public void Initialize(EditSession session) { PropertyDescriptor prop = session.Property; if (!prop.PropertyType.IsEnum) { throw new ApplicationException("Flags editor does not support editing values of type " + prop.PropertyType); } Spacing = 3; propType = prop.PropertyType; property = prop.Description; if (property == null || property.Length == 0) { property = prop.Name; } // For small enums, the editor is a list of checkboxes inside a frame // For large enums (>5), use a selector dialog. values = System.Enum.GetValues(prop.PropertyType); if (values.Length < 6) { Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox(true, 3); flags = new Hashtable(); foreach (object value in values) { Gtk.CheckButton check = new Gtk.CheckButton(value.ToString()); check.TooltipText = value.ToString(); ulong uintVal = Convert.ToUInt64(value); flags[check] = uintVal; flags[uintVal] = check; check.Toggled += FlagToggled; vbox.PackStart(check, false, false, 0); } Gtk.Frame frame = new Gtk.Frame(); frame.Add(vbox); frame.ShowAll(); PackStart(frame, true, true, 0); } else { flagsLabel = new Gtk.Entry(); flagsLabel.IsEditable = false; flagsLabel.HasFrame = false; flagsLabel.ShowAll(); PackStart(flagsLabel, true, true, 0); Gtk.Button but = new Gtk.Button("..."); but.Clicked += OnSelectFlags; but.ShowAll(); PackStart(but, false, false, 0); } }
public SourceFrame(Variable<ProviderFactory> loader) : base(3, 2, "Source") { _loader = loader; Table.ColumnSpacing = 12; var imageButton = CreateImageButton(); Attach(imageButton, 0, 1, 0, 1); var hbox = new HBox(); Attach(hbox, 1, 2, 0, 1); _imageBox = CreateImageComboBox(); hbox.Add(_imageBox); _refresh = CreateRefreshButton(); hbox.PackEnd(_refresh, false, false, 0); var fileButton = CreateFileButton(imageButton); Attach(fileButton, 0, 1, 1, 2); var folderButton = CreateFolderButton(fileButton); Attach(folderButton, 0, 1, 2, 3); _include = CreateIncludeToggleButton(); Attach(_include, 1, 2, 2, 3); SetFileEntry(false); _choose.Sensitive = false; }
public LogAgentPanelWidget () { global::Stetic.BinContainer.Attach (this); var reportingLabel = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Report errors and usage information to help {0} improve my experience.", BrandingService.SuiteName); var value = LoggingService.ReportUsage; chkUsage = new CheckButton (reportingLabel); if (value.HasValue) chkUsage.Active = value.Value; chkUsage.Toggled += (sender, e) => reportUsage = chkUsage.Active; container = new Gtk.VBox (); container.PackStart (chkUsage, false, false, 0); var privacyStatement = BrandingService.PrivacyStatement; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (privacyStatement)) { var privacyLabel = new Xwt.Label { Markup = privacyStatement, Wrap = Xwt.WrapMode.Word }; container.Add (new HBox ()); container.PackEnd (privacyLabel.ToGtkWidget (), false, false, 30); } Add (container); ShowAll (); }
/// <summary> Called when our field changes on any instance of same type as our Object. </summary> private void OnFieldChanged(object Object, FieldOrProperty field, object oldValue) { if (this.Object == Object) { if (field.Type == typeof(string) || field.Type == typeof(float) || field.Type == typeof(int)) { Gtk.Entry entry = (Gtk.Entry)widgetTable[fieldTable.IndexOf(field)]; object val = field.GetValue(Object); if (val != null) { entry.Text = val.ToString(); } } else if (field.Type == typeof(bool)) { Gtk.CheckButton checkButton = (Gtk.CheckButton)widgetTable[fieldTable.IndexOf(field)]; checkButton.Active = (bool)field.GetValue(Object); } else if (field.Type.IsEnum) { Gtk.ComboBox comboBox = (Gtk.ComboBox)widgetTable[fieldTable.IndexOf(field)]; // FIXME: This will break if: // 1) the first enum isn't 0 and/or // 2) the vaules are not sequential (0, 1, 3, 4 wouldn't work) object val = field.GetValue(Object); if (val != null) { comboBox.Active = (int)val; } } } }
public static Gtk.Window Create () { window = new Dialog (); window.Title = "Bi-directional flipping"; window.SetDefaultSize (200, 100); label = new Label ("Label direction: <b>Left-to-right</b>"); label.UseMarkup = true; label.SetPadding (3, 3); window.VBox.PackStart (label, true, true, 0); check_button = new CheckButton ("Toggle label direction"); window.VBox.PackStart (check_button, true, true, 2); if (window.Direction == TextDirection.Ltr) check_button.Active = true; check_button.Toggled += new EventHandler (Toggle_Flip); check_button.BorderWidth = 10; button = new Button (Stock.Close); button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Close_Button); button.CanDefault = true; window.ActionArea.PackStart (button, true, true, 0); button.GrabDefault (); window.ShowAll (); return window; }
public EditColumnsDialog(Gtk.TreeViewColumn[] columns) { this.Build(); Title = _("Edit columns"); Modal = true; table.Homogeneous = true; Array.Sort <TreeViewColumn> (columns, delegate (TreeViewColumn left, TreeViewColumn right) { return left.Title.CompareTo (right.Title); }); for (uint i = 0 ; i < columns.Length; i++) { TorrentTreeView.Column c = (TorrentTreeView.Column) columns [i]; if (c.Ignore) continue; CheckButton check = new CheckButton { Label = c.Title, Active = c.Visible }; check.Clicked += delegate { Console.WriteLine ("Setting {0} to {1} with width {2}/", c.Title, check.Active, c.Width, c.FixedWidth); c.Visible = check.Active; c.FixedWidth = Math.Max (c.FixedWidth, 10); }; Console.WriteLine ("Appending one"); this.table.Attach (check, i % 2, i % 2 + 1, i / 2, i / 2 + 1); } ShowAll (); }
public EnableStartupNotesPreference () { IPropertyEditorBool enableStartupNotes_peditor; Gtk.CheckButton enableStartupNotesCheckbox; Gtk.Label enableStartupNotesLabel; // Enable Startup Notes option enableStartupNotesLabel = new Gtk.Label (Catalog.GetString ("Enable startup notes")); enableStartupNotesLabel.UseMarkup = true; enableStartupNotesLabel.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; enableStartupNotesLabel.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); enableStartupNotesLabel.Show (); enableStartupNotesCheckbox = new Gtk.CheckButton (); enableStartupNotesCheckbox.Add (enableStartupNotesLabel); enableStartupNotesCheckbox.Show (); enableStartupNotes_peditor = Services.Factory.CreatePropertyEditorToggleButton (Preferences.ENABLE_STARTUP_NOTES, enableStartupNotesCheckbox); Preferences.Get (enableStartupNotes_peditor.Key); enableStartupNotes_peditor.Setup (); align = new Gtk.Alignment (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); align.Show (); align.Add (enableStartupNotesCheckbox); }
public ErrorMatrixPanel(uint rows, uint cols) : base(4, 2, false) { divisorSpinButton = new SpinButton(1, 10000, 1); sourceOffsetXSpinButton = new SpinButton(1, cols, 1); customDivisorCheckButton = new CheckButton("Use a custom divisor?"); customDivisorCheckButton.Toggled += delegate { divisorSpinButton.Sensitive = customDivisorCheckButton.Active; }; matrixPanel = new MatrixPanel(rows, cols); matrixPanel.MatrixResized += delegate { sourceOffsetXSpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = matrixPanel.Columns; }; presets = new List<ErrorMatrix>(ErrorMatrix.Samples.listMatrices()); var presetsNames = from preset in presets select preset.Name; presetComboBox = new ComboBox(presetsNames.ToArray()); presetComboBox.Changed += delegate { int active = presetComboBox.Active; if (active >= 0) { Matrix = presets[active]; } }; ColumnSpacing = 2; RowSpacing = 2; BorderWidth = 2; Attach(new Label("Preset:") { Xalign = 0.0f }, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); Attach(presetComboBox, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); Attach(matrixPanel, 0, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); Attach(new Label("Source offset X:") { Xalign = 0.0f }, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); Attach(sourceOffsetXSpinButton, 1, 2, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); Attach(customDivisorCheckButton, 0, 2, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); Attach(new Label("Divisor:") { Xalign = 0.0f }, 0, 1, 4, 5, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); Attach(divisorSpinButton, 1, 2, 4, 5, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); }
static PackageCellViewCheckBox() { var cb = new Gtk.CheckButton(); indicatorSize = (int)cb.StyleGetProperty("indicator-size"); indicatorSpacing = (int)cb.StyleGetProperty("indicator-spacing"); }
public MainWindow_Event() : base("") { SetDefaultSize(250, 200); SetPosition(WindowPosition.Center); DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit(); }; Fixed fix = new Fixed(); Button btn = new Button("Enter"); btn.EnterNotifyEvent += OnEnter; _quit = new Button("Quit"); //_quit.Clicked += OnClick; _quit.SetSizeRequest(80, 35); CheckButton cb = new CheckButton("connect"); cb.Toggled += OnToggled; fix.Put(btn, 50, 20); fix.Put(_quit, 50, 50); fix.Put(cb, 120, 20); Add(fix); ShowAll(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the config widget. /// </summary> /// <returns>The config widget.</returns> public override Gtk.Widget CreateConfigWidget() { var container = new VBox(); var citiesNumber = new SpinButton(2, 10000, 2); citiesNumber.Text = "Number of cities"; citiesNumber.Value = m_numberOfCities; citiesNumber.ValueChanged += delegate { m_numberOfCities = citiesNumber.ValueAsInt - (citiesNumber.ValueAsInt % 2); citiesNumber.Value = m_numberOfCities; OnReconfigured(); }; container.Add(citiesNumber); var generateButton = new Button(); generateButton.Label = "Generate cities"; generateButton.Clicked += delegate { m_numberOfCities = citiesNumber.ValueAsInt; OnReconfigured(); }; container.Add(generateButton); var showIndexes = new CheckButton(); showIndexes.Active = m_showIndexes; showIndexes.Label = "Show indexes"; showIndexes.Toggled += delegate { m_showIndexes = showIndexes.Active; }; container.Add(showIndexes); return container; }
public void Load() { // Remove old children list var depsChildren = ((ArrayList)vbox_ProjectDeps.AllChildren); for (int k = depsChildren.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--) vbox_ProjectDeps.Remove((Widget)depsChildren[k]); // Init new project dep list int i = 0; foreach(var prj in Project.ParentSolution.GetAllProjects()) { if (prj == Project) continue; var cb = new Gtk.CheckButton(prj.Name){ CanFocus=true, DrawIndicator=true, UseUnderline=false, Active = Project.ProjectDependencies.Contains(prj.ItemId) }; cb.Data.Add("prj", prj); vbox_ProjectDeps.Add(cb); var bc=(Box.BoxChild)vbox_ProjectDeps[cb]; bc.Expand=false; bc.Fill=false; bc.Position=i++; } vbox_ProjectDeps.ShowAll(); }
public AnalysisOptionsWidget () { enabledCheck = new CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Enable source analysis of open files")); PackStart (enabledCheck, false, false, 0); ShowAll (); }
public LiveAnalysisPreferences() { this.Build (); rendercb = new CheckButton (); table1.Attach (rendercb, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); rendercb.CanFocus = false; rendercb.Show (); rendercb.Active = App.Current.Config.AutoRenderPlaysInLive; rendercb.Toggled += (sender, e) => { App.Current.Config.AutoRenderPlaysInLive = rendercb.Active; }; reviewcb = new CheckButton (); table1.Attach (reviewcb, 1, 2, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); reviewcb.CanFocus = false; reviewcb.Show (); reviewcb.Active = App.Current.Config.ReviewPlaysInSameWindow; reviewcb.Toggled += (sender, e) => { App.Current.Config.ReviewPlaysInSameWindow = reviewcb.Active; }; mediafilechooser1.FileChooserMode = FileChooserMode.Directory; mediafilechooser1.CurrentPath = App.Current.Config.AutoRenderDir; mediafilechooser1.ChangedEvent += HandleChangedEvent; }
// ============================================ // PUBLIC Constructors // ============================================ /// Create New Login Dialog public Login() { SetDefaultSize(240, 355); DefaultIcon = StockIcons.GetPixbuf("NyFolderIcon"); // Initialize Dialog Options Title = Info.Name + " Login"; Logo = StockIcons.GetPixbuf("NyFolderLogo", 240, 140); // Remember Password (CheckButton) checkRememberPassword.Image = new Gtk.Image(Stock.Save, IconSize.Button); // Secure Authentication (CheckButton) checkSecureAuth = new CheckButton("Use Secure Authentication"); checkSecureAuth.Active = true; checkSecureAuth.Image = StockIcons.GetImage("Lock", 22); checkSecureAuth.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnCheckSecureAuthToggled); VBox.PackStart(checkSecureAuth, false, false, 2); // Initialize MenuBar this.menuBar = new Gtk.MenuBar(); VBox.PackStart(this.menuBar, false, false, 0); this.VBox.ReorderChild(this.menuBar, 0); InitializeMenuBar(); // Initialize Dialog Buttons AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok); AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Quit, ResponseType.Close); ShowAll(); }
public static Gtk.Window Create () { HBox options = new HBox (false, 0); CheckButton check_button = null; window = new ColorSelectionDialog ("Color selection dialog"); window.ColorSelection.HasOpacityControl = true; window.ColorSelection.HasPalette = true; window.SetDefaultSize (250, 200); window.VBox.PackStart (options, false, false, 0); window.VBox.BorderWidth = 10; check_button = new CheckButton("Show Opacity"); check_button.Active = true; options.PackStart (check_button, false, false, 0); check_button.Toggled += new EventHandler (Opacity_Callback); check_button = new CheckButton("Show Palette"); check_button.Active = true; options.PackEnd (check_button, false, false, 0); check_button.Toggled += new EventHandler (Palette_Callback); window.ColorSelection.ColorChanged += new EventHandler (Color_Changed); window.OkButton.Clicked += new EventHandler (Color_Selection_OK); window.CancelButton.Clicked += new EventHandler (Color_Selection_Cancel); options.ShowAll (); return window; }
void Build () { Stetic.Gui.Initialize (this); Stetic.BinContainer.Attach (this); var vbox = new VBox (); vbox.Spacing = 6; packOnBuildButton = new CheckButton (); packOnBuildButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Create a NuGet Package when building the project."); vbox.PackStart (packOnBuildButton, false, false, 10); missingMetadataLabel = new Label (); missingMetadataLabel.LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.Word; missingMetadataLabel.Wrap = true; missingMetadataLabel.Xalign = 0; missingMetadataLabel.Yalign = 0; missingMetadataLabel.Xpad = 20; missingMetadataLabel.WidthRequest = 600; missingMetadataLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("The project does not have NuGet package metadata so a NuGet package will not be created. NuGet package metadata can be specified in the Metadata section in Project Options"); vbox.PackStart (missingMetadataLabel); Add (vbox); ShowAll (); }
public EnableStartupNotesPreference() { IPropertyEditorBool enableStartupNotes_peditor; Gtk.CheckButton enableStartupNotesCheckbox; Gtk.Label enableStartupNotesLabel; // Enable Startup Notes option enableStartupNotesLabel = new Gtk.Label(Catalog.GetString("Enable startup notes")); enableStartupNotesLabel.UseMarkup = true; enableStartupNotesLabel.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; enableStartupNotesLabel.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.5f); enableStartupNotesLabel.Show(); enableStartupNotesCheckbox = new Gtk.CheckButton(); enableStartupNotesCheckbox.Add(enableStartupNotesLabel); enableStartupNotesCheckbox.Show(); enableStartupNotes_peditor = Services.Factory.CreatePropertyEditorToggleButton(Preferences.ENABLE_STARTUP_NOTES, enableStartupNotesCheckbox); Preferences.Get(enableStartupNotes_peditor.Key); enableStartupNotes_peditor.Setup(); align = new Gtk.Alignment(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); align.Show(); align.Add(enableStartupNotesCheckbox); }
public static new CheckButton NewWithLabel(string label) { IntPtr native_label = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (label); CheckButton result = new CheckButton (gtk_check_button_new_with_label(native_label)); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_label); return result; }
/// <summary> /// server gui stuff: /// server path /// server username + password /// check server ssl certificate yes/no /// </summary> /// <param name="insertTo"></param> /// <param name="defaultSpacing"></param> void SetupGuiServerRelated(Gtk.Box insertTo, int defaultSpacing) { Gtk.Table customBox = new Gtk.Table(3, 2, false); // somehow you can't change the default spacing or set it for all rows for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { customBox.SetRowSpacing((uint)i, (uint)defaultSpacing); } // insert the labels customBox.Attach(new Gtk.Label(Catalog.GetString("Server path:")), 0, 1, 0, 1); customBox.Attach(new Gtk.Label(Catalog.GetString("Username:"******"Password:"******"SaveConfiguration" is called //IPropertyEditor serverEditor = Services.Factory.CreatePropertyEditorEntry( // AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERPATH, server_path); //serverEditor.Setup(); server_user = new Gtk.Entry(); customBox.Attach(server_user, 1, 2, 1, 2); string serverUser = Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERUSER) as String; server_user.Text = serverUser; // NO EDITOR! because we only save when "SaveConfiguration" is called //IPropertyEditor userEditor = Services.Factory.CreatePropertyEditorEntry( // AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERUSER, server_user); //userEditor.Setup(); server_pass = new Gtk.Entry(); server_pass.InvisibleChar = '*'; server_pass.Visibility = false; customBox.Attach(server_pass, 1, 2, 2, 3); string serverpass = Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERPASS) as String; server_pass.Text = serverpass; // NO EDITOR! because we only save when "SaveConfiguration" is called //IPropertyEditor passEditor = Services.Factory.CreatePropertyEditorEntry( // AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERPASS, server_pass); //passEditor.Setup(); check_ssl = new Gtk.CheckButton(Catalog.GetString("Check servers SSL certificate")); insertTo.PackStart(check_ssl); // set up check-ssl certificate stuff object value = Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERCHECKSSLCERT); if (value == null || value.Equals(true)) { check_ssl.Active = true; } }
public void Initialize(PropertyDescriptor prop) { if (!prop.PropertyType.IsEnum) { throw new ApplicationException("Flags editor does not support editing values of type " + prop.PropertyType); } property = prop.Label; Spacing = 3; // For small enums, the editor is a list of checkboxes inside a frame // For large enums (>5), use a selector dialog. enm = Registry.LookupEnum(prop.PropertyType.FullName); if (enm.Values.Length < 6) { Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox(true, 3); tips = new Gtk.Tooltips(); flags = new Hashtable(); foreach (Enum value in enm.Values) { EnumValue eval = enm[value]; if (eval.Label == "") { continue; } Gtk.CheckButton check = new Gtk.CheckButton(eval.Label); tips.SetTip(check, eval.Description, eval.Description); uint uintVal = (uint)(int)eval.Value; flags[check] = uintVal; flags[uintVal] = check; check.Toggled += FlagToggled; vbox.PackStart(check, false, false, 0); } Gtk.Frame frame = new Gtk.Frame(); frame.Add(vbox); frame.ShowAll(); PackStart(frame, true, true, 0); } else { flagsLabel = new Gtk.Entry(); flagsLabel.IsEditable = false; flagsLabel.HasFrame = false; flagsLabel.ShowAll(); PackStart(flagsLabel, true, true, 0); Gtk.Button but = new Gtk.Button("..."); but.Clicked += OnSelectFlags; but.ShowAll(); PackStart(but, false, false, 0); } }
public CredentialsDialog (URIish uri, IEnumerable<CredentialItem> credentials) { this.Build (); this.credentials = credentials; labelTop.Text = string.Format (labelTop.Text, uri.ToString ()); Gtk.Table table = new Gtk.Table (0, 0, false); table.ColumnSpacing = 6; vbox.PackStart (table, true, true, 0); uint r = 0; Widget firstEditor = null; foreach (CredentialItem c in credentials) { Label lab = new Label (c.GetPromptText () + ":"); lab.Xalign = 0; table.Attach (lab, 0, 1, r, r + 1); Table.TableChild tc = (Table.TableChild) table [lab]; tc.XOptions = AttachOptions.Shrink; Widget editor = null; if (c is CredentialItem.YesNoType) { CredentialItem.YesNoType cred = (CredentialItem.YesNoType) c; CheckButton btn = new CheckButton (); editor = btn; btn.Toggled += delegate { cred.SetValue (btn.Active); }; } else if (c is CredentialItem.StringType || c is CredentialItem.CharArrayType) { CredentialItem cred = c; Entry e = new Entry (); editor = e; e.ActivatesDefault = true; if (cred.IsValueSecure ()) e.Visibility = false; e.Changed += delegate { if (cred is CredentialItem.StringType) ((CredentialItem.StringType)cred).SetValue (e.Text); else ((CredentialItem.CharArrayType)cred).SetValue (e.Text.ToCharArray ()); }; } if (editor != null) { table.Attach (editor, 1, 2, r, r + 1); tc = (Table.TableChild) table [lab]; tc.XOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; if (firstEditor == null) firstEditor = editor; } r++; } table.ShowAll (); Focus = firstEditor; Default = buttonOk; }
public PreferencesDialog(Settings set, Window parent, string argsOver) { settings = set; argsOverride = argsOver; dialog = new Dialog("Preferences", parent, DialogFlags.Modal | DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, new object[]{Gtk.Stock.Close, -1}); var table = new Table(4, 3, false); sUseBundledDebugger = new CheckButton("Use bundled MSPDebug"); sUseBundledDebugger.Clicked += OnBundledState; table.Attach(sUseBundledDebugger, 0, 3, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 4, 4); Label lbl; lbl = new Label("MSPDebug path:"); lbl.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.5f); table.Attach(lbl, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 4, 4); sMSPDebugPath = new Entry(); table.Attach(sMSPDebugPath, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 4, 4); chooseMSPDebug = new Button("Choose..."); chooseMSPDebug.Clicked += OnChoose; table.Attach(chooseMSPDebug, 2, 3, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 4, 4); lbl = new Label("MSPDebug arguments:"); lbl.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.5f); table.Attach(lbl, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 4, 4); sMSPDebugArgs = new Entry(); sMSPDebugArgs.Sensitive = (argsOverride == null); table.Attach(sMSPDebugArgs, 1, 3, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 4, 4); lbl = new Label("Console font:"); lbl.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.5f); table.Attach(lbl, 0, 1, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 4, 4); sConsoleFont = new FontButton(); table.Attach(sConsoleFont, 1, 3, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 4, 4); table.ShowAll(); ((Container)dialog.Child).Add(table); chooseDialog = new FileChooserDialog("Choose MSPDebug binary", dialog, FileChooserAction.Open, new object[]{Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel, Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok}); chooseDialog.DefaultResponse = ResponseType.Ok; }
public static void ColorsCheckOnlyPrelight(Gtk.CheckButton c) { //c.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, WHITE); //c.ModifyBg(StateType.Active, WHITE); //c.ModifyBg(StateType.Prelight, BLUE_CLEAR); //c.ModifyBg(StateType.Active, c.Style.Background(StateType.Selected)); //c.ModifyBg(StateType.Prelight, c.Style.Background(StateType.Selected)); }
public BooleanEditor(object @object, PropertyInfo info) : base(@object, info) { this.mCheck = new CheckButton(); this.mCheck.Show(); this.Add(this.mCheck); this.Revert(); this.mCheck.Toggled += this.OnCheckToggled; }
public AnalysisOptionsWidget () { enabledCheck = new CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Enable source analysis of open files")); PackStart (enabledCheck, false, false, 0); enabledTest = new CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Enable text editor unit test integration")); PackStart (enabledTest, false, false, 0); ShowAll (); }
public override Gtk.Widget GetEditWidget() { CheckButton check = new CheckButton (); check.Active = (bool) parentRow.PropertyValue; check.Label = check.Active.ToString (); check.Toggled += new EventHandler (check_Toggled); return check; }
public WidgetBuilderOptionPanelWidget (Project project) : base (false, 6) { this.project = project as DotNetProject; Gtk.HBox box = new Gtk.HBox (false, 3); Gtk.Label lbl = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Target Gtk# version:")); box.PackStart (lbl, false, false, 0); comboVersions = ComboBox.NewText (); ReferenceManager refmgr = new ReferenceManager (project as DotNetProject); foreach (string v in refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions) comboVersions.AppendText (v); comboVersions.Active = refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions.IndexOf (refmgr.GtkPackageVersion); refmgr.Dispose (); box.PackStart (comboVersions, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); PackStart (box, false, false, 0); HSeparator sep = new HSeparator (); sep.Show (); PackStart (sep, false, false, 0); if (!GtkDesignInfo.HasDesignedObjects (project)) return; GtkDesignInfo designInfo = GtkDesignInfo.FromProject (project); checkGettext = new CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Enable gettext support")); checkGettext.Active = designInfo.GenerateGettext; checkGettext.Show (); PackStart (checkGettext, false, false, 0); box = new Gtk.HBox (false, 3); box.PackStart (new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Gettext class:")), false, false, 0); entryGettext = new Gtk.Entry (); entryGettext.Text = designInfo.GettextClass; entryGettext.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; box.PackStart (entryGettext, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); PackStart (box, false, false, 0); sep= new HSeparator (); sep.Show (); PackStart (sep, false, false, 0); box = new Gtk.HBox (false, 3); box.PackStart (new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Stetic folder name :")), false, false, 0); entryFolderName = new Gtk.Entry (); entryFolderName.Text = designInfo.SteticFolderName; entryFolderName.Sensitive = false; box.PackStart (entryFolderName, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); PackStart (box, false, false, 0); checkHideFiles = new CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Hide designer files")); checkHideFiles.Active = designInfo.HideGtkxFiles; checkHideFiles.Show (); PackStart (checkHideFiles, false, false, 0); }
public FullscreeModeController( GUILauncher launcher ) : base(launcher) { hBox = new HBox(); Add(hBox); fBtn = new CheckButton("Mode plein écran"); fBtn.Toggled += this.OnToggle; hBox.Add(fBtn); }
public SingleBooleanViewer(IBroadcaster hub, string caption, string propertyName) { _hub = hub; _propertyName = propertyName; base.PackStart(new Gtk.Label(caption), false, false, 2); _checkButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); _checkButton.Toggled += new EventHandler(ToggledHandler); base.PackStart(_checkButton); }
public FileSelectorDialog(string title, Gtk.FileChooserAction action) : base(title, action) { LocalOnly = true; // Add the text encoding selector Table table = new Table(2, 2, false); table.RowSpacing = 6; table.ColumnSpacing = 6; encodingLabel = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("_Character Coding:")); encodingLabel.Xalign = 0; table.Attach(encodingLabel, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); encodingMenu = new Gtk.OptionMenu(); FillEncodings(); encodingMenu.SetHistory(0); table.Attach(encodingMenu, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); encodingMenu.Changed += EncodingChanged; // Add the viewer selector viewerLabel = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Open With:")); viewerLabel.Xalign = 0; table.Attach(viewerLabel, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); Gtk.HBox box = new HBox(false, 6); viewerSelector = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); box.PackStart(viewerSelector, true, true, 0); closeWorkspaceCheck = new CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Close current workspace")); closeWorkspaceCheck.Active = true; box.PackStart(closeWorkspaceCheck, false, false, 0); table.Attach(box, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); FillViewers(); viewerSelector.Changed += OnViewerChanged; table.ShowAll(); this.ExtraWidget = table; // Give back the height that the extra widgets take int w, h; GetSize(out w, out h); Resize(w, h + table.SizeRequest().Height); if (action == Gtk.FileChooserAction.SelectFolder) { ShowEncodingSelector = false; } if (action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open) { closeWorkspaceCheck.Visible = ShowViewerSelector = false; } }
public FormDatabasePreferences() : base(7, 3, false) { typeLabel = new Gtk.Label("Type :"); serverLabel = new Gtk.Label("Server :"); portLabel = new Gtk.Label("Port :"); userLabel = new Gtk.Label("Username :"******"Password :"******"Database :"); mediaLabel = new Gtk.Label("Medias path :"); typeCombo = ComboBox.NewText(); serverEntry = new Entry(); portSpinButton = new SpinButton(0f,65536f,1f); userEntry = new Entry(); passEntry = new Entry(); dbEntry = new Entry(); passCheck = new CheckButton("Save password"); dbButton= new Button(Stock.Open); mediaButton= new FileChooserButton("Choose the media directory", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); typeLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); serverLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); portLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); userLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); passLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); dbLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); mediaLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); typeCombo.AppendText("SQLite"); typeCombo.AppendText("PostgreSQL"); typeCombo.Changed += OnTypeComboChanged; passEntry.Visibility = false; dbButton.Clicked += OnDbButton; this.Attach(typeLabel, 0, 1, 0, 1); this.Attach(serverLabel, 0, 1, 1, 2); this.Attach(portLabel, 0, 1, 2, 3); this.Attach(userLabel, 0, 1, 3, 4); this.Attach(passLabel, 0, 1, 4, 5); this.Attach(dbLabel, 0, 1, 5, 6); this.Attach(mediaLabel, 0, 1, 6, 7); this.Attach(typeCombo, 1, 3, 0, 1); this.Attach(serverEntry, 1, 3, 1, 2); this.Attach(portSpinButton, 1, 3, 2, 3); this.Attach(userEntry, 1, 3, 3, 4); this.Attach(passEntry, 1, 2, 4, 5); this.Attach(dbEntry, 1, 2, 5, 6); this.Attach(passCheck, 2, 3, 4, 5); this.Attach(dbButton, 2, 3, 5, 6); this.Attach(mediaButton, 1, 3, 6, 7); }
public iFolderAccessDialog(Gtk.Window parent, string userName, string rights, bool enableOwner) : base() { if(parent != null) this.TransientFor = parent; if(userName == null) this.Title = Util.GS("Access Rights for Multiple Users"); else this.Title = string.Format(Util.GS("Access Rights for {0}"), userName); this.HasSeparator = false; this.Resizable = false; this.Modal = true; this.DefaultResponse = ResponseType.Ok; this.VBox.Spacing = 10; VBox accSectionBox = new VBox(); this.VBox.PackStart(accSectionBox, false, true, 0); accSectionBox.BorderWidth = 10; Label accSectionLabel = new Label("<span weight=\"bold\">" + Util.GS("Access Rights") + "</span>"); accSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; accSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; accSectionBox.PackStart(accSectionLabel, false, true, 0); HBox accSpacerBox = new HBox(); accSectionBox.PackStart(accSpacerBox, false, true, 0); Label accSpaceLabel = new Label(" "); accSpacerBox.PackStart(accSpaceLabel, false, true, 0); VBox accWidgetBox = new VBox(); accSpacerBox.PackStart(accWidgetBox, false, true, 0); FCButton = new RadioButton(Util.GS("Full Control")); accWidgetBox.PackStart(FCButton, false, true, 0); RWButton = new RadioButton(FCButton, Util.GS("Read/Write")); accWidgetBox.PackStart(RWButton, false, true, 0); ROButton = new RadioButton(FCButton, Util.GS("Read Only")); accWidgetBox.PackStart(ROButton, false, true, 0); VBox ownerSectionBox = new VBox(); this.VBox.PackStart(ownerSectionBox, false, true, 0); ownerSectionBox.BorderWidth = 10; OwnerButton = new CheckButton(Util.GS("Make this user the owner of the iFolder.")); ownerSectionBox.PackStart(OwnerButton, false, true, 0); if(!enableOwner) OwnerButton.Sensitive = false; OwnerButton.Toggled += new EventHandler(OwnerButtonToggled); this.VBox.ShowAll(); this.AddButton(Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel); this.AddButton(Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok); if(rights == "Admin") FCButton.Active = true; else if(rights == "ReadOnly") ROButton.Active = true; else RWButton.Active = true; }
public WidgetBuilderOptionPanelWidget (Project project) : base (false, 6) { this.project = project as DotNetProject; Gtk.HBox box = new Gtk.HBox (false, 3); Gtk.Label lbl = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Target Gtk# version:")); box.PackStart (lbl, false, false, 0); comboVersions = ComboBox.NewText (); ReferenceManager refmgr = new ReferenceManager (project as DotNetProject); foreach (string v in refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions) comboVersions.AppendText (v); comboVersions.Active = refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions.IndexOf (refmgr.GtkPackageVersion); refmgr.Dispose (); box.PackStart (comboVersions, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); PackStart (box, false, false, 0); HSeparator sep = new HSeparator (); sep.Show (); PackStart (sep, false, false, 0); if (!GtkDesignInfo.HasDesignedObjects (project)) return; GtkDesignInfo designInfo = GtkDesignInfo.FromProject (project); checkGettext = new CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Enable gettext support")); checkGettext.Active = designInfo.GenerateGettext; checkGettext.Show (); PackStart (checkGettext, false, false, 0); box = new Gtk.HBox (false, 3); box.PackStart (new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Gettext class:")), false, false, 0); entryGettext = new Gtk.Entry (); entryGettext.Text = designInfo.GettextClass; entryGettext.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; box.PackStart (entryGettext, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); PackStart (box, false, false, 0); box = new Gtk.HBox (false, 3); box.PackStart (new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Resource loader class:")), false, false, 0); entryResourceLoader = new Gtk.Entry (); entryResourceLoader.Text = designInfo.ImageResourceLoaderClass; entryResourceLoader.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; box.PackStart (entryResourceLoader, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); PackStart (box, false, false, 0); checkGettext.Clicked += delegate { box.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; if (checkGettext.Active) entryGettext.Text = "Mono.Unix.Catalog"; }; }
public WidgetBuilderOptionPanelWidget(Project project) : base(false, 6) { this.project = project as DotNetProject; Gtk.HBox box = new Gtk.HBox(false, 3); Gtk.Label lbl = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Target Gtk# version:")); box.PackStart(lbl, false, false, 0); comboVersions = ComboBox.NewText(); ReferenceManager refmgr = new ReferenceManager(project as DotNetProject); foreach (string v in refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions) { comboVersions.AppendText(v); } comboVersions.Active = refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions.IndexOf(refmgr.GtkPackageVersion); refmgr.Dispose(); box.PackStart(comboVersions, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); PackStart(box, false, false, 0); HSeparator sep = new HSeparator(); sep.Show(); PackStart(sep, false, false, 0); if (!GtkDesignInfo.HasDesignedObjects(project)) { return; } GtkDesignInfo designInfo = GtkDesignInfo.FromProject(project); checkGettext = new CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Enable gettext support")); checkGettext.Active = designInfo.GenerateGettext; checkGettext.Show(); PackStart(checkGettext, false, false, 0); box = new Gtk.HBox(false, 3); box.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Gettext class:")), false, false, 0); entryGettext = new Gtk.Entry(); entryGettext.Text = designInfo.GettextClass; entryGettext.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; box.PackStart(entryGettext, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); PackStart(box, false, false, 0); checkGettext.Clicked += delegate { box.Sensitive = checkGettext.Active; if (checkGettext.Active) { entryGettext.Text = "Mono.Unix.Catalog"; } }; }
public void Initialize (PropertyDescriptor prop) { if (!prop.PropertyType.IsEnum) throw new ApplicationException ("Flags editor does not support editing values of type " + prop.PropertyType); property = prop.Label; Spacing = 3; // For small enums, the editor is a list of checkboxes inside a frame // For large enums (>5), use a selector dialog. enm = Registry.LookupEnum (prop.PropertyType.FullName); if (enm.Values.Length < 6) { Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox (true, 3); flags = new Hashtable (); foreach (Enum value in enm.Values) { EnumValue eval = enm[value]; if (eval.Label == "") continue; Gtk.CheckButton check = new Gtk.CheckButton (eval.Label); check.TooltipText = eval.Description; uint uintVal = (uint) Convert.ToInt32 (eval.Value); flags[check] = uintVal; flags[uintVal] = check; check.Toggled += FlagToggled; vbox.PackStart (check, false, false, 0); } Gtk.Frame frame = new Gtk.Frame (); frame.Add (vbox); frame.ShowAll (); PackStart (frame, true, true, 0); } else { flagsLabel = new Gtk.Entry (); flagsLabel.IsEditable = false; flagsLabel.HasFrame = false; flagsLabel.ShowAll (); PackStart (flagsLabel, true, true, 0); Gtk.Button but = new Gtk.Button ("..."); but.Clicked += OnSelectFlags; but.ShowAll (); PackStart (but, false, false, 0); } }
protected override void OnStyleSet (Style previous_style) { base.OnStyleSet (previous_style); CheckButton check = new CheckButton (); check.EnsureStyle (); interior_focus = GtkUtilities.StyleGetProperty<bool> (check, "interior-focus", false); focus_width = GtkUtilities.StyleGetProperty<int> (check, "focus-line-width", -1); focus_padding = GtkUtilities.StyleGetProperty<int> (check, "focus-padding", -1); padding = interior_focus ? focus_width + focus_padding : 0; }
public void AddCheckButton(string key, string label, string tooltip = "", bool active = false) { Gtk.CheckButton CheckBox = new CheckButton(); CheckBox.Label = label; if(tooltip != "") CheckBox.TooltipText = tooltip; CheckBox.Active = active; CheckBox.Clicked += OnCheckClicked; CheckButtons.Add (key, CheckBox); this.PackStart (CheckBox, false, false, 0); this.ShowAll(); }
public static Gtk.Window Create () { window = new Dialog (); window.Title = "Sized groups"; window.Resizable = false; VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 5); window.VBox.PackStart (vbox, true, true, 0); vbox.BorderWidth = 5; size_group = new SizeGroup (SizeGroupMode.Horizontal); Frame frame = new Frame ("Color Options"); vbox.PackStart (frame, true, true, 0); Table table = new Table (2, 2, false); table.BorderWidth = 5; table.RowSpacing = 5; table.ColumnSpacing = 10; frame.Add (table); string [] colors = {"Red", "Green", "Blue", }; string [] dashes = {"Solid", "Dashed", "Dotted", }; string [] ends = {"Square", "Round", "Arrow", }; Add_Row (table, 0, size_group, "_Foreground", colors); Add_Row (table, 1, size_group, "_Background", colors); frame = new Frame ("Line Options"); vbox.PackStart (frame, false, false, 0); table = new Table (2, 2, false); table.BorderWidth = 5; table.RowSpacing = 5; table.ColumnSpacing = 10; frame.Add (table); Add_Row (table, 0, size_group, "_Dashing", dashes); Add_Row (table, 1, size_group, "_Line ends", ends); CheckButton check_button = new CheckButton ("_Enable grouping"); vbox.PackStart (check_button, false, false, 0); check_button.Active = true; check_button.Toggled += new EventHandler (Button_Toggle_Cb); Button close_button = new Button (Stock.Close); close_button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Close_Button); window.ActionArea.PackStart (close_button, false, false, 0); window.ShowAll (); return window; }
void FlagToggled(object o, EventArgs args) { Gtk.CheckButton check = (Gtk.CheckButton)o; ulong val = (ulong)flags[o]; if (check.Active) { UIntValue |= val; } else { UIntValue &= ~val; } }
public static Gtk.Widget CreateCellRenderer(ApplicationContext actx, CellView view) { if (view is TextCellView) { Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(); lab.Xalign = 0; lab.Text = ((TextCellView)view).Text; return(lab); } if (view is CheckBoxCellView) { var chkBox = new Gtk.CheckButton(); chkBox.Clicked += (s, e) => ((CheckBoxCellView)view).RaiseToggled(); return(chkBox); } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
static void DrawIndicator_cb(IntPtr inst, IntPtr cr) { Cairo.Context mycr = null; try { CheckButton __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject(inst, false) as CheckButton; mycr = new Cairo.Context(cr, false); __obj.OnDrawIndicator(mycr); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(e, false); } finally { var disposable_cr = mycr as IDisposable; if (disposable_cr != null) { disposable_cr.Dispose(); } } }
private static bool ConfirmUnmap(IUnmapableSource source) { string key = "no_confirm_unmap_" + source.GetType().Name.ToLower(); bool do_not_ask = ConfigurationClient.Get <bool> ("sources", key, false); if (do_not_ask) { return(true); } Hyena.Widgets.HigMessageDialog dialog = new Hyena.Widgets.HigMessageDialog( ServiceManager.Get <GtkElementsService> ().PrimaryWindow, Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Question, Gtk.ButtonsType.Cancel, String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to delete this {0}?"), source.GenericName.ToLower()), source.Name); dialog.AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Delete, Gtk.ResponseType.Ok, false); Gtk.Alignment alignment = new Gtk.Alignment(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); alignment.TopPadding = 10; Gtk.CheckButton confirm_button = new Gtk.CheckButton(String.Format(Catalog.GetString( "Do not ask me this again"), source.GenericName.ToLower())); confirm_button.Toggled += delegate { do_not_ask = confirm_button.Active; }; alignment.Add(confirm_button); alignment.ShowAll(); dialog.LabelVBox.PackStart(alignment, false, false, 0); try { if (dialog.Run() == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { ConfigurationClient.Set <bool> ("sources", key, do_not_ask); return(true); } return(false); } finally { dialog.Destroy(); } }
public void Load() { // Remove old children list var depsChildren = ((ArrayList)vbox_ProjectDeps.AllChildren); for (int k = depsChildren.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--) { vbox_ProjectDeps.Remove((Widget)depsChildren[k]); } // Init new project dep list int i = 0; var refs_ = Project.References.ReferencedProjectIds; var refs = refs_ as IList <string> ?? new List <string>(refs_); foreach (var prj in Project.ParentSolution.GetAllProjects()) { if (prj == Project) { continue; } var cb = new Gtk.CheckButton(prj.Name) { CanFocus = true, DrawIndicator = true, UseUnderline = false, Active = refs.Contains(prj.ItemId) }; cb.Data.Add("prj", prj); vbox_ProjectDeps.Add(cb); var bc = (Box.BoxChild)vbox_ProjectDeps[cb]; bc.Expand = false; bc.Fill = false; bc.Position = i++; } vbox_ProjectDeps.ShowAll(); }
private void OnCheckButtonToggled(object o, EventArgs args) { try { Gtk.CheckButton checkButton = (Gtk.CheckButton)o; FieldOrProperty field = fieldTable[widgetTable.IndexOf(checkButton)]; bool oldValue = (bool)field.GetValue(Object); bool newValue = checkButton.Active; if (oldValue != newValue) //no change => no Undo action { PropertyChangeCommand command = new PropertyChangeCommand( "Changed value of " + field.Name, field, Object, newValue); command.Do(); UndoManager.AddCommand(command); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.Exception(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Set up the widgets /// </summary> /// <returns> /// Widget to display /// </returns> private void InitializeWidgets() { this.Spacing = Util.SectionSpacing; this.BorderWidth = Util.DefaultBorderWidth; //------------------------------ // Application Settings //------------------------------ // create a section box VBox appSectionBox = new VBox(); appSectionBox.Spacing = Util.SectionTitleSpacing; this.PackStart(appSectionBox, false, true, 0); Label appSectionLabel = new Label("<span weight=\"bold\">" + Util.GS("Application") + "</span>"); appSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; appSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; appSectionBox.PackStart(appSectionLabel, false, true, 0); // create a hbox to provide spacing HBox appSpacerBox = new HBox(); appSectionBox.PackStart(appSpacerBox, false, true, 0); Label appSpaceLabel = new Label(" "); // four spaces appSpacerBox.PackStart(appSpaceLabel, false, true, 0); // create a vbox to actually place the widgets in for section VBox appWidgetBox = new VBox(); appSpacerBox.PackStart(appWidgetBox, false, true, 0); appWidgetBox.Spacing = Util.SectionTitleSpacing; ShowConfirmationButton = new CheckButton(Util.GS( "_Display confirmation dialog on successful creation of iFolder")); appWidgetBox.PackStart(ShowConfirmationButton, false, true, 0); ShowConfirmationButton.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowConfButton); /* ShowNetworkstatusButton = * new CheckButton(Util.GS( * "Show _Network Events messages when iFolder is started")); * appWidgetBox.PackStart(ShowNetworkstatusButton, false, true, 0); * ShowNetworkstatusButton.Toggled += * new EventHandler(OnShowNetworkButton); */ Label strtlabel = new Label("<span style=\"italic\">" + Util.GS("To start up iFolder at login, leave iFolder running when you log out and save your current setup.") + "</span>"); strtlabel.UseMarkup = true; strtlabel.LineWrap = true; appWidgetBox.PackStart(strtlabel, false, true, 0); HideMainWindowButton = new CheckButton(Util.GS("Hide ifolder _main window at startup")); appWidgetBox.PackStart(HideMainWindowButton, false, true, 0); HideMainWindowButton.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnHideMainWindowButton); HideSyncLogButton = new CheckButton(Util.GS("Display synchronization _logs")); appWidgetBox.PackStart(HideSyncLogButton, false, true, 0); HideSyncLogButton.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnHideSyncLogButton); //------------------------------ // Notifications //------------------------------ // create a section box VBox notifySectionBox = new VBox(); notifySectionBox.Spacing = Util.SectionTitleSpacing; this.PackStart(notifySectionBox, true, true, 0); Label notifySectionLabel = new Label("<span weight=\"bold\">" + Util.GS("Notification") + "</span>"); notifySectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; notifySectionLabel.Xalign = 0; notifySectionBox.PackStart(notifySectionLabel, false, true, 0); // create a hbox to provide spacing HBox notifySpacerBox = new HBox(); notifySectionBox.PackStart(notifySpacerBox, true, true, 0); Label notifySpaceLabel = new Label(" "); // four spaces notifySpacerBox.PackStart(notifySpaceLabel, false, true, 0); // create a vbox to actually place the widgets in for section VBox notifyWidgetBox = new VBox(); notifySpacerBox.PackStart(notifyWidgetBox, true, true, 0); notifyWidgetBox.Spacing = 5; VBox notificationPreferences = new NotificationPrefsBox(this.topLevelWindow); notifyWidgetBox.PackStart(notificationPreferences, true, true, 0); //------------------------------ // Sync Settings //------------------------------ // create a section box VBox syncSectionBox = new VBox(); syncSectionBox.Spacing = Util.SectionTitleSpacing; this.PackStart(syncSectionBox, false, true, 0); Label syncSectionLabel = new Label("<span weight=\"bold\">" + Util.GS("Synchronization") + "</span>"); syncSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; syncSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; syncSectionBox.PackStart(syncSectionLabel, false, true, 0); // create a hbox to provide spacing HBox syncSpacerBox = new HBox(); syncSectionBox.PackStart(syncSpacerBox, false, true, 0); Label syncSpaceLabel = new Label(" "); // four spaces syncSpacerBox.PackStart(syncSpaceLabel, false, true, 0); // create a vbox to actually place the widgets in for section VBox syncWidgetBox = new VBox(); syncSpacerBox.PackStart(syncWidgetBox, false, true, 0); syncWidgetBox.Spacing = 10; HBox syncHBox0 = new HBox(); syncWidgetBox.PackStart(syncHBox0, false, true, 0); syncHBox0.Spacing = 10; AutoSyncCheckButton = new CheckButton(Util.GS("Automatically S_ynchronize iFolders")); syncHBox0.PackStart(AutoSyncCheckButton, false, false, 0); HBox syncHBox = new HBox(); syncHBox.Spacing = 10; syncWidgetBox.PackStart(syncHBox, true, true, 0); Label spacerLabel = new Label(" "); syncHBox.PackStart(spacerLabel, true, true, 0); Label syncEveryLabel = new Label(Util.GS("Synchronize iFolders Every")); syncEveryLabel.Xalign = 1; syncHBox.PackStart(syncEveryLabel, false, false, 0); SyncSpinButton = new SpinButton(1, Int32.MaxValue, 1); syncHBox.PackStart(SyncSpinButton, false, false, 0); SyncUnitsComboBox = ComboBox.NewText(); syncHBox.PackStart(SyncUnitsComboBox, false, false, 0); SyncUnitsComboBox.AppendText(Util.GS("seconds")); SyncUnitsComboBox.AppendText(Util.GS("minutes")); SyncUnitsComboBox.AppendText(Util.GS("hours")); SyncUnitsComboBox.AppendText(Util.GS("days")); SyncUnitsComboBox.Active = (int)SyncUnit.Minutes; currentSyncUnit = SyncUnit.Minutes; }
public static void ColorsCheckbox(Gtk.Viewport v, Gtk.CheckButton c) { c.ModifyBg(StateType.Active, v.Style.Background(StateType.Selected)); c.ModifyBg(StateType.Prelight, v.Style.Background(StateType.Selected)); }
private void CreatePropertyWidgets(string title, object NewObject) { //NOTE: we need to remove all the old widgets before we empty the widget and field tables, because the // focus out event handlers which may be called during this step need them. Foreach(Remove); Gtk.VBox box = new Gtk.VBox(); titleLabel = new Gtk.Label(); titleLabel.Xalign = 0; titleLabel.Xpad = 12; titleLabel.Ypad = 6; titleLabel.Markup = "<b>" + title + "</b>"; box.PackStart(titleLabel, true, false, 0); Type type = NewObject.GetType(); // Dispose all former custom editor widgets foreach (IDisposable disposable in customWidgets) { disposable.Dispose(); } // Unregister our event handler from self-managed fields foreach (FieldOrProperty field in fieldTable) { field.Changed -= OnFieldChanged; } widgetTable.Clear(); fieldTable.Clear(); editWidgets.Clear(); customWidgets.Clear(); // iterate over all fields and properties foreach (FieldOrProperty field in FieldOrProperty.GetFieldsAndProperties(type)) { CustomSettingsWidgetAttribute customSettings = (CustomSettingsWidgetAttribute) field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CustomSettingsWidgetAttribute)); if (customSettings != null) { Type customType = customSettings.Type; ICustomSettingsWidget customWidget = (ICustomSettingsWidget)CreateObject(customType); customWidgets.Add(customWidget); editWidgets.Add(customWidget.Create(this, NewObject, field)); continue; } LispChildAttribute ChildAttrib = (LispChildAttribute) field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(LispChildAttribute)); if (ChildAttrib == null) { continue; } PropertyPropertiesAttribute propertyProperties = (PropertyPropertiesAttribute) field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(PropertyPropertiesAttribute)); if ((propertyProperties != null) && (propertyProperties.Hidden)) { continue; } if (field.Type == typeof(string) || field.Type == typeof(float) || field.Type == typeof(int)) { Gtk.Entry entry = new Gtk.Entry(); entry.Name = field.Name; object val = field.GetValue(NewObject); if (val != null) { entry.Text = val.ToString(); } widgetTable.Add(entry); fieldTable.Add(field); entry.Changed += OnEntryChanged; entry.FocusOutEvent += OnEntryChangeDone; editWidgets.Add(entry); AddTooltip(propertyProperties, entry); } else if (field.Type == typeof(bool)) { Gtk.CheckButton checkButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(field.Name); checkButton.Name = field.Name; checkButton.Active = (bool)field.GetValue(NewObject); widgetTable.Add(checkButton); fieldTable.Add(field); checkButton.Toggled += OnCheckButtonToggled; editWidgets.Add(checkButton); AddTooltip(propertyProperties, checkButton); } else if (field.Type.IsEnum) { // Create a combobox containing all the names of enum values. Gtk.ComboBox comboBox = new Gtk.ComboBox(Enum.GetNames(field.Type)); // Set the name of the box. comboBox.Name = field.Name; // FIXME: This will break if: // 1) the first enum isn't 0 and/or // 2) the vaules are not sequential (0, 1, 3, 4 wouldn't work) object val = field.GetValue(NewObject); if (val != null) { comboBox.Active = (int)val; } widgetTable.Add(comboBox); fieldTable.Add(field); comboBox.Changed += OnComboBoxChanged; editWidgets.Add(comboBox); AddTooltip(propertyProperties, comboBox); } } // Register our event handler for self-managed fields foreach (FieldOrProperty field in fieldTable) { field.Changed += OnFieldChanged; } Gtk.Table table = new Gtk.Table((uint)editWidgets.Count, 2, false); table.ColumnSpacing = 6; table.RowSpacing = 6; table.BorderWidth = 12; for (uint i = 0; i < editWidgets.Count; ++i) { Gtk.Widget widget = editWidgets[(int)i]; if (widget is Gtk.CheckButton) { table.Attach(widget, 0, 2, i, i + 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill | Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand, Gtk.AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); } else { Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label(widget.Name + ":"); label.SetAlignment(0, 1); table.Attach(label, 0, 1, i, i + 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); table.Attach(widget, 1, 2, i, i + 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill | Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand, Gtk.AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); } } box.PackStart(table, true, true, 0); // TODO add a (!) image in front of the label (and hide/show it depending // if there was an error) errorLabel = new Gtk.Label(String.Empty); errorLabel.Xalign = 0; errorLabel.Xpad = 12; box.PackStart(errorLabel, true, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); AddWithViewport(box); }
public SubTileEditor(TilesetEditor tilesetEditor) : base(0, 0, 0, 0) { this.tilesetEditor = tilesetEditor; Gtk.Box tmpBox; Gtk.VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 2); vbox.Spacing = 10; // Top row: 2 images of the tile, one for selecting, one to show // collisions subTileViewer = new SubTileViewer(); subTileViewer.SubTileChangedEvent += delegate() { PullEverything(); }; subTileCollisionEditor = new SubTileCollisionEditor(); subTileCollisionEditor.CollisionsChangedHandler += () => { PullEverything(); }; Alignment hAlign = new Alignment(0.5f, 0, 0, 0); Gtk.HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 2); hbox.Add(subTileViewer); hbox.Add(subTileCollisionEditor); hAlign.Add(hbox); vbox.Add(hAlign); // Next row: collision value collisionSpinButton = new SpinButtonHexadecimal(0, 255); collisionSpinButton.Digits = 2; collisionSpinButton.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tileset.SetTileCollision(TileIndex, (byte)collisionSpinButton.ValueAsInt); subTileCollisionEditor.QueueDraw(); }; Gtk.Label collisionLabel = new Gtk.Label("Collisions"); tmpBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 2); tmpBox.Add(collisionLabel); tmpBox.Add(collisionSpinButton); vbox.Add(tmpBox); // Next rows: subtile properties var table = new Table(2, 2, false); table.ColumnSpacing = 6; table.RowSpacing = 6; subTileSpinButton = new SpinButtonHexadecimal(0, 255); subTileSpinButton.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; paletteSpinButton = new SpinButton(0, 7, 1); paletteSpinButton.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; flipXCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); flipXCheckButton.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; flipYCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); flipYCheckButton.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; priorityCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); priorityCheckButton.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; bankCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); bankCheckButton.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; bankCheckButton.Sensitive = false; // On second thought, nobody actually needs this Gtk.Label subTileLabel = new Gtk.Label("Subtile Index"); Gtk.Label paletteLabel = new Gtk.Label("Palette"); Gtk.Label flipXLabel = new Gtk.Label("Flip X"); Gtk.Label flipYLabel = new Gtk.Label("Flip Y"); Gtk.Label priorityLabel = new Gtk.Label("Priority"); Gtk.Label bankLabel = new Gtk.Label("Bank (0/1)"); paletteLabel.TooltipText = "Palette index (0-7)"; paletteSpinButton.TooltipText = "Palette index (0-7)"; priorityLabel.TooltipText = "Check to make colors 1-3 appear above sprites"; priorityCheckButton.TooltipText = "Check to make colors 1-3 appear above sprites"; bankLabel.TooltipText = "This should always be checked."; bankCheckButton.TooltipText = "This should always be checked."; uint y = 0; table.Attach(subTileLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(subTileSpinButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(paletteLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(paletteSpinButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(flipXLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(flipXCheckButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(flipYLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(flipYCheckButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(priorityLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(priorityCheckButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(bankLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(bankCheckButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; vbox.Add(table); this.Add(vbox); ShowAll(); PullEverything(); }
/// <summary>Crea las hojas de las opciones, la parte central /// del diálogo.</summary> /// <returns>El notebook de las opciones.</returns> private Gtk.Widget CrearNotebook() { Gtk.Notebook notebook = new Gtk.Notebook(); notebook.BorderWidth = 10; // Panel de configuración del ensamblador. cbAdvertencias = new Gtk.CheckButton( Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_MostrarAdv")); Gtk.Frame frmEnsamblador = new Gtk.Frame(Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_Ensamblador")); VBox panelEnsamblador = new VBox(false, 5); panelEnsamblador.PackStart(cbAdvertencias); frmEnsamblador.Add(panelEnsamblador); // Panel de Memoria de control. rbMemoriaDef = new RadioButton(null, Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_MemDef")); rbMemoriaUsu = new RadioButton(rbMemoriaDef, Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_MemUsu")); rbMemoriaDef.Toggled += new EventHandler(rbToggled1); rbMemoriaUsu.Toggled += new EventHandler(rbToggled2); lblMemoriaAlt = new Gtk.Entry(""); lblMemoriaAlt.Sensitive = false; btnFichero = new Gtk.Button(Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_Explorar")); btnFichero.Clicked += new EventHandler(btnFicheroClicked); Gtk.Frame frmMemoria = new Gtk.Frame(Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_Memoria")); VBox panelMemoria = new Gtk.VBox(false, 5); panelMemoria.PackStart(rbMemoriaDef); panelMemoria.PackStart(rbMemoriaUsu); panelMemoria.PackStart(lblMemoriaAlt); panelMemoria.PackStart(btnFichero); frmMemoria.Add(panelMemoria); // Panel del simulador. Gtk.Frame frmSimulador = new Gtk.Frame(Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_Simulador")); VBox panelSimulador = new VBox(false, 5); panelSimulador.PackStart( new Gtk.Label(Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_Tiempo"))); sbTiempo = new Gtk.SpinButton( new Adjustment(1000.0, 50.0, 5000.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1.0), 1.0, 0); sbTiempo.Numeric = true; panelSimulador.PackStart(sbTiempo); frmSimulador.Add(panelSimulador); // ---- notebook.AppendPage( frmSimulador, new Gtk.Label(Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_Simulador"))); notebook.AppendPage( frmEnsamblador, new Gtk.Label(Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_Ensamblador"))); notebook.AppendPage( frmMemoria, new Gtk.Label(Ventana.GetText("D_Conf_Memoria"))); return(notebook); }
private void PushButton(object sender, EventArgs e) { Gtk.CheckButton check = new Gtk.CheckButton("Down"); Gtk.Entry input = new Gtk.Entry(15); Gtk.HBox divide = new Gtk.HBox(false, 0); Gtk.Button but = new Gtk.Button("OK"); input.Activated += delegate { but.Click(); }; divide.PackStart(input); divide.Add(check); divide.PackEnd(but); Gtk.Window w = new Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.Popup); w.SetPosition(WindowPosition.Mouse); w.Add(divide); w.BorderWidth = 0; w.Modal = true; w.CanFocus = true; w.ShowAll(); but.Clicked += delegate { if (input.Text == "") { return; } int i, j; string[] name = ((Gtk.Button)sender).Name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); i = int.Parse(name [1]); j = int.Parse(name [2]); w.HideAll(); if ( new Lexicon.Move(new System.Drawing.Point(i - 1, j - 1), input.Text.ToUpperInvariant(), check.Active)) ) { w.Destroy(); if (!Scrabble.Game.InitialConfig.client) {; } } }; w.KeyPressEvent += delegate(object o, KeyPressEventArgs args) { switch (args.Event.Key) { case Gdk.Key.Escape: w.HideAll(); w.Dispose(); w.Destroy(); break; } }; }
protected virtual void Build() { Stetic.Gui.Initialize(this); Stetic.BinContainer.Attach(this); this.Name = "DocumentationPanelWidget"; // Create Boxes this.boxPreferences = new Gtk.VBox(); this.boxPreferences.Name = "boxPreferences"; this.boxPreferences.Spacing = 6; this.boxDocumentationPreference = new Gtk.HBox(); this.boxDocumentationPreference.Name = "boxDocumentationPreference"; this.boxDocumentationPreference.Spacing = 6; this.boxInstall = new Gtk.HBox(); this.boxInstall.Name = "boxInstall"; this.boxInstall.Spacing = 6; // Documentation Preference this.labelDocumentationPreference = new Gtk.Label(); this.labelDocumentationPreference.Name = "labelDocumentationPreference"; this.labelDocumentationPreference.Xalign = 0F; this.labelDocumentationPreference.Yalign = 0F; this.labelDocumentationPreference.LabelProp = GettextCatalog.GetString("Documentation Preference"); this.boxPreferences.Add(this.labelDocumentationPreference); Gtk.Box.BoxChild setupLabelDocumentationPreference = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.boxPreferences[this.labelDocumentationPreference])); setupLabelDocumentationPreference.Position = 0; setupLabelDocumentationPreference.Expand = false; setupLabelDocumentationPreference.Fill = false; this.comboDocumentationPreference = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); this.comboDocumentationPreference.Name = "comboDocumentationPreference"; this.comboDocumentationPreference.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Unity")); if (PropertyService.Get <string>("Unity.iPhone.Path", "") != "") { this.comboDocumentationPreference.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Unity iPhone")); if (PropertyService.Get <string>("Unity.DocumentationPreference", "Unity") == "Unity") { this.comboDocumentationPreference.Active = 0; } else { this.comboDocumentationPreference.Active = 1; } } else { this.comboDocumentationPreference.Sensitive = false; } this.boxDocumentationPreference.Add(this.comboDocumentationPreference); Gtk.Box.BoxChild setupComboDocumentation = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.boxDocumentationPreference[this.comboDocumentationPreference])); setupComboDocumentation.Position = 0; setupComboDocumentation.Expand = false; setupComboDocumentation.Fill = false; this.boxPreferences.Add(this.boxDocumentationPreference); Gtk.Box.BoxChild setupBoxDocumentationPreference = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.boxPreferences[this.boxDocumentationPreference])); setupBoxDocumentationPreference.Position = 1; setupBoxDocumentationPreference.Expand = false; setupBoxDocumentationPreference.Fill = false; // Force Local Content this.checkForceLocal = new Gtk.CheckButton(); this.checkForceLocal.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Force Local Content Only (Offline Mode)"); this.checkForceLocal.Active = PropertyService.Get <bool>("Unity.Base.Documentation.ForceLocal", false); this.checkForceLocal.CanFocus = true; this.checkForceLocal.Name = "checkForceLocal"; this.checkForceLocal.DrawIndicator = true; this.checkForceLocal.UseUnderline = true; this.boxPreferences.Add(this.checkForceLocal); Gtk.Box.BoxChild setupCheckForceLocal = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.boxPreferences[this.checkForceLocal])); setupCheckForceLocal.Position = 2; setupCheckForceLocal.Expand = false; setupCheckForceLocal.Fill = false; this.checkOpenInBrowser = new Gtk.CheckButton(); if (!MonoDevelop.Core.Gui.WebBrowserService.CanGetWebBrowser) { this.checkOpenInBrowser.Sensitive = false; } this.checkOpenInBrowser.CanFocus = true; this.checkOpenInBrowser.Name = "checkOpenInBrowser"; this.checkOpenInBrowser.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Open Documentation in a Web Browser"); this.checkOpenInBrowser.Active = PropertyService.Get <bool>("Unity.Base.Documentation.OpenInBrowser", true); this.checkOpenInBrowser.DrawIndicator = true; this.checkOpenInBrowser.UseUnderline = true; this.boxPreferences.Add(this.checkOpenInBrowser); Gtk.Box.BoxChild setupCheckOpenInBrowser = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.boxPreferences[this.checkOpenInBrowser])); setupCheckOpenInBrowser.Position = 3; setupCheckOpenInBrowser.Expand = false; setupCheckOpenInBrowser.Fill = false; this.Add(this.boxPreferences); if ((this.Child != null)) { this.Child.ShowAll(); } this.Show(); }
private Gtk.Widget MakeGeneralPage() { VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 6); vbox.BorderWidth = 10; // // ITask Management System // VBox sectionVBox = new VBox(false, 4); Label l = new Label(); l.Markup = string.Format("<span size=\"large\" weight=\"bold\">{0}</span>", Catalog.GetString("Task Management System")); l.UseUnderline = false; l.UseMarkup = true; l.Wrap = false; l.Xalign = 0; l.Show(); sectionVBox.PackStart(l, false, false, 0); backendComboBox = ComboBox.NewText(); backendComboMap = new Dictionary <int, string> (); // Fill out the ComboBox int i = 0; selectedBackend = -1; foreach (var backend in application.BackendManager.AvailableBackends) { backendComboBox.AppendText(backend.Value); backendComboMap [i] = backend.Key; if (backend.Key == application.BackendManager.CurrentBackend) { selectedBackend = i; } i++; } if (selectedBackend >= 0) { backendComboBox.Active = selectedBackend; } backendComboBox.Changed += OnBackendComboBoxChanged; backendComboBox.Show(); HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 6); l = new Label(string.Empty); // spacer l.Show(); hbox.PackStart(l, false, false, 0); hbox.PackStart(backendComboBox, false, false, 0); hbox.Show(); sectionVBox.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 0); sectionVBox.Show(); vbox.PackStart(sectionVBox, false, false, 0); // // ITask Filtering // sectionVBox = new VBox(false, 4); l = new Label(); l.Markup = string.Format("<span size=\"large\" weight=\"bold\">{0}</span>", Catalog.GetString("Task Filtering")); l.UseUnderline = false; l.UseMarkup = true; l.Wrap = false; l.Xalign = 0; l.Show(); sectionVBox.PackStart(l, false, false, 0); HBox sectionHBox = new HBox(false, 6); l = new Label(string.Empty); // spacer l.Show(); sectionHBox.PackStart(l, false, false, 0); VBox innerSectionVBox = new VBox(false, 6); hbox = new HBox(false, 6); bool showCompletedTasks = application.Preferences.GetBool( PreferencesKeys.ShowCompletedTasksKey); showCompletedTasksCheckButton = new CheckButton(Catalog.GetString("Sh_ow completed tasks")); showCompletedTasksCheckButton.UseUnderline = true; showCompletedTasksCheckButton.Active = showCompletedTasks; showCompletedTasksCheckButton.Show(); hbox.PackStart(showCompletedTasksCheckButton, true, true, 0); hbox.Show(); innerSectionVBox.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 0); // TaskLists TreeView l = new Label(Catalog.GetString("Only _show these lists when \"All\" is selected:")); l.UseUnderline = true; l.Xalign = 0; l.Show(); innerSectionVBox.PackStart(l, false, false, 0); ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; sw.ShadowType = ShadowType.EtchedIn; taskListsTree = new TreeView(); taskListsTree.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.None; taskListsTree.RulesHint = false; taskListsTree.HeadersVisible = false; l.MnemonicWidget = taskListsTree; Gtk.TreeViewColumn column = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn(); column.Title = Catalog.GetString("Task List"); column.Sizing = Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize; column.Resizable = false; Gtk.CellRendererToggle toggleCr = new CellRendererToggle(); toggleCr.Toggled += OnTaskListToggled; column.PackStart(toggleCr, false); column.SetCellDataFunc(toggleCr, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc(ToggleCellDataFunc)); Gtk.CellRendererText textCr = new CellRendererText(); column.PackStart(textCr, true); column.SetCellDataFunc(textCr, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc(TextCellDataFunc)); taskListsTree.AppendColumn(column); taskListsTree.Show(); sw.Add(taskListsTree); sw.Show(); innerSectionVBox.PackStart(sw, true, true, 0); innerSectionVBox.Show(); sectionHBox.PackStart(innerSectionVBox, true, true, 0); sectionHBox.Show(); sectionVBox.PackStart(sectionHBox, true, true, 0); sectionVBox.Show(); vbox.PackStart(sectionVBox, true, true, 0); return(vbox); }
public PreferencesWidget() { enableHighlightCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton("Highlight matches of selection pattern"); this.PackStart(enableHighlightCheckButton, false, false, 6); this.ShowAll(); }
public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { /* Set up ghostscript calls for progress update */ m_ghostscript = new ghostsharp(); m_ghostscript.gsUpdateMain += new ghostsharp.gsCallBackMain(gsProgress); m_ghostscript.gsIOUpdateMain += new ghostsharp.gsIOCallBackMain(gsIO); m_ghostscript.gsDLLProblemMain += new ghostsharp.gsDLLProblem(gsDLL); DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit(); }; m_currpage = 0; m_gsoutput = new gsOutput(); m_gsoutput.Activate(); m_tempfiles = new List <TempFile>(); m_thumbnails = new List <DocPage>(); m_docPages = new Pages(); m_page_sizes = new List <pagesizes_t>(); m_page_scroll_pos = new List <int>(); m_file_open = false; m_doczoom = 1.0; m_init_done = false; m_busy_render = true; m_firstime = true; m_aa = true; m_aa_change = false; m_zoom_txt = "100"; m_page_txt = "1"; m_ignore_scroll_change = false; /* Set up Vbox in main window */ this.SetDefaultSize(500, 700); this.Title = "GhostPDL Mono GTK Demo"; m_GtkvBoxMain = new VBox(false, 0); this.Add(m_GtkvBoxMain); /* Add Menu Bar to vBox */ Gtk.MenuBar menu_bar = new MenuBar(); Menu filemenu = new Menu(); MenuItem file = new MenuItem("File"); file.Submenu = filemenu; AccelGroup agr = new AccelGroup(); AddAccelGroup(agr); ImageMenuItem openi = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.Open, agr); openi.AddAccelerator("activate", agr, new AccelKey( Gdk.Key.o, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible)); openi.Activated += OnOpen; filemenu.Append(openi); ImageMenuItem closei = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.Close, agr); closei.AddAccelerator("activate", agr, new AccelKey( Gdk.Key.w, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible)); closei.Activated += OnClose; filemenu.Append(closei); MenuItem messagesi = new MenuItem("Show Messages"); messagesi.Activated += OnShowMessages; filemenu.Append(messagesi); MenuItem about = new MenuItem("About"); about.Activated += OnAboutClicked; filemenu.Append(about); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); filemenu.Append(sep); ImageMenuItem quiti = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.Quit, agr); quiti.AddAccelerator("activate", agr, new AccelKey( Gdk.Key.q, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible)); filemenu.Append(quiti); quiti.Activated += OnQuit; menu_bar.Append(file); m_GtkvBoxMain.PackStart(menu_bar, false, false, 0); /* Add a hbox with the page information, zoom control, and aa to vbox */ HBox pageBox = new HBox(false, 0); m_GtkpageEntry = new Entry(); m_GtkpageEntry.Activated += PageChanged; m_GtkpageEntry.WidthChars = 4; m_GtkpageTotal = new Label("/0"); pageBox.PackStart(m_GtkpageEntry, false, false, 0); pageBox.PackStart(m_GtkpageTotal, false, false, 0); HBox zoomBox = new HBox(false, 0); m_GtkZoomPlus = new Button(); m_GtkZoomPlus.Label = "+"; m_GtkZoomPlus.Clicked += ZoomIn; m_GtkZoomMinus = new Button(); m_GtkZoomMinus.Label = "–"; m_GtkZoomMinus.Clicked += ZoomOut; m_GtkzoomEntry = new Entry(); m_GtkzoomEntry.WidthChars = 3; m_GtkzoomEntry.Activated += ZoomChanged; Label precentLabel = new Label("%"); zoomBox.PackStart(m_GtkZoomPlus, false, false, 0); zoomBox.PackStart(m_GtkZoomMinus, false, false, 0); zoomBox.PackStart(m_GtkzoomEntry, false, false, 0); zoomBox.PackStart(precentLabel, false, false, 0); HBox hBoxControls = new HBox(false, 0); m_GtkaaCheck = new CheckButton("Enable Antialias:"); m_GtkaaCheck.Active = true; m_GtkaaCheck.Clicked += AaCheck_Clicked; hBoxControls.PackStart(pageBox, false, false, 0); hBoxControls.PackStart(zoomBox, false, false, 20); hBoxControls.PackStart(m_GtkaaCheck, false, false, 0); m_GtkvBoxMain.PackStart(hBoxControls, false, false, 0); /* Tree view containing thumbnail and main images */ HBox hBoxPages = new HBox(false, 0); /* Must be scrollable */ m_GtkthumbScroll = new ScrolledWindow(); m_GtkthumbScroll.BorderWidth = 5; m_GtkthumbScroll.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; m_GtkmainScroll = new ScrolledWindow(); m_GtkmainScroll.BorderWidth = 5; m_GtkmainScroll.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; m_GtkmainScroll.Vadjustment.ValueChanged += Vadjustment_Changed; m_GtkTreeThumb = new Gtk.TreeView(); m_GtkTreeThumb.HeadersVisible = false; m_GtkimageStoreThumb = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf)); m_GtkTreeThumb.AppendColumn("Thumb", new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), "pixbuf", 0); m_GtkTreeThumb.Style.YThickness = 100; m_GtkthumbScroll.Add(m_GtkTreeThumb); m_GtkTreeThumb.RowActivated += M_GtkTreeThumb_RowActivated; m_GtkTreeMain = new Gtk.TreeView(); m_GtkTreeMain.HeadersVisible = false; m_GtkTreeMain.RulesHint = false; m_GtkimageStoreMain = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf)); m_GtkTreeMain.AppendColumn("Main", new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), "pixbuf", 0); m_GtkmainScroll.Add(m_GtkTreeMain); // Separate with gridlines m_GtkTreeMain.EnableGridLines = TreeViewGridLines.Horizontal; //To disable selections, set the selection mode to None: m_GtkTreeMain.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.None; hBoxPages.PackStart(m_GtkthumbScroll, false, false, 0); hBoxPages.PackStart(m_GtkmainScroll, true, true, 0); m_GtkTreeThumb.Model = m_GtkimageStoreThumb; m_GtkTreeMain.Model = m_GtkimageStoreMain; m_GtkvBoxMain.PackStart(hBoxPages, true, true, 0); /* For case of opening another file */ string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (arguments.Length > 1) { m_currfile = arguments[1]; ProcessFile(); } }
public void Load(DProject proj, DProjectConfiguration config) { project = proj; configuration = config; cbUseDefaultCompiler.Active = proj.UseDefaultCompilerVendor; cbPreferOneStepCompilation.Active = proj.PreferOneStepBuild; OnUseDefaultCompilerChanged(); Gtk.TreeIter iter; if (cmbCompiler.Model.GetIterFirst(out iter)) { do { if (proj.UsedCompilerVendor == cmbCompiler.Model.GetValue(iter, 0) as string) { cmbCompiler.SetActiveIter(iter); break; } } while (cmbCompiler.Model.IterNext(ref iter)); } extraCompilerTextView.Buffer.Text = config.ExtraCompilerArguments; extraLinkerTextView.Buffer.Text = config.ExtraLinkerArguments; text_BinDirectory.Text = config.OutputDirectory; text_TargetFile.Text = config.Output; text_ObjectsDirectory.Text = config.ObjectDirectory; text_DDocDir.Text = config.DDocDirectory; if (config.CustomDebugIdentifiers == null) { text_debugConstants.Text = ""; } else { text_debugConstants.Text = string.Join(";", config.CustomDebugIdentifiers); } if (config.CustomVersionIdentifiers == null) { text_versionConstants.Text = ""; } else { text_versionConstants.Text = string.Join(";", config.CustomVersionIdentifiers); } spin_debugLevel.Value = (double)config.DebugLevel; // Disable debug-specific fields on non-debug configurations text_debugConstants.Sensitive = spin_debugLevel.Sensitive = config.DebugMode; if (model_compileTarget.GetIterFirst(out iter)) { do { if (config.CompileTarget == (DCompileTarget)model_compileTarget.GetValue(iter, 1)) { combo_ProjectType.SetActiveIter(iter); break; } } while (model_compileTarget.IterNext(ref iter)); } text_Libraries.Buffer.Text = string.Join("\n", config.ExtraLibraries); text_Includes.Buffer.Text = string.Join("\n", proj.LocalIncludeCache.ParsedDirectories); // Remove old children list var depsChildren = ((ArrayList)vbox_ProjectDeps.AllChildren); for (int k = depsChildren.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--) { vbox_ProjectDeps.Remove((Widget)depsChildren[k]); } // Init new project dep list int i = 0; foreach (var prj in proj.ParentSolution.GetAllProjects()) { if (prj == proj) { continue; } var cb = new Gtk.CheckButton(prj.Name) { CanFocus = true, DrawIndicator = true, UseUnderline = false, Active = proj.ProjectDependencies.Contains(prj.ItemId) }; cb.Data.Add("prj", prj); vbox_ProjectDeps.Add(cb); var bc = (Box.BoxChild)vbox_ProjectDeps[cb]; bc.Expand = false; bc.Fill = false; bc.Position = i++; } vbox_ProjectDeps.ShowAll(); }
public GtkAlertDialog(ApplicationContext actx, MessageDescription message) { this.actx = actx; Init(); this.buttons = message.Buttons.ToArray(); string primaryText = String.Empty; string secondaryText = String.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Text)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.SecondaryText)) { primaryText = message.SecondaryText; } } else { primaryText = message.Text; secondaryText = message.SecondaryText; } if (message.Icon == StockIcons.Information) { base.MessageType = MessageType.Info; } else if (message.Icon == StockIcons.Question) { base.MessageType = MessageType.Question; } else if (message.Icon == StockIcons.Warning) { base.MessageType = MessageType.Warning; } else if (message.Icon == StockIcons.Error) { base.MessageType = MessageType.Error; } else { var icon = message.Icon.ToImageDescription(actx); image.Image = icon.WithDefaultSize(Gtk.IconSize.Dialog); base.Image = image; } StringBuilder markup = new StringBuilder(@"<span weight=""bold"" size=""larger"">"); markup.Append(GLib.Markup.EscapeText(primaryText)); markup.Append("</span>"); base.Markup = markup.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(secondaryText)) { base.SecondaryText = GLib.Markup.EscapeText(secondaryText); base.SecondaryUseMarkup = true; } foreach (Command button in message.Buttons) { Gtk.Button newButton = (Gtk.Button)base.AddButton(button.Label, button.ToResponseType()); newButton.UseUnderline = true; newButton.UseStock = button.IsStockButton; if (button.Icon != null) { var icon = button.Icon.ToImageDescription(actx); newButton.Image = new ImageBox(actx, icon.WithDefaultSize(Gtk.IconSize.Button)); } newButton.Clicked += ButtonClicked; } foreach (var op in message.Options) { Gtk.CheckButton check = new Gtk.CheckButton(op.Text); check.Active = op.Value; this.AddContent(check, false, false, 0); check.Toggled += delegate { message.SetOptionValue(op.Id, check.Active); }; } if (message.AllowApplyToAll) { Gtk.CheckButton check = new Gtk.CheckButton(Xwt.Application.TranslationCatalog.GetString("Apply to all")); this.AddContent(check, false, false, 0); check.Toggled += delegate { ApplyToAll = check.Active; }; } //don't show this yet, let the consumer decide when this.Child.ShowAll(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Scrabble.GUI.StartWindow"/> class. /// </summary> public StartWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { #region Basic window properties // Basic window properties this.Title = "Scrabble - Základní nastavení"; this.Name = "ConfigWindow"; this.DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent; this.SetPosition(WindowPosition.Center); this.DefaultWidth = 410; this.DefaultHeight = 280; this.Icon = Scrabble.Game.InitialConfig.icon; #endregion this.numberOfPlayers = 2; // Own thread for loading dictionary this.statusb = new Gtk.Statusbar(); this.statusb.Push(statusb.GetContextId("Slovník"), "Načítám slovník"); this.tdic = new Thread(LoadDictionary); this.tdic.Start(); // infoText (top) this.infoText = new Gtk.Label("Základní nastavení hry.\n" + "Nastavte prosím počet hráčů, jejich jména a určete zda za ně bude hrát umělá inteligence. " + "Také můžete nastavit, kteří hráči se připojují vzdáleně."); this.infoText.Wrap = true; // First config line (number of players, client) this.upperHbox = new HBox(false, 5); this.l1 = new Label("Počet hráčů"); this.upperHbox.PackStart(l1); this.l2 = new Label(", nebo:"); this.entryNum = new SpinButton(2, 5, 1); this.entryNum.Changed += OnNumberOfPlayerChange; client = new CheckButton(); client.Clicked += IamClient; client.Label = "připojit se ke vzdálené hře"; client.TooltipText = "Pokud zaškrnete, tak se program bude chovat pouze jako client a připojí se k hře vedené na jiném PC."; upperHbox.Add(entryNum); upperHbox.Add(l2); upperHbox.PackEnd(client); upperHbox.BorderWidth = 10; upperHbox.WidthRequest = 20; // Table with config for each player (dynamic size) table = new Gtk.Table(5, 7, false); table.Attach(new Gtk.Label("Jméno hráče:"), 1, 2, 0, 1); table.Attach(new Gtk.Label("CPU"), 2, 3, 0, 1); table.Attach(new Gtk.Label("Network"), 3, 4, 0, 1); ipLabel = new Gtk.Label("IP"); table.Attach(ipLabel, 4, 5, 0, 1); labels = new Gtk.Label[5]; entryes = new Gtk.Entry[5]; CPUchecks = new Gtk.CheckButton[5]; MPchecks = new Gtk.CheckButton[5]; IPs = new Gtk.Entry[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { labels [i] = new Gtk.Label((i + 1).ToString()); labels [i].Name = string.Format("l {0}", i); table.Attach(labels [i], 0, 1, (uint)i + 1, (uint)i + 2); entryes [i] = new Gtk.Entry(12); entryes [i].Text = "Hráč " + (i + 1).ToString(); entryes [i].TooltipText = "Vložte jméno hráče."; table.Attach(entryes [i], 1, 2, (uint)i + 1, (uint)i + 2); CPUchecks [i] = new Gtk.CheckButton(); CPUchecks [i].Name = string.Format("c {0}", i); CPUchecks [i].TooltipText = "Pokud je zaškrtnuto, tak za hráče bude hrát počítač."; ((Gtk.CheckButton)CPUchecks [i]).Clicked += OnCpuChange; table.Attach(CPUchecks [i], 2, 3, (uint)i + 1, (uint)i + 2); MPchecks [i] = new Gtk.CheckButton(); MPchecks [i].Name = string.Format("n {0}", i); MPchecks [i].TooltipText = "Pokud je zaškrtnuto, tak se počítá s tím, že se tento hráč připojí vzdáleně. "; ((Gtk.CheckButton)MPchecks [i]).Clicked += OnNetChange; table.Attach(MPchecks [i], 3, 4, (uint)i + 1, (uint)i + 2); IPs [i] = new Gtk.Entry(15); IPs [i].Text = "192.168.0.X"; IPs [i].WidthChars = 15; IPs [i].Sensitive = false; table.Attach(IPs [i], 4, 5, (uint)i + 1, (uint)i + 2); } this.CPUchecks[0].Hide(); ok = new Button("Hotovo"); ok.Clicked += Done; ok.BorderWidth = 5; ok.TooltipText = "Potvrzením začne hra. Může se stát, že program bude ještě chvíli načítat slovník."; table.Attach(ok, 0, 5, 6, 7); // Main vbox (where all is) this.mainVbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 5); this.mainVbox.PackStart(infoText); this.mainVbox.Add(upperHbox); this.mainVbox.Spacing = 5; this.mainVbox.Add(table); this.mainVbox.PackEnd(statusb); this.mainVbox.BorderWidth = 9; this.Add(mainVbox); this.mainVbox.ShowAll(); for (int i = 2; i < numberOfPlayers + 3; i++) { labels [i].Hide(); entryes [i].Hide(); CPUchecks [i].Hide(); MPchecks [i].Hide(); IPs [i].Hide(); } ipLabel.Hide(); foreach (Gtk.Entry e in IPs) { e.Hide(); } this.CPUchecks[0].Hide(); this.MPchecks[0].Hide(); }
public ProgressBarSample() { Gtk.HSeparator separator; Gtk.Table table; Gtk.Button button; Gtk.CheckButton check; Gtk.VBox vbox; //Application.Init (); /* Allocate memory for the data that is passed to the callbacks*/ pdata = new ProgressData(); pdata.activity_mode = false; pdata.window = new Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel); pdata.window.Resizable = true; pdata.window.DeleteEvent += destroy_progress; pdata.window.Title = "GtkProgressBar"; pdata.window.BorderWidth = 0; vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 5); vbox.BorderWidth = 10; pdata.window.Add(vbox); vbox.Show(); /* Create a centering alignment object */ Gtk.Alignment align = new Gtk.Alignment(1, 1, 0, 0); vbox.PackStart(align, false, false, 5); align.Show(); /* Create the GtkProgressBar */ pdata.pbar = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); pdata.pbar.Text = ""; align.Add(pdata.pbar); pdata.pbar.Show(); /* Add a timer callback to update the value of the progress bar*/ pdata.timer = GLib.Timeout.Add(10000, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(progress_timeout)); separator = new Gtk.HSeparator(); vbox.PackStart(separator, false, false, 0); separator.Show(); /* rows, columns, homogeneous */ table = new Gtk.Table(2, 3, false); vbox.PackStart(table, false, true, 0); table.Show(); /* Add a check button to select displaying of the trough text*/ check = new Gtk.CheckButton("Query cada 1 minuto"); table.Attach(check, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 5, 5); check.Clicked += toggle_show_text; check.Show(); /* Add a check button to toggle activity mode */ check = new Gtk.CheckButton("Activity mode"); table.Attach(check, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 5, 5); check.Clicked += toggle_activity_mode; check.Active = true; check.Show(); /* Add a check button to toggle orientation */ check = new Gtk.CheckButton("Right to Left"); table.Attach(check, 0, 1, 2, 3, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 5, 5); check.Clicked += toggle_orientation; check.Show(); /* Add a button to exit the program */ button = new Gtk.Button("close"); button.Clicked += button_click; vbox.PackStart(button, false, false, 0); /* This makes it so the button is the default. */ button.CanDefault = true; /* This grabs this button to be the default button. Simply hitting * the "Enter" key will cause this button to activate. */ button.GrabDefault(); button.Show(); pdata.window.ShowAll(); //Application.Run (); }