public static void sendHL7Recursion(IEnumerable<string> hl7Messages, SendHl7 sendhl) { // send the hl7 messages var status = sendhl.SendHL7Multiple(hl7Messages); Option<string> message = Option.None<string>(); if (status == HL7Status.NOCONNECTION) { message = Option.Some("HL7 connection failed (NOCONNECTION), attempt resending Order Message to DI?"); } else if (status == HL7Status.NACK) { //MessageBox.Show("HL7 connection Successful, but NACK returned"); } else if (status == HL7Status.EXCEPTION) { message = Option.Some("HL7 connection failed (EXCEPTION), attempt resending Order Message to DI?"); } message.forEach(mess => { if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show(mess, mess, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { sendHL7Recursion(hl7Messages, sendhl); } }); }
public static void sendHL7(string mrn, string firstName, string lastName, string ordernumber, string ward, Dictionary<SpecimenType, IEnumerable<string>> testCodeUniqueIndividual) { //set the IP and port to send to var sendhl = new SendHl7("", 10013); //create the HL7 message var co = new OrderMessage(mrn, firstName, lastName, ordernumber, "", ward, Sex.U, testCodeUniqueIndividual); var hl7Messages = co.toHl7(); if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Send Order Message to DI?", "Send Order Message to DI?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { sendHL7Recursion(hl7Messages, sendhl); } }