Inheritance: API.UserToUserRequest
Esempio n. 1
 // Called when this user accepts a file
 private void ProcessAcceptFile(FileSendInfo fileInfo)
     Logger.Info("Accepted request from " + _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Username + " to send the file " + fileInfo.Filename);
     //Chat.LogSystemMessage("Accepted " + fileInfo.Filename + ".");
     FileSendRequestResponseRq request = new FileSendRequestResponseRq()
         shortCode = _engagement.SecondParty.ActiveShortCode,
         username = _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Username,
         interactionId = _engagement.Interactions.CurrentOrNewInteraction.Id,
         fileSendId = fileInfo.FileSendId,
         accepted = true
         fileInfo.State = FileSendState.Receiving;
         fileInfo.FilePath = OsUtils.IsWinVistaOrHigher ? Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Downloads", fileInfo.Filename)
                               : Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), fileInfo.Filename);
         fileInfo.FileReceiver = new FileSendListener(fileInfo);
         var notification = ShowFileProgressNotification(fileInfo);
         fileInfo.Notification = notification;
         notification.Cancelled += delegate { CancelFileReceive(fileInfo); };
         fileInfo.FileReceiver.ServerConnectionClosed += (o, eventArgs) => FileReceiverOnConnectionClosed(fileInfo);
         fileInfo.FileReceiver.DataRead += delegate { notification.Progress = (int)((fileInfo.FileReceiver.DataReadSize * 100) / fileInfo.FileSize); };
         // Now we have started our listener, we can send our filesendrequest response to the requester, to tell him to send.
         _appContext.ConnectionManager.Connection.RequestAsync<FileSendRequestResponseRq, FileSendRequestResponseRs>(request, (rq, rs, ex) => FileSendRequestResponseResponseHandler(fileInfo, rq, rs, ex));
     catch (Exception e)
         Logger.Error("Failed to send a file acceptance request for file " + fileInfo.Filename + "[" + fileInfo.FileSendId + "] to " + _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Username);
Esempio n. 2
 // We call this when we denies secondparty the request to send the file to us
 private void ProcessDenyFile(FileSendInfo fileInfo)
     fileInfo.State = FileSendState.ReceiveCancelled;
     Logger.Info("Denied request from " + _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Name + " to send the file " + fileInfo.Filename);
     Chat.LogSystemMessage("You refused " + fileInfo.Filename + " from " + _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Firstname + ".");
     FileSendRequestResponseRq request = new FileSendRequestResponseRq()
         shortCode = _engagement.SecondParty.ActiveShortCode,
         username = _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Username,
         fileSendId = fileInfo.FileSendId,
         accepted = false,
         interactionId = _engagement.Interactions.CurrentOrNewInteraction.Id
         _appContext.ConnectionManager.Connection.RequestAsync<FileSendRequestResponseRq, FileSendRequestResponseRs>(request, delegate(FileSendRequestResponseRq rq, FileSendRequestResponseRs rs, Exception e)
             if (e != null)
                     "Failed to send the FileSendRequestResponse for file " + request.fileSendId + " : " +
                     e.Message, e);
                 OnNewActivity(new FileSendActivity(_engagement, FileSendActivity.FILE_SEND_RESPONSE) { From = "_SELF", To = _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Username, FileInfo = fileInfo, Answer = false });
     catch (Exception e)
         Logger.Error("Failed to send a file acceptance request for file " + fileInfo.Filename + "[" + fileInfo.FileSendId + "] to " + _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Username);
Esempio n. 3
 // Async callback from our file send request response
 private void FileSendRequestResponseResponseHandler(FileSendInfo fileInfo, FileSendRequestResponseRq request, FileSendRequestResponseRs response, Exception e)
         if (e != null)
             Logger.Error("Failed to send the FileSendRequestResponse for file " + request.fileSendId + " : " + e.Message, e);
             Chat.LogSystemMessage("An error occured receiving the file");
             OnNewActivity(new FileSendActivity(_engagement, FileSendActivity.FILE_SEND_RESPONSE) { From = "_SELF", To = _engagement.SecondParty.Party.Username, FileInfo = fileInfo, Answer = true });