Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CommonUtilities.StorageFolderPath     = "../../../../Data/Samples/";
            CommonUtilities.DestinationFolderPath = "../../../../Data/Output/";
            CommonUtilities.LicenseFilePath       = "E://lic/Groupdocs.Total.lic";
            CommonUtilities.filePath = "Annotated.pdf";

            /* Apply product license
             * Uncomment following function if you have product license
             * */


            #region Annotation Functions for PDF

            //CommonUtilities.filePath = "Annotated.pdf";

            //////Add text annotation
            ////  PDFAnnotation.AddTextAnnotation();

            ////Add text annotation in Pdf

            ////Add text annotation in slides

            //////Add area annotation with replies

            //////Add point annotation
            //// PDFAnnotation.AddPointAnnotation();

            //////Add text strike out annotation

            //////Add polyline annotation

            //////Add text field annotation

            //////Add watermark annotation

            //////Add text replacement annotation

            //////Add arrow annotation

            //////Add text redaction annotation
            //// PDFAnnotation.AddTextRedactionAnnotation();

            //////Add underline annotation

            //////Add distance annotation

            //////Add resource redaction annotation
            //// PDFAnnotation.AddResourceRedactionAnnotation();

            //////Remove all annotations
            //// PDFAnnotation.RemoveAllAnnotationsFromDocument();


            #region Annotation Functions for Words Document format

            //CommonUtilities.filePath = "Annotated.docx";

            //////Add area annotation with replies  for Words Document format
            //// WordAnnotation.AddAreaAnnotationWithRepliesforWords();

            //////Add point annotation for Words Document format
            //// WordAnnotation.AddPointAnnotation();

            //////Add text strike out annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add text field annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add text replacement annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add arrow annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add text redaction annotation for Words Document format
            //// WordAnnotation.AddTextRedactionAnnotationforWords();

            //////Add underline annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add resource redaction annotation for Words Document format
            //// WordAnnotation.AddResourceRedactionAnnotationforWords();

            //////Import and Export Annotations from Words document.


            #region Annotation Functions for Slides

            CommonUtilities.filePath = "sample.pptx";

            ////Add text annotation

            ////Add text annotation in slides

            ////Add area annotation with replies

            ////Add point annotation
            // SlidesAnnotation.AddPointAnnotation();

            ////Add text strike out annotation

            ////Add polyline annotation

            ////Add text field annotation

            ////Add watermark annotation

            ////Add text replacement annotation

            ////Add arrow annotation

            ////Add text redaction annotation
            // SlidesAnnotation.AddTextRedactionAnnotation();

            ////Add underline annotation

            ////Add distance annotation

            ////Add resource redaction annotation
            // SlidesAnnotation.AddResourceRedactionAnnotation();

            ////Remove all annotations
            // SlidesAnnotation.RemoveAllAnnotationsFromDocument();


            #region Cells
            //CommonUtilities.filePath = "Annotated.xlsx";
            ////Add text annotation in Cells

            #region DataStorage Functions

            ////Create document

            //////Assign access rights

            //////Create and get annotation

            //////Get all annotation of a document

            //////Resize annotation

            //////Move an anotation

            //////Set background color

            //////Edit annotation

            //////Remove annotation

            //////Add annotation reply

            //////Add document collaborator

            //////Get document collaborator

            //////Update document collaborator

            //////Delete document collaborator

            //////Delete document collaborator

            //////Export annotation to document


            //#region Other Operations

            //////Get image representation of the document

            //////Get text coordinates in image representation of the document