private void item8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (this.CurrentRow == null || (this.CurrentRow.DataRow as DataRowView) == null) { return; } DataRow row = (this.CurrentRow.DataRow as DataRowView).Row; int maGiaoDan = (int)row[GiaoDanConst.MaGiaoDan]; DataTable tblTVGD = Memory.GetTable(ThanhVienGiaDinhConst.TableName, " AND MaGiaoDan=" + maGiaoDan.ToString()); if (!Memory.ShowError()) { //neu khong tim thay if (tblTVGD.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Giáo dân này không thuộc gia đình nào"); return; } //neu chi co 1 gia dinh thoi thi show gia dinh len luon if (tblTVGD.Rows.Count == 1) { frmGiaDinh frmGD = new frmGiaDinh(); frmGD.Id = (int)tblTVGD.Rows[0][ThanhVienGiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinh]; frmGD.AssignControlData(); frmGD.Operation = GxOperation.EDIT; frmGD.ShowDialog(); return; } //neu co nhieu hon 1 gia đinh thi show danh sach cho nguoi ta chon List <int> lstMaGiaDinh = new List <int>(); foreach (DataRow rowTV in tblTVGD.Rows) { lstMaGiaDinh.Add((int)rowTV[ThanhVienGiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinh]); } frmXemGiaDinhGiaoDan frmXem = new frmXemGiaDinhGiaoDan(); frmXem.MaGiaDinhList = lstMaGiaDinh; frmXem.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Memory.ShowError(ex.Message); } }
public virtual void EditRow() { if (this.CurrentRow == null || (this.CurrentRow.DataRow as DataRowView) == null || (this.CurrentRow.DataRow as DataRowView).Row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) { return; } frmGiaDinh frm = new frmGiaDinh(); frm.Operation = Operation; DataRow row = (this.CurrentRow.DataRow as DataRowView).Row; SetFormData(frm); frm.MaGiaoHo = (int)row[GiaDinhConst.MaGiaoHo]; frm.AssignControlData(); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.DataReturn != null) { DataTable tbl = Memory.GetData(string.Concat(SqlConstants.SELECT_GIADINH_LIST, " AND MaGiaDinh=" + frm.DataReturn[GiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinh].ToString())); if (Memory.ShowError()) { return; } if (tbl != null && tbl.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) { if (row.Table.Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName)) { row[col.ColumnName] = tbl.Rows[0][col.ColumnName]; } } } } } }
protected override void SetFormData(frmGiaDinh frm) { DataRow row = (this.CurrentRow.DataRow as DataRowView).Row; frm.Id = (int)row[MergeData.MaGiaDinhMoi]; }
protected virtual void SetFormData(frmGiaDinh frm) { DataRow row = (this.CurrentRow.DataRow as DataRowView).Row; frm.Id = (int)row[GiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinh]; }