Esempio n. 1
        public bool DoubleShift(double ctrlPM, int sDay1, int sDay2, int sRoute1, int sRoute2, int orderIndex1, int orderIndex2, Order order)
            Day   startDay1 = week.GetWeek[sDay1], startDay2 = week.GetWeek[sDay2];
            Route startRoute1 = startDay1.GetRoutes[sRoute1], startRoute2 = startDay2.GetRoutes[sRoute2];

            //The target Days/Routes, to shift to
            Day   tarDay1, tarDay2;
            Route tarRoute1, tarRoute2;

            double totalTimeChange1 = 0, totalTimeChange2 = 0;

            //mo 1; tu 2; we 3; thu 4; fr 5
            if (startDay1.DayNumber == 2)
                //Grab one of the two days conforming to the correct dayNumber
                tarDay1 = week.GetWeek[random.Next(0, 2)];  //To monday (0,1)
                tarDay2 = week.GetWeek[random.Next(6, 8)];  //To thursday (6,7)

                if (tarDay1.GetRoutes.Count == 0 || tarDay2.GetRoutes.Count == 0)

                //Grab a route randomly on the target days
                tarRoute1 = tarDay1.GetRoutes[random.Next(tarDay1.GetRoutes.Count)];
                tarRoute2 = tarDay2.GetRoutes[random.Next(tarDay2.GetRoutes.Count)];
            else //startday1.DayNumber == 1 aka monday
                //Grab one of the two days conforming to the correct dayNumber
                tarDay1 = week.GetWeek[random.Next(2, 4)];  //To tuesday (2,3)
                tarDay2 = week.GetWeek[random.Next(8, 10)]; //To friday (8,9)

                if (tarDay1.GetRoutes.Count == 0 || tarDay2.GetRoutes.Count == 0)

                //Grab a route randomly on the target days
                tarRoute1 = tarDay1.GetRoutes[random.Next(tarDay1.GetRoutes.Count)];
                tarRoute2 = tarDay2.GetRoutes[random.Next(tarDay2.GetRoutes.Count)];

            int index1 = -1, index2 = -1;

            //We'll try to shift twice, once for each order. If both succeed, we will actually shift them in another part of the code
            for (int s = 0; s < 2; s++)
                #region shiftstuff
                Day   tarDay, startDay;
                Route tarRoute, startRoute;
                int   startIndex;

                //We do two iterations, with different days/routes each time
                if (s == 0)
                    tarDay     = tarDay1;
                    startDay   = startDay1;
                    tarRoute   = tarRoute1;
                    startRoute = startRoute1;
                    startIndex = orderIndex1;
                    tarDay     = tarDay2;
                    startDay   = startDay2;
                    tarRoute   = tarRoute2;
                    startRoute = startRoute2;
                    startIndex = orderIndex2;

                //Original time of target route; original time of target day (to be calculated); new time of rout (tbc); value of best improvement
                double oTime = tarRoute.TotalTime(), oDayTime = 0, nTime = 0, best = double.MaxValue;
                int    bestPos = -1, totalLoad = tarRoute.TotalLoad();

                //Calc total time of the target day
                foreach (Route r in tarDay.GetRoutes)
                    oDayTime += r.TotalTime();

                //Calculate the time difference of removing the route from the starting route
                double sTime, nSTime, timeDiff;
                sTime = startRoute.TotalTime();
                nSTime   = startRoute.TotalTime();
                timeDiff = sTime - nSTime;

                //Go over the target route, figure out the best location to shift to
                for (int i = 0; i < tarRoute.GetRoute.Count; i++)
                    tarRoute.GetRoute.Insert(i, order);
                    nTime = tarRoute.TotalTime();

                    //Check if it's valid (time and load wise) and whether it's better
                    if (oDayTime + nTime - oTime < WORKINGDAY && totalLoad + order.numberOfContainers * order.volumeOfOneContainer < MAXLOAD && nTime < best)
                        bestPos = i;
                        best    = nTime;


                bool accept = false, improvement1 = false, improvement2 = false;
                if (bestPos != -1)
                    if (s == 0)
                        totalTimeChange1 = timeDiff - (best - oTime);
                        totalTimeChange2 = timeDiff - (best - oTime);

                    //Check wether it is a net gain in time or not
                    //TimeDiff is positive, because this much time is gained from the removal
                    //best - oTime, the increase in route time
                    //The total thing should be increase in new route measured against decrease in the other
                    if (timeDiff - (best - oTime) >= 0)
                        //In case of this occuring, the shift was a net gain (more went out of the old route then came into the new route)
                        if (s == 0)
                            index1 = bestPos;
                            index2 = bestPos;

                        //We re-insert here because we don't know if the other shift will succeed. If that happens, we remove again (seemed a little bit cleaner this way)
                        startRoute.GetRoute.Insert(startIndex, order);
                        //Does the operation get through the q-test?
                        accept = AcceptOperation(ctrlPM, timeDiff - (best - oTime));

                        if (accept)
                            //We accepted a loss
                            if (s == 0)
                                index1 = bestPos;
                                index2 = bestPos;

                            //We re-insert here because we don't know if the other shift will succeed. If that happens, we remove again (seemed a little bit cleaner this way)
                            startRoute.GetRoute.Insert(startIndex, order);
                            //No shift occured, re-insert the order to its original spot
                            startRoute.GetRoute.Insert(startIndex, order);
                    //No shift occured, re-insert the order to its original spot
                    startRoute.GetRoute.Insert(startIndex, order);

            //if both iterations succeed, we do stuff!
            if (index1 != -1 && index2 != -1)
                //Don't forget to change the bits! Also for freq 4 in the normal shift!!!

                //Remove and Add (shift) the orders

                tarRoute1.GetRoute.Insert(index1, order);
                tarRoute2.GetRoute.Insert(index2, order);

                //Change bits so future checks get the correct info
                order.SetBit(startDay1.DayNumber, false);
                order.SetBit(startDay2.DayNumber, false);
                order.SetBit(tarDay1.DayNumber, true);
                order.SetBit(tarDay2.DayNumber, true);

                //Update the now changed routes

                //Make sure to return whether this is a net gain or not
                return(totalTimeChange1 + totalTimeChange2 > 0);

Esempio n. 2
        public bool Shift(double ctrlPM)
            int rndStartIndex;
            Tuple <int, int> rndStart, rndTarget;

            rndStart  = SelectRandomRoute();
            rndTarget = SelectRandomRoute();

            //Get a random start and target route.
            Day   tarDay     = week.GetWeek[rndTarget.Item1];
            Day   startDay   = week.GetWeek[rndStart.Item1];
            Route startRoute = startDay.GetRoutes[rndStart.Item2];
            Route tarRoute   = tarDay.GetRoutes[rndTarget.Item2];

            if (tarRoute.GetRoute.Count == 0 || startRoute.GetRoute.Count == 0)

            //Choose a random order from the startroute
            rndStartIndex = random.Next(startRoute.GetRoute.Count);
            Order order = startRoute.GetRoute[rndStartIndex];

            if (order.frequency > 1)
                if (tarDay.DayNumber != startDay.DayNumber)
                    if (order.frequency == 4)

                        //An order with frequency 4 should not be swapped to another day that has the order
                        if (order.GetBit(tarDay.DayNumber))
                    else if (order.frequency == 2)
                        #region freq2
                        int sDay1, sDay2, sRoute1, sRoute2, index1, index2, unprocessedDay = 0, processedDay = 0;
                        Tuple <int, int, int> indices;

                        //This gets which day, of mon and tue, is processed and unprocessed (from this we can glean the other day)
                        for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                            if (!order.GetBit(i))
                                unprocessedDay = i;
                                processedDay = i;

                        //startday can be mon, tue, thur, fri
                        //can be in the first or latter part of the week
                        //then, it can be bigger or smaller than the unprocessedDay
                        if (startDay.DayNumber > 2)
                            if (startDay.DayNumber - 3 > unprocessedDay) //unprocessed is mon (startday is friday: 5 - 3 = 2; 2 > 1)
                                //other call should shift tue to mon, need to find out which truck does the order
                                indices = FindOccurence(2, order); //this method finds out which day exactly contains the order
                                //In this case, we have to obtain the truck that does the order on tuesday, we know of the truck on friday
                            else  //Startday is thursday, unprocessed is tuesday
                                //other call should shift mon to tue, need to find out which truck does the order
                                indices = FindOccurence(1, order); //this method finds out which day exactly contains the order

                            //Set the parameters, start day is in the latter half of the week. That means we had to use FindOccurence to find the earlier weekday, hence the indices use
                            sDay1 = indices.Item1; sDay2 = rndStart.Item1; sRoute1 = indices.Item2; sRoute2 = rndStart.Item2; index1 = indices.Item3; index2 = rndStartIndex;
                        else //startDay is in the first half of the week
                            if (startDay.DayNumber > unprocessedDay) //Starting day is tuesday, unprocessed is monday
                                indices = FindOccurence(5, order);  //Find the day in the latter half of the week (on friday)
                                indices = FindOccurence(4, order);

                            //Set the parameters, start day is in the latter half of the week. Note how indices is now used for the different day!
                            sDay1 = rndStart.Item1; sDay2 = indices.Item1; sRoute1 = rndStart.Item2; sRoute2 = indices.Item2; index1 = rndStartIndex; index2 = indices.Item3;

                        if (indices.Item1 == -1 || indices.Item2 == -1 || indices.Item3 == -1)

                        return(DoubleShift(ctrlPM, sDay1, sDay2, sRoute1, sRoute2, index1, index2, order));


                //All orders should be allowed to be swapped to the same day

            #region shiftBody
            //Original time of target route; original time of target day (to be calculated); new time of rout (tbc); value of best improvement
            double oTime = tarRoute.TotalTime(), oDayTime = 0, nTime = 0, best = double.MaxValue;
            int    bestPos = -1, totalLoad = tarRoute.TotalLoad();

            //Calc total time of the target day
            foreach (Route r in tarDay.GetRoutes)
                oDayTime += r.TotalTime();

            //Calculate the time difference of removing the route from the starting route
            double sTime, nSTime, timeDiff;
            sTime = startRoute.TotalTime();
            nSTime   = startRoute.TotalTime();
            timeDiff = sTime - nSTime;

            //Go over the target route, figure out the best location to shift to
            for (int i = 0; i < tarRoute.GetRoute.Count; i++)
                tarRoute.GetRoute.Insert(i, order);
                nTime = tarRoute.TotalTime();

                //Check if it's valid (time and load wise) and whether it's better
                if (oDayTime + nTime - oTime < WORKINGDAY && totalLoad + order.numberOfContainers * order.volumeOfOneContainer < MAXLOAD && nTime < best)
                    bestPos = i;
                    best    = nTime;


            bool accept = false;
            if (bestPos != -1)
                //Check wether it is a net gain in time or not
                //TimeDiff is positive, because this much time is gained from the removal
                //best - oTime, the increase in route time
                //The total thing should be increase in new route measured against decrease in the other
                if (timeDiff - (best - oTime) > 0)
                    //In case of this occuring, the shift was a net gain (more went out of the old route then came into the new route)
                    tarRoute.GetRoute.Insert(bestPos, order);

                    //Update Routes

                    //Change some bits if necessary
                    if (order.frequency == 4 && startDay.DayNumber != tarDay.DayNumber)
                        order.SetBit(startDay.DayNumber, false);
                        order.SetBit(tarDay.DayNumber, true);
                else //Order is not an improvement
                    accept = AcceptOperation(ctrlPM, timeDiff - (best - oTime));

                    if (accept)
                        //We accepted a deterioration
                        tarRoute.GetRoute.Insert(bestPos, order);

                        //Update Routes

                        //Change some bits if necessary
                        if (order.frequency == 4 && startDay.DayNumber != tarDay.DayNumber)
                            order.SetBit(startDay.DayNumber, false);
                            order.SetBit(tarDay.DayNumber, true);
                        //Put the order back in its original spot when we fail to shift
                        startRoute.GetRoute.Insert(rndStartIndex, order);
                //Put the order back in its original spot when we fail to shift
                startRoute.GetRoute.Insert(rndStartIndex, order);