Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Handle title changes, check for JIRA
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="windowTitle">string with title</param>
        private void MonitorTitleChangeEvent(string windowTitle)
            var jiraKeyMatch = _jiraKeyPattern.Match(windowTitle);

            if (!jiraKeyMatch.Success)
            // Found a possible JIRA title
            var jiraKey      = jiraKeyMatch.Value;
            var jiraKeyParts = jiraKey.Split('-');
            var projectKey   = jiraKeyParts[0];
            var jiraId       = jiraKeyParts[1];

            // Check if we have a JIRA instance with a project for this key
            if (_projectJiraClientMap.TryGetValue(projectKey, out var _))
                // We have found a project for this _jira key, so it must be a valid & known JIRA
                if (_recentJiras.TryGetValue(jiraKey, out var currentJiraDetails))
                    // update
                    currentJiraDetails.SeenAt = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                // We detected an unknown JIRA, so add it to our list
                currentJiraDetails = new JiraDetails
                    Id         = jiraId,
                    ProjectKey = projectKey
                _recentJiras.Add(currentJiraDetails.JiraKey, currentJiraDetails);

                // Make sure we don't collect _jira's until the memory is full
                if (_recentJiras.Count > _jiraConfiguration.MaxEntries)
                    // Add it to the list of recent Jiras
                    _recentJiras = (from jiraDetails in _recentJiras.Values.ToList()
                                    orderby jiraDetails.SeenAt descending
                                    select jiraDetails).Take(_jiraConfiguration.MaxEntries).ToDictionary(jd => jd.JiraKey, jd => jd);
                // Now we can get the title from JIRA itself
                // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
                var updateTitleTask = DetectedNewJiraIssueAsync(currentJiraDetails);
                Log.Info().WriteLine("Couldn't match possible JIRA key {0} to projects in a configured JIRA instance, ignoring", projectKey);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method will update details, like the title, and send an event to registed listeners of the JiraEvent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jiraDetails">Contains the jira key to retrieve the title (XYZ-1234)</param>
        /// <returns>Task</returns>
        private async Task DetectedNewJiraIssueAsync(JiraDetails jiraDetails)
                if (_projectJiraClientMap.TryGetValue(jiraDetails.ProjectKey, out var jiraClient))
                    var issue = await jiraClient.Issue.GetAsync(jiraDetails.JiraKey).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    jiraDetails.JiraIssue = issue;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Warn().WriteLine("Couldn't retrieve JIRA title: {0}", ex.Message);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 ///     Retrieve the API belonging to a JiraDetails
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jiraDetails"></param>
 /// <returns>IJiraClient</returns>
 public IJiraClient GetJiraClientForKey(JiraDetails jiraDetails)