Esempio n. 1
        public static void Run()
            log.Info("Begin ACS4 ingestion process...");

            int             numFilesDropped   = 0;
            int             numFilesIngested  = 0;
            ACS4ApiResponse builtInCatalogRaw = null;
            Dictionary <string, ACS4CatalogResourceMapItem> mapBuiltInCatalog = null;
            IEnumerable <ACS4Catalog> builtInCatalog = null;
            ACS4ApiResponse           eCtbCatalogRaw = null;
            Dictionary <string, ACS4CatalogResourceMapItem> eCtbCatalogMap = null;
            IEnumerable <ACS4Catalog> eCtbCatalog  = null;
            List <HCPFileInfo>        fetchedFiles = null;
            List <List <HCPACS4.FileIO.HCPFileInfo> > allDroppedFiles = new List <List <HCPACS4.FileIO.HCPFileInfo> >();

            var dbRunLog = new ACS4Ingest.RunLog();

            dbRunLog.StartTimeUtc = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
            dbRunLog.BatchSize    = HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.BATCH_SIZE;
            log.Info(String.Format("RunLogId {0}", dbRunLog.Id));

            // check for any files on drop folders
            var dropFolders = ACS4Ingest.ConfigFtpDropFolder.Query("SELECT * FROM ConfigFtpDropFolder WHERE Enabled = 1");

            foreach (var dropFolder in dropFolders)
                    log.Info(String.Format("List dropped epubs for {0} from {1}{2}", dropFolder.Alias, dropFolder.FtpHost, dropFolder.FtpRemotePath));

                    var ftpDrop      = new DropFolder(dropFolder.Id, dropFolder.Alias, dropFolder.FtpHost, dropFolder.FtpUser, dropFolder.FtpPassword, dropFolder.FtpRemotePath, dropFolder.Enabled);
                    var droppedFiles = ftpDrop.ListFiles(".epub");
                    var dbFileStats  = new ACS4Ingest.DropFolderStat();
                    dbFileStats.RunLogId     = dbRunLog.Id;
                    dbFileStats.DropFolderId = dropFolder.Id;
                    dbFileStats.EpubCount    = droppedFiles.Count;

                    numFilesDropped += droppedFiles.Count;
                    log.Info(String.Format("{0} epubs found at {1}{2}", droppedFiles.Count, dropFolder.FtpHost, dropFolder.FtpRemotePath));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Error(String.Format("Exception listing files for {0} from {1}{2}", dropFolder.Alias, dropFolder.FtpHost, dropFolder.FtpRemotePath), ex);
            dbRunLog.NumFilesDropped = numFilesDropped;

            if (numFilesDropped == 0)
                log.Info(String.Format("No epubs to process, exiting job."));
            //TODO: Currently batch size is applied to each folder individually
            //      Should apply batch size to the total # of files from all drops

            /** Get ACS4 catalogs **/
                // Get ACS4 Built In Distributor catalog to know if an asset already exists in ACS4 system
                log.Info(String.Format("Fetching ACS4 Built In Distributor catalog..."));
                builtInCatalogRaw = eCTB.FetchCatalog(HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.ACS_ECTB_BUILTIN_DISTRIBUTORID, HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.ACS_ECTB_BUILTIN_SECRET_KEY);
                if (!builtInCatalogRaw.IsError())
                    builtInCatalog    = HCPUtils.ParseACS4Catalog(builtInCatalogRaw.ResponseBody);
                    mapBuiltInCatalog = HCPUtils.MapIsbnToACS4Resource(builtInCatalog);
                    log.Info(String.Format("ACS4 Built In Distributor fetched successfully with {0} records", builtInCatalog.Count()));
                    log.Error(String.Format("Error Fetching ACS4 Built In Distributor : {0} - {1}", builtInCatalogRaw.ErrorCode, builtInCatalogRaw.ErrorMessage));

                // Get eCTB catalog - to know if epub has already been assigned distribution rights within eCTB distributor
                log.Info(String.Format("Fetching eCtb Distributor catalog..."));
                eCtbCatalogRaw = eCTB.FetchCatalog(HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.ACS_ECTB_DISTRIBUTORID, HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.ACS_ECTB_SECRET_KEY);
                if (!eCtbCatalogRaw.IsError())
                    eCtbCatalog    = HCPUtils.ParseACS4Catalog(eCtbCatalogRaw.ResponseBody);
                    eCtbCatalogMap = HCPUtils.MapIsbnToACS4Resource(eCtbCatalog);
                    log.Info(String.Format("eCtb Distributor fetched successfully with {0} records", eCtbCatalog.Count()));
                    log.Error(String.Format("Error Fetching eCtb Distributor : {0} - {1}", eCtbCatalogRaw.ErrorCode, eCtbCatalogRaw.ErrorMessage));
                dbRunLog.InitialCountBuiltInCatalog = builtInCatalog.Count();
                dbRunLog.InitialCounteCtbCatalog    = eCtbCatalog.Count();
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Exception fetching ACS4 catalog(s)", ex);

            /** Get the files and begin processing **/
            if (!builtInCatalogRaw.IsError() && !eCtbCatalogRaw.IsError() && numFilesDropped > 0)
                // Download the files from FTP
                //List<HCPFileInfo> fetchedFiles = new List<HCPFileInfo>();
                fetchedFiles = new List <HCPFileInfo>();
                foreach (var dropFolder in dropFolders)
                    log.Info(String.Format("Downloading files from {0}{1} ...", dropFolder.FtpHost, dropFolder.FtpRemotePath));
                    string savePath = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.LOCAL_STAGING_PATH.TrimEnd('\\'), dropFolder.Alias);
                    var    ftpDrop  = new DropFolder(dropFolder.Id, dropFolder.Alias, dropFolder.FtpHost, dropFolder.FtpUser, dropFolder.FtpPassword, dropFolder.FtpRemotePath, dropFolder.Enabled);
                    var    files    = ftpDrop.DownloadFiles(".epub", savePath, HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.BATCH_SIZE, HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.DELETE_FROM_FTP);
                    log.Info(String.Format("Downloaded {0} files from {1}{2} ...", files.Count, dropFolder.FtpHost, dropFolder.FtpRemotePath));
                    foreach (var f in files)
                        f.DropFolderAlias = dropFolder.Alias;
                        f.DropFolderId    = dropFolder.Id;

                // load / analyze / package epub files
                foreach (var f in fetchedFiles)
                    bool existsBuiltInCatalog                 = false;
                    bool existsEctbDistributionRights         = false;
                    bool galleyAttemptingToOverwriteNonGalley = false;

                    Epub epub  = new Epub(f.FullName, f.DropFolderAlias);
                    var  dbLog = new ACS4Ingest.IngestionLog();
                    dbLog.RunLogId         = dbRunLog.Id;
                    dbLog.EpubFileName     = f.FileName;
                    dbLog.Isbn             = epub.Isbn;
                    dbLog.FileSize         = epub.FileSizeBytes;
                    dbLog.ArchivePath      = f.FileArchivePath;
                    dbLog.DropFolderId     = f.DropFolderId;
                    dbLog.IsbnFromFileName = epub.IsbnFromFileName;
                    dbLog.IsbnFromOpf      = epub.IsbnFromOpf;
                    dbLog.OpfIdentifier    = epub.OpfIdentifier;
                    dbLog.IsCorrupt        = epub.CorruptFile;
                    dbLog.EnteredDateUtc   = System.DateTime.UtcNow;

                    /** PreFlight Checks **/

                    /** TODO:
                     *      Needs some refactoring:
                     *             move to function
                     *             log to IngestionErrors table accomodate 1 to many to multiple to table
                    if (epub.CorruptFile)
                        log.Info(String.Format("FailedPreFlightCheck {0} : {1}", "CorruptFile", epub.FullName));
                        dbLog.Ingested        = false;
                        dbLog.IsValidPreCheck = false;
                        dbLog.PreCheckError   = "CorruptFile";

                    if (epub.IsbnFromFileName != epub.IsbnFromOpf)
                        log.Info(String.Format("FailedPreFlightCheck {0} : {1}", "IsbnMismatchFileNameOpf", epub.FullName));
                        dbLog.IsbnFromOpf     = epub.IsbnFromOpf;
                        dbLog.Ingested        = false;
                        dbLog.IsValidPreCheck = false;
                        dbLog.PreCheckError   = "IsbnMismatchFileNameOpf";

                    if (epub.InvalidDocType)
                        log.Info(String.Format("FailedPreFlightCheck {0} : {1}", "InvalidDocType", epub.FullName));
                        dbLog.Ingested        = false;
                        dbLog.IsValidPreCheck = false;
                        dbLog.PreCheckError   = "InvalidDocType";

                    // TODO: Zero in on this size restriction - 50 MB for now
                    if (epub.FileSizeBytes > HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.MAX_FILE_SIZE)
                        log.Info(String.Format("FailedPreFlightCheck {0} : {1}", "FileTooLarge", epub.FullName));
                        dbLog.Ingested        = false;
                        dbLog.IsValidPreCheck = false;
                        dbLog.PreCheckError   = "FileTooLarge";

                    // lookup to see if isbn exists in Built In Catalog
                    // ACS4 does not work on isbn13, it will happily ingest the same isbn several times
                    ACS4CatalogResourceMapItem mappedBuiltInCatalog;
                    //TODO: using Isbn //if (mapBuiltInCatalog.TryGetValue(epub.IsbnFromOpf, out mappedBuiltInCatalog))
                    if (mapBuiltInCatalog.TryGetValue(epub.Isbn, out mappedBuiltInCatalog))
                        epub.ACS4Guid        = mappedBuiltInCatalog.Guid;
                        existsBuiltInCatalog = true;

                        if (epub.IsGalley && !mappedBuiltInCatalog.IsGalley)
                            galleyAttemptingToOverwriteNonGalley = true;

                    // See if book is already assigned to eCTB Distributor
                    if (eCtbCatalog.Any(i => i.resource == epub.ACS4Guid))
                        existsEctbDistributionRights = true;

                    dbLog.IsValidPreCheck = true;
                    dbLog.IngestType      = existsBuiltInCatalog ? "update" : "add";

                    /* Abort ingest if this file is a galley and existing is a non Galley */
                    if (galleyAttemptingToOverwriteNonGalley)
                        log.Info(String.Format("IngestAborted {0} : {1}", "GalleyCannotOverwriteNonGalley", epub.FullName));
                        dbLog.Ingested        = false;
                        dbLog.IsValidPreCheck = false;
                        dbLog.PreCheckError   = "GalleyCannotOverwriteNonGalley";

                    PackageRequest         package         = new PackageRequest(epub);
                    PackageRequestResponse packageResponse = package.SendRequest();

                    log.Info(String.Format("{0} : {1} : {2}", (bool)packageResponse.Ingested ? "INGESTED" : "NOT INGESTED", epub.FullName, packageResponse.Ingested ? null : String.Format("{0} : {1}", packageResponse.ErrorCode, packageResponse.ErrorMessage)));

                    // assign to eCTB distributor if does not already exists
                    ACS4ApiResponse rightsReqResponse = null;
                    if ((bool)packageResponse.Ingested)
                        if (!existsEctbDistributionRights)
                            // assign the book to the eCTB distributor
                            ManageDistributionRights rightsReq = new ManageDistributionRights(HCPACS4.AdobeConfig.ACS_ECTB_DISTRIBUTORID, packageResponse.ACS4Guid);
                            rightsReqResponse = rightsReq.AssignRights();
                            rightsReq         = null;

                    dbLog.PackageHttpResponseCode = (int)packageResponse.HttpStatusCode;
                    dbLog.Ingested         = (bool)packageResponse.Ingested;
                    dbLog.ACS4Guid         = packageResponse.ACS4Guid;
                    dbLog.FileSize         = epub.FileSizeBytes;
                    dbLog.PackageResponse  = packageResponse.ResponseBody;
                    dbLog.PackageErrorCode = packageResponse.IsError() ? packageResponse.ErrorCode : null;
                    //TODO: Ensure we truncate to 256 dbLog.PackageErrorMessage = packageResponse.IsError() ? String.IsNullOrEmpty(packageResponse.ErrorMessage) ? null : packageResponse.ErrorMessage.Substring(0, 256) : null;
                    dbLog.PackageErrorMessage = packageResponse.IsError() ? packageResponse.ErrorMessage : null;
                    if (rightsReqResponse != null)
                        dbLog.DistributionRightsAssigned  = !rightsReqResponse.IsError();
                        dbLog.DistributionRightsErrorCode = rightsReqResponse.IsError() ? rightsReqResponse.ErrorCode : null;
                        //TODO: Ensure we truncate to 256 dbLog.DistributionRightsErrorMessage = rightsReqResponse.IsError() ? String.IsNullOrEmpty(rightsReqResponse.ErrorMessage) ? rightsReqResponse.ErrorMessage.Substring(0, 256) : null : null;
                        dbLog.DistributionRightsErrorMessage = rightsReqResponse.IsError() ? rightsReqResponse.ErrorMessage : null;
                    dbLog.EnteredDateUtc = System.DateTime.UtcNow;

                    dbLog             = null;
                    package           = null;
                    packageResponse   = null;
                    rightsReqResponse = null;
                log.Info(String.Format("Nothing to do, exiting job."));

            dbRunLog.NumFilesIngested = numFilesIngested;
            dbRunLog.EndTimeUtc       = System.DateTime.UtcNow;

            log.Info(String.Format("Total files ingested {0}", numFilesIngested));
            log.Info("End ACS4 ingestion process");

Esempio n. 2
        private void AnalyzeEpub()
            this.FileSizeBytes    = new FileInfo(this.FullName).Length;
            this.IsbnFromFileName = HCPUtils.GetIsbn13(this.FullName);
            this.Isbn             = this.IsbnFromFileName;
                using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(this.FullName))
                    foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)
                        // check for invalid DOCTYPE in any .xhtml file
                        if (entry.FullName.EndsWith(".xhtml") && !this.InvalidDocType)
                            using (var stream = entry.Open())
                                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                                    string xhtml = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                    if (xhtml.Contains("about:legacy-compat"))
                                        this.InvalidDocType = true;

                        // check .opf - primarily for isbn
                        if (entry.FullName.EndsWith(".opf"))
                            this.OpfFileName = entry.FullName;
                            this.HasOpf      = true;

                            // get isbn from opf
                            using (var stream = entry.Open())
                                XDocument xmlOpf = XDocument.Load(stream);

                                XNamespace dc  = "";
                                XNamespace opf = "";
                                this.OpfIdentifier = xmlOpf.Descendants(opf + "metadata").Elements(dc + "identifier").FirstOrDefault().Value;

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OpfIdentifier))
                                    // sometimes isbns are formatted with dashes
                                    string tmpIsbn = this.OpfIdentifier.Replace("-", "");
                                    this.IsbnFromOpf = HCPUtils.GetIsbn13(tmpIsbn);
            catch (System.IO.InvalidDataException exIO)
                this.CorruptFile = true;
                log.Error(String.Format("IO Exception analyzing Epub {0} - {1}", this.FullName, exIO.StackTrace));
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error(String.Format("Exception analyzing Epub {0} - {1}", this.FullName, ex.StackTrace));