/// <summary>
        /// Read the CSV file located in inputFilePath and for each line in the file
        /// create a HockerPlayer object and set the properties using values from the line.
        /// Add the new HockerPlayer object to the list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerList">List of hockery players</param>
        /// <param name="inputFilePath">Locations of CSV file</param>
        static void ReadFromFile(List <HockeyPlayer> playerList, string inputFilePath)
            // Open the file for reading
            StreamReader reader   = new StreamReader(inputFilePath);
            string       lineText = null;
            int          counter  = 0; // To track number of records read

            // Read one line at a time until end of file is reached
                // Read the current line from the file
                lineText = reader.ReadLine();
                // If not EOF then extract the field values from the line
                if (lineText != null)
                    // Increment counter
                    // Split the line into an array of values separated by the delimiter char comma
                    string[] lineArray = lineText.Split(",");
                    // Create a new HockeyPlayer object
                    HockeyPlayer currentHockerPlayer = new HockeyPlayer();
                    // Assign the Name of the hockey player using the first value in the array
                    currentHockerPlayer.Name = lineArray[0];
                    // Assign the Number of the hockey player using the second value in the array
                    currentHockerPlayer.Number = int.Parse(lineArray[1]);
                    // Assign the Position of the hockey player using the third value in the array
                    currentHockerPlayer.Position = lineArray[2];
                    // Add the currentHockeyPlayer to playerList
            } while (lineText != null);
            Console.WriteLine($"Successfully added {counter} records.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a single HockeyPlayer object to the playerList
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerList">A list of hockey players</param>
        /// <returns>The number of players in the list</returns>
        static int AddHockeyPlayer(List <HockeyPlayer> playerList)
            int playerCount = 0;
            // Create a new HockeyPlayer object
            HockeyPlayer player1 = new HockeyPlayer();

            // Prompt and read the Name of the HockeyPlayer
            Console.Write("Enter the player name: ");
            player1.Name = Console.ReadLine();
            // Prompt and read the Number of the HockeyPlayer
            Console.Write("Enter the player number: ");
            player1.Number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            // Prompt and read the Position of the HockeyPlayer
            Console.Write("Enter the player position (C,LW,RW,D,G): ");
            player1.Position = Console.ReadLine();
            // Add the HockeyPlayer object to playerList
            playerCount = playerList.Count;
