static void Main(string[] args)
             *  1. Create a few grocery strores
             *  2. Create a few shoppers with a shopping list
             *  3. Have shoppers enter stores of their choosing
             *      - when shopper enters store, store should print a greeting
             *  4. Have store print list of shoppers
             *  5. Add items from their list to their cart
             *      - print shopping cart items
             *  6. Shopper checkout and pay
             *      - shopper must have enough money
             *          - shopper says they got too many items if not enough money
             *      - shopper exits store after checkout
             *      - store prints goodbye to shopper
             *      - store should print list of shopper names

            GroceryStore albs = new GroceryStore("Albertsons");

            Shopper shopper1 = new Shopper("Neil", 300m, new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "Royal Jelly", 2 },
                { "Cactus Jerkey", 1 },
                { "Soda", 3 },

            Shopper shopper2 = new Shopper("Jon", 10, new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "Milk", 2 },
                { "Healing Crystal", 1 },


