Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the combo box entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='combo'>
        /// Combo.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='items'>
        /// Items.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='currentValue'>
        /// Current value.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='editable'>
        /// Editable.
        /// </param>
        public static void FillComboBoxEntry(Gtk.ComboBoxEntry combo, List <string> items, string currentValue, bool isDecimal, bool editable)
            combo.Model = new ListStore(typeof(string));

            var resultItems = new List <string>();

            if (editable)
                // searching for value
                var present = false;
                foreach (var value in items)
                    if (
                        (isDecimal && (SupportMethods.ToDecimal(value) == SupportMethods.ToDecimal(currentValue)))
                        (!isDecimal && (value == currentValue))
                        present = true;

                // adding missing to first pos
                if (!present)

                foreach (var value in items)

            var index = 0;

            foreach (var value in resultItems)

                if (
                    (isDecimal && (SupportMethods.ToDecimal(value) == SupportMethods.ToDecimal(currentValue)))
                    (!isDecimal && (value == currentValue))
                    combo.Active = index;
Esempio n. 2
        public void Initialize(EditSession session)
            prop = session.Property;

            ICollection valuesCollection = prop.Converter.GetStandardValues();

            values = new TraceLab.Core.Components.EnumValue[valuesCollection.Count];
            valuesCollection.CopyTo(values, 0);

            //values = System.Enum.GetValues (prop.PropertyType);
            Hashtable names = new Hashtable();

            foreach (FieldInfo f in prop.PropertyType.GetFields())
                DescriptionAttribute att = (DescriptionAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(f, typeof(DescriptionAttribute));
                if (att != null)
                    names [f.Name] = att.Description;
                    names [f.Name] = f.Name;

            ebox = new Gtk.EventBox();
            PackStart(ebox, true, true, 0);

            combo                     = Gtk.ComboBoxEntry.NewText();
            combo.Changed            += combo_Changed;
            combo.Entry.IsEditable    = false;
            combo.Entry.CanFocus      = false;
            combo.Entry.HasFrame      = false;
            combo.Entry.HeightRequest = combo.SizeRequest().Height;

            foreach (TraceLab.Core.Components.EnumValue value in values)
                string str = prop.Converter.ConvertToString(value);
                if (names.Contains(str))
                    str = (string)names [str];
		public void Initialize (EditSession session)
			values = DeployService.GetDeployDirectoryInfo ();
			ebox = new Gtk.EventBox ();
			ebox.Show ();
			PackStart (ebox, true, true, 0);

			combo = Gtk.ComboBoxEntry.NewText ();
			combo.Changed += combo_Changed;
			combo.Entry.IsEditable = false;
			combo.Entry.HasFrame = false;
			combo.Entry.HeightRequest = combo.SizeRequest ().Height;
			combo.Show ();
			ebox.Add (combo);

			foreach (DeployDirectoryInfo value in values) {
				combo.AppendText (value.Description);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Initialize(EditSession session)
            values = DeployService.GetDeployDirectoryInfo();
            ebox   = new Gtk.EventBox();
            PackStart(ebox, true, true, 0);

            combo                     = Gtk.ComboBoxEntry.NewText();
            combo.Changed            += combo_Changed;
            combo.Entry.IsEditable    = false;
            combo.Entry.HasFrame      = false;
            combo.Entry.HeightRequest = combo.SizeRequest().Height;

            foreach (DeployDirectoryInfo value in values)
Esempio n. 5
        public static void FillComboBoxEntry(Gtk.ComboBoxEntry combo, Dictionary <decimal, string> items, decimal currentValue, bool editable)
            combo.Model = new ListStore(typeof(string));

            var resultItems = new Dictionary <decimal, string>();

            if (editable)
                // adding missing to first pos
                if (!items.ContainsKey(currentValue))
                    resultItems.Add(currentValue, currentValue.ToString());

                foreach (var kvp in items)
                    resultItems.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                resultItems.Add(currentValue, currentValue.ToString());

            var index = 0;

            foreach (var kvp in resultItems)

                if (kvp.Key == currentValue)
                    combo.Active = index;
Esempio n. 6
		public void Initialize (EditSession session)
            prop = session.Property;
            ICollection valuesCollection = prop.Converter.GetStandardValues();
            values = new TraceLab.Core.Components.EnumValue[valuesCollection.Count];
            valuesCollection.CopyTo(values, 0);

			//values = System.Enum.GetValues (prop.PropertyType);
			Hashtable names = new Hashtable ();
			foreach (FieldInfo f in prop.PropertyType.GetFields ()) {
				DescriptionAttribute att = (DescriptionAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (f, typeof(DescriptionAttribute));
				if (att != null)
					names [f.Name] = att.Description;
					names [f.Name] = f.Name;
			ebox = new Gtk.EventBox ();
			ebox.Show ();
			PackStart (ebox, true, true, 0);

			combo = Gtk.ComboBoxEntry.NewText ();
			combo.Changed += combo_Changed;
			combo.Entry.IsEditable = false;
			combo.Entry.CanFocus = false;
			combo.Entry.HasFrame = false;
			combo.Entry.HeightRequest = combo.SizeRequest ().Height;
			combo.Show ();
			ebox.Add (combo);

            foreach (TraceLab.Core.Components.EnumValue value in values) {
				string str = prop.Converter.ConvertToString (value);
				if (names.Contains (str))
					str = (string) names [str];
				combo.AppendText (str);
Esempio n. 7
		protected NoteRecentChanges (NoteManager manager)
: base (Catalog.GetString ("Search All Notes"))
			this.manager = manager;
			this.IconName = "tomboy";
			this.DefaultWidth = 450;
			this.DefaultHeight = 400;
			this.current_matches = new Dictionary<string, int> ();
			this.Resizable = true;

			selected_tags = new Dictionary<Tag, Tag> ();

			AddAccelGroup (Tomboy.ActionManager.UI.AccelGroup);

			menu_bar = CreateMenuBar ();

			Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label (Catalog.GetString ("_Search:"));
			label.Xalign = 0.0f;

			find_combo = Gtk.ComboBoxEntry.NewText ();
			label.MnemonicWidget = find_combo;
			find_combo.Changed += OnEntryChanged;
			find_combo.Entry.ActivatesDefault = false;
			find_combo.Entry.Activated += OnEntryActivated;
			find_combo.Entry.FocusInEvent += OnEntryFocusIn;
			if (previous_searches != null) {
				foreach (string prev in previous_searches) {
					find_combo.AppendText (prev);

			clear_search_button = new Gtk.Button (new Gtk.Image (Gtk.Stock.Clear,
			clear_search_button.Sensitive = false;
			clear_search_button.Clicked += ClearSearchClicked;
			clear_search_button.Show ();

			Gtk.Table table = new Gtk.Table (1, 3, false);
			table.Attach (label, 0, 1, 0, 1,
			              Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill,
			              0, 0);
			table.Attach (find_combo, 1, 2, 0, 1,
			              Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill,
			              Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill,
			              0, 0);
			table.Attach (clear_search_button,
				      2, 3, 0, 1,
			              Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill,
			              0, 0);
			table.ColumnSpacing = 4;
			table.ShowAll ();

			Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 0);
			hbox.PackStart (table, true, true, 0);
			hbox.ShowAll ();

			// Notebooks Pane
			Gtk.Widget notebooksPane = MakeNotebooksPane ();
			notebooksPane.Show ();

			MakeRecentTree ();
			tree.Show ();

			status_bar = new Gtk.Statusbar ();
			status_bar.HasResizeGrip = true;
			status_bar.Show ();

			// Update on changes to notes
			manager.NoteDeleted += OnNotesDeleted;
			manager.NoteAdded += OnNotesChanged;
			manager.NoteRenamed += OnNoteRenamed;
			manager.NoteSaved += OnNoteSaved;

			// List all the current notes
			UpdateResults ();

			matches_window = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow ();
			matches_window.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In;

			matches_window.HscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic;
			matches_window.VscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic;
			matches_window.Add (tree);
			matches_window.Show ();

			hpaned = new Gtk.HPaned ();
			hpaned.Position = 150;
			hpaned.Add1 (notebooksPane);
			hpaned.Add2 (matches_window);
			hpaned.Show ();

			RestorePosition ();

			Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox (false, 8);
			vbox.BorderWidth = 6;
			vbox.PackStart (hbox, false, false, 4);
			vbox.PackStart (hpaned, true, true, 0);
			vbox.PackStart (status_bar, false, false, 0);
			vbox.Show ();

			// Use another VBox to place the MenuBar
			// right at thetop of the window.
			content_vbox = new Gtk.VBox (false, 0);
#if !MAC
			content_vbox.PackStart (menu_bar, false, false, 0);
			content_vbox.PackStart (vbox, true, true, 0);
			content_vbox.Show ();

			this.Add (content_vbox);
			this.DeleteEvent += OnDelete;
			this.KeyPressEvent += OnKeyPressed; // For Escape

			// Watch when notes are added to notebooks so the search
			// results will be updated immediately instead of waiting
			// until the note's QueueSave () kicks in.
			Notebooks.NotebookManager.NoteAddedToNotebook += OnNoteAddedToNotebook;
			Notebooks.NotebookManager.NoteRemovedFromNotebook += OnNoteRemovedFromNotebook;
			// Set the focus chain for the top-most containers Bug #512175
			Gtk.Widget[] vbox_focus = new Gtk.Widget[2];
			vbox_focus[0] = hbox;
			vbox_focus[1] = hpaned;
			vbox.FocusChain = vbox_focus;

			// Set focus chain for sub widgits of first top-most container
			Gtk.Widget[] table_focus = new Gtk.Widget[2];
			table_focus[0] = find_combo;
			table_focus[1] = matches_window;
			hbox.FocusChain = table_focus;
			// set focus chain for sub widgits of seconf top-most container
			Gtk.Widget[] hpaned_focus = new Gtk.Widget[2];
			hpaned_focus[0] = matches_window;
			hpaned_focus[1] = notebooksPane;
			hpaned.FocusChain = hpaned_focus;
			// get back to the beginning of the focus chain
			Gtk.Widget[] scroll_right = new Gtk.Widget[1];
			scroll_right[0] = tree;
			matches_window.FocusChain = scroll_right;
			Tomboy.ExitingEvent += OnExitingEvent;