void Start()
            // Load marker prefabs
            GameObject yellowSpherePrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("YellowSphere");
            GameObject redSpherePrefab    = Resources.Load <GameObject>("RedSphere");

            // Get a reference to Grids 2D System's API
            grid = Grid2D.instance;

            // Iterate each cell and draws a sphere on the center of the cell as well as on the vertices
            for (int k = 0; k < grid.cells.Count; k++)
                // Add a yellow circle on the center of the cell
                Vector3    worldSpaceCenter = grid.CellGetPosition(k);
                GameObject yellowSphere     = Instantiate(yellowSpherePrefab);
                yellowSphere.transform.position = worldSpaceCenter + Vector3.up * 0.1f;

                // For each vertex of the cell, add a red circle
                int vertexCount = grid.CellGetVertexCount(k);
                for (int p = 0; p < vertexCount; p++)
                    Vector3    worldSpacePosition = grid.CellGetVertexPosition(k, p);
                    GameObject redSphere          = Instantiate(redSpherePrefab);
                    redSphere.transform.position = worldSpacePosition + Vector3.up * 0.1f;                     // note: "up" is -z (grid is x,y) - displaced to avoid z-fighting
Esempio n. 2
 IEnumerator MoveShipAlongPath(List <int> path)
     for (int k = 0; k < path.Count; k++)
         Vector3 position = grid.CellGetPosition(path[k]);
         token.transform.position = position;
         yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));
Esempio n. 3
 void ComputeNextDestination()
     startTime     = Time.time;
     startPosition = transform.position;
     if (positions == null || posIndex >= positions.Count)
         destination = transform.position;
         destination = grid.CellGetPosition(positions [posIndex], elevation);
Esempio n. 4
        void OnSceneGUI()
            if (grid == null || Application.isPlaying)
            Event e = Event.current;

            if (cellHighlightedIndex != grid.cellHighlightedIndex)
                cellHighlightedIndex = grid.cellHighlightedIndex;
            int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive);

            if (e.GetTypeForControl(controlID) == EventType.MouseDown)
                if (cellHighlightedIndex != cellSelectedIndex)
                    cellSelectedIndex = cellHighlightedIndex;
                    if (textureMode > 0)
                        grid.CellToggle(cellSelectedIndex, true, Color.white, false, textureMode);
                    if (cellSelectedIndex >= 0)
                        cellTerritoryIndex = grid.CellGetTerritoryIndex(cellSelectedIndex);
                        cellColor          = grid.CellGetColor(cellSelectedIndex);
                        if (cellColor.a == 0)
                            cellColor = Color.white;
                        cellTextureIndex = grid.CellGetTextureIndex(cellSelectedIndex);
                        cellTag          = grid.CellGetTag(cellSelectedIndex);
            if (cellSelectedIndex >= 0 && cellSelectedIndex < grid.cells.Count)
                Vector3 pos = grid.CellGetPosition(cellSelectedIndex);
                Handles.color = colorSelection;
                Handles.DrawSolidDisc(pos, grid.transform.forward, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pos) * 0.075f);
Esempio n. 5
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            grid = Grid2D.instance;

            // setup GUI resizer - only for the demo
            GUIResizer.Init(800, 500);
            labelStyle                  = new GUIStyle();
            labelStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            // Configure the grid crossing cost depending on the textures
            for (int k = 0; k < grid.cells.Count; k++)
                int textureIndex = grid.CellGetTextureIndex(k);
                if (textureIndex == 2)
                    grid.CellSetCrossCost(k, 10);
                    grid.CellSetCrossCost(k, 1);

            // Hook into cell click event to toggle start selection or draw a computed path using A* path finding algorithm
            grid.OnCellClick += BuildPath;

            // Position the token
            tokenRow    = grid.rowCount - 1;
            tokenColumn = 5;
            Vector3 position = grid.CellGetPosition(tokenRow, tokenColumn);

            token.transform.position = position;

            // Prepare move points and show available positions
            movePoints = 10;