Esempio n. 1
        public double TurnsToFill(Ship ship, bool IsPrevious)
            int areaVal            = (int)GameInfo.Map.GetXLayers(cell.position, 2, true).Average(c => ValueMapping.Mapping[c].Value);
            int remainingToFill    = (int)MyBot.HParams[Parameters.CARGO_TO_MOVE] - ship.halite;
            int totalTurns         = (int)(GameInfo.Distance(ship.position, cell.position) / divisor);
            int remainingCellValue = Value; // value can/should be modified by reduce function

            while (remainingToFill > 0 && remainingCellValue * .25 >= areaVal * .125)
                int amountMined = (int)(remainingCellValue * .25) + 1;
                remainingCellValue -= amountMined;
                remainingToFill    -= amountMined;
            if (remainingToFill > 0)
                int extraTurns = 1 + (int)(remainingToFill / (areaVal * .125 + 1));
                totalTurns      += 2 + extraTurns; // estimate # of turns to fill from nearby, +1 prevents /0
                remainingToFill -= (int)(extraTurns * (areaVal * .125 + 1));
            totalTurns += closestDropDist;
            double res = totalTurns + (remainingToFill / 1000.0);

            if (IsPrevious)
                res *= .95; // bias to previous move

            return((double)totalTurns + (remainingToFill / 1000.0)); // differentiate 2 moves of same turns to prevent ships from swapping
Esempio n. 2
        private double CalculateSafetyRatio()
            if (NumMyShips + NumEnemyShips == 0)

            double myVal    = MyShips.Sum(s => 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + GameInfo.Distance(s, RootCell)));
            double enemyVal = EnemyShips.Sum(s => 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + GameInfo.Distance(s, RootCell)));

            return((.5 + myVal) / (myVal + enemyVal));
Esempio n. 3
        public static void ProcessTurn()
            // first make dropoffs...
            foreach (var ship in Fleet.AllShips)
                if (GameInfo.NextDropoff != null && ship.position.Equals(GameInfo.NextDropoff.Position) && CanCreateDropoff(ship.position))

            // iterate bestdropoffs to potentially select next dropoff...
            if (GameInfo.ReserveForDropoff && !ShouldCreateDropoff())
                Log.LogMessage("drop-off: save for new dropoff disabled");
                GameInfo.ReserveForDropoff = false;
                GameInfo.NextDropoff       = null;

            if (GameInfo.BestDropoffs.Any())
                GameInfo.BestDropoffs = GameInfo.BestDropoffs.OrderByDescending(d => d.VirtualDropValue * Math.Pow(.95, GameInfo.MyClosestDropDistance(d.Position))).ToList();
                var bestDrop = GameInfo.BestDropoffs[0];

                if (!GameInfo.ReserveForDropoff && ShouldCreateDropoff() && bestDrop.Cell.MyClosestShips().Any(s => GameInfo.Distance(s.position, bestDrop.Position) <= s.DistanceToMyDropoff))
                    Log.LogMessage("drop-off: save halite for newdropoff has been flagged as true");
                    GameInfo.ReserveForDropoff = true;

                if (GameInfo.ReserveForDropoff && CanCreateDropoff(bestDrop.Position))
                    GameInfo.NextDropoff = GameInfo.BestDropoffs[0];
                    Log.LogMessage($"Next dropoff flagged as {GameInfo.NextDropoff.Position.ToString()}");

            // Delete any dropoffs that have been mostly havested
            foreach (var d in GameInfo.BestDropoffs.ToList())
                int halite = (int)d.VirtualDropValue;
                if (GameInfo.Map.At(d.Position).IsStructure || halite < HaliteCutoff)
                    if (GameInfo.NextDropoff == d)
                    Log.LogMessage($"drop-off at {d.Position.x},{d.Position.y} has been deleted... halite {halite}, cutoff {HaliteCutoff}");
Esempio n. 4
        // likelihood my ships can recover
        public double CargoRecoveryLikelihood(Ship myCrashedShip, Ship enemyCrashedShip)
            // edge cases, cell is a structure
            if (GameInfo.CellAt(RootCell).IsOpponentsStructure)
            if (GameInfo.CellAt(RootCell).IsMyStructure)

            // do score calculation
            double myPoints    = 0;
            double enemyPoints = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < Layers; i++)
                var cells            = GameInfo.Map.GetXLayers(RootCell, i);
                int closestEnemyDrop = cells.Any(c => c.IsOpponentsStructure) ? cells.Where(c => c.IsOpponentsStructure).Min(c => GameInfo.Distance(RootCell, c.position)) : -1;
                int closestMyDrop    = cells.Any(c => c.IsMyStructure) ? cells.Where(c => c.IsMyStructure).Min(c => GameInfo.Distance(RootCell, c.position)) : -1;
                foreach (var c in cells.Where(c => c.IsOccupied()))
                    double points    = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(i);
                    var    deduction = c.ship.halite;
                    if (c.IsOccupiedByMe)
                        deduction = closestMyDrop >= 0 ? deduction * i / Layers : deduction;
                        points   *= (1000.0 - deduction) / 1000.0;
                        myPoints += points;
                        deduction    = closestEnemyDrop >= 0 ? deduction * i / Layers : deduction;
                        points      *= (1000.0 - deduction) / 1000.0;
                        enemyPoints += points;
            if (myPoints + enemyPoints == 0)
            double destructionRatio = 1.0;

            destructionRatio = (enemyCrashedShip.halite + 1000.0) / (myCrashedShip.halite + 1000.0);
            return(myPoints / (myPoints + enemyPoints) * destructionRatio);
Esempio n. 5
 public static int MyClosestDropDistance(Position p) => GameInfo.Distance(p, MyClosestDrop(p));