// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // TestViewer

        // Setup viewer tabs
        public override TestViewerTabData[] GetViewerTabs(ResultsBase resultsObject)
            var typedSettings = (FrameComparisonSettings)logic.GetModel().settings; // Set settings to local type

            TestViewerTabData[] output = new TestViewerTabData[1];                  // Create empty output (mandatory)
            switch (logic.baselineExists)                                           // Switch on baseline exists
            case false:
                var localResultData = (FrameComparisonResults)resultsObject;                                                                                                   // Convert the input results object to this types class (mandatory)
                output = new TestViewerTabData[2]                                                                                                                              // Want two tabs
                    new TestViewerTabData("Results Texture", TestViewerTabType.Texture, Common.ConvertStringToTexture("Tab_ResultsFrame", localResultData.resultFrame), null), // And the results texture
                    new TestViewerTabData("Live Camera", TestViewerTabType.Camera, typedSettings.captureCamera, null)                                                          // Live camera showing capture camera

            case true:
                var comparisonData = (FrameComparisonLogic.ComparisonData)logic.GetComparisonData(resultsObject);                                                                                                                                      // Get the comparison data for this test in this types class (mandatory)
                SetupMaterial(comparisonData.baselineTex, comparisonData.resultsTex);                                                                                                                                                                  // Setup the material
                output = new TestViewerTabData[3]                                                                                                                                                                                                      // Want three tabs
                    new TestViewerTabData("Results", TestViewerTabType.TextureSlider, new TestViewer.TextureSliderContext(comparisonData.resultsTex, "Result", comparisonData.baselineTex, "Baseline"), new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic[] // Create slider tab for results/baseline
                        new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic("Diff", comparisonData.DiffPercentage.ToString())                                                                                                                                 // Enable the statistics window and display the diff
                    new TestViewerTabData("Comparison", TestViewerTabType.Material, material, new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic[]                                                                                                           // And the material for the comparison display
                        new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic("Diff", comparisonData.DiffPercentage.ToString())                                                                                                                                 // Enable the statistics window and display the diff
                    new TestViewerTabData("Live Camera", TestViewerTabType.Camera, typedSettings.captureCamera, null)                                                                                                                                  // Live camera showing capture camera
            return(output); // Return
Esempio n. 2
        // Sets the viewers content
        public void SetContext(TestViewerTabData tabData)
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Settings context for type " + tabData.tabType); // Write to console
            ResetContext();                                                                                            // Reset context
            switch (tabData.tabType)                                                                                   // Switch based on tab type
            case TestViewerTabType.DefaultCamera:

            case TestViewerTabType.Camera:
                SetCameraValues(tabData);     // Set camera values

            case TestViewerTabType.Texture:
                textureImage.texture = (Texture2D)tabData.tabObject; // Set image texture
                textureImage.gameObject.SetActive(true);             // Enable image

            case TestViewerTabType.Material:
                textureImage.material = (Material)tabData.tabObject;                  // Set image material
                textureImage.texture  = textureImage.material.GetTexture("_MainTex"); // Set image texture
                textureImage.gameObject.SetActive(true);                              // Enable image

            case TestViewerTabType.TextureSlider:
                testViewerSlider.SetContext((TextureSliderContext)tabData.tabObject); // Set slider context
                testViewerSlider.SetState(true);                                      // Enable slider

            case TestViewerTabType.MaterialSlider:
                testViewerSlider.SetContext((MaterialSliderContext)tabData.tabObject); // Set slider context
                testViewerSlider.SetState(true);                                       // Enable slider
Esempio n. 3
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // TestViewer

        // Setup viewer tabs
        public override TestViewerTabData[] GetViewerTabs(ResultsBase resultsObject)
            TestViewerTabData[] output = new TestViewerTabData[1];               // Create empty output (mandatory)
            var localResultData        = (AverageFrameTimeResults)resultsObject; // Convert the input results object to this types class (mandatory)

            switch (logic.baselineExists)                                        // Switch on baseline exists
            case false:
                output = new TestViewerTabData[1]                                                                                               // Only want one tab
                    new TestViewerTabData("Live Camera", TestViewerTabType.DefaultCamera, null, new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic[1] // Set the tab to use the default camera
                        new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic("Average Frame Time", localResultData.avgFrameTime.ToString("N4"))         // Enable the statistics window and display the avg frame time

            case true:
                var comparisonData = (AverageFrameTimeComparison)logic.ProcessComparison(resultsObject);                                        // Get the comparison data for this test in this types class (mandatory)
                output = new TestViewerTabData[1]                                                                                               // Only want one tab
                    new TestViewerTabData("Live Camera", TestViewerTabType.DefaultCamera, null, new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic[2] // Set the tab to use the default camera
                        new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic("Average Frame Time", localResultData.avgFrameTime.ToString("N4")),        // Enable the statistics window and display the avg frame time
                        new TestViewerTabData.TestViewerTabStatistic("Delta", comparisonData.delta.ToString("N4"))                              // Also display the delta from the comparison
            return(output); // Return the tabs
Esempio n. 4
        int tabIndex;              // Index for tab

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Initialization

        // Setup the tab
        public void SetupTab(int index, TestViewerTabData data)
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Setting up tab");              // Write to console
            tabIndex = index;                                                                         // Set tab index
            tabData  = data;                                                                          // Set tab data
            button   = GetComponent <Button>();                                                       // Get button
            button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { TestViewerNavbar.Instance.OnClickTab(tabIndex); }); // Add listener
            tabLabel.text = tabData.tabName;                                                          // Set tab label
Esempio n. 5
 // Set camera values
 void SetCameraValues(TestViewerTabData tabData)
     Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Setting camera values"); // Write to console
     if (currentCamera)                                                                  // If a current camera exists
         currentCamera.depth = cameraDepth;                                              // Reset its depth
     currentCamera = (Camera)tabData.tabObject;                                          // Get new current camera
     if (currentCamera)
         cameraDepth         = currentCamera.depth; // Get current depth
         currentCamera.depth = 9;                   // Set its depth