protected object TranslateCodeReference(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
			// Reference the Codes property with a First expression
			var result = GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Codes");

			result = GetFirstExpression(context, result);

			// TODO: Issue a warning that an arbitrary Code is being selected

			return result;
Esempio n. 2
		public static DataType ResolveType(Type type)
			var listInterface = type.GetInterface("IList`1");
			if (listInterface != null)
				var elementType = listInterface.GetGenericArguments().First();
				return new ListType(ResolveType(elementType));

			switch (type.Name)
				case "Boolean" : return DataTypes.Boolean;
				case "Byte" :
				case "Int16" :
				case "Int32" :
				case "Int64" : return DataTypes.Integer;
				case "String" : return DataTypes.String;
				case "DateTime" : return DataTypes.DateTime;
				case "Single" :
				case "Double" :
				case "Decimal" : return DataTypes.Decimal;

				// Everything else is an object type
					DataType resultType;
					if (!_resolvedTypes.TryGetValue(type.Name, out resultType))
						var objectType = new ObjectType(type.Name, new PropertyDef[] { });
						_resolvedTypes.Add(type.Name, objectType);

						resultType = objectType;

					return resultType;
		public ObjectType TransformModel(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType)
 			return (ObjectType)CREFModel.DataTypes.ResolveType(typeof(AllscriptsModel.Procedure));
		public ObjectType TransformModelType(ObjectType type)
			var translator = ModelTranslatorFactory.GetHandler(type.Name);

			return translator.TransformModel(this, type);
Esempio n. 5
		protected virtual void InternalVerify(VerificationContext context, ASTNode node, ObjectType dataType)
			// idProperty - If present, must reference a property of type String (or explicitly convertible to string) on the resolved model type.
			var idProperty = node.GetAttribute<string>("idProperty");
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(idProperty))
				var idPropertyType = context.ResolveProperty(dataType, idProperty);
				if (!(DataTypes.Equivalent(idPropertyType, DataTypes.ResolveType(typeof(II))) || DataTypes.Equal(idPropertyType, DataTypes.String)))
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Id property must be either an Identifier or a String.");

			// Validate children
			// timeOffset - If present, must evaluate to a value of type PIVL_TS
			var timeOffset = node.Children.Where(n => n.Name == "timeOffset").FirstOrDefault();
			if (timeOffset != null)
				Verifier.Verify(context, timeOffset);
				context.VerifyType(timeOffset.ResultType, DataTypes.ResolveType(typeof(PIVL_TS)));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves C# native types to their logical DataType representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The C# native type to resolve.</param>
        /// <returns>The logical DataType representation of the type.</returns>
        public static DataType ResolveType(Type type)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            var listInterface = type.GetInterface("IList`1");
            if (listInterface != null)
                var elementType = listInterface.GetGenericArguments().First();
                return new ListType(ResolveType(elementType));

            if (type.IsEnum)


            switch (type.Name)
                case "Boolean" : return DataTypes.Boolean;
                case "Byte" :
                case "Int16" :
                case "Int32" :
                case "Int64" : return DataTypes.Integer;
                case "String" : return DataTypes.String;
                case "DateTime" : return DataTypes.Timestamp;
                case "Single" :
                case "Double" :
                case "Decimal" : return DataTypes.Real;

                // cdsdt data types
                case "BL" : return DataTypes.Boolean;
                case "INT" : return DataTypes.Integer;
                case "REAL" : return DataTypes.Real;
                case "ST" : return DataTypes.String;
                case "TS" : return DataTypes.Timestamp;
                case "IVL_TS" : return DataTypes.TimestampInterval;
                case "IVL_REAL" : return DataTypes.RealInterval;
                //case "IVL_RTO" : return DataTypes.IntegerRatioInterval;
                //case "IVL_RTO_INT" : return DataTypes.IntegerRatioInterval;
                //case "IVL_RTO_PQ" : return DataTypes.PhysicalQuantityRatioInterval;
                case "IVL_PQ" : return DataTypes.PhysicalQuantityInterval;
                case "IVL_INT" : return DataTypes.IntegerInterval;

                // Everything else is either an object type, or a base type (if it's represented as an enum)
                    DataType resultType;
                    if (!_resolvedTypes.TryGetValue(type.Name, out resultType))
                        if (type.IsEnum)
                            resultType = DataTypes.String;
                            _resolvedTypes.Add(type.Name, resultType);
                            var baseType = type.BaseType != null && !type.BaseType.Equals(typeof(object)) ? ResolveType(type.BaseType) as ObjectType : null;
                            // The possibility exists for the type to be resolved at this point due to the resolution of properties on an ancestor type.
                            if (!_resolvedTypes.TryGetValue(type.Name, out resultType))
                                var objectType = new ObjectType(type.Name, baseType, new PropertyDef[] { });
                                _resolvedTypes.Add(type.Name, objectType);

                                resultType = objectType;

                    return resultType;
Esempio n. 7
 private void ValidateDateProperty(ObjectType requestType, string dateProperty)
Esempio n. 8
        private string GetStatusFilterValue(ObjectType type)
            switch (type.Name)
                case "BodySite" : break;
                case "DietQualifier" : break;
                case "DoseRestriction" : break;
                case "Documentation" : break;
                case "AdministrableSubstanceSimple" : break;
                case "AdministrableSubstance" : break;
                case "EntitySimple" : break;
                case "Entity" : break;
                case "EvaluatedPerson" : break;
                case "FacilitySimple" : break;
                case "Facility" : break;
                case "OrganizationSimple" : break;
                case "Organization" : break;
                case "PersonSimple" : break;
                case "Person" : break;
                case "SpecimenSimple" : break;
                case "Specimen" : break;
                case "RelatedClinicalStatement" : break;
                case "RelatedEntity" : break;
                case "ClinicalStatementRelationship" : break;
                case "EntityRelationship" : break;
                case "VMR" : break;
                case "AdverseEvent" : return "Active";
                case "DeniedAdverseEvent" : return "Denied";
                case "AppointmentProposal" : break;
                case "AppointmentRequest" : break;
                case "EncounterEvent" : return "Complete";
                case "MissedAppointment" : break;
                case "ScheduledAppointment" : break;
                case "Goal" : break;
                case "GoalProposal" : break;
                case "ObservationOrder" : return "Complete";
                case "ObservationProposal" : return "Ordered";
                case "ObservationResult" : return "Active";
                case "UnconductedObservation" : return "Denied";
                case "DeniedProblem" : return "Denied";
                case "Problem" : return "Active";
                case "DietProposal" : break;
                case "ImagingProposal" : break;
                case "LaboratoryProposal" : break;
                case "ProcedureEvent" : return "Complete";
                case "ProcedureOrder" : return "Ordered";
                case "ProcedureProposal" : return "Ordered";
                case "RespiratoryCareProposal" : break;
                case "ScheduledProcedure" : break;
                case "UndeliveredProcedure" : break;
                case "ComplexIVProposal" : break;
                case "PCAProposal" : break;
                case "SubstanceAdministrationEvent" : return "Active";
                case "SubstanceAdministrationOrder" : return "Complete";
                case "SubstanceAdministrationProposal" : return "Ordered";
                case "SubstanceDispensationEvent" : break;
                case "TubeFeedingProposal" : break;
                case "UndeliveredSubstanceAdministration" : return "Denied";
                case "SupplyEvent" : break;
                case "SupplyOrder" : break;
                case "SupplyProposal" : break;
                case "UndeliveredSupply" : break;
                default : break;

            return null;
		public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
			switch (path)
				// ClinicalStatement
				// templateId : List<CodedIdentifier>

				// id : II
				case "id" : return TranslateIdReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// dataSourceType : CD
				// evaluatedPersonId : II
				// extension : List<CodedNameValuePair>

				// AdverseEventBase
				// adverseEventCode : CD
				//case "adverseEventCode" : return TranslateCodeReference(context, sourceType, node, path); // TODO: Map to AdverseEventType?

				// NOTE: AdverseEventAgent is being used because it seems to map more closely to the expected Code for an Allergy clinical item in Allscripts MOM.
				// adverseEventAgent : CD
				case "adverseEventAgent" : return TranslateCodeReference(context, sourceType, node, path); // TODO: Map to AdverseEventType?

				// adverseEventTime : IVL_TS
				case "adverseEventTime" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "EventDate"); // TODO: Interval?

				// documentationTime : IVL_TS
				// affectedBodySite : List<BodySite>

				// AdverseEvent
				// importance : CD
				// severity : CD
				case "severity" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "SeverityCode"); // TODO: Map to ProblemSeverity?

				// adverseEventStatus : CD
				case "adverseEventStatus" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Status"); // TODO: Map adverse event status to ClinicalStatus

				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// DeniedAdverseEvent
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Referenced property ({0}.{1}) does not have an equivalent CREF representation.", sourceType.Name, path));
        public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
            switch (path)
                //case "adverseEvent" :
                //case "deniedAdverseEvent" :
                case "encounterEvent" : return GetRelatedClinicalStatement(context, node, "EncounterID", SQLModel.PatientQueryType.Encounter);

                //case "missedAppointement" :
                //case "scheduledAppointement" :
                //case "appointmentRequest" :
                //case "appointmentProprosal" :
                //case "goal" :
                //case "goalProposal" :
                //case "observationResult" :
                //case "unconductedObservation" :

                case "observationOrder" : return GetRelatedClinicalStatement(context, node, "LabOrderID", SQLModel.PatientQueryType.LabOrder);

                //case "observationProposal" :
                //case "problem" :
                //case "deniedProblem" :
                //case "procedureEvent" :
                //case "undeliveredProcedure" :
                //case "scheduledProcedure" :
                //case "procedureOrder" :
                //case "procedureProposal" :
                //case "substanceAdministrationEvent" :
                //case "undeliveredSubstanceAdministrationProposal" :
                //case "substanceAdministrationOrder" :
                //case "substanceAdministrationProposal" :
                //case "substanceDispensationEvent" :
                //case "supplyEvent" :
                //case "undeliveredSupply" :
                //case "supplyOrder" :
                //case "supplyProposal" :
                default : throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("Unimplemented related clinical statement reference: {0}.", path));
 public ObjectType TransformModel(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType)
     // There is no CREF equivalent for this class, should be okay though because it should never be the result type of a ClinicalRequest.
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
            // This translation expects the ADXP (Address Part) to be accessed through an HeD expression of:
                // First(Filter(Property(, 'part'), Equal(Property(, 'type'), <vMR Address Type Code>)))
            // This would translate to direct property access of the relevant value in the StructuredAddress type of the Allscripts Model
            var firstNode = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "source" && c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "First");
            if (firstNode != null)
                var filterNode = firstNode.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "source" && c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "Filter");
                if (filterNode != null)
                    var propertyNode = filterNode.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "source" && c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "Property" && c.GetAttribute<string>("path") == "part");
                    if (propertyNode != null)
                        var equalNode = filterNode.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "condition" && c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "Equal");
                        if (equalNode != null)
                            var propertyTypeNode = equalNode.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "operand" && c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "Property" && c.GetAttribute<string>("path") == "type");
                            if (propertyTypeNode != null)
                                var partTypeNode = equalNode.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "StringLiteral" || c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "Literal");
                                if (partTypeNode != null)
                                    var partType = partTypeNode.GetAttribute<string>("value");
                                    switch (partType)
                                        // AddressLine
                                        case "AL" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, propertyNode, "AddressLine1"); 

                                        // Additional Locator
                                        case "ADL" : break;
                                        // Unit Identifier
                                        case "UNID" : break; 
                                        // Unit Designator
                                        case "UNIT" : break;
                                        // Delivery Address Line
                                        case "DAL" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, propertyNode, "AddressLine1");

                                        // Delivery Installation Type
                                        case "DINST" : break;

                                        // Delivery Installation Area
                                        case "DINSTA" : break;

                                        // Delivery Installation Qualifier
                                        case "DINSTQ" : break;

                                        // Delivery Mode
                                        case "DMOD" : break;

                                        // Delivery Mode Identifier
                                        case "DMODID" : break;

                                        // Street Address Line
                                        case "SAL" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, propertyNode, "AddressLine1");

                                        // Building Number
                                        case "BNR" : break;

                                        // Building Number Suffix
                                        case "BNS" : break;
                                        // Street Name
                                        case "STR" : break;
                                        // Street Name Base
                                        case "STB" : break;
                                        // Street Type
                                        case "STTYP" : break;
                                        // Direction
                                        case "DIR" : break;
                                        // Intersection
                                        case "INT" : break;
                                        // Care of
                                        case "CAR" : break;
                                        // Census Tract
                                        case "CEN" : break;
                                        // Country
                                        case "CNT" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, propertyNode, "Country");

                                        // County or Parish
                                        case "CPA" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, propertyNode, "CountyCode");

                                        // Municipality or City
                                        case "CTY" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, propertyNode, "City");

                                        // Delimiter
                                        case "DEL" : break;

                                        // Post Office Box
                                        case "POB" : break;

                                        // Precinct
                                        case "PRE" : break;

                                        // State
                                        case "STA" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, propertyNode, "StateOrProvince");

                                        // Zip
                                        case "ZIP" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, propertyNode, "PostalCode");

                                        // Delivery Point Identifier
                                        case "DPID" : break;

            // If we make it here, translation failed because the pattern was not what was expected.
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not translated Adress Part reference to a representation within CREF.");
 public ObjectType TransformModel(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType)
     // TODO: The result type is actually String, not an object type..., this should be okay because it's never going to be the result of a ClinicalRequest...
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
            switch (path)
                case "use" :
                    // Translate access to use as a list, because it is a list in the vMR representation
                    var list = new SQLModel.ListExpression();
                    list.Items.Add(GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "AddressType"));
                    return list;

                case "part" : 
                default : throw new NotImplementedException("Access to the part element is not yet implemented.");
		public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
			switch (path)
				//demographics.birthTime : TS
				case "demographics.birthTime" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "DateOfBirth");

				//demographics.age : PQ
				case "demographics.age" : return TranslateAgeReference(context, node, "DateOfBirth");

				//demographics.gender : CD
				case "demographics.gender" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Gender"); // TODO: Gender mapping

				//demographics.race : List<CD>
				//demographics.ethnicity : List<CD>
				// : List<EN>
				case "" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Name"); // TODO: Name mapping

				//demographics.address : List<AD>
                case "demographics.address" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Address");

				//demographics.telecom : List<TEL>
				//demographics.isDeceased : BL
				//demographics.ageAtDeath : PQ
				//demographics.preferredLanguage : CD
				//relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				//clinicalStatements : EvaluatedPersonClinicalStatements
				//clinicalStatementRelationships : List<ClinicalStatementRelationship>
				//clinicalStatementEntityInRoleRelationships : List<EntityRelationship>
				//entityRelationships : List<EntityRelationship>
				//entityLists : EvaluatedPersonEntityLists
				default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Referenced property ({0}.{1}) does not have an equivalent CREF representation.", sourceType.Name, path));
Esempio n. 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Resolves C# native types to their logical DataType representation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The C# native type to resolve.</param>
		/// <returns>The logical DataType representation of the type.</returns>
		public static DataType ResolveType(Type type)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

			var listInterface = type.GetInterface("IList`1");
			if (listInterface != null)
				var elementType = listInterface.GetGenericArguments().First();
				return new ListType(ResolveType(elementType));

            if (type.IsEnum)
                return DataTypes.Code; // TODO: This may not be the best mapping, but it should work for what we're doing right now...

			switch (type.Name)
				case "Boolean" : return DataTypes.Boolean;
				case "Byte" :
				case "Int16" :
				case "Int32" :
				case "Int64" : return DataTypes.Integer;
				case "String" : return DataTypes.String;
				case "DateTime" : return DataTypes.DateTime;
				case "Single" :
				case "Double" :
				case "Decimal" : return DataTypes.Decimal;

				// cdsdt data types
				case "ANY" : return DataTypes.Any;
				case "BL" : return DataTypes.Boolean;
				case "INT" : return DataTypes.Integer;
				case "REAL" : return DataTypes.Decimal;
				case "ST" : return DataTypes.String;
				case "TS" : return DataTypes.DateTime;
				case "CD" : return DataTypes.Code; // Map CD directly to the Code type, this is hack, proper implementation would be an "equivalent" notion? Need to map cdsdt types to elm-types
				case "PQ" : return DataTypes.Quantity;
				case "ED" : return DataTypes.String;
				case "IVL_TS" : return DataTypes.DateTimeInterval;
				case "IVL_REAL" : return DataTypes.DecimalInterval;
				//case "IVL_RTO" : return DataTypes.IntegerRatioInterval;
				//case "IVL_RTO_INT" : return DataTypes.IntegerRatioInterval;
				//case "IVL_RTO_PQ" : return DataTypes.QuantityRatioInterval;
				case "IVL_PQ" : return DataTypes.QuantityInterval;
				case "IVL_INT" : return DataTypes.IntegerInterval;

				// Everything else is either an object type, or a base type (if it's represented as an enum)
					DataType resultType;
					if (!_resolvedTypes.TryGetValue(type.Name, out resultType))
                        if (type.IsEnum)
                            resultType = DataTypes.String;
                            _resolvedTypes.Add(type.Name, resultType);
                            var baseType = type.BaseType != null && !type.BaseType.Equals(typeof(object)) ? ResolveType(type.BaseType) as ObjectType : null;
							// The possibility exists for the type to be resolved at this point due to the resolution of properties on an ancestor type.
							if (!_resolvedTypes.TryGetValue(type.Name, out resultType))
								var objectType = new ObjectType(type.Name, baseType, new PropertyDef[] { });
								_resolvedTypes.Add(type.Name, objectType);

								resultType = objectType;

					return resultType;
Esempio n. 17
        private CREFModel.PatientQueryType GetQueryType(ObjectType type)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            return (CREFModel.PatientQueryType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CREFModel.PatientQueryType), type.Name);
		public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
			switch (path)
				// ClinicalStatement
				// templateId : List<CodedIdentifier>

				// id : II
				case "id" : return TranslateIdReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// dataSourceType : CD
				// evaluatedPersonId : II
				// extension : List<CodedNameValuePair>

				// EncounterBase
				// encounterType : CD
				case "encounterType" : return TranslateCodeReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// EncounterEvent
				// encounterEventTime : IVL_TS
				case "encounterEventTime" : return "EncounterDate"; // with Interval selector?

				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Referenced property ({0}.{1}) does not have an equivalent CREF representation.", sourceType.Name, path));
Esempio n. 19
 private void ValidateCodeProperty(ObjectType requestType, string codeProperty)
		public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
			switch (path)
				// ClinicalStatement
				// templateId : List<CodedIdentifier>

				// id : II
				case "id" : return TranslateIdReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// dataSourceType : CD
				// evaluatedPersonId : II
				// extension : List<CodedNameValuePair>

				// ObservationBase
				// observationFocus : CD
				case "observationFocus" : return TranslateCodeReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// observationMethod : CD
				// targetBodySite : BodySite

				// ObservationOrder
				// criticality : CD
				// orderEventTime : IVL_TS
				// observationTime : IVL_TS
				// repeatNumber : INT
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// ObservationProposal
				// criticality : CD
				// proposedObservationTime : IVL_TS
				// repeatNumber : INT
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// ObservationResult

				// observationEventTime : IVL_TS
				case "observationEventTime" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "ResultDateTime"); // with Interval selector?

				// observationValue : ANY
				case "observationValue" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Value");

				// interpretation : List<CD>
                case "interpretation" :
                    var list = new SQLModel.ListExpression();
                    list.Items.Add(GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Interpretation")); // TODO: Interpretation mapping?
                    return list;

				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// UnconductedObservation
				// reason : CD
				// subjectEffectiveTime : IVL_TS
				// documentationTime : IVL_TS
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Referenced property ({0}.{1}) does not have an equivalent CREF representation.", sourceType.Name, path));
Esempio n. 21
 private void ValidateIdProperty(ObjectType requestType, string idProperty)
		public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
			switch (path)
				// ClinicalStatement
				// templateId : List<CodedIdentifier>

				// id : II
				case "id" : return TranslateIdReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// dataSourceType : CD
				// evaluatedPersonId : II
				// extension : List<CodedNameValuePair>

				// ProblemBase
				// problemCode : CD
				case "problemCode" : return TranslateCodeReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// problemEffectiveTime : IVL_TS
				case "problemEffectiveTime" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "ProblemDate"); // with Interval selector?

				// diagnosticEventTime : IVL_TS
				// affectedBodySite : List<BodySite>

				// Problem
				// importance : CD
				// severity : CD
				case "severity" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Severity"); // with conversion to string?

				// problemStatus : CD
				case "problemStatus" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Status"); // TODO: clinical status mapping

				// ageAtOnset : PQ

				// wasCauseOfDeath : BL
                case "wasCauseOfDeath" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "WasOneCauseOfDeath"); // TODO: Is this correct? Seems okay, but....

				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// DeniedProblem
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Referenced property ({0}.{1}) does not have an equivalent CREF representation.", sourceType.Name, path));
Esempio n. 23
		public void Verify(VerificationContext context, ASTNode node)
			// objectType
            var objectTypeName = node.GetAttribute<string>("classType");
            if (objectTypeName != null)
			    var objectType = context.ResolveType(node.GetAttribute<string>("classType")) as ObjectType;

			    // foreach property
			    foreach (var child in ((Node)node).Children)
					if (child.Name == "element") 
						// Verify the property exists
						var childPropertyType = context.ResolveProperty(objectType, child.GetAttribute<string>("name"));

						// Verify the value
						var value = (ASTNode)child.Children[0];
						Verifier.Verify(context, value);

						// Verify the value type is appropriate for the property type
						context.VerifyType(value.ResultType, childPropertyType);

			    node.ResultType = objectType;
                var propertyList = new List<PropertyDef>();

                foreach (var child in ((Node)node).Children)
					if (child.Name == "element")
						var value = (ASTNode)child.Children[0];
						Verifier.Verify(context, value);

						var property = new PropertyDef(child.GetAttribute<string>("name"), value.ResultType);

                var objectType = new ObjectType(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), propertyList);

                node.ResultType = objectType;
		public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
			switch (path)
				// ClinicalStatement
				// templateId : List<CodedIdentifier>

				// id : II
				case "id" : return TranslateIdReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// dataSourceType : CD
				// evaluatedPersonId : II
				// extension : List<CodedNameValuePair>

				// ProcedureBase
				// procedureCode : CD
				case "procedureCode" : return TranslateCodeReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// procedureMethod : CD
				// approachBodySite : BodySite
				// targetBodySite : BodySite

				// ProcedureEvent
				// procedureTime : IVL_TS
				case "procedureTime" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "procedureDate"); // with Interval selector?

				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// ProcedureOrder
				// criticality : CD
				// orderEventTime : IVL_TS
				// procedureTime : IVL_TS
				// repeatNumber : INT
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// ProcedureProposal
				// criticality : CD
				// proposedProcedureTime : IVL_TS
				// repeatNumber : INT
				// originationMode : CD
				// comment : List<Documentation>
				// frequency : CD
				// timing : CD
				// prnReason : List<CD>
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Referenced property ({0}.{1}) does not have an equivalent CREF representation.", sourceType.Name, path));
Esempio n. 25
		protected override void InternalVerify(VerificationContext context, ASTNode node, ObjectType dataType)
			base.InternalVerify(context, node, dataType);

			// codeProperty - If present, must reference a property of type Code on the resolved model type.
			var codeProperty = node.GetAttribute<string>("codeProperty");
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(codeProperty))
				var codePropertyType = context.ResolveProperty(dataType, codeProperty);
				context.VerifyType(codePropertyType, DataTypes.Code);

			// dateProperty - If present, must reference a property of type Timestamp on the resolved model type. (TODO: Handle Interval<Timestamp>?)
			var dateProperty = node.GetAttribute<string>("dateProperty");
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dateProperty))
				var datePropertyType = context.ResolveProperty(dataType, dateProperty);
				context.VerifyType(datePropertyType, DataTypes.DateTime);

			// codes - If present, must evaluate to a value of type List<Code>
			var codes = node.Children.Where(n => n.Name == "codes").FirstOrDefault();
			if (codes != null)
				Verifier.Verify(context, codes);
				context.VerifyType(codes.ResultType, DataTypes.CodeList);

			// dateRange - If present, must evaluate to a value of type Interval<Timestamp>
			var dateRange = node.Children.Where(n => n.Name == "dateRange").FirstOrDefault();
			if (dateRange != null)
				Verifier.Verify(context, dateRange);
				context.VerifyType(dateRange.ResultType, DataTypes.DateTimeInterval);
		public ObjectType TransformModel(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType)
 			return (ObjectType)SQLModel.DataTypes.ResolveType(typeof(AllscriptsModel.Medication));
		public object TransformModelPath(ObjectType type, ASTNode node, string path)
			var translator = ModelTranslatorFactory.GetHandler(type.Name);

			return translator.TransformModelPath(this, type, node, path);
		public object TransformModelPath(TranslationContext context, ObjectType sourceType, ASTNode node, string path)
			switch (path)
				// ClinicalStatement
				// templateId : List<CodedIdentifier>

				// id : II
				case "id" : return TranslateIdReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// dataSourceType : CD
				// evaluatedPersonId : II
				// extension : List<CodedNameValuePair>

				// SubstanceAdministrationBase
				// substanceAdministrationGeneralPurpose : CD
				// doseType : CD
				// substance : AdministrableSubstance
				// substance.substanceCode : CD
				case "substance.substanceCode" : return TranslateCodeReference(context, sourceType, node, path);

				// substance.strength : RTO_PQ
				case "substance.strength" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "ProductConcentration"); // TODO: Translate RTO_PQ

				// substance.form : CD
				case "substance.form" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "ProductForm"); // TODO: translate form?

				// substance.substanceBrandCode : CD
				case "substance.substanceBrandCode" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "BrandName"); // TODO: Translate brand code?

				// substance.substanceGenericCode : CD
				// substance.manufacturer: CD
				case "substance.manufacturer" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "DrugManufacturer"); // TODO: Translate code

				// substance.lotNo : ST

				// doseQuantity : IVL_PQ
				case "doseQuantity" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Dose"); // TODO: Translate PQ with DoseUnits?

				// deliveryRoute : CD
				case "deliveryRoute" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "Route"); // TODO: Route mapping?

				// deliveryRate : IVL_PQ // Frequency?
				// dosingPeriod : IVL_PQ // Interval?
				// dosingPeriodIntevrvalIsImportant : BL
				// deliveryMethod : CD
				// approachBodySite : BodySite
				// targetBodySite : BodySite

				// SubstanceAdministrationEvent
				// doseNumber : INT
				// administrationTimeInterval : IVL_TS
				case "administrationTimeInterval" : return GetPropertyExpression(context, node, "StartDateTime"); // TODO: StopDateTime? Duration?

				// documentationTime : IVL_TS
				// informationAttestationType : CD
				// isValid : BL
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// SubstanceAdministrationOrder
				// criticality : CD
				// doseRestriction : DoseRestriction
				// administrationTimeInterval : IVL_TS
				// dosingSig : List<CD>
				// numberFillsAllowed : INT
				// orderEventTime : IVL_TS
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// SubstanceAdministrationProposal
				// criticality : CD
				// doseRestriction : DoseRestriction
				// proposedAdministrationTimeInterval : IVL_TS
				// validAdministrationTime : IVL_TS
				// numberFillsAllowed : INT
				// originationMode : CD
				// comment : List<Documentation>
				// prnReason : List<object>
				// infuseOver : IVL_PQ
				// timing : CD
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				// UndeliveredSubstanceAdministration
				// reason : CD
				// subjectEffectiveTime : IVL_TS
				// documentationTime : IVL_TS
				// relatedEntity : List<RelatedEntity>
				// relatedClinicalStatement : List<RelatedClinicalStatement>

				default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Referenced property ({0}.{1}) does not have an equivalent CREF representation.", sourceType.Name, path));