}//End btnIT click event

        //Form Closing event
        private void TechnitianForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            //show the selection form
            userSelectForm select = new userSelectForm();

        }//End form closing event
        }// End FillTable

        //Form closing
        private void Customer_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            userSelectForm select = new userSelectForm();

        }//End form closing event
Esempio n. 3
        }//End FillArea

        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Variables to hold the data that will be inserted into the table
            string title = "", urgency = "", description = "", building = "", status = "";
            int    area, type, roomNum = 0, techID, userID;

            //Default expectedTime is 30 minutes
            string expectedTime = "30 minutes";

            if (cmbArea.SelectedIndex == -1 && cmbBuilding.SelectedIndex == -1 && cmbType.SelectedIndex == -1 && txtRoomNum.Text == "" && txtTitle.Text == "" && rtbDescription.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please make sure the form is completely filled out!");
                //Check which radial button is checked then set the Urgency string to equal the appropriate text
                if (radLow.Checked == true)
                    urgency = "Low";
                else if (radMedium.Checked == true)
                    urgency = "Medium";
                else if (radHigh.Checked == true)
                    urgency = "High";
                //Check to make sure you have selected a urgency level
                if (radHigh.Checked == false && radMedium.Checked == false && radLow.Checked == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a level of urgency!");
                    //Set the variables to equal the user input on the form
                    title       = txtTitle.Text;
                    description = rtbDescription.Text;
                    building    = cmbBuilding.Text;
                    status      = "Open";

                    //Default the tech ID to be 4 which is the unassigned techID
                    techID = 4; //Unassigned
                                //Grab the userID which is saved in the program from the login information
                    userID = Convert.ToInt32(Properties.Settings.Default.userID);

                    //Grabs the areaID number----
                    //Grab the string of the item
                    string index = cmbArea.Text.ToString();
                    //Grab the position of the first space in the string
                    int position = index.IndexOf(" ");
                    area = Convert.ToInt32(index.Substring(0, position));
                    //Grabs the typeID number----
                    //Grab the string of the item
                    string strType = cmbType.Text.ToString();
                    //Grab the position of the first space in the string
                    int pos = index.IndexOf(" ");
                    type = Convert.ToInt32(strType.Substring(0, pos));

                    //Here we will try to convert the user input to an integer
                        //Set the room number to equal the user input
                        roomNum = Convert.ToInt32(txtRoomNum.Text);
                        //Check to make sure that the number is greater than 0
                        if (roomNum < 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("Number cannot be negative!");
                        //Check to see if the number is not greater than 399
                        else if (roomNum > 399)
                            MessageBox.Show("Number is too large!");
                    catch (FormatException ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("This is not an integer please try again.");
                    //Here we will try and insert the information gathered into a new record in the Tickets table in the database.
                        conn.Open(); //Open the connection

                        //Set the command
                        myCommand = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO Tickets (Title, areaID, typeID, Urgency, description, dateSubmitted, building, roomNumber, expectedTime, techID, status, userID)" +
                                                     " VALUES" + "('" + title + "'" + "," + area + "," + type + ", '" + urgency + "', '" + description + "', '" + System.DateTime.Now + "', '" + building + "',"
                                                     + roomNum + ", '" + expectedTime + "', " + techID + ", '" + status + "', " + userID + ")", conn);

                        //setting the command to the adapter
                        da = new OleDbDataAdapter(myCommand);
                        //Execute the command to the database
                        //End Command--------------------------------
                    catch (OleDbException ex)
                        conn.Close();//Close the connection

                    this.Close();  //Close the form
                                   //Set a new instance of the selection form
                    userSelectForm select = new userSelectForm();
                    select.Show(); //Show the selection form
        }//End btnSubmit click event