// TODO: combine dupliation with CoerceValueAST
        public object CoerceValue(Schema schema, GraphType type, object input)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                var nonNull = type as NonNullGraphType;
                return CoerceValue(schema, schema.FindType(nonNull.Type), input);

            if (input == null)
                return null;

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var listType = type as ListGraphType;
                var list = input as IEnumerable;
                return list != null
                    ? list.Map(item => CoerceValue(schema, listType, item))
                    : new[] { input };

            if (type is ObjectGraphType)
                var objType = type as ObjectGraphType;
                var obj = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                var dict = (Dictionary<string, object>)input;

                objType.Fields.Apply(field =>
                    var fieldValue = CoerceValue(schema, schema.FindType(field.Type), dict[field.Name]);
                    obj[field.Name] = fieldValue ?? field.DefaultValue;

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalarType = type as ScalarGraphType;
                return scalarType.Coerce(input);

            return null;
        public object GetVariableValue(Schema schema, Variable variable, object input)
            var type = schema.FindType(variable.Type.Name);
            if (IsValidValue(schema, type, input))
                if (input == null && variable.DefaultValue != null)
                    return CoerceValueAst(schema, type, variable.DefaultValue, null);

                return CoerceValue(schema, type, input);

            throw new Exception("Variable {0} expected type '{1}'.".ToFormat(variable.Name, type.Name));
        public bool IsValidValue(Schema schema, GraphType type, object input)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                if (input == null)
                    return false;

                return IsValidValue(schema, schema.FindType(((NonNullGraphType)type).Type), input);

            if (input == null)
                return true;

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var listType = (ListGraphType) type;
                var list = input as IEnumerable;
                return list != null
                    ? list.All(item => IsValidValue(schema, type, item))
                    : IsValidValue(schema, listType, input);

            if (type is ObjectGraphType)
                var dict = input as Dictionary<string, object>;
                return dict != null
                    && type.Fields.All(field => IsValidValue(schema, schema.FindType(field.Type), dict[field.Name]));

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalar = (ScalarGraphType) type;
                return scalar.Coerce(input) != null;

            return false;
        public Dictionary<string, object> GetArgumentValues(Schema schema, QueryArguments definitionArguments, Arguments astArguments, Variables variables)
            if (definitionArguments == null || !definitionArguments.Any())
                return null;

            return definitionArguments.Aggregate(new Dictionary<string, object>(), (acc, arg) =>
                var value = astArguments != null ? astArguments.ValueFor(arg.Name) : null;
                var coercedValue = CoerceValueAst(schema, schema.FindType(arg.Type), value, variables);
                acc[arg.Name] = coercedValue ?? arg.DefaultValue;
                return acc;
Esempio n. 5
        // TODO: combine duplication with CoerceValue
        public object CoerceValueAst(Schema schema, GraphType type, object input, Variables variables)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                var nonNull = type as NonNullGraphType;
                return CoerceValueAst(schema, schema.FindType(nonNull.Type), input, variables);

            if (input == null)
                return null;

            if (input is Variable)
                return variables != null
                    ? variables.ValueFor(((Variable)input).Name)
                    : null;

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var listType = type as ListGraphType;
                var listItemType = schema.FindType(listType.Type);
                var list = input as IEnumerable;
                return list != null && !(input is string)
                    ? list.Map(item => CoerceValueAst(schema, listItemType, item, variables)).ToArray()
                    : new[] { CoerceValueAst(schema, listItemType, input, variables) };

            if (type is ObjectGraphType || type is InputObjectGraphType)
                var objType = type;
                var obj = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                var dict = input as Dictionary<string, object>;

                if (dict == null)
                    return null;

                objType.Fields.Apply(field =>
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(field.Name))
                        var fieldValue = CoerceValueAst(schema, schema.FindType(field.Type), dict[field.Name], variables);
                        obj[field.Name] = fieldValue ?? field.DefaultValue;
                return obj;

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalarType = type as ScalarGraphType;
                return scalarType.Coerce(input);

            return input;
Esempio n. 6
        public bool IsValidValue(Schema schema, GraphType type, object input)
            if (type is NonNullGraphType)
                if (input == null)
                    return false;

                return IsValidValue(schema, schema.FindType(((NonNullGraphType)type).Type), input);

            if (input == null)
                return true;

            if (type is ListGraphType)
                var listType = (ListGraphType) type;
                var listItemType = schema.FindType(listType.Type);
                var list = input as IEnumerable;
                return list != null && !(input is string)
                    ? list.All(item => IsValidValue(schema, listItemType, item))
                    : IsValidValue(schema, listItemType, input);

            if (type is ObjectGraphType || type is InputObjectGraphType)
                var dict = input as Dictionary<string, object>;
                if (dict == null)
                    return false;

                // ensure every provided field is defined
                if (type is InputObjectGraphType
                    && dict.Keys.Any(key => type.Fields.FirstOrDefault(field => field.Name == key) == null))
                    return false;

                return type.Fields.All(field =>
                           IsValidValue(schema, schema.FindType(field.Type),
                               dict.ContainsKey(field.Name) ? dict[field.Name] : null));

            if (type is ScalarGraphType)
                var scalar = (ScalarGraphType) type;
                return scalar.Coerce(input) != null;

            return false;
Esempio n. 7
        public object GetVariableValue(Schema schema, Variable variable, object input)
            var type = schema.FindType(variable.Type.FullName);
            var value = input ?? variable.DefaultValue;
            if (IsValidValue(schema, type, value))
                return CoerceValue(schema, type, value);

            if (value == null)
                throw new Exception("Variable '${0}' of required type '{1}' was not provided.".ToFormat(variable.Name, variable.Type.FullName));

            throw new Exception("Variable '${0}' expected value of type '{1}'.".ToFormat(variable.Name, type.Name));
Esempio n. 8
 public void ContainsTypeNames(Schema schema, params string[] typeNames)
     typeNames.Apply(typeName =>
         var type = schema.FindType(typeName);
         type.ShouldNotBeNull("Did not find {0} in type lookup.".ToFormat(typeName));