internal void LoadFile(string filename, Folder f) { FileEntry fileEntry = f.searchForFile(filename); if (fileEntry == null) { fileEntry = f.searchForFile(filename + ".md"); if (fileEntry == null) { this.State = MemoryForensicsExe.MemForensicsState.Error; this.ErrorMessage = string.Format(LocaleTerms.Loc("File {0} not found in current folder!"), (object)filename); return; } } try { this.ActiveMem = MemoryContents.GetMemoryFromEncodedFileString(; this.filenameLoaded = filename; this.State = MemoryForensicsExe.MemForensicsState.ReadingFile; this.timeInCurrentState = 0.0f; } catch (Exception ex) { this.State = MemoryForensicsExe.MemForensicsState.Error; this.ErrorMessage = LocaleTerms.Loc("Error deserializing memory dump.") + "\r\n\r\n" + Utils.GenerateReportFromException(ex); } }
private void DownloadMemoryDump() { string encodedFileString =; if (this.os.thisComputer == { List <string> stringList = new List <string>(); for (int index = 0; index < this.os.exes.Count; ++index) { NotesExe ex = this.os.exes[index] as NotesExe; if (ex != null) { stringList.AddRange((IEnumerable <string>)ex.notes); } } encodedFileString = new MemoryContents() { DataBlocks = new List <string>((IEnumerable <string>)stringList.ToArray()), CommandsRun = this.os.terminal.GetRecentTerminalHistoryList() }.GetEncodedFileString(); } string reportFilename = this.getReportFilename(; Folder folder = this.os.thisComputer.files.root.searchForFolder("home"); Folder f = folder.searchForFolder("MemDumps"); if (f == null) { folder.folders.Add(new Folder("MemDumps")); f = folder.searchForFolder("MemDumps"); } string repeatingFilename = Utils.GetNonRepeatingFilename(reportFilename, ".mem", f); f.files.Add(new FileEntry(encodedFileString, repeatingFilename)); this.savedFileName = "home/MemDumps/" + repeatingFilename; }
public static void InjectMemory(string memoryFilepath, object computer) { using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(memoryFilepath)) { MemoryContents memoryContents = MemoryContents.Deserialize(XmlReader.Create((Stream)fileStream)); ((Computer)computer).Memory = memoryContents; } }
public static MemoryContents Deserialize(XmlReader rdr) { MemoryContents ret = new MemoryContents(); while (rdr.Name != "Memory") { rdr.Read(); if (rdr.EOF) { throw new FormatException("Unexpected end of file looking for start of Memory tag"); } } do { rdr.Read(); if (rdr.Name == "Memory" && !rdr.IsStartElement()) { return(ret); } Utils.ProcessXmlElementInParent(rdr, "Commands", "Command", (Action)(() => { int content = (int)rdr.MoveToContent(); string s = rdr.ReadElementContentAsString(); if (s.Contains("\n")) { string[] strArray = s.Split(Utils.robustNewlineDelim, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int index = 0; index < strArray.Length; ++index) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strArray[index])) { strArray[index] = " "; } ret.CommandsRun.Add(ComputerLoader.filter(Folder.deFilter(strArray[index]))); } } else { ret.CommandsRun.Add(ComputerLoader.filter(Folder.deFilter(s))); } })); Utils.ProcessXmlElementInParent(rdr, "Data", "Block", (Action)(() => { int content = (int)rdr.MoveToContent(); ret.DataBlocks.Add(ComputerLoader.filter(Folder.deFilter(rdr.ReadElementContentAsString()))); })); Utils.ProcessXmlElementInParent(rdr, "FileFragments", "File", (Action)(() => { string s1 = "UNKNOWN"; if (rdr.MoveToAttribute("name")) { s1 = rdr.ReadContentAsString(); } int content = (int)rdr.MoveToContent(); string s2 = rdr.ReadElementContentAsString(); ret.FileFragments.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Folder.deFilter(s1), Folder.deFilter(s2))); })); Utils.ProcessXmlElementInParent(rdr, "Images", "Image", (Action)(() => { int content = (int)rdr.MoveToContent(); ret.Images.Add(Folder.deFilter(rdr.ReadElementContentAsString())); })); }while (!rdr.EOF); throw new FormatException("Unexpected end of file trying to deserialize memory contents!"); }
public string TestEqualsWithErrorReport(MemoryContents other) { string str1 = ""; if (other == null) { return("Other memory object is null!"); } if (other.DataBlocks.Count == this.DataBlocks.Count) { for (int index = 0; index < this.DataBlocks.Count; ++index) { if (other.DataBlocks[index] != this.DataBlocks[index]) { str1 = str1 + "Data block difference for item " + (object)index + " - mismatch"; } } } else { str1 = str1 + "Datablock count difference - found " + (object)other.DataBlocks.Count + " - expected " + (object)this.DataBlocks.Count; } if (other.CommandsRun.Count == this.CommandsRun.Count) { for (int index = 0; index < this.CommandsRun.Count; ++index) { if (other.CommandsRun[index] != this.CommandsRun[index]) { str1 = str1 + "\n\nCommandsRun difference for item " + (object)index + " - mismatch.\nFound " + other.CommandsRun[index] + " :vs: " + this.CommandsRun[index] + "\n"; } } } else { str1 = str1 + "CommandsRun count difference - found " + (object)other.CommandsRun.Count + " - expected " + (object)this.CommandsRun.Count; } if (other.FileFragments.Count == this.FileFragments.Count) { for (int index = 0; index < this.FileFragments.Count; ++index) { KeyValuePair <string, string> fileFragment = other.FileFragments[index]; string key1 = fileFragment.Key; fileFragment = this.FileFragments[index]; string key2 = fileFragment.Key; if (key1 != key2) { str1 = str1 + "FileFragments difference for item " + (object)index + " - key mismatch"; } fileFragment = other.FileFragments[index]; string str2 = fileFragment.Value; fileFragment = this.FileFragments[index]; string str3 = fileFragment.Value; if (str2 != str3) { str1 = str1 + "FileFragments difference for item " + (object)index + " - Value mismatch"; } } } else { str1 = str1 + "FileFragments count difference - found " + (object)other.FileFragments.Count + " - expected " + (object)this.FileFragments.Count; } if (other.Images.Count == this.Images.Count) { for (int index = 0; index < this.Images.Count; ++index) { if (other.Images[index] != this.Images[index]) { str1 = str1 + "\n\nImages difference for item " + (object)index + " - mismatch.\nFound " + other.Images[index] + " :vs: " + this.Images[index] + "\n"; } } } else { str1 = str1 + "Images count difference - found " + (object)other.Images.Count + " - expected " + (object)this.Images.Count; } return(str1); }
public static MemoryContents GetMemoryFromEncodedFileString(string data) { using (Stream streamFromString = Utils.GenerateStreamFromString(MemoryContents.ReExpandSaveString(FileEncrypter.DecryptString(data.Substring("MEMORY_DUMP : FORMAT v1.22 ----------\n\n".Length + 400 + 2), "19474-217316293")[2]))) return(MemoryContents.Deserialize(XmlReader.Create(streamFromString))); }