Esempio n. 1
        //static void Main(string[] args)
        //    Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
        //    receiver.Start();
        //    Measurement measurement = new Measurement();
        //    Position positionInertialFrame = new Position();
        //    positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 32.0;
        //    positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = 44.0;
        //    positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 22.0;
        //    measurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;
        //    Orientation orientation = new Orientation();
        //    orientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 10.0;
        //    orientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 10.0;
        //    orientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 10.0;
        //    measurement.Orientation = orientation;
        //    Measurement referenceMeasurement = new Measurement();
        //    positionInertialFrame = new Position();
        //    positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition  = 42.0;
        //    positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = 54.0;
        //    positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 32.0;
        //    referenceMeasurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;
        //    Orientation referenceOrientation = new Orientation();
        //    referenceOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 20.0;
        //    referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 25.0;
        //    referenceOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 20.0;
        //    referenceMeasurement.Orientation = referenceOrientation;
        //    Velocity referenceVelocity = new Velocity();
        //    referenceVelocity.XVelocityBodyFrame = 4.4;
        //    referenceVelocity.YVelocityBodyFrame = 5.5;
        //    referenceVelocity.ZVelocityBodyFrame = 1.2;
        //    referenceMeasurement.Velocity = referenceVelocity;
        //    referenceMeasurement.ReferenceYaw = 0.0;
        //    ControlLaw controllerLaw = new ControlLaw();
        //    controllerLaw.setReferenceMeasurement(referenceMeasurement);
        //    controllerLaw.initializationMeasurment(measurement);
        //    measurement = new Measurement();
        //    positionInertialFrame = new Position();
        //    positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 34.0;
        //    positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = 46.0;
        //    positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 24.0;
        //    measurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;
        //    orientation = new Orientation();
        //    orientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 13.0;
        //    orientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 15.0;
        //    orientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 13.0;
        //    measurement.Orientation = orientation;
        //    double ulonold = 0.0;
        //    double ulatold = 0.0;
        //    double ucolold = 0.0;
        //    double upedold = 0.0;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        //    {
        //        controllerLaw.processMeasurement(measurement);
        //        double ulon = controllerLaw.Getulon_MainRotorLongitudinalCyclicControlCommand_Pitch();
        //        double ulat = controllerLaw.Getulat_MainRotorLateralCyclicControlCommand_Roll();
        //        double ucol = controllerLaw.Getucol_MainRotorCollectiveControlCommand();
        //        double uped = controllerLaw.Getuped_TailRotorPedalControlCommand();
        //        ulonold = ulon;
        //        ulatold = ulat;
        //        ucolold = ucol;
        //        upedold = uped;
        //    }
        //    Measurement measurementcloser = new Measurement();
        //    Position closerPosition = new Position();
        //    Orientation closerOrientation = new Orientation();
        //    closerPosition.XLatitudePosition = 34.0;
        //    closerPosition.YLongitudePosition = 46.0;
        //    closerPosition.ZAltitudePosition = 24.0;
        //    measurementcloser.Position = positionInertialFrame;
        //    /******************************* im setting the orientation the same so i just change 1 thing at a time*/
        //                closerOrientation = new Orientation();
        //                closerOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 13.0;
        //                closerOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 15.0;
        //                closerOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 13.0;
        //    //closerOrientation = referenceOrientation.Copy();
        //    measurementcloser.Orientation = orientation;
        //    //List<Tuple<double, double, double, double>> diffs = new List<Tuple<double, double, double, double>>();
        //    List<double[]> diffs = new List<double[]>();
        //    bool NotDone = true;
        //    while (NotDone)
        //    {
        //        /*closerPosition = new Position();
        //        measurementcloser = new Measurement();
        //        closerOrientation = new Orientation();*/
        //        NotDone = false;
        //        if (closerOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees < referenceOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees)
        //        {
        //            closerOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees += .2;
        //            NotDone = true;
        //        }
        //        if (closerOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees < referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees)
        //        {
        //            closerOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees += .1;
        //            NotDone = true;
        //        }
        //        if (closerOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees < referenceOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees)
        //        {
        //            closerOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees += .3;
        //            NotDone = true;
        //        }
        //        if (closerPosition.XLatitudePosition < referenceMeasurement.Position.XLatitudePosition)
        //        {
        //            closerPosition.XLatitudePosition += .1;
        //            NotDone = true;
        //        }
        //        if (closerPosition.YLongitudePosition < referenceMeasurement.Position.YLongitudePosition)
        //        {
        //            closerPosition.YLongitudePosition += .1;
        //            NotDone = true;
        //        }
        //        if (closerPosition.ZAltitudePosition < referenceMeasurement.Position.ZAltitudePosition)
        //        {
        //            closerPosition.ZAltitudePosition += .1;
        //            NotDone = true;
        //        }
        //        measurementcloser.Orientation = closerOrientation;
        //        measurementcloser.Position = closerPosition;
        //        controllerLaw.processMeasurement(measurementcloser);
        //        double ulon = controllerLaw.Getulon_MainRotorLongitudinalCyclicControlCommand_Pitch();
        //        double ulat = controllerLaw.Getulat_MainRotorLateralCyclicControlCommand_Roll();
        //        double ucol = controllerLaw.Getucol_MainRotorCollectiveControlCommand();
        //        double uped = controllerLaw.Getuped_TailRotorPedalControlCommand();
        //        double diff1 = ulon-ulonold;
        //        double diff2 = ulat-ulatold;
        //        double diff3 = ucol-ucolold;
        //        double diff4 = uped-upedold;
        //        diffs.Add(new double[]{diff1, diff2, diff3, diff4});
        //        ulonold = ulon;
        //        ulatold = ulat;
        //        ucolold = ucol;
        //        upedold = uped;
        //    }
        //    Console.Out.WriteLine("Done");
        //    //if I process the same measurements, i expect the new values to be greater because it isn't moving.
        //    //if i process measurements that are closer to the reference, i expect values to be less since it's closer.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Receiver2 receiver = new Receiver2();

            Measurement measurement = new Measurement();

            Position positionInertialFrame = new Position();
            positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 32.0;
            positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = 44.0;
            positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 22.0;
            measurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;

            Orientation orientation = new Orientation();
            orientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 10.0;
            orientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 10.0;
            orientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 10.0;
            measurement.Orientation = orientation;

            Measurement referenceMeasurement = new Measurement();
            positionInertialFrame = new Position();
            positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 42.0;
            positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = 54.0;
            positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 32.0;
            referenceMeasurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;

            Orientation referenceOrientation = new Orientation();
            referenceOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 20.0;
            referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 25.0;
            referenceOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 20.0;
            referenceMeasurement.Orientation = referenceOrientation;

            Velocity referenceVelocity = new Velocity();
            referenceVelocity.XVelocityBodyFrame = 4.4;
            referenceVelocity.YVelocityBodyFrame = 5.5;
            referenceVelocity.ZVelocityBodyFrame = 1.2;

            referenceMeasurement.Velocity = referenceVelocity;

            referenceMeasurement.ReferenceYaw = 0.0;

            ControlLaw controllerLaw = new ControlLaw();


            measurement = new Measurement();

            positionInertialFrame = new Position();
            positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 34.0;
            positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = 46.0;
            positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 24.0;
            measurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;

            orientation = new Orientation();
            orientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 13.0;
            orientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 15.0;
            orientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 13.0;
            measurement.Orientation = orientation;

            double ulonold = 0.0;
            double ulatold = 0.0;
            double ucolold = 0.0;
            double upedold = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                //controllerLaw.processMeasurement(measurement, file);
                double ulon = controllerLaw.Getulon_MainRotorLongitudinalCyclicControlCommand_Pitch();
                double ulat = controllerLaw.Getulat_MainRotorLateralCyclicControlCommand_Roll();
                double ucol = controllerLaw.Getucol_MainRotorCollectiveControlCommand();
                double uped = controllerLaw.Getuped_TailRotorPedalControlCommand();

                ulonold = ulon;
                ulatold = ulat;
                ucolold = ucol;
                upedold = uped;

            Measurement measurementcloser = new Measurement();
            Position closerPosition = new Position();
            Orientation closerOrientation = new Orientation();
            closerPosition.XLatitudePosition = 34.0;
            closerPosition.YLongitudePosition = 46.0;
            closerPosition.ZAltitudePosition = 24.0;
            measurementcloser.Position = positionInertialFrame;

            /******************************* im setting the orientation the same so i just change 1 thing at a time*/
            closerOrientation = new Orientation();
            closerOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 13.0;
            closerOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 15.0;
            closerOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 13.0;

            //closerOrientation = referenceOrientation.Copy();
            measurementcloser.Orientation = orientation;

            //List<Tuple<double, double, double, double>> diffs = new List<Tuple<double, double, double, double>>();
            List<double[]> diffs = new List<double[]>();

            bool NotDone = true;
            while (NotDone)
                /*closerPosition = new Position();
                measurementcloser = new Measurement();
                closerOrientation = new Orientation();*/

                NotDone = false;
                if (closerOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees < referenceOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees)
                    closerOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees += .2;
                    NotDone = true;
                if (closerOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees < referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees)
                    closerOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees += .1;
                    NotDone = true;
                if (closerOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees < referenceOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees)
                    closerOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees += .3;
                    NotDone = true;

                if (closerPosition.XLatitudePosition < referenceMeasurement.Position.XLatitudePosition)
                    closerPosition.XLatitudePosition += .1;
                    NotDone = true;
                if (closerPosition.YLongitudePosition < referenceMeasurement.Position.YLongitudePosition)
                    closerPosition.YLongitudePosition += .1;
                    NotDone = true;
                if (closerPosition.ZAltitudePosition < referenceMeasurement.Position.ZAltitudePosition)
                    closerPosition.ZAltitudePosition += .1;
                    NotDone = true;

                measurementcloser.Orientation = closerOrientation;
                measurementcloser.Position = closerPosition;
            //    controllerLaw.processMeasurement(measurementcloser);

                double ulon = controllerLaw.Getulon_MainRotorLongitudinalCyclicControlCommand_Pitch();
                double ulat = controllerLaw.Getulat_MainRotorLateralCyclicControlCommand_Roll();
                double ucol = controllerLaw.Getucol_MainRotorCollectiveControlCommand();
                double uped = controllerLaw.Getuped_TailRotorPedalControlCommand();

                double diff1 = ulon - ulonold;
                double diff2 = ulat - ulatold;
                double diff3 = ucol - ucolold;
                double diff4 = uped - upedold;
                diffs.Add(new double[] { diff1, diff2, diff3, diff4 });

                ulonold = ulon;
                ulatold = ulat;
                ucolold = ucol;
                upedold = uped;



            //if I process the same measurements, i expect the new values to be greater because it isn't moving.

            //if i process measurements that are closer to the reference, i expect values to be less since it's closer.
Esempio n. 2
        internal void Start()
            //  Form1.trackBar1.Value =  (int) (Util.K_SAI * 10.0);
            Form1.trackBar1.Value = (int)(Util.K_Z * 1000.0);
            Form1.trackBar2.Value = (int)(Util.K_W * 1000.0);
            Form1.trackBar3.Value = (int)(Util.Ti_Z * 1000.0);
            Form1.trackBar4.Value = (int)(Util.K_ETA_Z * 1000.0);

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Heli\logs\log1.csv"))
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter file2 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Heli\logs\log1pid.csv"))
                    Measurement measurement = new Measurement();

                    Position positionInertialFrame = new Position();
                    positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 0;
                    positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = 0;
                    positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 0;

                    measurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;

                    Orientation orientation = new Orientation();
                    orientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 0.0;
                    orientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 0.0;
                    orientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 0.0;
                    measurement.Orientation = orientation;

                    positionInertialFrame = new Position();
                    Measurement referenceMeasurement = new Measurement();
                    Orientation referenceOrientation = new Orientation();

                     * Stand still
                     * 3 feet
                     * 0 deg
                    //positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.500312805175781;
                    //positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21683502197266;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 0.0;
                    //positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 3.0;

                     * Stand still
                     * 10 feet
                     * 0 deg
                    //positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.500312805175781;
                    //positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21683502197266;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 0.0;
                    //positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 10.0;

                     * Stand still
                     * 110 feet
                     * 0 deg
                    positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.500312805175781;
                    positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21683502197266;
                    referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 0.0;
                    positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 110.0;

                     * Stand still
                     * 3 feet
                     * 160 deg
                    //positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.500312805175781;
                    //positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21683502197266;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 160.0;
                    //positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 3.0;

                     * Stand still
                     * 10 feet
                     * 160 deg
                    //positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.500312805175781;
                    //positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21683502197266;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 160.0;
                    //positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 10.0;

                     * Stand still
                     * 110 feet
                     * 160 deg
                    //positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.500312805175781;
                    //positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21683502197266;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 160.0;
                    //positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 110.0;

                     * Goto
                     * 3 feet
                     * 160 deg
                    //positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.48675900142983;
                    //positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21457481384277;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 160.0;
                    //positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 3.0;

                     * Goto
                     * 10 feet
                     * 160 deg
                    //positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.48675900142983;
                    //positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21457481384277;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 160.0;
                    //positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 10.0;

                     * Goto
                     * 110 feet
                     * 160 deg
                    // */
                    //positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.48675900142983;
                    //positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21457481384277;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 160.0;
                    //positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 110.0;

                    //stand still
                    /*positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.500312805175781;
                    positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21683502197266;
                    referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 0.0;
                    positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 3.0;*/

                    /*positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = 47.48675900142983;
                      positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = -122.21457481384277;*/

                    //  positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 50.0;
                  //  positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 110.0;
                     // positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = 3.0;

                    referenceMeasurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;

                    referenceOrientation.Phi_rollDegrees = 0.0;
                  // referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 160.0;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 90.0;
                   // referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 0.0;
                   // referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 180.0;
                    //referenceOrientation.Sai_yawDegrees = 170.0;

                    referenceOrientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = 0.0;
                    referenceMeasurement.Orientation = referenceOrientation;

                    Velocity referenceVelocity = new Velocity();
                    referenceVelocity.XVelocityBodyFrame = 0.0;
                    referenceVelocity.YVelocityBodyFrame = 0.0;
                    referenceVelocity.ZVelocityBodyFrame = 0.0;
                    referenceVelocity.YawVelocity = 0.0;
                    referenceMeasurement.Velocity = referenceVelocity;

                    referenceMeasurement.ReferenceYaw = 0.0;

                    ControlLaw controllerLaw = new ControlLaw();

                    Position intialStartingReferencePosition = null;
                    DateTime starTime = DateTime.Now;
                        while (!done)
                            byte[] bytes = listener.Receive(ref groupEP);
                            starTime = DateTime.Now;

                            measurement = new Measurement();

                            positionInertialFrame = new Position();
                            Velocity newVelocity = new Velocity();
                            newVelocity.YawVelocity = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(53).Take(4).ToArray(), 0) * 57.2957795;
                            newVelocity.PitchVelocityDeg = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(45).Take(4).ToArray(), 0) * 57.2957795;
                            newVelocity.RollVelocityDeg = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(49).Take(4).ToArray(), 0) * 57.2957795;

                            newVelocity.XVelocityNEDFrame = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(173).Take(4).ToArray(), 0) * -1; // * -1 to convert to north
                            newVelocity.YVelocityNEDFrame = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(165).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
                            newVelocity.ZVelocityNEDFrame = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(169).Take(4).ToArray(), 0) * -1; // * -1 to convert to down

                            positionInertialFrame.XLatitudePosition = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(117).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
                            positionInertialFrame.YLongitudePosition = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(121).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
                            positionInertialFrame.ZAltitudePosition = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(129).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);

                            measurement.Position = positionInertialFrame;
                            measurement.Velocity = newVelocity;

                            if (!firstValue)
                                intialStartingReferencePosition = positionInertialFrame;
                                firstValue = true;

                            orientation = new Orientation();
                            orientation.Phi_rollDegrees = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(85).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
                            orientation.Sai_yawDegrees = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(89).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
                            orientation.Theta_pitchDegrees = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes.Skip(81).Take(4).ToArray(), 0);
                            measurement.Orientation = orientation;
                            controllerLaw.processMeasurement(measurement, file, file2);

                            double ulon = controllerLaw.Getulon_MainRotorLongitudinalCyclicControlCommand_Pitch();
                            double ulat = controllerLaw.Getulat_MainRotorLateralCyclicControlCommand_Roll();
                            double ucol = controllerLaw.Getucol_MainRotorCollectiveControlCommand();
                            double uped = controllerLaw.Getuped_TailRotorPedalControlCommand();

                            // Console.Write(ulon + ", " + ulat + ", " + ucol +", " + uped+ "\r");

                          //  ulon = ulon / 100;
                            if (ulon > .8) ulon = .8;
                            if (ulon < -.8) ulon = -.8;
                            byte[] negativeonebytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)ulon);
                            Array.Copy(negativeonebytes, 0, bytes, 9, negativeonebytes.Length);

                      //      ulat = ulat / 100;
                            if (ulat > .8) ulat = .8;
                            if (ulat < -.8) ulat = -.8;
                            negativeonebytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)ulat);
                            Array.Copy(negativeonebytes, 0, bytes, 13, negativeonebytes.Length);

              //                          uped = -1 * uped / 100.0;

            //                            Util.K_SAI = Form1.trackBar1.Value / 100.0;
                         //   Form1.textBox1.Text = Util.K_SAI.ToString();
                            Util.K_Z = Form1.trackBar1.Value / 1000.0;
                            Form1.textBox1.Text = Util.K_Z.ToString();

                            Util.K_W = Form1.trackBar2.Value / 1000.0;
                            Form1.textBox2.Text = Util.K_W.ToString();

                            Util.K_ETA_Z = Form1.trackBar4.Value / 1000.0;
                            Form1.textBox4.Text = Util.K_ETA_Z.ToString();

                            /*ControlLaw.referenceMeasurementNED.Orientation.Sai_yawDegrees = Form1.trackBar3.Value / 1000.0;
                            Form1.textBox3.Text = ControlLaw.referenceMeasurementNED.Orientation.Sai_yawDegrees.ToString();*/

                            Util.Ti_Z = Form1.trackBar3.Value / 1000.0;
                            Form1.textBox3.Text = Util.Ti_Z.ToString();
                            //uped = Form1.trackBar1.Value / 10.0;
                            //Form1.textBox1.Text = uped.ToString() ;
                   //         if (uped < 0) uped = uped * -1;
                   //         if (uped < 0) uped = 0;

                            if (uped > Util.UPEDMAXCONTROLVALUE)
                                negativeonebytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)Util.UPEDMAXCONTROLVALUE);
                                olduped = (float) Util.UPEDMAXCONTROLVALUE;
                            else if (uped < Util.UPEDMINCONTROLVALUE)
                                negativeonebytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)Util.UPEDMINCONTROLVALUE);
                                olduped = (float) Util.UPEDMINCONTROLVALUE;
                                negativeonebytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)uped);
                            Array.Copy(negativeonebytes, 0, bytes, 193, negativeonebytes.Length);

                           // ucol = -1 * ucol / 10.0;

                       //     if (ucol < 0) ucol = 0;

                            if (ucol > Util.UCOLMAXCONTROLVALUE)
                                negativeonebytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)Util.UCOLMAXCONTROLVALUE);
                                Array.Copy(negativeonebytes, 0, bytes, 189, negativeonebytes.Length);
                            else if (ucol < Util.UCOLMINCONTROLVALUE)
                                negativeonebytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)Util.UCOLMINCONTROLVALUE); // it was -5
                                Array.Copy(negativeonebytes, 0, bytes, 189, negativeonebytes.Length);
                                negativeonebytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)ucol);
                                Array.Copy(negativeonebytes, 0, bytes, 189, negativeonebytes.Length);

                            IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(broadcast, 49000);
                            s.SendTo(bytes, ep);

                         //   Form1.textBox1.Text = starTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Milliseconds.ToString();

                    catch (Exception e)
