiveString)) { #if DEBUG2 DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Total Data found: " + receiveString, ref this.debugMessages); #endif this.dataMessages.Enqueue(receiveString); this.connectionHistory.Enqueue(anyIP.Address.ToString()); if (OnReceive != null) { OnReceive(); } } } } catch (SocketException exception) { // SocketException. #if DEBUGWARNING DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "SocketException: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages); #endif } catch (Exception exception) { // Exception. #if DEBUGWARNING DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Exception: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages); #endif } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region RhinoOnly #if !(UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS || WINDOWS_UWP) // Encode a Mesh. public static MeshData EncodeMesh(Mesh _mesh) { MeshData meshData = new MeshData(); for (int i = 0; i < _mesh.Vertices.Count; i++) { meshData.vertices.Add(EncodeUtilities.EncodeLocation(_mesh.Vertices[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < _mesh.Faces.Count; i++) { if (!_mesh.Faces[i].IsQuad) { meshData.faces.Add(new int[] { 0, _mesh.Faces[i].A, _mesh.Faces[i].B, _mesh.Faces[i].C }); } else { meshData.faces.Add(new int[] { 1, _mesh.Faces[i].A, _mesh.Faces[i].B, _mesh.Faces[i].C, _mesh.Faces[i].D }); } } return(meshData); }
// - IP address private void InterpreteIPAddress(string data) { string remoteIP = EncodeUtilities.InterpreteIPAddress(data); #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Remote IP: " + remoteIP); #endif // TODO: Add ip integrity check // - UDP // TODO: Should not be stored in udp sender. UDPSendComponent udpSender = gameObject.GetComponent <UDPSendComponent>(); if (udpSender != null) { udpSender.remoteIP = remoteIP; UDPReceiveComponent.flagUICommunicationStarted = true; // Inform UI Manager. ParameterUIMenu.instance.OnValueChanged(); } // - TCP TCPSendComponent tcpSender = gameObject.GetComponent <TCPSendComponent>(); #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Tcp sender found. Sending mesh to: " + remoteIP); #endif if (tcpSender != null) { tcpSender.UpdateIP(remoteIP); // byte[] environmentData = ObjectManager.instance.EnvironmentMesh(); // // Echo Environment Mesh // if (environmentData != null) { // tcpSender.remoteIP = remoteIP; // tcpSender.SendMesh(environmentData); // UDPReceiveComponent.flagEnvironmentSent = true; // } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // Get inputs. Connection connect = null; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref connect)) { return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process data. if (connect.status) { // If connection open start acting. if (!UIReceiver.flagProcessed) { UIReceiver.flagProcessed = true; // Send local IPAddress for device to communicate back. byte[] bytes = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("IPADDRESS", NetworkUtilities.LocalIPAddress(), out string currentMessage); connect.udpSender.Send(bytes); bool success = connect.udpSender.success; UniversalDebug("Sent local IP."); } // Prepare to receive UI data. try { if (!connect.udpReceiver.flagDataRead) { connect.udpReceiver.flagDataRead = true; UIReceiver.currentInput = connect.udpReceiver.dataMessages[connect.udpReceiver.dataMessages.Count - 1]; if (UIReceiver.lastInputs != currentInput) { currentInput = EncodeUtilities.StripSplitter(currentInput); UIReceiver.lastInputs = currentInput; UniversalDebug("New Message without Message Splitter removed: " + currentInput); string[] messageComponents = currentInput.Split(new string[] { EncodeUtilities.headerSplitter }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (messageComponents.Length > 1) { string header = messageComponents[0], content = messageComponents[1]; UniversalDebug("Header: " + header + ", content: " + content); if (header == "UIDATA") { // If any new data received - process it. UIData data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UIData>(content); UIReceiver.currentBools = new List <bool> (data.bools); UIReceiver.currentInts = new List <int> (data.ints); UIReceiver.currentFloats = new List <float> (data.floats); UniversalDebug("Data Received!"); } else { UniversalDebug("Header Not Recognized!", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } } else { UniversalDebug("Data not Received!", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } } else { UniversalDebug("Improper Message!", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } } else { UniversalDebug("No data received."); } } catch { UniversalDebug("Error Processing Data.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); } } else { // If connection disabled - stop receiving. UIReceiver.flagProcessed = false; UIReceiver.lastInputs = string.Empty; UIReceiver.currentBools = new List <bool>(); UIReceiver.currentInts = new List <int>(); UIReceiver.currentFloats = new List <float>(); UniversalDebug("Set 'Send' on true in HoloFab 'HoloConnect'", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output. DA.SetDataList(0, UIReceiver.currentBools); DA.SetDataList(1, UIReceiver.currentInts); DA.SetDataList(2, UIReceiver.currentFloats); #if DEBUG DA.SetData(3, this.debugMessages[this.debugMessages.Count - 1]); #endif // Expire Solution. if (connect.status) { GH_Document document = this.OnPingDocument(); if (document != null) { document.ScheduleSolution(UIReceiver.expireDelay, ScheduleCallback); } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // Get inputs. string inputRobotName = ""; Mesh inputEndeffectorMesh = new Mesh(); int inputRobotID = 0; Plane inputPlane = this.defaultPlane; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref inputRobotName)) { RobotOptionList(); } DA.GetData(1, ref inputEndeffectorMesh); DA.GetData(2, ref inputRobotID); DA.GetData(3, ref inputPlane); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process data. inputEndeffectorMesh.Weld(Math.PI); EndeffectorData endEffector = new EndeffectorData(MeshUtilities.EncodeMesh(inputEndeffectorMesh)); RobotData robot = new RobotData(inputRobotID, inputRobotName, endEffector, EncodeUtilities.EncodePlane(inputPlane)); UniversalDebug("Robot Object Created."); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output. DA.SetData(0, robot); #if DEBUG DA.SetData(1, this.debugMessages[this.debugMessages.Count - 1]); #endif }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // Get inputs. List <string> inputText = new List <string>(); List <Point3d> inputTextLocations = new List <Point3d>(); List <double> inputTextSize = new List <double>(); List <Color> inputTextColor = new List <Color>(); Connection connect = null; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, inputText)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(1, inputTextLocations)) { return; } DA.GetDataList(2, inputTextSize); DA.GetDataList(3, inputTextColor); if (!DA.GetData <Connection>(4, ref connect)) { return; } // Check inputs. if (inputTextLocations.Count != inputText.Count) { UniversalDebug("The number of 'tag locations' and 'tag texts' should be equal.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); return; } if ((inputTextSize.Count > 1) && (inputTextSize.Count != inputText.Count)) { UniversalDebug("The number of 'tag text sizes' should be one or equal to one or the number of 'tag texts'.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); return; } if ((inputTextColor.Count > 1) && (inputTextColor.Count != inputText.Count)) { UniversalDebug("The number of 'tag text colors' should be one or equal to one or the number of 'tag texts'.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process data. if (connect.status) { // If connection open start acting. List <string> currentTexts = new List <string>() { }; List <float[]> currentTextLocations = new List <float[]>() { }; List <float> currentTextSizes = new List <float>() { }; List <int[]> currentTextColors = new List <int[]>() { }; for (int i = 0; i < inputText.Count; i++) { float currentSize = (float)((inputTextSize.Count > 1) ? inputTextSize[i] : inputTextSize[0]); Color currentColor = (inputTextColor.Count > 1) ? inputTextColor[i] : inputTextColor[0]; currentTexts.Add(inputText[i]); currentTextLocations.Add(EncodeUtilities.EncodeLocation(inputTextLocations[i])); currentTextSizes.Add((float)Math.Round(currentSize / 1000.0, 3)); currentTextColors.Add(EncodeUtilities.EncodeColor(currentColor)); } LabelData tags = new LabelData(currentTexts, currentTextLocations, currentTextSizes, currentTextColors); // Send tag data. byte[] bytes = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("HOLOTAG", tags, out string currentMessage); if (this.flagForce || (this.lastMessage != currentMessage)) { connect.udpSender.QueueUpData(bytes); //bool success = connect.udpSender.flagSuccess; //string message = connect.udpSender.debugMessages[connect.udpSender.debugMessages.Count-1]; //if (success) // this.lastMessage = currentMessage; //UniversalDebug(message, (success) ? GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark : GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); } } else { this.lastMessage = string.Empty; UniversalDebug("Set 'Send' on true in HoloFab 'HoloConnect'", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output. #if DEBUG DA.SetData(0, this.debugMessages[this.debugMessages.Count - 1]); #endif //// Expire Solution. //if ((connect.status) && (connect.PendingMessages)) { // GH_Document document = this.OnPingDocument(); // if (document != null) // document.ScheduleSolution(HoloTag.expireDelay, ScheduleCallback); //} }
// - HoloBots private void InterpreteHoloBots(string data) { ObjectManager.instance.GetComponent <RobotProcessor>().ProcessRobot(EncodeUtilities.InterpreteHoloBots(data)); }
// Functions to interprete and react to determined type of messages: // TODO: Join with UDP interpreters? // - Mesh private void InterpreteMesh(string data, SourceType meshSourceType) { ObjectManager.instance.GetComponent <MeshProcessor>().ProcessMesh(EncodeUtilities.InterpreteMesh(data), meshSourceType); }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { //CheckType(); // Get inputs. string message; List <Mesh> inputMeshes = new List <Mesh>(); List <Color> inputColor = new List <Color>(); Connection connect = null; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, inputMeshes)) { return; } DA.GetDataList(1, inputColor); if (!DA.GetData(2, ref connect)) { return; } // Check inputs. if ((inputColor.Count > 1) && (inputColor.Count != inputMeshes.Count)) { message = (inputColor.Count > inputMeshes.Count) ? "The number of Colors does not match the number of Mesh objects. Extra colors will be ignored." : "The number of Colors does not match the number of Mesh objects. The last color will be repeated."; UniversalDebug(message, GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If connection open start acting. if (connect.status) { // Encode mesh data. List <MeshData> inputMeshData = new List <MeshData> { }; for (int i = 0; i < inputMeshes.Count; i++) { Color currentColor = inputColor[Math.Min(i, inputColor.Count)]; inputMeshData.Add(MeshUtilities.EncodeMesh(inputMeshes[i], currentColor)); } // Send mesh data. byte[] bytes = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("MESHSTREAMING", inputMeshData, out string currentMessage); if (this.lastMessage != currentMessage) { bool success = false; if (this.sourceType == SourceType.TCP) { connect.tcpSender.Send(bytes); success = connect.tcpSender.success; message = connect.tcpSender.debugMessages[connect.tcpSender.debugMessages.Count - 1]; } else { connect.udpSender.Send(bytes); success = connect.udpSender.success; message = connect.udpSender.debugMessages[connect.udpSender.debugMessages.Count - 1]; } if (success) { this.lastMessage = currentMessage; } UniversalDebug(message, (success) ? GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark : GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); } } else { this.lastMessage = string.Empty; UniversalDebug("Set 'Send' on true in HoloFab 'HoloConnect'", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } // Output. #if DEBUG DA.SetData(0, this.debugMessages[this.debugMessages.Count - 1]); #endif }
// - Tag private void InterpreteTag(string data) { ObjectManager.instance.GetComponent <TagProcessor>().ProcessTag(EncodeUtilities.InterpreteTag(data)); }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // Get inputs. Connection connect = null; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref connect)) { return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process data. if (connect.status) { // If connection open start acting. // Prepare to receive UI data. try { if (connect.udpReceiver.dataMessages.Count > 0) { UIReceiver.currentInput = connect.udpReceiver.dataMessages.Peek(); UIReceiver.currentInput = EncodeUtilities.StripSplitter(UIReceiver.currentInput); if (UIReceiver.lastInputs != UIReceiver.currentInput) { UIReceiver.lastInputs = UIReceiver.currentInput; UniversalDebug("New Message without Message Splitter removed: " + currentInput); string[] messageComponents = UIReceiver.currentInput.Split(new string[] { EncodeUtilities.headerSplitter }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (messageComponents.Length > 1) { string header = messageComponents[0], content = messageComponents[1]; UniversalDebug("Header: " + header + ", content: " + content); if (header == "UIDATA") { // If any new data received - process it. UIData data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UIData>(content); UIReceiver.currentBools = new List <bool> (data.bools); UIReceiver.currentInts = new List <int> (data.ints); UIReceiver.currentFloats = new List <float> (data.floats); UniversalDebug("Data Received!"); connect.udpReceiver.dataMessages.Dequeue(); // Actually remove from the queue since it has been processed. } // else // UniversalDebug("Header Not Recognized!", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } else { UniversalDebug("Data not Received!", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } } else { UniversalDebug("Improper Message!", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } } else { UniversalDebug("No data received."); } } catch { UniversalDebug("Error Processing Data.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); } } else { // If connection disabled - reset memoty. UIReceiver.lastInputs = string.Empty; UIReceiver.currentBools = new List <bool>(); UIReceiver.currentInts = new List <int>(); UIReceiver.currentFloats = new List <float>(); UniversalDebug("Set 'Send' on true in HoloFab 'HoloConnect'", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output. DA.SetDataList(0, UIReceiver.currentBools); DA.SetDataList(1, UIReceiver.currentInts); DA.SetDataList(2, UIReceiver.currentFloats); #if DEBUG DA.SetData(3, this.debugMessages[this.debugMessages.Count - 1]); #endif //// Expire Solution. //if (connect.status) { // GH_Document document = this.OnPingDocument(); // if (document != null) // document.ScheduleSolution(UIReceiver.expireDelay, ScheduleCallback); //} }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // Get inputs. List <RobotData> inputRobots = new List <RobotData>(); GH_Structure <GH_Number> inputAxisAngles = new GH_Structure <GH_Number> { }; Connection connect = null; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, inputRobots)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataTree(1, out inputAxisAngles)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(2, ref connect)) { return; } // Check inputs. if ((inputAxisAngles.Paths.Count > 1) && (inputAxisAngles.Paths.Count != inputRobots.Count)) { UniversalDebug("The number of Branches of Axis Angles should be one or equal to the number of HoloBot objects.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); return; } // if (inputAxisAngles.Count != 6) { // Positioner.debugMessages.Add("Component: Controller: The number of Axis should be equal to the number of Robot Joints."); // return; // } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process data. if (connect.status) { // If connection open start acting. UniversalDebug("Robots Found: " + inputRobots.Count + ", Axis Count, " + inputAxisAngles.Paths.Count); List <RobotControllerData> robotControllers = new List <RobotControllerData>(); for (int i = 0; i < inputRobots.Count; i++) { List <double> currentRobotAxisValues = new List <double> { }; int index = (inputAxisAngles.Paths.Count > 1) ? i : 0; Console.WriteLine(index); double currentValue; for (int j = 0; j < inputAxisAngles[index].Count; j++) { currentValue = (double)inputAxisAngles[index][j].Value; currentRobotAxisValues.Add(currentValue * (180.0 / Math.PI)); } robotControllers.Add(new RobotControllerData(inputRobots[i].robotID, currentRobotAxisValues)); } // Send robot controller data. byte[] bytes = EncodeUtilities.EncodeData("CONTROLLER", robotControllers, out string currentMessage); if (this.lastMessage != currentMessage) { connect.udpSender.Send(bytes); bool success = connect.udpSender.success; string message = connect.udpSender.debugMessages[connect.udpSender.debugMessages.Count - 1]; if (success) { this.lastMessage = currentMessage; } UniversalDebug(message, (success) ? GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark : GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error); } } else { this.lastMessage = string.Empty; UniversalDebug("Set 'Send' on true in HoloFab 'HoloConnect'.", GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output. #if DEBUG DA.SetData(0, this.debugMessages[this.debugMessages.Count - 1]); #endif }