void OnFrameLeave(object s, Gtk.LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { if (args.Event.Detail != Gdk.NotifyType.Inferior) { ScheduleAutoHide(true); } }
protected void OnMouseLeave(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { if (args.Event.Detail == NotifyType.Inferior) { return; } this.isMouseIn = false; this.SetButtonStyle(CcsColorButton.BtnState.Normal); }
private void HandleLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, Gtk.LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { if (args.Event.State != Gdk.ModifierType.Button1Mask) { ValueIndex = -1; } GdkWindow.Invalidate(); }
public void CustomImageView_LeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { this.IsShowCustomStyle = new bool?(); }
void PlotWidget_LeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { this.InteractivePlotSurface2D.DoMouseLeave(args); }
private void HandleDrawingLeaveNotifyEvent(object?o, Gtk.LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { InvalidateDrawing(); }
void HandleKeyTreeLeaveNotifyEvent (object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { HideConflictTooltip (); }
private void OnLeaveNotifyEvent (object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { // Give the user half a second to move the mouse cursor to the popup. if (!hide_delay_started) { hide_delay_started = true; cursor_over_trayicon = false; GLib.Timeout.Add (500, delegate { if (hide_delay_started) { hide_delay_started = false; HidePopup (); } return false; }); } }
void HandleLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { mouseOver = false; HideTooltip (); }
protected void OnEventbox6LeaveNotifyEvent(object o, Gtk.LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { image3.Pixbuf = container.CloseImageNormal; }
protected virtual void OnLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, Gtk.LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine(args.Event.State); }
private void MouseLeftLink(object sender, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { if (_currenturl.Equals("")) return; label14.Markup = "<span foreground='#666666' style='italic'>View in browser</span>"; }
void TheLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { EventBox.GdkWindow.Cursor = null; }
protected void OnMouseLeave(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { this.IsMouseIn = false; this.CurrentState = ButtonState.Normal; }
// void OnKeyReleaseEvent (object o, KeyReleaseEventArgs args) // { // args.RetVal = true; // } void OnLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { //Console.WriteLine ("OnLeaveNotifyEvent"); if (this.HasFocus) { HasFocus = false; } args.RetVal = true; }
void HandleLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { m_cursorX = -1; m_cursorY = -1; this.QueueDraw (); if (m_hideHandler > 0) return; // Cancel any active show if (m_showHandler > 0) { GLib.Source.Remove (m_showHandler); m_showHandler = 0; } // Start our animation sequence and track the handler tag m_hideHandler = GLib.Timeout.Add (ANIMATION_TIMEOUT, delegate { m_titleOffset -= 2; if (m_titleOffset < -m_titleHeight) m_titleOffset = -m_titleHeight; this.QueueDrawArea (0, 0, this.Allocation.Width, m_titleHeight + m_titleLip); return m_titleOffset > -m_titleHeight; }); }
// <summary> // Hide the remove image // </summary> void LeaveNotifyEventHandler (object sender, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { image.Clear (); }
void HandleMouseOut(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { isHoveredOver = false; Update (); }
private void OnLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { cursor_over_trayicon = false; HidePopup (); }
//remove highlight on leave private void mouse_leave(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { eb.State = StateType.Normal; }
void HandleLeaveNotifyEvent (object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { Inside = false; // Delay the call to the leave handler since the pointer may be // entering a child widget, in which case the event doesn't have to be fired Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate { if (!Inside) LeaveHandler (); }); }
protected void OnEventbox4LeaveNotifyEvent(object o, Gtk.LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { image1.Pixbuf = container.MaximizeImageNormal; }
protected virtual void OnDataspinbutton2LeaveNotifyEvent(object o, Gtk.LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { }
protected void OnTreeviewLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, Gtk.LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { HideTipWindow(); }
private void OnLeaveNotify(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { if (info.stage != MoveStage.Drag) return; position.Put (); info.stage = MoveStage.Clear; info.start.x = old_x; info.start.y = old_y; QueueDraw (); }
private void OnPopupLeaveNotify (object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { Gdk.Rectangle rect; if (!popup.Intersect (new Gdk.Rectangle ((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y, 1, 1), out rect)) { OnLeaveNotifyEvent (o, args); } }
private void OnPopupLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { in_popup = false; HidePopup (); }
void LeaveNotifyEventHandler (object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { renderer.ClearHighlight(); }
// the user left the tray icon void mouse_leave(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { timer.Stop (); }
static void HandleLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { TreeView tree = (TreeView) o; TreeViewTooltipsData data; if (!treeData.TryGetValue (tree, out data)) return; data.LeaveTimer = GLib.Timeout.Add (50, delegate { data.LeaveTimer = 0; if (data != null && data.Tooltip != null && data.Tooltip.MouseIsOver) return false; HideTooltip (tree); return false; }); }
protected void OnEventbox1LeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { if(dayHilight != -1) HeadLabels[dayHilight].LabelProp = _StartDate.AddDays(dayHilight).ToString("d, dddd"); if(hourHilight != -1) HoursLabels[hourHilight].LabelProp = String.Format(" {0:D2}:00 ", hourHilight); dayHilight = -1; hourHilight = -1; }
protected void OnMouseLeave(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { bool changed = false; if (hoveringIndex != -1) { this.QueueDrawArea(HoveringX * TileWidth * Scale, HoveringY * TileHeight * Scale, TileWidth * Scale, TileHeight * Scale); changed = true; } hoveringIndex = -1; if (changed && HoverChangedEvent != null) HoverChangedEvent(); }
private void OnLeaveNotify(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { if (info.stage != MoveStage.Drag) return; position.Cancel (); info.stage = MoveStage.Clear; QueueDraw (); }
// mouse left the window void mouse_leave(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { StartTimer (); }
private void OnLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { if (CanResize) { ResetCursor (); } }
private void OnLeaveNotifyEvent(object sender, LeaveNotifyEventArgs a) { //GdkWindow.Cursor = cursorDefault; }
void HandleLeaveNotifyEvent(object o, LeaveNotifyEventArgs args) { this.drawmouse = false; this.QueueDraw (); }