Esempio n. 1
         * public virtual List<SystemSchedule> generateSchedules(SystemClass system, Stack<Task> tasks, Stack<SystemState> initialStateList, Evaluator.Evaluator schedVals)
         * {
         *  //system.setThreadNum(1);
         *  //DWORD startTickCount = GetTickCount();
         *  //accumSchedTimeMs = 0;
         *  // get the global dependencies object
         *  HSFSubsystem.Dependencies dependencies = HSFSubsystem.Dependencies.Instance();
         *  Console.WriteLine("SIMULATING... ");
         *  // Create empty systemSchedule with initial state set
         *  SystemSchedule emptySchedule = new SystemSchedule(initialStateList);
         *  List<SystemSchedule> systemSchedules = new List<SystemSchedule>();
         *  systemSchedules.Add(emptySchedule);
         *  // if all asset position types are not dynamic types, can pregenerate accesses for the simulation
         *  bool canPregenAccess = true;
         *  foreach (Asset asset in system.Assets)
         *      canPregenAccess &= asset.AssetDynamicState.Type != HSFUniverse.DynamicStateType.DynamicECI && asset.AssetDynamicState.Type != HSFUniverse.DynamicStateType.DynamicLLA;
         *  // if accesses can be pregenerated, do it now
         *  Stack<Access> preGeneratedAccesses = new Stack<Access>();
         *  if (canPregenAccess)
         *  {
         *      Console.Write("Pregenerating Accesses...");
         *      //DWORD startPregenTickCount = GetTickCount();
         *      preGeneratedAccesses = Access.pregenerateAccessesByAsset(system, tasks, _startTime, _endTime, _stepLength);
         *      //DWORD endPregenTickCount = GetTickCount();
         *      //pregenTimeMs = endPregenTickCount - startPregenTickCount;
         *      //writeAccessReport(access_pregen, tasks); - TODO:  Finish this code - EAM
         *      Console.WriteLine(" DONE!");
         *  }
         *  // otherwise generate an exhaustive list of possibilities for assetTaskList
         *  else {
         *      Console.Write("Generating Exhaustive Task Combinations... ");
         *      //vector < vector <const Task*> > exhaustive(system.getAssets().size(), tasks);
         *      //assetTaskList = genExhaustiveSystemSchedules(exhaustive);
         *      Console.WriteLine(" DONE!");
         *  }
         *  /// \todo TODO: Delete (or never create in the first place) schedules with inconsistent asset tasks (because of asset dependencies)
         *  // Find the next timestep for the simulation
         *  //DWORD startSchedTickCount = GetTickCount();
         *  Stack<Access> currentAccesses = new Stack<Access>();
         *  Stack<Stack<Access>> scheduleCombos = new Stack<Stack<Access>>();
         *  for (double currenttime = _startTime; currenttime < _endTime; currenttime += _stepLength)
         *  {
         *      // if accesses are pregenerated, look up the access information and update assetTaskList
         *      if (canPregenAccess)
         *      {
         *          currentAccesses = Access.getCurrentAccesses(preGeneratedAccesses, currenttime);
         *          scheduleCombos = generateExhaustiveSystemSchedules(assetTasks);
         *      }
         *      // Check if it's necessary to crop the systemSchedule list to a more managable number
         *      if (systemSchedules.Count > _maxNumSchedules)
         *          cropSchedules(systemSchedules, schedVals, emptySchedule);
         *      // Create a new system schedule list by adding each of the new Task commands for the Assets onto each of the old schedules
         *      List<SystemSchedule> newSysScheds = new List<SystemSchedule>();
         *      for (list<systemSchedule*>::iterator oldSchedIt = systemSchedules.begin(); oldSchedIt != systemSchedules.end(); oldSchedIt++)
         *      {
         *          for (vector < vector <const Task*> >::const_iterator newTaskListIt = scheduleCombos.begin(); newTaskListIt != scheduleCombos.end(); newTaskListIt++)
         *          {
         *              // Checks whether the System is allowed to perform the Task again and the Tasks are scheduled after the previous Events end
         *              if ((*oldSchedIt)->canAddTasks(*newTaskListIt, currenttime))
         *              {
         *                  // Creates new systemSchedule based on previous systemSchedule and new Event list
         *                  newSysScheds.push_back(new systemSchedule(*oldSchedIt, *newTaskListIt, currenttime));
         *              }
         *          }
         * /*
         *  // Start timing
         *  //DWORD startAccumCount = GetTickCount();
         *  // Generate an exhaustive list of new tasks possible from the combinations of Assets and Tasks
         *  /// \todo TODO: Parallelize this.
         *  Stack<bool> systemCanPerformList;
         *  for (list<systemSchedule*>::iterator newSchedIt = newSysScheds.begin(); newSchedIt != newSysScheds.end(); newSchedIt++)
         *  {
         *      //dependencies->updateStates(1, (*newSchedIt)->getEndStates());
         *      //dependencies->setThreadState(1);
         *      dependencies->updateStates((*newSchedIt)->getEndStates());
         *      systemCanPerformList.push_back(system.canPerform(*newSchedIt));
         *  }
         *  // End timing
         *  //DWORD endAccumCount = GetTickCount();
         *  //accumSchedTimeMs += endAccumCount - startAccumCount;
         *  // delete systemSchedules (and corresponding lower level classes) that are not possible
         *  list<systemSchedule*>::iterator eraseIt = newSysScheds.begin();
         *  for (vector<bool>::iterator successIt = systemCanPerformList.begin(); successIt != systemCanPerformList.end(); successIt++)
         *  {
         *      if (*successIt) { eraseIt++; }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          delete* eraseIt;
         *          eraseIt = newSysScheds.erase(eraseIt);
         *      }
         *  }
         *  // Merge old and new systemSchedules
         *  sysScheds.insert(sysScheds.begin(), newSysScheds.begin(), newSysScheds.end());
         *  // Print completion percentage in command window
         *  printf("Scheduler Status: %4.2f%% done; %i schedules generated.\r", 100 * currenttime / endTime, sysScheds.size());
         * }
         * cropSchedules(sysScheds, schedVals);
         * // extend all schedules to the end of the simulation
         * for(List<SystemSchedule*>::iterator schedIt = sysScheds.begin(); schedIt != sysScheds.end(); schedIt++)
         * {
         *      dependencies->updateStates((*schedIt)->getEndStates());
         *      bool canExtendUntilEnd = true;
         *      // Iterate through Subsystem Nodes and set that they havent run
         *      for(vector<SubsystemNode*>::const_iterator subNodeIt = system.getSubsystemNodes().begin(); subNodeIt !=system.getSubsystemNodes().end(); subNodeIt++)
         *              (* subNodeIt)->reset();
         * size_t subAssetNum;
         *      for(vector<SubsystemNode*>::const_iterator subNodeIt = system.getSubsystemNodes().begin(); subNodeIt != system.getSubsystemNodes().end(); subNodeIt++) {
         *              subAssetNum = (* subNodeIt)->getAssetNum();
         * canExtendUntilEnd &= (** subNodeIt).canPerform((*schedIt)->getSubNewState(subAssetNum), (* schedIt)->getSubNewTask(subAssetNum), system.getEnvironment(), endTime, true);
         *      }
         *      // Iterate through constraints
         *      for(vector<const Constraint*>::const_iterator constraintIt = system.getConstraints().begin(); constraintIt != system.getConstraints().end(); constraintIt++)
         *              canExtendUntilEnd &= (* constraintIt)->accepts(*schedIt);
         *      if(!canExtendUntilEnd) {
         *              //delete *schedIt;
         *              cout << "Schedule may not be valid";
         *      }
         * }
         * DWORD endSchedTickCount = GetTickCount();
         * schedTimeMs = endSchedTickCount - startSchedTickCount;
         * DWORD endTickCount = GetTickCount();
         * totalTimeMs = endTickCount - startTickCount;
         * return sysScheds;
         * }
         * /*
         * void cropSchedules(list<systemSchedule*>& schedsToCrop, const ScheduleEvaluator* schedVals, systemSchedule* emptySched = 0);
         * void writeAccessReport(vector<vector<map<double, bool>>>& access_pregen, vector<const Task*>& tasks);

        // Return all possible combinations of performing Tasks by Asset at current simulation time
        public static Stack <Stack <Access> > generateExhaustiveSystemSchedules(Stack <Access> currentAccess, SystemClass system, double currentTime)
            // A stack of accesses stacked by asset
            Stack <Stack <Access> > currentAccessesByAsset = new Stack <Stack <Access> >();

            foreach (Asset asset in system.Assets)
                currentAccessesByAsset.Push(Access.getCurrentAccessesForAsset(currentAccess, asset, currentTime));

            return((Stack <Stack <Access> >)currentAccessesByAsset.CartesianProduct());
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return all possible combinations of performing Tasks by Asset at current simulation time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentAccessForAllAssets"></param>
        /// <param name="system"></param>
        /// <param name="currentTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Stack <Stack <Access> > GenerateExhaustiveSystemSchedules(Stack <Access> currentAccessForAllAssets, SystemClass system, double currentTime)
            // A stack of accesses stacked by asset
            Stack <Stack <Access> > currentAccessesByAsset = new Stack <Stack <Access> >();

            foreach (Asset asset in system.Assets)
                currentAccessesByAsset.Push(Access.getCurrentAccessesForAsset(currentAccessForAllAssets, asset, currentTime));

            IEnumerable <IEnumerable <Access> > allScheduleCombos = currentAccessesByAsset.CartesianProduct();

            Stack <Stack <Access> > allOfThem = new Stack <Stack <Access> >();

            foreach (var accessStack in allScheduleCombos)
                Stack <Access> someOfThem = new Stack <Access>(accessStack);
