private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (AutoPartsDbContext db = new AutoPartsDbContext()) { //Query db to see if submitted info matches an existing user var query = from users in db.Users where users.PhoneNumber == phoneNumberTextBox.Text && users.FirstName == firstNameTextBox.Text select users; if (query.Count() != 0) { //if user exists, create temporary user object with info pulled from db and pass it into form1 User tempUser = new User(); foreach (var item in query) { tempUser.FirstName = item.FirstName; tempUser.LastName = item.LastName; tempUser.Email = item.Email; tempUser.PhoneNumber = item.PhoneNumber; tempUser.Address = item.Address; } var Form1 = new Form1(false, tempUser); this.Hide(); Form1.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No record found that matches submitted data."); } } }
public Form1(bool isNewUser, User userInfo) { InitializeComponent(); /* motorOil = new Part("Motor Oil", "Oil for your engine", 20.00m); brakePads = new Part("Brake Pads", "Replacement pads for your brakes", 15.00m); transmissionFluid = new Part("Transmission Fluid", "Fluid for your automatic transmission", 20.00m); */ emailOrderRadioButton.Checked = true; //If it's a new user, open up the forms for user info if (isNewUser) { emailTextBox.ReadOnly = false; addressTextBox.ReadOnly = false; phoneNumberTextBox.ReadOnly = false; newUser = true; } //If existing user fill the forms with the user's info and grey them out else { emailTextBox.ReadOnly = true; addressTextBox.ReadOnly = true; phoneNumberTextBox.ReadOnly = true; firstNameTextBox.ReadOnly = true; lastNameTextBox.ReadOnly = true; phoneNumberTextBox.Text = userInfo.PhoneNumber; emailTextBox.Text = userInfo.Email; addressTextBox.Text = userInfo.Address; firstNameTextBox.Text = userInfo.FirstName; lastNameTextBox.Text = userInfo.LastName; partDropDownBox.Focus(); newUser = false; SubmitUser = userInfo; } }
private void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Various bits of validation var r = new Regex(@"\(?\d{3}\)?-? *\d{3}-? *-?\d{4}"); if (firstNameTextBox.Text != "" && lastNameTextBox.Text != "" && emailTextBox.Text != "" && phoneNumberTextBox.Text != "" && addressTextBox.Text != "" && r.IsMatch(phoneNumberTextBox.Text)) { if (newUser) { using (AutoPartsDbContext db = new AutoPartsDbContext()) { //if new user, add a new user to the db with info from the forms SubmitUser = new User(); SubmitUser.Address = addressTextBox.Text; SubmitUser.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text; SubmitUser.LastName = lastNameTextBox.Text; SubmitUser.PhoneNumber = phoneNumberTextBox.Text; SubmitUser.Email = emailTextBox.Text; db.Users.Add(SubmitUser); string itemsToSubmit = null; //Construct a string containing the itmes from the selected items box for (int i = 0; i < selectedItemsListBox.Items.Count; i++) { itemsToSubmit += selectedItemsListBox.Items[i].ToString() + " "; } int count = 0; string total = null; //Gets the total values of each item based off of the value of the counter next to it while (this.Controls["quantLabel" + count] != null) { if (count > MAX_INDEX_OF_LABELS) { break; } else if (this.Controls["quantLabel" + count].Visible == true) { total += this.Controls["quantLabel" + count].Text + " "; count++; } } //Add order to DB using info gained in previous logic and save changes to DB try { db.Orders.Add(new Order { OrderContents = itemsToSubmit, OrderQuantities = total, OrderType = typeOfOrder, //User = SubmitUser, }); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Please select an item to order"); } db.SaveChanges(); } MessageBox.Show("User created and order submitted!"); } //Same thing, but without creating a new user entry else { string itemsToSubmit = null; for (int i = 0; i < selectedItemsListBox.Items.Count; i++) { itemsToSubmit += selectedItemsListBox.Items[i].ToString() + " "; } int count = 0; string total = null; while (this.Controls["quantLabel" + count] != null) { if (count > MAX_INDEX_OF_LABELS) { break; } else if (this.Controls["quantLabel" + count].Visible == true) { total += this.Controls["quantLabel" + count].Text + " "; count++; } } using (AutoPartsDbContext db = new AutoPartsDbContext()) { db.Orders.Add(new Order { OrderContents = itemsToSubmit, OrderQuantities = total, OrderType = typeOfOrder, //User = SubmitUser, }); db.SaveChanges(); } MessageBox.Show("Order submitted!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please fill out all fields."); } }