Esempio n. 1
        public HidReport(int reportSize, HidDeviceData deviceData)
            _status = deviceData.Status;

            Array.Resize(ref _data, reportSize - 1);

            if ((deviceData.Data != null))

                if (deviceData.Data.Length > 0)
                    _reportId = deviceData.Data[0];
                    Exists = true;

                    if (deviceData.Data.Length > 1)
                        var dataLength = reportSize - 1;
                        if (deviceData.Data.Length < reportSize - 1) dataLength = deviceData.Data.Length;
                        Array.Copy(deviceData.Data, 1, _data, 0, dataLength);
                else Exists = false;
            else Exists = false;
Esempio n. 2
        public HidReport(int reportSize, HidDeviceData deviceData)
            _status = deviceData.Status;

            Array.Resize(ref _data, reportSize - 1);

            if ((deviceData.Data != null))
                if (deviceData.Data.Length > 0)
                    _reportId = deviceData.Data[0];
                    Exists    = true;

                    if (deviceData.Data.Length > 1)
                        var dataLength = reportSize - 1;
                        if (deviceData.Data.Length < reportSize - 1)
                            dataLength = deviceData.Data.Length;
                        Array.Copy(deviceData.Data, 1, _data, 0, dataLength);
                    Exists = false;
                Exists = false;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an input report from the Control channel.  This method provides access to report data for devices that
        /// do not use the interrupt channel to communicate for specific usages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportId">The report ID to read from the device</param>
        /// <returns>The HID report that is read.  The report will contain the success status of the read request</returns>
        public HidReport ReadReportSync(byte reportId)
            byte[] cmdBuffer = new byte[Capabilities.InputReportByteLength];
            cmdBuffer[0] = reportId;
            bool          bSuccess   = NativeMethods.HidD_GetInputReport(ReadHandle, cmdBuffer, cmdBuffer.Length);
            HidDeviceData deviceData = new HidDeviceData(cmdBuffer, bSuccess ? HidDeviceData.ReadStatus.Success : HidDeviceData.ReadStatus.NoDataRead);

            return(new HidReport(Capabilities.InputReportByteLength, deviceData));
Esempio n. 4
        protected static void EndRead(IAsyncResult ar)
            HidAsyncState hidAsyncState = (HidAsyncState)ar.AsyncState;
            ReadDelegate  readDelegate  = (ReadDelegate)hidAsyncState.CallerDelegate;
            ReadCallback  readCallback  = (ReadCallback)hidAsyncState.CallbackDelegate;
            HidDeviceData data          = readDelegate.EndInvoke(ar);

Esempio n. 5
        private void ReadCallback(HidDeviceData data)
            Log.Debug("Got a ReadCallback of length {0}", data.Data.Length);


            if (DataReceived == null)

            var bytes = data.Data;
            var dataString = _parser.CurrentParser.InterpretPacket(bytes);
            var args = new DataReceivedEventArgs(dataString);
            DataReceived(this, args);
Esempio n. 6
        private void ReadCallback(HidDeviceData data)
            LogTo.Debug("Got a ReadCallback of length {0}", data.Data.Length);

                LogTo.Trace("Ignored incoming data, device is closed");

            if (DataReceived == null)

            var bytes = data.Data;
            var preparsed = _preparser.InterpretPacket(bytes);
            var dataString = _parser.CurrentParser.InterpretPacket(preparsed, bytes);
            var args = new DataReceivedEventArgs(dataString);
            DataReceived(this, args);
Esempio n. 7
        private void readButtonData(HidDeviceData InData)
            timerHibernation.Enabled = false;

            if ((InData.Status == HidDeviceData.ReadStatus.Success) && (InData.Data[0] == 1))
                SleepState = RemoteBtStates.Awake;
                timerFindRemote.Interval = 1500;

                DebugLog.write("Read button data: " + String.Join(",", InData.Data));

                if ((InData.Data[10] == 0) || (InData.Data[4] == 255)) // button released
                    if (ButtonReleased != null && isButtonDown) ButtonReleased(this, new ButtonData(lastButton));

                else // button pressed
                    byte[] bCode = { InData.Data[1], InData.Data[2], InData.Data[3], InData.Data[4] };

                    int i, j;

                    for (j = 0; j < 56; j++)
                        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            if (bCode[i] != buttonCodes[j][i]) break;

                        if (i == 4) break;

                    if (j != 56)
                        lastButton = (Button)j;
                        isButtonDown = true;

                        if (ButtonDown != null) ButtonDown(this, new ButtonData(lastButton));
                        if (lastButton == Button.Playstation) timerSleepButton.Start();
                        else timerSleepButton.Stop();

                byte batteryReading = (byte)(InData.Data[11] * 20);

                if (batteryReading != _batteryLife) //Check battery life reading.
                    _batteryLife = batteryReading;

                    if (BatteryLifeChanged != null) BatteryLifeChanged(this, new EventArgs());

                if (_hibernationEnabled) timerHibernation.Start();

                hidRemote.Read(readButtonData); //Read next button pressed.


            DebugLog.write("Read remote data: " + String.Join(",", InData.Data));

            if (Disconnected != null) Disconnected(this, new EventArgs());

            hidRemote.Dispose(); //Dispose of current remote.

            hidRemote = null;

            timerFindRemote.Enabled = true; //Try to reconnect.
            if (_hibernationEnabled) timerHibernation.Enabled = false;
Esempio n. 8
        public ScaleWeightStatus GetWeight(out decimal? weight)
            weight = null;

              // Byte 0 == Report ID?
              // Byte 1 == Scale Status (1 == Fault, 2 == Stable @ 0, 3 == In Motion, 4 == Stable, 5 == Under 0, 6 == Over Weight, 7 == Requires Calibration, 8 == Requires Re-Zeroing)
              // Byte 2 == Weight Unit
              // Byte 3 == Data Scaling (decimal placement) - signed byte is power of 10
              // Byte 4 == Weight LSB
              // Byte 5 == Weight MSB
              long startTime = millisecondsSinceEpoch();
              // The argument to scale.Read() is a timeout value for the USB
              // connection, not the actual Scale Status, so I'm leaving it at 250 as
              // it was originally and waiting 100ms between the 250ms tries. Hope that
              // makes sense.
              inData = scale.Read(250);
              while ((ScaleWeightStatus)inData.Data[1] != ScaleWeightStatus.Stable
             && millisecondsSinceEpoch() - startTime < this.timeoutLength)
            inData = scale.Read(250);
              if ((ScaleWeightStatus)inData.Data[1] != ScaleWeightStatus.Stable)
            return (ScaleWeightStatus)inData.Data[1];

              // Convert weight into pounds always
              weight = (Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[4]) +
              Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[5]) * 256) *
              Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(10, (sbyte)inData.Data[3]));

              switch (Convert.ToInt16(inData.Data[2]))
            case 3:  // Kilos
              weight = weight * (decimal?)2.2;
            case 11: // Ounces
              weight = weight * (decimal?)0.0625;
            case 12: // Pounds
              // already in pounds, do nothing
              return ScaleWeightStatus.Stable;
        public void TestNotifyUsbDeviceRespondsNak()
            LightsManager lightsManager = null;
                // Mocks
                Mock<IHidDevice> mockDevice = this.mockFactory.CreateMock<IHidDevice>();
                byte[] mockDataBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(UsbResponse.Nak);
                HidDeviceData mockData = new HidDeviceData(mockDataBytes, HidDeviceData.ReadStatus.Success);
                HidReport mockReport = new HidReport(1, mockData);

                // Expectations
                mockDevice.Expects.AtLeastOne.GetProperty(x => x.IsConnected).WillReturn(true);
                using (this.mockFactory.Ordered)
                    mockDevice.Expects.One.GetProperty(x => x.IsOpen).WillReturn(false);
                    mockDevice.Expects.AtLeastOne.GetProperty(x => x.IsOpen).WillReturn(true);

                mockDevice.Expects.AtLeastOne.Method(x => x.OpenDevice());
                mockDevice.Expects.AtLeastOne.Method(x => x.CreateReport()).WillReturn(mockReport);
                mockDevice.Expects.AtLeastOne.Method(x => x.WriteReport(null)).WithAnyArguments().WillReturn(true);
                mockDevice.Expects.AtLeastOne.Method(x => x.Read()).WillReturn(mockData);

                // Run
                LightsDeviceController lightsDeviceController = new LightsDeviceController(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000, UsbControlTransferType.Raw) {
                                                                                                                                                 Device = mockDevice.MockObject
                lightsManager = new LightsManager(lightsDeviceController, UsbProtocolType.DasBlinkenlichten);
                BuildActiveRequest buildActiveRequest = new BuildActiveRequest(true);

                // Test
                Assert.That(lightsManager.NotifyLightsDevice(buildActiveRequest), NUnit.Framework.Is.EqualTo(LightsDeviceResult.Nak));
                if (lightsManager != null)
Esempio n. 10
        public void GetWeight(out decimal? weight, out bool? isStable)
            weight = null;
              isStable = false;

              if (scale.IsConnected)
            inData = scale.Read(250);
            // Byte 0 == Report ID?
            // Byte 1 == Scale Status (1 == Fault, 2 == Stable @ 0, 3 == In Motion, 4 == Stable, 5 == Under 0, 6 == Over Weight, 7 == Requires Calibration, 8 == Requires Re-Zeroing)
            // Byte 2 == Weight Unit
            // Byte 3 == Data Scaling (decimal placement)
            // Byte 4 == Weight LSB
            // Byte 5 == Weight MSB

            // FIXME: dividing by 100 probably wont work with
            // every scale, need to figure out what to do with
            // Byte 3
            weight = (Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[4]) +
            Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[5]) * 256) / 100;

            switch (Convert.ToInt16(inData.Data[2]))
              case 3:  // Kilos
            weight = weight * (decimal?)2.2;
              case 11: // Ounces
            weight = weight * (decimal?)0.625;
              case 12: // Pounds
            // already in pounds, do nothing
            isStable = inData.Data[1] == 0x4;
Esempio n. 11
        public void GetWeight(out decimal? weight, out bool? isStable)
            weight = null;
            isStable = false;

            if (scale.IsConnected)
                inData = scale.Read(250);

                weight = (Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[4]) +
                            Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[5]) * 256) *
                            Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(10, (sbyte)inData.Data[3]));


                isStable = inData.Data[1] == 0x4;
Esempio n. 12
    public void GetWeight (out decimal? weight, out bool? isStable)
      weight = null;
      isStable = false;

      if (scale.IsConnected)
        inData = scale.Read(250);
        // Byte 0 == Report ID?
        // Byte 1 == Scale Status (1 == Fault, 2 == Stable @ 0, 3 == In Motion, 4 == Stable, 5 == Under 0, 6 == Over Weight, 7 == Requires Calibration, 8 == Requires Re-Zeroing)
        // Byte 2 == Weight Unit
        // Byte 3 == Data Scaling (decimal placement) - signed byte is power of 10
        // Byte 4 == Weight LSB
        // Byte 5 == Weight MSB

        weight = (Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[4]) + 
            Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[5]) * 256) *
            Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(10, (sbyte)inData.Data[3]));

        switch (Convert.ToInt16(inData.Data[2]))
          case 3:  // Kilos
            weight = weight * (decimal?)2.2;
          case 11: // Ounces
            weight = weight * (decimal?)0.625;
          case 12: // Pounds
            // already in pounds, do nothing
        isStable = inData.Data[1] == 0x4;
Esempio n. 13
        private void OnRead(HidDeviceData data)
            double interval;
            string time = "0";
            if (data.Data[1] != 0)
                if (timer.IsRunning)
                    interval = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    time = Convert.ToString(interval - prevtime);
                    prevtime = interval;
                    time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

                byte[] inbuffer = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                Array.Copy(data.Data, 1, inbuffer,0,64);
                if (setup == true)
                DecodeCan(inbuffer, time, "usbEvent");
            if (_device.IsOpen) _device.Read(OnRead);