Esempio n. 1
        public async Task ConsumeThread(Thread thread, string board)
            var dbCommands = GetPreparedStatements(board);

            var hashObject = new ThreadHashObject(board, thread.OriginalPost.PostNumber);

            if (!ThreadHashes.TryGetValue(hashObject, out var threadHashes))
                // Rebuild hashes from database, if they exist

                var hashes = await dbCommands.WithAccess(connection => dbCommands.GetHashesOfThread(hashObject.ThreadId));

                threadHashes = new SortedList <ulong, int>();

                foreach (var hashPair in hashes)
                    threadHashes.Add(hashPair.Key, hashPair.Value);

            List <Post> postsToAdd = new List <Post>(thread.Posts.Length);

            foreach (var post in thread.Posts)
                if (threadHashes.TryGetValue(post.PostNumber, out int existingHash))
                    if (post.GenerateAsagiHash() != existingHash)
                        // Post has changed since we last saved it to the database

                        Program.Log($"[Asagi] Post /{board}/{post.PostNumber} has been modified");

                        await dbCommands.WithAccess(() => dbCommands.UpdatePost(post, false));

                        threadHashes[post.PostNumber] = post.GenerateAsagiHash();
                        // Post has not changed
                    // Post has not yet been inserted into the database

                    if (post.FileMd5 != null)
                        string timestampString = post.TimestampedFilename.ToString();
                        string radixString     = Path.Combine(timestampString.Substring(0, 4), timestampString.Substring(4, 2));

                        if (Config.FullImagesEnabled)
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(ImageDownloadLocation, board, radixString));

                            string fullImageFilename = Path.Combine(ImageDownloadLocation, radixString, post.TimestampedFilenameFull);
                            string fullImageUrl      = $"{board}/{post.TimestampedFilenameFull}";

                            await DownloadFile(fullImageUrl, fullImageFilename);

                        if (Config.ThumbnailsEnabled)
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(ThumbDownloadLocation, board, radixString));

                            string thumbFilename = Path.Combine(ThumbDownloadLocation, radixString, $"{post.TimestampedFilename}s.jpg");
                            string thumbUrl      = $"{board}/{post.TimestampedFilename}s.jpg";

                            await DownloadFile(thumbUrl, thumbFilename);


            if (threadHashes.Count == 0)
                // We are inserting the thread for the first time.

                await dbCommands.WithAccess(() => dbCommands.InsertPosts(thread.Posts));
                if (postsToAdd.Count > 0)
                    await dbCommands.WithAccess(() => dbCommands.InsertPosts(postsToAdd));

            foreach (var post in postsToAdd)
                threadHashes[post.PostNumber] = post.GenerateAsagiHash();

            Program.Log($"[Asagi] {postsToAdd.Count} posts have been inserted from thread /{board}/{thread.OriginalPost.PostNumber}");

            List <ulong> postNumbersToDelete = new List <ulong>(thread.Posts.Length);

            foreach (var postNumber in threadHashes.Keys)
                if (thread.Posts.All(x => x.PostNumber != postNumber))
                    // Post has been deleted

                    Program.Log($"[Asagi] Post /{board}/{postNumber} has been deleted");

                    await dbCommands.WithAccess(() => dbCommands.DeletePostOrThread(postNumber));


            // workaround for not being able to remove from a collection while enumerating it
            foreach (var postNumber in postNumbersToDelete)
                threadHashes.Remove(postNumber, out _);

            if (thread.OriginalPost.Archived == true)
                // We don't need the hashes if the thread is archived, since it will never change
                // If it does change, we can just grab a new set from the database

                ThreadHashes.TryRemove(hashObject, out _);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task <IList <QueuedImageDownload> > ConsumeThread(Thread thread, string board)
            var hashObject = new ThreadPointer(board, thread.OriginalPost.PostNumber);
            List <QueuedImageDownload> imageDownloads = new List <QueuedImageDownload>(thread.Posts.Length);

            async Task ProcessImages(Post post)
                if (!Config.FullImagesEnabled && !Config.ThumbnailsEnabled)
                    return;                     // skip the DB check since we're not even bothering with images
                if (post.FileMd5 != null)
                    MediaInfo mediaInfo = await GetMediaInfo(post.FileMd5, board);

                    if (mediaInfo?.Banned == true)
                        Program.Log($"[Asagi] Post /{board}/{post.PostNumber} contains a banned image; skipping");

                    if (Config.FullImagesEnabled)
                        string fullImageName = mediaInfo?.MediaFilename ?? post.TimestampedFilenameFull;

                        string radixString    = Path.Combine(fullImageName.Substring(0, 4), fullImageName.Substring(4, 2));
                        string radixDirectory = Path.Combine(ImageDownloadLocation, board, radixString);

                        string fullImageFilename = Path.Combine(radixDirectory, fullImageName);
                        string fullImageUrl      = $"{board}/{post.TimestampedFilenameFull}";

                        imageDownloads.Add(new QueuedImageDownload(new Uri(fullImageUrl), fullImageFilename));

                    if (Config.ThumbnailsEnabled)
                        string thumbImageName;

                        if (post.ReplyPostNumber == 0)                         // is OP
                            thumbImageName = mediaInfo?.PreviewOpFilename ?? $"{post.TimestampedFilename}s.jpg";
                            thumbImageName = mediaInfo?.PreviewReplyFilename ?? $"{post.TimestampedFilename}s.jpg";

                        string radixString    = Path.Combine(thumbImageName.Substring(0, 4), thumbImageName.Substring(4, 2));
                        string radixDirectory = Path.Combine(ThumbDownloadLocation, board, radixString);

                        string thumbFilename = Path.Combine(radixDirectory, thumbImageName);
                        string thumbUrl      = $"{board}/{post.TimestampedFilename}s.jpg";

                        imageDownloads.Add(new QueuedImageDownload(new Uri(thumbUrl), thumbFilename));

            if (!ThreadHashes.TryGetValue(hashObject, out var threadHashes))
                // Rebuild hashes from database, if they exist

                var hashes = await GetHashesOfThread(hashObject.ThreadId, board);

                threadHashes = new SortedList <ulong, int>();

                foreach (var hashPair in hashes)
                    threadHashes.Add(hashPair.Key, hashPair.Value);

                    var currentPost = thread.Posts.FirstOrDefault(post => post.PostNumber == hashPair.Key);

                    if (currentPost != null)
                        await ProcessImages(currentPost);

                ThreadHashes.TryAdd(hashObject, threadHashes);

            List <Post> postsToAdd = new List <Post>(thread.Posts.Length);

            foreach (var post in thread.Posts)
                if (threadHashes.TryGetValue(post.PostNumber, out int existingHash))
                    int hash = CalculateAsagiHash(post, true);

                    if (hash != existingHash)
                        // Post has changed since we last saved it to the database

                        Program.Log($"[Asagi] Post /{board}/{post.PostNumber} has been modified");

                        await UpdatePost(post, board, false);

                        threadHashes[post.PostNumber] = hash;
                        // Post has not changed

                        if (post.ReplyPostNumber == 0)
                            // OP post
                            await UpdatePostExif(post, board);
                    // Post has not yet been inserted into the database


                    await ProcessImages(post);

            if (threadHashes.Count == 0)
                // We are inserting the thread for the first time.

                await InsertPosts(thread.Posts, board);
                if (postsToAdd.Count > 0)
                    await InsertPosts(postsToAdd, board);

            foreach (var post in postsToAdd)
                threadHashes[post.PostNumber] = CalculateAsagiHash(post, true);

            Program.Log($"[Asagi] {postsToAdd.Count} posts have been inserted from thread /{board}/{thread.OriginalPost.PostNumber} ({imageDownloads.Count} media items enqueued)");

            List <ulong> postNumbersToDelete = new List <ulong>(thread.Posts.Length);

            foreach (var postNumber in threadHashes.Keys)
                if (thread.Posts.All(x => x.PostNumber != postNumber))
                    // Post has been deleted

                    Program.Log($"[Asagi] Post /{board}/{postNumber} has been deleted");

                    await SetUntracked(postNumber, board, true);


            // workaround for not being able to remove from a collection while enumerating it
            foreach (var postNumber in postNumbersToDelete)
                threadHashes.Remove(postNumber, out _);


            if (thread.OriginalPost.Archived == true)
                // We don't need the hashes if the thread is archived, since it will never change
                // If it does change, we can just grab a new set from the database

                ThreadHashes.TryRemove(hashObject, out _);
