Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// public wrapper for recursion
        /// try each possible move, find the one with the best score
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lookahead">how far to look ahead</param>
        /// <param name="playerX">is this for player x</param>
        /// <returns>The data on the best move location and score</returns>
        public MinimaxResult DoMinimax(int lookahead, bool playerX)
            // set up inital state
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (lookahead < 1)
                throw new Exception("Invalid lookahead of " + lookahead);


            Occupied player = playerX.ToPlayer();
            int      alpha  = MoveScoreConverter.ConvertWin(player.Opponent(), 0);
            int      beta   = MoveScoreConverter.ConvertWin(player, 0);

            MinimaxResult bestMove = this.ScoreBoard(lookahead, this.ActualBoard, playerX, alpha, beta);

            if (bestMove.Move != Location.Null)
                GoodMoves.AddGoodMove(0, bestMove.Move);

            DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;

            this.MoveTime = endTime - startTime;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// private recursive worker - does the minimax algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lookahead">the current ply, counts down to zero</param>
        /// <param name="stateBoard">the current board</param>
        /// <param name="isPlayerX">player X or player Y</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">alpha value used in alpha-beta pruning</param>
        /// <param name="beta">beta value used in alpha-beta pruning</param>
        /// <returns>the score of the board and best move location</returns>
        private MinimaxResult ScoreBoard(
            int lookahead,
            HexBoard stateBoard,
            bool isPlayerX,
            int alpha,
            int beta)

            MinimaxResult bestResult = null;
            Location      cutoffMove = Location.Null;

            var possibleMoves = this.candidateMovesFinder.CandidateMoves(stateBoard, lookahead);

            foreach (Location move in possibleMoves)
                // end on null loc
                if (move.IsNull())

                if (this.GenerateDebugData)
                    this.AddDebugDataItem(lookahead, move, isPlayerX, alpha, beta);

                // make a speculative board, like the current, but with this cell played
                HexBoard testBoard = this.boardCache.GetBoard();

                testBoard.PlayMove(move, isPlayerX);
                MinimaxResult moveScore;

                PathLengthBase staticAnalysis = this.pathLengthFactory.CreatePathLength(testBoard);
                int            situationScore = staticAnalysis.SituationScore();

                if (lookahead <= 1)
                    // we have reached the limits of lookahead - return the situation score
                    moveScore = new MinimaxResult(situationScore);
                else if (MoveScoreConverter.IsWin(situationScore))
                    // stop - someone has won
                    moveScore = new MinimaxResult(situationScore);
                    // recurse
                    moveScore = this.ScoreBoard(lookahead - 1, testBoard, !isPlayerX, beta, alpha);

                moveScore.Move = move;


                // higher scores are good for player x, lower scores for player y
                if (bestResult == null || MoveScoreConverter.IsBetterFor(moveScore.Score, bestResult.Score, isPlayerX))
                    bestResult = new MinimaxResult(move, moveScore);

                // do the alpha-beta pruning
                alpha = CheckAlpha(alpha, moveScore.Score, isPlayerX);

                if (IsAlphaBetaCutoff(isPlayerX, alpha, beta))
                    cutoffMove       = move;
                    bestResult.Score = alpha;

                // end a-b pruning

            if (bestResult != null)
                GoodMoves.AddGoodMove(lookahead, bestResult.Move);

            if (cutoffMove != Location.Null)
                GoodMoves.AddGoodMove(lookahead, cutoffMove);
