public static List <Salon> GetAll() { List <Salon> allSalons = new List <Salon> { }; SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM salons;", conn); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { int salonId = rdr.GetInt32(0); string salonName = rdr.GetString(1); string salonAbout = rdr.GetString(2); Salon newSalon = new Salon(salonName, salonAbout, salonId); allSalons.Add(newSalon); } if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return(allSalons); }
public void Test_SalonDatabaseEmptyAtFirst() { //Arrange, Act int result = Salon.GetAll().Count; //Assert Assert.Equal(0, result); }
public void Test_Equal_ReturnsTrueForSameInfo() { //Arrange, Act Salon firstSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); Salon secondSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); //Assert Assert.Equal(firstSalon, secondSalon); }
public void Test_Find_FindsSalonInDatabase() { //Arrange Salon testSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); testSalon.Save(); //Act Salon foundSalon = Salon.Find(testSalon.GetId()); //Assert Assert.Equal(testSalon, foundSalon); }
public void Test_Update_ReturnsTrueIfSalonInfoIsTheSame() { //Arrange Salon firstTestSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); firstTestSalon.Save(); Salon secondTestSalon = new Salon("The Second Combing", "a wonderful salon", firstTestSalon.GetId()); //Act secondTestSalon.Update("British Hairways", "a great salon"); //Assert Assert.Equal(firstTestSalon, secondTestSalon); }
public void Test_Save_AssignsIdToSalonInDatabase() { //Arrange Salon testSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); testSalon.Save(); //Act Salon savedSalon = Salon.GetAll()[0]; int testId = testSalon.GetId(); int expectedId = savedSalon.GetId(); //Assert Assert.Equal(testId, expectedId); }
public void Test_Save_SavesSalonToDatabase() { //Arrange Salon testSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); testSalon.Save(); //Act List <Salon> result = Salon.GetAll(); List <Salon> expectedResult = new List <Salon> { testSalon }; //Assert Assert.Equal(result, expectedResult); }
public override bool Equals(System.Object otherSalon) { if (!(otherSalon is Salon)) { return(false); } else { Salon newSalon = (Salon)otherSalon; bool idEquality = this.GetId() == newSalon.GetId(); bool nameEquality = this.GetName() == newSalon.GetName(); bool aboutEquality = this.GetAbout() == newSalon.GetAbout(); return(idEquality && nameEquality && aboutEquality); } }
public void Test_Update_ReturnsTrueIfSalonIdsAreTheSame() { //Arrange Salon newSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); newSalon.Save(); Stylist firstTestStylist = new Stylist("Harry Cutter", "a great stylist", newSalon.GetId()); firstTestStylist.Save(); Stylist secondTestStylist = new Stylist("Harry Cutter", "a great stylist", 3, firstTestStylist.GetId()); //Act secondTestStylist.Update(firstTestStylist.GetSalonId()); //Assert Assert.Equal(firstTestStylist, secondTestStylist); }
public void Test_Update_ReturnsTrueIfStylistInfoIsTheSame() { //Arrange Salon newSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); newSalon.Save(); Stylist firstTestStylist = new Stylist("Harry Cutter", "a great stylist", newSalon.GetId()); firstTestStylist.Save(); Stylist secondTestStylist = new Stylist("Dwayne Johnson", "a wonderful stylist", newSalon.GetId(), firstTestStylist.GetId()); //Act secondTestStylist.Update("Harry Cutter", "a great stylist"); //Assert Assert.Equal(firstTestStylist, secondTestStylist); }
public void Test_Save_SavesMultipleSalonsToDatabase() { //Arrange Salon firstTestSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); firstTestSalon.Save(); Salon secondTestSalon = new Salon("The Second Combing", "a wonderful salon"); secondTestSalon.Save(); //Act List <Salon> result = Salon.GetAll(); List <Salon> expectedResult = new List <Salon> { firstTestSalon, secondTestSalon }; //Assert Assert.Equal(result, expectedResult); }
public void Test_GetStylists_ReturnsTrueIfListsAreTheSame() { //Arrange Salon newSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); newSalon.Save(); Stylist firstTestStylist = new Stylist("Harry Cutter", "a great stylist", newSalon.GetId()); firstTestStylist.Save(); Stylist secondTestStylist = new Stylist("Dwayne Johnson", "a wonderful stylist", newSalon.GetId()); secondTestStylist.Save(); Stylist thirdTestStylist = new Stylist("Jason Statham", "a marvelous stylist", newSalon.GetId()); thirdTestStylist.Save(); List <Stylist> expectedList = Stylist.GetAll(); //Act List <Stylist> resultList = newSalon.GetStylists(); //Arrange Assert.Equal(resultList, expectedList); }
public void Test_Delete_ReturnsTrueIfListsAreTheSame() { //Arrange Salon firstTestSalon = new Salon("British Hairways", "a great salon"); firstTestSalon.Save(); Salon secondTestSalon = new Salon("The Second Combing", "a wonderful salon"); secondTestSalon.Save(); Salon thirdTestSalon = new Salon("Sherlock Combs", "a marvelous salon"); thirdTestSalon.Save(); List <Salon> expectedList = new List <Salon> { firstTestSalon, secondTestSalon }; //Act thirdTestSalon.Delete(); List <Salon> resultList = Salon.GetAll(); //Assert Assert.Equal(resultList, expectedList); }
public static Salon Find(int id) { SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM salons WHERE id = @SalonId;", conn); SqlParameter salonIdParameter = new SqlParameter(); salonIdParameter.ParameterName = "@SalonId"; salonIdParameter.Value = id.ToString(); cmd.Parameters.Add(salonIdParameter); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int foundSalonId = 0; string foundSalonName = null; string foundSalonAbout = null; while (rdr.Read()) { foundSalonId = rdr.GetInt32(0); foundSalonName = rdr.GetString(1); foundSalonAbout = rdr.GetString(2); } Salon foundSalon = new Salon(foundSalonName, foundSalonAbout, foundSalonId); if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return(foundSalon); }
public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { return(View["index.cshtml"]); }; //homepage Get["/salons"] = _ => { List <Salon> allSalons = Salon.GetAll(); return(View["salons.cshtml", allSalons]); }; //list of all salons Get["/stylists"] = _ => { List <Stylist> allStylists = Stylist.GetAll(); return(View["stylists.cshtml", allStylists]); }; //list of all stylists Get["/clients"] = _ => { List <Client> allClients = Client.GetAll(); return(View["clients.cshtml", allClients]); }; //list of all clients Get["/salons/new"] = _ => { return(View["add_salon.cshtml"]); }; //navigates to form to add new salon Post["/salons/new"] = _ => { Salon newSalon = new Salon(Request.Form["salon-name"], Request.Form["salon-about"]); newSalon.Save(); List <Salon> allSalons = Salon.GetAll(); return(View["salons.cshtml", allSalons]); }; //posts from form adding new salon, returns list of all salons Get["/stylists/new"] = _ => { List <Salon> AllSalons = Salon.GetAll(); return(View["add_stylist.cshtml", AllSalons]); }; //navigates to form to add new stylist Post["/stylists/new"] = _ => { Stylist newStylist = new Stylist(Request.Form["stylist-name"], Request.Form["stylist-bio"], Request.Form["salon-id"]); newStylist.Save(); List <Stylist> allStylists = Stylist.GetAll(); return(View["stylists.cshtml", allStylists]); }; //posts from form adding new stylist, returns list of all stylists Get["/clients/new"] = _ => { List <Stylist> AllStylists = Stylist.GetAll(); return(View["add_client.cshtml", AllStylists]); }; //navigates to form to add new client Post["/clients/new"] = _ => { Client newClient = new Client(Request.Form["client-name"], Request.Form["stylist-id"]); newClient.Save(); List <Client> allClients = Client.GetAll(); return(View["clients.cshtml", allClients]); }; //posts from form adding new client, returns list of all clients Get["/salons/{id}"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Salon SelectedSalon = Salon.Find(; List <Stylist> SalonStylists = SelectedSalon.GetStylists(); model.Add("salon", SelectedSalon); model.Add("stylists", SalonStylists); return(View["salon.cshtml", model]); }; //retrieves individual salon pages Get["/salon/{id}/edit"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object> { }; Salon SelectedSalon = Salon.Find(; string salonEdit = Request.Query["salon-edit"]; model.Add("form-type", salonEdit); model.Add("salon", SelectedSalon); return(View["edit.cshtml", model]); }; //edit individual salon Patch["/salon/{id}/edit"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Salon SelectedSalon = Salon.Find(; SelectedSalon.Update(Request.Form["salon-name"], Request.Form["salon-about"]); List <Stylist> SalonStylists = SelectedSalon.GetStylists(); model.Add("salon", SelectedSalon); model.Add("stylists", SalonStylists); return(View["salon.cshtml", model]); }; //returns edited salon page Get["salon/{id}/delete"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object> { }; Salon SelectedSalon = Salon.Find(; string salonDelete = Request.Query["salon-delete"]; model.Add("form-type", salonDelete); model.Add("salon", SelectedSalon); return(View["delete.cshtml", model]); }; //delete individual salon Delete["salon/{id}/delete"] = parameters => { Salon SelectedSalon = Salon.Find(; SelectedSalon.Delete(); List <Salon> allSalons = Salon.GetAll(); return(View["salons.cshtml", allSalons]); }; //returns confirmation of deleted salon Get["/stylists/{id}"] = parameters => { Stylist SelectedStylist = Stylist.Find(; List <Client> stylistClients = SelectedStylist.GetClients(); Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object>(); model.Add("stylist", SelectedStylist); model.Add("clients", stylistClients); return(View["stylist.cshtml", model]); }; //retrieves individual stylist pages Get["/stylist/{id}/edit"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object> { }; Stylist SelectedStylist = Stylist.Find(; string stylistEdit = Request.Query["stylist-edit"]; model.Add("form-type", stylistEdit); model.Add("stylist", SelectedStylist); return(View["edit.cshtml", model]); }; //edit individual stylist Patch["/stylist/{id}/edit"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Stylist SelectedStylist = Stylist.Find(; SelectedStylist.Update(Request.Form["stylist-name"], Request.Form["stylist-bio"]); List <Client> StylistClients = SelectedStylist.GetClients(); model.Add("stylist", SelectedStylist); model.Add("clients", StylistClients); return(View["stylist.cshtml", model]); }; //returns edited stylist page Get["stylist/{id}/delete"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object> { }; Stylist SelectedStylist = Stylist.Find(; string stylistDelete = Request.Query["stylist-delete"]; model.Add("form-type", stylistDelete); model.Add("stylist", SelectedStylist); return(View["delete.cshtml", model]); }; //delete individual stylist Delete["stylist/{id}/delete"] = parameters => { Stylist SelectedStylist = Stylist.Find(; SelectedStylist.Delete(); List <Stylist> allStylists = Stylist.GetAll(); return(View["stylists.cshtml", allStylists]); }; //returns confirmation of deleted stylist Get["/clients/{id}"] = parameters => { Client SelectedClient = Client.Find(; Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object>(); model.Add("client", SelectedClient); return(View["client.cshtml", model]); }; //retrieves individual client pages Get["/client/{id}/edit"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object> { }; Client SelectedClient = Client.Find(; string clientEdit = Request.Query["client-edit"]; model.Add("form-type", clientEdit); model.Add("client", SelectedClient); return(View["edit.cshtml", model]); }; //edit individual client Patch["/client/{id}/edit"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Client SelectedClient = Client.Find(; SelectedClient.UpdateString(Request.Form["client-name"]); model.Add("client", SelectedClient); return(View["client.cshtml", model]); }; //returns edited client page Get["client/{id}/delete"] = parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object> { }; Client SelectedClient = Client.Find(; string clientDelete = Request.Query["client-delete"]; model.Add("form-type", clientDelete); model.Add("client", SelectedClient); return(View["delete.cshtml", model]); }; //delete individual client Delete["client/{id}/delete"] = parameters => { Client SelectedClient = Client.Find(; SelectedClient.Delete(); List <Client> allClients = Client.GetAll(); return(View["clients.cshtml", allClients]); }; //returns confirmation of deleted client }
public void Dispose() { Salon.DeleteAll(); Stylist.DeleteAll(); }