protected void getPhotoDetail() { //string[] errorIDList = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Error_ID.txt")); // relative path //string[] errorIDList = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Error_ID.txt"); //int skipNumber = 100; //for (int i = 0; i <= errorIDList.Length; i += skipNumber) //{ //later check ID < 58521 IQueryable<old_album_photo_record> photo_records = (from d in HKSPA_ms_db.old_album_photo_records select d); //foreach (DataRow photo_row in dt_album_view.Rows) foreach (old_album_photo_record photo_row in photo_records) { string filename = ""; string author = ""; string camera_model = ""; string FileNo = photo_row.FileNo.Substring(0,3); int photo_sortOrder = Convert.ToInt32(FileNo); string photo_sortOrder_string = FileNo; string sub_category_name = photo_row.sub_CategoryName; if (photo_row.fileName != null & photo_row.fileName.ToString().Length > 0) { author = photo_row.fileName; } if (photo_row.FileCam != null & photo_row.FileCam.ToString().Length > 0) { camera_model = photo_row.FileCam.ToString(); } if (author != "" & author.Length > 0 & camera_model != "" & camera_model.Length > 0) { filename = string.Format("_{0}_{1}", author, camera_model); } string album_folder_name = photo_row.Album_FolderName; string sub_folderName = photo_row.Sub_FolderName; string cate_folderName = photo_row.Cate_FolderName; int albumID = Convert.ToInt32(photo_row.AlbumID); string chinese_album_name = AlbumID_AlbumName[albumID].ToString().Replace("<br>", ""); string eng_album_name = photo_row.album_name.Replace("<br>", ""); rowID = Convert.ToInt32(photo_row.ID); //string photo_url = string.Format(@"c:\test_album\{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}{4}.jpg", cate_folderName, sub_folderName, album_folder_name, photo_sortOrder_string, filename); string photo_url = string.Format(@"c:\website\HKSPA_old_2\web\Gallery\{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}{4}.jpg", cate_folderName, sub_folderName, album_folder_name, photo_sortOrder_string, filename); Guid found_albumID = (from d in HKSPA_ms_db.AlbumNames where d.AlbumName1 == chinese_album_name && d.Lang == "zh-hk" select d.AlbumID).FirstOrDefault(); //run if album not in DB if (found_albumID.ToString() == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") { string albumDate; DateTime the_albumDate; if (special_album_foldername.ContainsKey(album_folder_name)) { the_albumDate = special_album_foldername[album_folder_name]; } else { albumDate = album_folder_name.Substring(0, 8); the_albumDate = StringToDatetime(albumDate); } Guid new_AlbumID = Guid.NewGuid(); //<----------------------------Insert new album--------------------------> Album new_album = new Album { AlbumID = new_AlbumID, AlbumName = chinese_album_name, Description = chinese_album_name, PhotoCount = 0, Enabled = true, SortOrder = 0, AlbumDate = new DateTime(the_albumDate.Year, the_albumDate.Month, the_albumDate.Day), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "admin", UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, UpdatedBy = "admin" }; // Add the new object to the Orders collection. HKSPA_ms_db.Albums.InsertOnSubmit(new_album); // Submit the change to the database. try { HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { returnResult += string.Format("[New Album]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID); file.WriteLine(string.Format("[New Album]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID)); // Make some adjustments. // ... // Try again. HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } //<----------------------------Insert new chinese album name --------------------------> AlbumName new_chinese_album_name = new AlbumName { AlbumID = new_AlbumID, AlbumName1 = chinese_album_name, Description = chinese_album_name, Lang = "zh-hk" }; // Add the new object to the Orders collection. HKSPA_ms_db.AlbumNames.InsertOnSubmit(new_chinese_album_name); // Submit the change to the database. try { HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { returnResult += string.Format("[Insert Chinese Album Name]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID); file.WriteLine(string.Format("[Insert Chinese Album Name]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID)); // Make some adjustments. // ... // Try again. HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } //<----------------------------Insert new eng album name --------------------------> AlbumName new_eng_album_name = new AlbumName { AlbumID = new_AlbumID, AlbumName1 = eng_album_name, Description = eng_album_name, Lang = "en-us" }; // Add the new object to the Orders collection. HKSPA_ms_db.AlbumNames.InsertOnSubmit(new_eng_album_name); // Submit the change to the database. try { HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { returnResult += string.Format("[Insert Eng Album Name] Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID); file.WriteLine(string.Format("[Insert Eng Album Name]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID)); // Make some adjustments. // ... // Try again. HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } sub_category_name = sub_category_name.Replace("!V", "–"); //<----------------------------Map AlbumID and Category ID --------------------------> int found_category_ID = (from s in secondLevel_CategoryID_CategoryName where s.Value.ToString().ToLower() == sub_category_name.ToLower() select s.Key).First(); AlbumCategory new_AlbumCategory_Mapping = new AlbumCategory { AlbumID = new_AlbumID, CategoryID = found_category_ID }; // Add the new object to the Orders collection. HKSPA_ms_db.AlbumCategories.InsertOnSubmit(new_AlbumCategory_Mapping); // Submit the change to the database. try { HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { returnResult += string.Format("[Map AlbumID and Category ID]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID); file.WriteLine(string.Format("[Map AlbumID and Category ID]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID)); // Make some adjustments. // ... // Try again. HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } //set album ID for copy photo found_albumID = new_AlbumID; } //create album folder string new_album_folder = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", new_album_path, found_albumID); bool isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(new_album_folder); if (!isExists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(new_album_folder); } //create album Thumbnail folder string new_album_tb_folder = string.Format(@"{0}\tb", new_album_folder); isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(new_album_tb_folder); if (!isExists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(new_album_tb_folder); } int photo_found = (from d in HKSPA_ms_db.view_AlbumPhotoInfos where d.Lang == "en-us" && d.AlbumID == found_albumID && d.SortOrder == photo_sortOrder select d).Count(); if (photo_found == 0) { if (!skip_id.ContainsKey(rowID)) { if (File.Exists(photo_url)) { CopyPhoto_FromOldAlbum_ToNewAlbum(photo_url, found_albumID, photo_sortOrder, author, camera_model); } else { returnResult += string.Format("File Not Exist! RowID: {0} \r\n", rowID); file.WriteLine(string.Format("File Not Exist! RowID: {0} \r\n", rowID)); //file.WriteLine(photo_url); } } } //} } }
partial void DeleteAlbum(Album instance);
partial void InsertAlbum(Album instance);
partial void UpdateAlbum(Album instance);
protected void getPhotoDetail(int limit_from, int limit_to) { txt_result.Text += string.Format("Start copy photos. \r\n"); //try //{ if (total_count_row <= (limit_to-range)) { //tmr_copyData.Enabled = false; //txt_result.Text += string.Format("End of program. \r\n"); } else { limit_to = total_count_row; //string selectString = string.Format("select * from hkspa.album_view Limit {0},{1}", limit_from, limit_to); //mysql_connection.Open(); //dynamic MySqlCommand = mysql_connection.CreateCommand(); //MySqlCommand.CommandText = selectString; //MySqlDataReader myReader = null; //myReader = MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); //DataTable dt_album_view = new DataTable(); //dt_album_view.Load(myReader); string album_result = ""; Dictionary<string, DateTime> special_album_foldername = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>(); special_album_foldername.Add("2003athletics", new DateTime(2013, 12, 24, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("2003badminton", new DateTime(2013, 12, 24, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("2003boccia", new DateTime(2013, 12, 24, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("2003swimming", new DateTime(2013, 12, 24, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("2003table tennis", new DateTime(2013, 12, 24, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("200510", new DateTime(2005, 10, 01, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("200511", new DateTime(2005, 11, 01, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("200512_200601", new DateTime(2005, 12, 01, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("200601-05", new DateTime(2006, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("201209", new DateTime(2012, 09, 01, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("201210", new DateTime(2012, 10, 01, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("201211", new DateTime(2012, 11, 01, 0, 0, 0)); special_album_foldername.Add("201212", new DateTime(2012, 12, 01, 0, 0, 0)); Dictionary<int, int> skip_id = new Dictionary<int, int>(); skip_id.Add(2191, 2191); //2191 Ball Games ball Volleyball volleyball 02-05 Nov 2003 -<br> 2nd Asian Schools Volleyball Championship (Boys) 2003 20031202-05 46 086 Fanling Nikon D1H 419 640 skip_id.Add(2192, 2192);//2192 Ball Games ball Volleyball volleyball 02-05 Nov 2003 -<br> 2nd Asian Schools Volleyball Championship (Boys) 2003 20031202-05 46 087 Fanling Nikon D1H 640 419 skip_id.Add(2193, 2193);//2193 Ball Games ball Volleyball volleyball 02-05 Nov 2003 -<br> 2nd Asian Schools Volleyball Championship (Boys) 2003 20031202-05 46 088 Fanling Nikon D1H 640 419 skip_id.Add(2194, 2194);//2194 Ball Games ball Volleyball volleyball 02-05 Nov 2003 -<br> 2nd Asian Schools Volleyball Championship (Boys) 2003 20031202-05 46 089 Fanling Nikon D1H 640 419 skip_id.Add(2696, 2696);//Image Damage int counter = 0; string line; string[] errorIDList = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Error_ID.txt")); // relative path int skipNumber = 100; //for (int i = 0; i <= errorIDList.Length; i += skipNumber) //{ //later check ID < 58521 IQueryable<old_album_photo_record> photo_records = (from d in HKSPA_ms_db.old_album_photo_records where d.ID == 161770 select d); //foreach (DataRow photo_row in dt_album_view.Rows) foreach (old_album_photo_record photo_row in photo_records) { string filename = ""; string author = ""; string camera_model = ""; //int photo_sortOrder = Convert.ToInt32(photo_row["FileNo"]); //string photo_sortOrder_string = photo_row["FileNo"].ToString(); //string sub_category_name=photo_row["sub_CategoryName"].ToString(); //if (photo_row["FileName"] != null & photo_row["FileName"].ToString().Length > 0) //{ // author = photo_row["FileName"].ToString(); //} //if (photo_row["FileCam"] != null & photo_row["FileCam"].ToString().Length > 0) //{ // camera_model = photo_row["FileCam"].ToString(); //} int photo_sortOrder = Convert.ToInt32(photo_row.FileNo); string photo_sortOrder_string = photo_row.FileNo; string sub_category_name = photo_row.sub_CategoryName; if (photo_row.fileName != null & photo_row.fileName.ToString().Length > 0) { author = photo_row.fileName; } if (photo_row.FileCam != null & photo_row.FileCam.ToString().Length > 0) { camera_model = photo_row.FileCam.ToString(); } if (author != "" & author.Length > 0 & camera_model != "" & camera_model.Length > 0) { filename = string.Format("_{0}_{1}", author, camera_model); } // //string photo_url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}{4}.jpg", photo_row["Cate_FolderName"], photo_row["Sub_FolderName"], photo_row["Album_FolderName"], photo_row["FileNo"], filename); //string album_folder_name = photo_row["Album_FolderName"].ToString(); //string sub_folderName = photo_row["Sub_FolderName"].ToString(); //string cate_folderName = photo_row["Cate_FolderName"].ToString(); //int albumID = Convert.ToInt32(photo_row["AlbumID"]); //string chinese_album_name = AlbumID_AlbumName[albumID].ToString(); //string eng_album_name = photo_row["album_name"].ToString(); string album_folder_name = photo_row.Album_FolderName; string sub_folderName = photo_row.Sub_FolderName; string cate_folderName = photo_row.Cate_FolderName; int albumID = Convert.ToInt32(photo_row.AlbumID); string chinese_album_name = AlbumID_AlbumName[albumID].ToString().Replace("<br>", ""); string eng_album_name = photo_row.album_name.Replace("<br>", ""); rowID = Convert.ToInt32(photo_row.ID); //string photo_url = string.Format(@"c:\test_album\{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}{4}.jpg", cate_folderName, sub_folderName, album_folder_name, photo_sortOrder_string, filename); string photo_url = string.Format(@"c:\website\HKSPA_old_2\web\Gallery\{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}{4}.jpg", cate_folderName, sub_folderName, album_folder_name, photo_sortOrder_string, filename); //get album name from web //Dim album_name = GetAlbumName(photo_row("AlbumID")) //context.Response.Write(String.Format("{0}<br />", album_name)) //album_result &= String.Format("album_name: {0}<br />", AlbumID_AlbumName.Values(photo_row["AlbumID"])); //album_result &= String.Format("photo_url: <a href='{0}'>{0}</a><br />", photo_url) Guid found_albumID = (from d in HKSPA_ms_db.AlbumNames where d.AlbumName1 == chinese_album_name && d.Lang == "zh-hk" select d.AlbumID).FirstOrDefault(); //run if album not in DB if (found_albumID.ToString() == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") { string albumDate; DateTime the_albumDate; if (special_album_foldername.ContainsKey(album_folder_name)) { the_albumDate = special_album_foldername[album_folder_name]; } else { albumDate = album_folder_name.Substring(0, 8); the_albumDate = StringToDatetime(albumDate); } Guid new_AlbumID = Guid.NewGuid(); //<----------------------------Insert new album--------------------------> Album new_album = new Album { AlbumID = new_AlbumID, AlbumName = chinese_album_name, Description = chinese_album_name, PhotoCount = 0, Enabled = true, SortOrder = 0, AlbumDate = new DateTime(the_albumDate.Year, the_albumDate.Month, the_albumDate.Day), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "admin", UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, UpdatedBy = "admin" }; // Add the new object to the Orders collection. HKSPA_ms_db.Albums.InsertOnSubmit(new_album); // Submit the change to the database. try { HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { txt_result.Text += string.Format("[New Album]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID); // Make some adjustments. // ... // Try again. HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } //<----------------------------Insert new chinese album name --------------------------> AlbumName new_chinese_album_name = new AlbumName { AlbumID = new_AlbumID, AlbumName1 = chinese_album_name, Description = chinese_album_name, Lang = "zh-hk" }; // Add the new object to the Orders collection. HKSPA_ms_db.AlbumNames.InsertOnSubmit(new_chinese_album_name); // Submit the change to the database. try { HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { txt_result.Text += string.Format("[Insert Chinese Album Name]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID); // Make some adjustments. // ... // Try again. HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } //<----------------------------Insert new eng album name --------------------------> AlbumName new_eng_album_name = new AlbumName { AlbumID = new_AlbumID, AlbumName1 = eng_album_name, Description = eng_album_name, Lang = "en-us" }; // Add the new object to the Orders collection. HKSPA_ms_db.AlbumNames.InsertOnSubmit(new_eng_album_name); // Submit the change to the database. try { HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { txt_result.Text += string.Format("[Insert Eng Album Name] Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID); // Make some adjustments. // ... // Try again. HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } sub_category_name = sub_category_name.Replace("!V", "–"); //<----------------------------Map AlbumID and Category ID --------------------------> int found_category_ID = (from s in secondLevel_CategoryID_CategoryName where s.Value.ToString().ToLower() == sub_category_name.ToLower() select s.Key).First(); AlbumCategory new_AlbumCategory_Mapping = new AlbumCategory { AlbumID = new_AlbumID, CategoryID = found_category_ID }; // Add the new object to the Orders collection. HKSPA_ms_db.AlbumCategories.InsertOnSubmit(new_AlbumCategory_Mapping); // Submit the change to the database. try { HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { txt_result.Text += string.Format("[Map AlbumID and Category ID]Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", e.Message.ToString(), rowID); // Make some adjustments. // ... // Try again. HKSPA_ms_db.SubmitChanges(); } //set album ID for copy photo found_albumID = new_AlbumID; ////create album folder //string new_album_folder = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}",new_album_path, found_albumID); //bool isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(new_album_folder); //if (!isExists) //{ // System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(new_album_folder); //} ////create album Thumbnail folder //string new_album_tb_folder = string.Format(@"{0}\tb", new_album_folder, found_albumID); //isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(new_album_tb_folder); //if (!isExists) //{ // System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(new_album_tb_folder); //} } //create album folder string new_album_folder = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", new_album_path, found_albumID); bool isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(new_album_folder); if (!isExists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(new_album_folder); } //create album Thumbnail folder string new_album_tb_folder = string.Format(@"{0}\tb", new_album_folder, found_albumID); isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(new_album_tb_folder); if (!isExists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(new_album_tb_folder); } int photo_found = (from d in HKSPA_ms_db.view_AlbumPhotoInfos where d.Lang == "en-us" && d.AlbumID == found_albumID && d.SortOrder == photo_sortOrder select d).Count(); if (photo_found == 0) { if (!skip_id.ContainsKey(rowID)) { if (File.Exists(photo_url)) { CopyPhoto_FromOldAlbum_ToNewAlbum(photo_url, found_albumID, photo_sortOrder, author, camera_model); txt_result.Text += string.Format("Finish copy for {0} \r\n", rowID); } else { txt_result.Text += string.Format("File Not Exist! RowID: {0} \r\n", rowID); } } } } //} //lbl_test.Text = album_result //txt_result.Text += string.Format("Finish of {0} - {1} records \r\n", limit_from, limit_to); //mysql_connection.Close(); //lbl_limitFrom.Text = (limit_from + range).ToString(); //lbl_limitTo.Text = (limit_to + range).ToString(); txt_result.Text += string.Format("End of copy photos. \r\n"); } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ //txt_result.Text += string.Format("Error of {0}. RowID: {1} \r\n", ex.Message.ToString(), rowID); //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); //} }