private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog()) { dlg.InitialDirectory = Application.StartupPath; dlg.Multiselect = true; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { foreach (string filename in dlg.FileNames) { RaceData race = RaceData.Load(filename); foreach (KeyValuePair <long, RaceDataItem> kvp in race) { kvp.Value.Waters.FixWaterType(); } race.Save(filename); } } } }
private void handle(string filename) { RaceData race = RaceData.Load(filename); if (race.Count < 2) { return; } long tp = race.First().Key; if (tp - race.Skip(1).First().Key != 300000) { return; } RaceDataItem item = race.First().Value; RaceDataItem item2 = race.Skip(1).First().Value; if (item.Odds.E == 0 || item2.Odds.E == 0) { return; } double[] p1, p3, pq_win, pq_plc; Fitting.calcProbility(item2.Odds, out p1, out p3, out pq_win, out pq_plc); // 计算预计概率与当前赔率下下注比例的交叉熵 double[] q1, qq; double r1, rq; q1 = Fitting.calcBetRateForWin(item.Odds, out r1); qq = Fitting.calcBetRateForQn(item.Odds, out rq); double E = cross_entropy(p1, q1) + cross_entropy(pq_win, qq); // 当前赔率下交叉熵过大则退出,不下单 if (E > item2.Odds.E * E_THRESHOLD_SCALE) { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.txtLog.AppendText(string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss} > file {1} 变化过于剧烈{2}/{3}\r\n", DateTime.Now, filename, E, item2.Odds.E)); })); return; } List <InvestRecordWp> wp_records = new List <InvestRecordWp>(); for (int i = 0; i < item.Odds.Count; i++) { Hrs h = item.Odds[i]; double sp_w_min = Math.Min(h.Win, item2.Odds[i].Win); double sp_w_max = Math.Max(h.Win, item2.Odds[i].Win); double sp_p_min = Math.Min(h.Plc, item2.Odds[i].Plc); double sp_p_max = Math.Max(h.Plc, item2.Odds[i].Plc); // For Bet { WaterWPList vlist = item.Waters.GetWpEatWater(h.No).GetValuableWater(MIN_R, sp_w_min, p1[i], sp_p_min, p3[i]); double bet_amount_win = 0, bet_amount_plc = 0; bool full_win = false, full_plc = false; foreach (WaterWPItem w in vlist.OrderBy(x => x.Percent)) { if (w.WinAmount > 0 && full_win) { continue; } if (w.PlcAmount > 0 && full_plc) { continue; } double bet_amount = -1; if (w.WinAmount > 0) { double O = Math.Min(w.WinLimit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_w_min) * 100 / w.Percent; double max_bet = (T * Math.Pow(O * p1[i] - 1, 2)) / (LOSS_RATE_COEFFICIENT * Math.Pow(O, 2) * p1[i] * (1 - p1[i])); if (bet_amount_win >= max_bet) { full_win = true; continue; } else { bet_amount = Math.Min(max_bet - bet_amount_win, w.WinAmount); } } if (w.PlcAmount > 0) { double O = Math.Min(w.PlcLimit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_p_min) * 100 / w.Percent; double max_bet = (T * Math.Pow(O * p3[i] - 1, 2)) / (LOSS_RATE_COEFFICIENT * Math.Pow(O, 2) * p3[i] * (1 - p3[i])); if (bet_amount_plc >= max_bet) { full_plc = true; continue; } else { if (bet_amount == -1) { bet_amount = Math.Min(max_bet - bet_amount_plc, w.PlcAmount); } else { bet_amount = Math.Min(bet_amount, Math.Min(max_bet - bet_amount_plc, w.PlcAmount)); // 有Win也有Plc, 那么Plc肯定和Win一样 } } } if (bet_amount > 0) { bet_amount = Math.Round(bet_amount / WP_STEP) * WP_STEP; if (bet_amount > 0) { InvestRecordWp ir = new InvestRecordWp() { TimeKey = tp, Model = MODEL, CardID = race.CardID, RaceNo = race.RaceNo, Direction = "BET", HorseNo = h.No, Percent = w.Percent, WinLimit = w.WinLimit, PlcLimit = w.PlcLimit, FittingLoss = item.Odds.E }; if (w.WinLimit > 0) { ir.WinAmount = bet_amount; ir.WinOdds = sp_w_min; ir.WinProbility = p1[i]; } if (w.PlcLimit > 0) { ir.PlcAmount = bet_amount; ir.PlcOdds = sp_p_min; ir.PlcProbility = p3[i]; } wp_records.Add(ir); bet_amount_win += ir.WinAmount; bet_amount_plc += ir.PlcAmount; } } } } // For Eat { WaterWPList vlist = item.Waters.GetWpBetWater(h.No).GetValuableWater(MIN_R, sp_w_max, p1[i], sp_p_max, p3[i]); double eat_amount_win = 0, eat_amount_plc = 0; bool full_win = false, full_plc = false; foreach (WaterWPItem w in vlist.OrderByDescending(x => x.Percent)) { if (w.WinAmount > 0 && full_win) { continue; } if (w.PlcAmount > 0 && full_plc) { continue; } double eat_amount = -1; if (w.WinAmount > 0) { double O = 1 + w.Percent / 100 / Math.Min(w.WinLimit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_w_max); double max_eat = (T * Math.Pow(O * (1 - p1[i]) - 1, 2)) / (LOSS_RATE_COEFFICIENT * Math.Pow(O, 2) * (1 - p1[i]) * p1[i]); max_eat = max_eat / Math.Min(w.WinLimit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_w_max); if (eat_amount_win >= max_eat) { full_win = true; continue; } else { eat_amount = Math.Min(max_eat - eat_amount_win, w.WinAmount); } } if (w.PlcAmount > 0) { double O = 1 + w.Percent / 100 / Math.Min(w.PlcLimit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_p_max); double max_eat = (T * Math.Pow(O * (1 - p3[i]) - 1, 2)) / (LOSS_RATE_COEFFICIENT * Math.Pow(O, 2) * (1 - p3[i]) * p3[i]); max_eat = max_eat / Math.Min(w.PlcLimit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_p_max); if (eat_amount_plc >= max_eat) { full_plc = true; continue; } else { if (eat_amount == -1) { eat_amount = Math.Min(max_eat - eat_amount_plc, w.PlcAmount); } else { eat_amount = Math.Min(eat_amount, Math.Min(max_eat - eat_amount_plc, w.PlcAmount)); } } } if (eat_amount > 0) { eat_amount = Math.Round(eat_amount / WP_STEP) * WP_STEP; if (eat_amount > 0) { InvestRecordWp ir = new InvestRecordWp() { TimeKey = tp, Model = MODEL, CardID = race.CardID, RaceNo = race.RaceNo, Direction = "EAT", HorseNo = h.No, Percent = w.Percent, WinLimit = w.WinLimit, PlcLimit = w.PlcLimit, FittingLoss = item.Odds.E }; if (w.WinLimit > 0) { ir.WinAmount = eat_amount; ir.WinOdds = sp_w_max; ir.WinProbility = p1[i]; } if (w.PlcLimit > 0) { ir.PlcAmount = eat_amount; ir.PlcOdds = sp_p_max; ir.PlcProbility = p3[i]; } wp_records.Add(ir); eat_amount_win += ir.WinAmount; eat_amount_plc += ir.PlcAmount; } } } } } List <InvestRecordQn> qn_records = new List <InvestRecordQn>(); common.Math.Combination comb2 = new common.Math.Combination(item.Odds.Count, 2); int[][] combinations = comb2.GetCombinations(); for (int i = 0; i < combinations.Length; i++) { int[] c = combinations[i]; string horseNo = string.Format("{0}-{1}", item.Odds[c[0]].No, item.Odds[c[1]].No); if (pq_win != null) { double sp_min = Math.Min(item.Odds.SpQ[horseNo], item2.Odds.SpQ[horseNo]); double sp_max = Math.Max(item.Odds.SpQ[horseNo], item2.Odds.SpQ[horseNo]); // For Bet { WaterQnList vlist = item.Waters.GetQnEatWater(horseNo).GetValuableWater(MIN_R, sp_min, pq_win[i]); double bet_amount = 0; foreach (WaterQnItem w in vlist.OrderBy(x => x.Percent)) { double O = Math.Min(w.Limit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_min) * 100 / w.Percent; double max_bet = (T * Math.Pow(O * pq_win[i] - 1, 2)) / (LOSS_RATE_COEFFICIENT * Math.Pow(O, 2) * pq_win[i] * (1 - pq_win[i])); if (bet_amount >= max_bet) { break; } double current_amount = Math.Min(max_bet - bet_amount, w.Amount); current_amount = Math.Round(current_amount / QN_STEP) * QN_STEP; if (current_amount > 0) { InvestRecordQn ir = new InvestRecordQn() { TimeKey = tp, Model = MODEL, CardID = race.CardID, RaceNo = race.RaceNo, Direction = "BET", Type = "Q", HorseNo = horseNo, Percent = w.Percent, Amount = current_amount, Limit = w.Limit, Odds = sp_min, Probility = pq_win[i], FittingLoss = item.Odds.E }; qn_records.Add(ir); bet_amount += ir.Amount; } } } // For Eat { WaterQnList vlist = item.Waters.GetQnBetWater(horseNo).GetValuableWater(MIN_R, sp_max, pq_win[i]); double eat_amount = 0; foreach (WaterQnItem w in vlist.OrderByDescending(x => x.Percent)) { double O = 1 + w.Percent / 100 / Math.Min(w.Limit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_max); double max_eat = (T * Math.Pow(O * (1 - pq_win[i]) - 1, 2)) / (LOSS_RATE_COEFFICIENT * Math.Pow(O, 2) * (1 - pq_win[i]) * pq_win[i]); max_eat = max_eat / Math.Min(w.Limit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_max); if (eat_amount >= max_eat) { break; } double current_amount = Math.Min(max_eat - eat_amount, w.Amount); current_amount = Math.Round(current_amount / QN_STEP) * QN_STEP; if (current_amount > 0) { InvestRecordQn ir = new InvestRecordQn() { TimeKey = tp, Model = MODEL, CardID = race.CardID, RaceNo = race.RaceNo, Direction = "EAT", Type = "Q", HorseNo = horseNo, Percent = w.Percent, Amount = current_amount, Limit = w.Limit, Odds = sp_max, Probility = pq_win[i], FittingLoss = item.Odds.E }; qn_records.Add(ir); eat_amount += ir.Amount; } } } } if (pq_plc != null) { double sp_min = Math.Min(item.Odds.SpQp[horseNo], item2.Odds.SpQp[horseNo]); double sp_max = Math.Max(item.Odds.SpQp[horseNo], item2.Odds.SpQp[horseNo]); // For Bet { WaterQnList vlist = item.Waters.GetQpEatWater(horseNo).GetValuableWater(MIN_R, sp_min, pq_plc[i]); double bet_amount = 0; foreach (WaterQnItem w in vlist.OrderBy(x => x.Percent)) { double O = Math.Min(w.Limit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_min) * 100 / w.Percent; double max_bet = (T * Math.Pow(O * pq_plc[i] - 1, 2)) / (LOSS_RATE_COEFFICIENT * Math.Pow(O, 2) * pq_plc[i] * (1 - pq_plc[i])); if (bet_amount >= max_bet) { break; } double current_amount = Math.Min(max_bet - bet_amount, w.Amount); current_amount = Math.Round(current_amount / QN_STEP) * QN_STEP; if (current_amount > 0) { InvestRecordQn ir = new InvestRecordQn() { TimeKey = tp, Model = MODEL, CardID = race.CardID, RaceNo = race.RaceNo, Direction = "BET", Type = "QP", HorseNo = horseNo, Percent = w.Percent, Amount = current_amount, Limit = w.Limit, Odds = sp_min, Probility = pq_plc[i], FittingLoss = item.Odds.E }; qn_records.Add(ir); bet_amount += ir.Amount; } } } // For Eat { WaterQnList vlist = item.Waters.GetQpBetWater(horseNo).GetValuableWater(MIN_R, sp_max, pq_win[i]); double eat_amount = 0; foreach (WaterQnItem w in vlist.OrderByDescending(x => x.Percent)) { double O = 1 + w.Percent / 100 / Math.Min(w.Limit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_max); double max_eat = (T * Math.Pow(O * (1 - pq_plc[i]) - 1, 2)) / (LOSS_RATE_COEFFICIENT * Math.Pow(O, 2) * (1 - pq_plc[i]) * pq_plc[i]); max_eat = max_eat / Math.Min(w.Limit / LIMIT_SCALE, sp_max); if (eat_amount >= max_eat) { break; } double current_amount = Math.Min(max_eat - eat_amount, w.Amount); current_amount = Math.Round(current_amount / QN_STEP) * QN_STEP; if (current_amount > 0) { InvestRecordQn ir = new InvestRecordQn() { TimeKey = tp, Model = MODEL, CardID = race.CardID, RaceNo = race.RaceNo, Direction = "EAT", Type = "QP", HorseNo = horseNo, Percent = w.Percent, Amount = current_amount, Limit = w.Limit, Odds = sp_max, Probility = pq_plc[i], FittingLoss = item.Odds.E }; qn_records.Add(ir); eat_amount += ir.Amount; } } } } } using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server=;user id=hrsdata;password=abcd0000;database=hrsdata;port=3306;charset=utf8")) { conn.Open(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(@" insert into sl_invest_wp (time_key,model,cd_id,rc_no,direction,hs_no,percent,w_limit,p_limit,rc_time,fitting_loss,w_amt,w_od,w_prob,p_amt,p_od,p_prob) values (?time_key,?model,?cd_id,?rc_no,?direction,?hs_no,?percent,?w_limit,?p_limit,?rc_time,?fitting_loss,?w_amt,?w_od,?w_prob,?p_amt,?p_od,?p_prob) on duplicate key update rc_time=?rc_time,fitting_loss=?fitting_loss,w_amt=?w_amt,w_od=?w_od,w_prob=?w_prob,p_amt=?p_amt,p_od=?p_od,p_prob=?p_prob,lmt=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ", conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add("?time_key", MySqlDbType.Int64); cmd.Parameters.Add("?model", MySqlDbType.Int32); cmd.Parameters.Add("?cd_id", MySqlDbType.UInt64); cmd.Parameters.Add("?rc_no", MySqlDbType.Int32); cmd.Parameters.Add("?direction", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 10); cmd.Parameters.Add("?hs_no", MySqlDbType.Int32); cmd.Parameters.Add("?percent", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?w_limit", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?p_limit", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?rc_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters.Add("?fitting_loss", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?w_amt", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?w_od", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?w_prob", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?p_amt", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?p_od", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?p_prob", MySqlDbType.Decimal); foreach (InvestRecordWp ir in wp_records) { cmd.Parameters["?time_key"].Value = ir.TimeKey; cmd.Parameters["?model"].Value = ir.Model; cmd.Parameters["?cd_id"].Value = ir.CardID; cmd.Parameters["?rc_no"].Value = ir.RaceNo; cmd.Parameters["?direction"].Value = ir.Direction; cmd.Parameters["?hs_no"].Value = int.Parse(ir.HorseNo); cmd.Parameters["?percent"].Value = ir.Percent; cmd.Parameters["?w_limit"].Value = ir.WinLimit; cmd.Parameters["?p_limit"].Value = ir.PlcLimit; cmd.Parameters["?rc_time"].Value = race.StartTime; cmd.Parameters["?fitting_loss"].Value = ir.FittingLoss; cmd.Parameters["?w_amt"].Value = ir.WinAmount; cmd.Parameters["?w_od"].Value = ir.WinOdds; cmd.Parameters["?w_prob"].Value = ir.WinProbility; cmd.Parameters["?p_amt"].Value = ir.PlcAmount; cmd.Parameters["?p_od"].Value = ir.PlcOdds; cmd.Parameters["?p_prob"].Value = ir.PlcProbility; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(@" insert into sl_invest_qn(time_key,model,cd_id,rc_no,direction,q_type,hs_no,percent,q_limit,rc_time,fitting_loss,amt,od,prob) values (?time_key,?model,?cd_id,?rc_no,?direction,?q_type,?hs_no,?percent,?q_limit,?rc_time,?fitting_loss,?amt,?od,?prob) on duplicate key update rc_time=?rc_time,fitting_loss=?fitting_loss,amt=?amt,od=?od,prob=?prob,lmt=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ", conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add("?time_key", MySqlDbType.Int64); cmd.Parameters.Add("?model", MySqlDbType.Int32); cmd.Parameters.Add("?cd_id", MySqlDbType.UInt64); cmd.Parameters.Add("?rc_no", MySqlDbType.Int32); cmd.Parameters.Add("?direction", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 10); cmd.Parameters.Add("?q_type", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 10); cmd.Parameters.Add("?hs_no", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 20); cmd.Parameters.Add("?percent", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?q_limit", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?rc_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters.Add("?fitting_loss", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?amt", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?od", MySqlDbType.Decimal); cmd.Parameters.Add("?prob", MySqlDbType.Decimal); foreach (InvestRecordQn ir in qn_records) { cmd.Parameters["?time_key"].Value = ir.TimeKey; cmd.Parameters["?model"].Value = ir.Model; cmd.Parameters["?cd_id"].Value = ir.CardID; cmd.Parameters["?rc_no"].Value = ir.RaceNo; cmd.Parameters["?direction"].Value = ir.Direction; cmd.Parameters["?q_type"].Value = ir.Type; cmd.Parameters["?hs_no"].Value = ir.HorseNo; cmd.Parameters["?percent"].Value = ir.Percent; cmd.Parameters["?q_limit"].Value = ir.Limit; cmd.Parameters["?rc_time"].Value = race.StartTime; cmd.Parameters["?fitting_loss"].Value = ir.FittingLoss; cmd.Parameters["?amt"].Value = ir.Amount; cmd.Parameters["?od"].Value = ir.Odds; cmd.Parameters["?prob"].Value = ir.Probility; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } }
private void btnFit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog()) { dlg.InitialDirectory = Application.StartupPath; dlg.Multiselect = true; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.btnFit.Enabled = false; Thread t = new Thread(delegate(object args) { string[] filenames = (string[])args; foreach (string filename in dlg.FileNames) { RaceData race = RaceData.Load(filename); int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <long, RaceDataItem> item in race) { if (i++ == -1) { continue; } this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.txtFitLog.AppendText(string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss} > {1} of {2} fitting...\r\n", DateTime.Now, item.Key, filename)); })); item.Value.Odds.ClearSCR(); double E =, 0.0001); item.Value.Odds.E = E; this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.txtFitLog.AppendText(string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss} > {1} of {2} E = {3}\r\n", DateTime.Now, item.Key, filename, E)); })); if (i >= 2) { break; } } Match m = Regex.Match(filename, @"^(.+?)\.fit(\d*)$"); if (m.Success) { if (m.Groups[2].Value == "") { race.Save(m.Groups[1].Value + ".fit2"); } else { race.Save(m.Groups[1].Value + ".fit" + (int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value) + 1).ToString()); } } else { race.Save(filename + ".fit"); } this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.txtFitLog.AppendText(string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss} > file {1} finished\r\n", DateTime.Now, filename)); })); } this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.txtFitLog.AppendText(string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss} > all finished\r\n", DateTime.Now)); this.btnFit.Enabled = true; })); }); t.Start(dlg.FileNames); } } }