public List<Group> Read(string query, SQLiteConnection conn) { List<Group> results = new List<Group>(); SQLiteCommand command = conn.CreateCommand(); log.Debug("Performing query: " + query); command.CommandText = query; try { SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Group g = new Group(); g.GroupId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["group_id"]); g.GroupName = Convert.ToString(reader["group_name"]); results.Add(g); } log.Debug("Query returned " + results.Count + " result(s)"); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Error reading from database", e); throw e; } return results; }
public bool Delete(Group group, SQLiteConnection conn) { string deleteDML = config.getValue("DeleteGroupDML"); try { SQLiteHelper.ExecuteDML(conn, deleteDML, group.GroupId); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Exception caught when Deleting Group " + group.GroupId, e); throw e; } log.Debug("Delete completed sucessfully"); return true; }
public bool Create(Group group, SQLiteConnection conn) { string insertDML = config.getValue("InsertGroupDML"); try { SQLiteHelper.ExecuteDML(conn, insertDML, group.GroupName); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Exception caught when Creating new Group: " + group.GroupName, e); throw e; } log.Debug("Create completed sucessfully"); return true; }
private void button_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { log.Debug("Save button clicked"); SQLiteConnection conn = SQLiteConnectionFactory.GetPrimaryDBConnection(); GroupDAO dao = new GroupDAO(); Group group = new Group(); try { label_message.ForeColor = Color.Blue; group.GroupName = textBox_groupName.Text; if (isUpdate) { group.GroupId = Convert.ToInt32(label_groupId.Text); log.Debug("Attempting to update group " + group.GroupId + ": " + group.GroupName); dao.Update(group, conn); label_message.Text = "Updated group: " + group.GroupName; log.Debug("Updated group successful"); } else { log.Debug("Attempting to save new group: " + group.GroupName); dao.Create(group, conn); label_message.Text = "Created New group: " + group.GroupName; log.Debug("Create new group successful"); this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Error saving/updating group ", ex); label_message.ForeColor = Color.Red; label_message.Text = ex.Message; } }
private Hunt getHunt(Habitat habitat, Group group, List<Guide> guides, SQLiteConnection conn) { Harvest harvest = new Harvest() { Pheasant = rand.Next(3, 20), Grouse = rand.Next(0, 6), Partridge = rand.Next(0, 3), BirdsSeen = rand.Next(0,100)*10, BirdsMissed = rand.Next(0,15), Crop = crops[rand.Next(0,crops.Length)], CropHarvested = "Y" }; if (rand.Next(0, 1) == 1) { harvest.CropHarvested = "N"; } Hunt h = new Hunt() { Habitat = habitat, Group = group, Guides = guides, NumberOfGuns = rand.Next(2,15), Harvest = harvest, HuntDate = new DateTime(2015, rand.Next(10,13), rand.Next(1,31)), Comments = "Comment here" }; return h; }
public void SaveDummyHunts(int num) { //backup current db //File.Copy(Configuration.Instance.PrimaryDatabaseName, Configuration.Instance.PrimaryDatabaseName + ".tmp"); //Thread.Sleep(2000); HuntDAO huntDao = new HuntDAO(); using (SQLiteConnection conn = SQLiteConnectionFactory.GetPrimaryDBConnection()) { //delete all from all tables SQLiteHelper.ExecuteDML(conn, "DELETE FROM hunts"); SQLiteHelper.ExecuteDML(conn, "DELETE FROM providers"); SQLiteHelper.ExecuteDML(conn, "DELETE FROM habitats"); SQLiteHelper.ExecuteDML(conn, "DELETE FROM guides"); SQLiteHelper.ExecuteDML(conn, "DELETE FROM groups"); SQLiteHelper.ExecuteDML(conn, "DELETE FROM hunts_guides"); Provider[] providers = new Provider[70]; Habitat[] habitats = new Habitat[210]; Group[] groups = new Group[250]; Guide[] guides = new Guide[25]; for (int i = 0; i < providers.Length; i++) { providers[i] = InsertTestProvider(conn, i); } for (int i = 0; i < habitats.Length; i++) { habitats[i] = InsertTestHabitat(conn, providers[rand.Next(0, providers.Length)], i); } for (int i = 0; i < groups.Length; i++) { groups[i] = InsertTestGroup(conn, i); } for (int i = 0; i < guides.Length; i++) { guides[i] = InsertTestGuide(conn, i); } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { List<Guide> guidesL = new List<Guide>(); guidesL.Add(guides[rand.Next(0,guides.Length)]); if (rand.Next(0, 20) == 10) { guidesL.Add(guides[rand.Next(0, guides.Length)]); } Hunt hunt = getHunt( habitats[rand.Next(0,habitats.Length)], groups[rand.Next(0,groups.Length)], guidesL, conn); huntDao.Create(hunt, conn); } } }
private Group InsertTestGroup(SQLiteConnection conn, int i) { GroupDAO groupDAO = new GroupDAO(); string name = lastNames[rand.Next(0, lastNames.Length - 1)] + " Group" + i; Group g = new Group() { GroupName = name }; groupDAO.Create(g, conn); g.GroupId = groupDAO.Read("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_id = (SELECT max(group_id) FROM groups)", conn)[0].GroupId; return g; }
private void button_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { log.Debug("Save button Clicked"); SQLiteConnection conn = SQLiteConnectionFactory.GetPrimaryDBConnection(); HuntDAO dao = new HuntDAO(); DataRow selectedDataRow; Hunt hunt = new Hunt(); Habitat habitat = new Habitat(); Group group = new Group(); Harvest harvest = new Harvest(); selectedDataRow = ((DataRowView)comboBox_habitat.SelectedItem).Row; int habitatId = Convert.ToInt32(selectedDataRow["habitat_id"]); habitat.HabitatId = habitatId; selectedDataRow = ((DataRowView)comboBox_group.SelectedItem).Row; int groupId = Convert.ToInt32(selectedDataRow["group_id"]); group.GroupId = groupId; DateTime huntDate = datePicker_huntDate.Value.Date; hunt.NumberOfGuns = (int)numericUpDown_numberOfGuns.Value; harvest.Pheasant = (int)numericUpDown_pheasant.Value; harvest.Grouse = (int)numericUpDown_grouse.Value; harvest.Partridge = (int)numericUpDown_partridge.Value; harvest.BirdsSeen = (int)numericUpDown_birdsSeen.Value; harvest.BirdsMissed = (int)numericUpDown_birdsMissed.Value; harvest.Crop = textBox_crop.Text; harvest.CropHarvested = ""; if (radioButton_harvestYes.Checked == true) { harvest.CropHarvested = "Y"; } else if (radioButton_harvestNo.Checked == true) { harvest.CropHarvested = "N"; } string comments = textBox_comments.Text; hunt.Habitat = habitat; hunt.Group = group; hunt.Guides = guides.ToList(); hunt.HuntDate = huntDate; hunt.Harvest = harvest; hunt.Comments = comments; try { label_message.ForeColor = Color.Blue; if (isUpdate) { hunt.HuntId = Convert.ToInt32(label_huntId.Text); log.Debug("Attempting to update hunt " + hunt.HuntId); dao.Update(hunt, conn); label_message.Text = "Updated Hunt: " + hunt.HuntId; } else { log.Debug("Attempting to save new hunt"); dao.Create(hunt, conn); label_message.Text = "Saved new Hunt"; this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Error saving/updating hunt", ex); label_message.ForeColor = Color.Red; label_message.Text = ex.Message; } }
private Group InsertTestGroup(SQLiteConnection conn) { GroupDAO groupDAO = new GroupDAO(); Group g = new Group() { GroupName = "HuntTestGroup" }; groupDAO.Create(g, conn); g.GroupId = groupDAO.Read("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_name = 'HuntTestGroup'", conn)[0].GroupId; return g; }