Esempio n. 1
        private GeometryNode ShootBullet; //Geometry for Bullet

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Bullet(Vector3 InitPos, PrimitiveModel BulletModel, Material Material, Vector3 DirBullet, MarkerNode grdMarkerNode)
            //Create Bullet
            ShootBullet = new GeometryNode();
            ShootBullet.Name = "ShootBullet" + ShootBullet.ID;
            ShootBullet.Model = BulletModel;

            ShootBullet.Material = Material;
            ShootBullet.Physics.Interactable = true;
            ShootBullet.Physics.Collidable = true;
            ShootBullet.Physics.Shape = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Box;
            ShootBullet.Physics.Mass = 60f;
            ShootBullet.Physics.MaterialName = "Bullet";
            ShootBullet.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;

            // Assign the initial velocity to this shooting box
            ShootBullet.Physics.InitialLinearVelocity = new Vector3(DirBullet.X * 80, DirBullet.Y * 80, DirBullet.Z * 50);

            BulletTrans = new TransformNode();
            BulletTrans.Translation = InitPos;


            //Normal asignament
            isvisible = true;

            //Agrego Segundo desde que se creo
            livetime = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds) + BULLET_TIMELIVE;
Esempio n. 2
        public List<TransformNode> getListTransformNodes(Object PtID, Object EqID)
            //create Box
            GeometryNode boxNode = new GeometryNode("Box");
            boxNode.Model = new Box(6);
            boxNode.Model.CastShadows = true;
            boxNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;
            Material boxMat = new Material();
            boxMat.Diffuse = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
            boxMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            boxMat.SpecularPower = 20;
            boxNode.Material = boxMat;
            TransformNode boxTrans = new TransformNode();
            boxTrans.Translation = new Vector3(-35, -18, 8);

            //Create cylinder
            GeometryNode cylinderNode = new GeometryNode("Cylinder");
            cylinderNode.Model = new Cylinder(3.5f, 3.5f, 10, 20);
            cylinderNode.Model.CastShadows = true;
            cylinderNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;
            Material cylinderMat = new Material();
            cylinderMat.Diffuse = Color.Green.ToVector4();
            cylinderMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            cylinderMat.SpecularPower = 20;
            cylinderNode.Material = cylinderMat;
            TransformNode cylinderTrans = new TransformNode();
            cylinderTrans.Translation = new Vector3(35, -18, 8);

            List<TransformNode> nodes = new List<TransformNode>();
            return nodes;
Esempio n. 3
        public Item(string[] tokens)
            Model m = (Model)loader.Load("", tokens[NAME]);
            m.CastShadows = true;
            Material defaultMaterial = new Material();
            defaultMaterial.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4(); //new Vector4(0, 0.5f, 0, 1);
            defaultMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            defaultMaterial.SpecularPower = 10;

            build(m, tokens[NAME], defaultMaterial);
            this.Scale = new Vector3(float.Parse(tokens[Item.SCALE]));
            this.savedTokens = tokens;
Esempio n. 4
        public static RaceCar AddRaceCar(Scene scene, TransformNode parentTrans)
            TransformNode transNode = new TransformNode();
            transNode.Translation = new Vector3(0, 10, 10);

            Material carMat = new Material();
            carMat.Diffuse = Color.Pink.ToVector4();
            carMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            carMat.SpecularPower = 10;

            GeometryNode carNode = new GeometryNode("Race Car");
            carNode.Model = new Box(3, 1.0f, 2);
            carNode.Material = carMat;
            carNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

            NewtonPhysics physicsEngine = (NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine;

            RaceCar car = new RaceCar(carNode, physicsEngine);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                car.Tires[i] = CreateTire((TireID)Enum.ToObject(typeof(TireID), i), 
                    car.TireTransformNode[i], carNode, scene.PhysicsEngine.Gravity);

            car.Collidable = true;
            car.Interactable = true;

            carNode.Physics = car;
            carNode.Physics.NeverDeactivate = true;
            carNode.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;



            return car;
Esempio n. 5
        public TransformNode getPatientNameNode(Object markerID)
            if (markerID.Equals("PatientMarkerConfig.txt"))
                GeometryNode sphereNode = new GeometryNode("Sphere");
                sphereNode.Model = new Sphere(3.5f, 20, 20);
                sphereNode.Model.CastShadows = true;
                sphereNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;

                Material sphereMat = new Material();
                sphereMat.Diffuse = Color.Red.ToVector4();
                sphereMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                sphereMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                sphereNode.Material = sphereMat;
                //sphereNode.Physics.Interactable = false;

                TransformNode sphereTrans = new TransformNode();
                sphereTrans.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);
                return sphereTrans;
            return null;
Esempio n. 6
 public Item(IModel model, string name, Material material)
     build(model, name, material);
Esempio n. 7
        private void createCorderBackground()
            cornerPanelTransformNode = new TransformNode("Corner Panel Trans");

            cornerPanelNode = new GeometryNode("Corner Panel");
            cornerPanelNode.Model = new TexturedLayer(new Vector2(250, 250));//new Box(300, 250, 1);

            cornerPanelTransformNode.Translation = new Vector3(2.3f, -1.58f, -5);
            cornerPanelTransformNode.Rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitX, MathHelper.ToRadians(90));
            //cornerPanelTransformNode.Translation = new Vector3(0, .06f, -1);

            cornerPanelTransformNode.Scale = new Vector3(0.005f, 0.005f, 0.005f);

            Material pointerLabelMaterial = new Material();
            pointerLabelMaterial.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4(); ;// new Vector4(0, 0.5f, 0, 1);
               // pointerLabelMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
               // pointerLabelMaterial.SpecularPower = 50;
            pointerLabelMaterial.Texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("hud/cornerPanel");

            cornerPanelNode.Material = pointerLabelMaterial;

            Vector4 tempColor = cornerPanelNode.Material.Diffuse;
            Vector3 tempVec = new Vector3(tempColor.X, tempColor.Y, tempColor.Z);
            cornerPanelNode.Material.Diffuse = new Vector4(tempVec, 0.7f);
Esempio n. 8
        private void CreateObject()
            // Loads a textured model of a ship
            ModelLoader loader = new ModelLoader();
            Model shipModel = (Model)loader.Load("", "p1_wedge");

            // Create a geometry node of a loaded ship model
            GeometryNode shipNode = new GeometryNode("Ship");
            shipNode.Model = shipModel;
            ((Model)shipNode.Model).UseInternalMaterials = true;

            // Create a transform node to define the transformation for the ship
            TransformNode shipTransNode = new TransformNode();
            shipTransNode.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, -50);
            shipTransNode.Scale = new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f); // It's huge!
            shipTransNode.Rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0),

            shipTransParentNode = new TransformNode();
            shipTransParentNode.Translation = Vector3.Zero;

            // Create a geometry node with model of a torus
            GeometryNode torusNode = new GeometryNode("Torus");
            torusNode.Model = new Torus(12f, 15.5f, 20, 20);

            TransformNode torusTransNode = new TransformNode();
            torusTransNode.Translation = new Vector3(-50, 0, 0);
            torusTransNode.Rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitX,

            // Create a material node for this torus model
            Material torusMaterial = new Material();
            torusMaterial.Diffuse = Color.DarkGoldenrod.ToVector4();
            torusMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            torusMaterial.SpecularPower = 5;

            torusNode.Material = torusMaterial;

            // Now add the above nodes to the scene graph in appropriate order


            // Now create couple of particle effects to attach to the models

            // Create a smoke particle effect and fire particle effect to simulate a
            // ring of fire around the torus model
            SmokePlumeParticleEffect smokeParticles = new SmokePlumeParticleEffect(20, spriteBatch);
            FireParticleEffect fireParticles = new FireParticleEffect(40, spriteBatch);
            SmokePlumeParticleEffect smokeParticles = new SmokePlumeParticleEffect();
            FireParticleEffect fireParticles = new FireParticleEffect();
            // The order defines which particle effect to render first. Since we want
            // to show the fire particles in front of the smoke particles, we make
            // the smoke particles to be rendered first, and then fire particles
            smokeParticles.DrawOrder = 200;
            fireParticles.DrawOrder = 300;

            // Create a particle node to hold these two particle effects
            ParticleNode fireRingEffectNode = new ParticleNode();

            // Implement an update handler for each of the particle effects which will be called
            // every "Update" call 
            fireRingEffectNode.UpdateHandler += new ParticleUpdateHandler(UpdateRingOfFire);


            // Create another set of fire and smoke particle effects to simulate the fire
            // the ship catches when the ship passes the ring of fire
            FireParticleEffect shipFireEffect = new FireParticleEffect(150, spriteBatch);
            SmokePlumeParticleEffect shipSmokeEffect = new SmokePlumeParticleEffect(80, spriteBatch);
            shipFireEffect.MinScale *= 1.5f;
            shipFireEffect.MaxScale *= 1.5f;
            FireParticleEffect shipFireEffect = new FireParticleEffect();
            SmokePlumeParticleEffect shipSmokeEffect = new SmokePlumeParticleEffect();
            shipSmokeEffect.DrawOrder = 400;
            shipFireEffect.DrawOrder = 500;

            ParticleNode shipFireNode = new ParticleNode();

            shipFireNode.UpdateHandler += new ParticleUpdateHandler(UpdateShipFire);

Esempio n. 9
 private void build(IModel model, string name, Material material)
     build(model, name);
     //geo.Material = material;
     ((Model)geo.Model).UseInternalMaterials = true;
Esempio n. 10
        TransformNode parentTNodeGrd; //Parent for all Scene Objects

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Graphics3D(MarkerNode MarkerNode, IShadowMap ShadowMap)
            //Asignation Ground Node
            this.groundMarkerNode = MarkerNode;
            //Asignation Shadow Map
            this.GShadowMap = ShadowMap;

            //Add Big Parent for All Scenary Elements
            parentTNodeGrd = new TransformNode();
            parentTNodeGrd.Name = "Level";

            // Create a material for the model
            BulletrMat = new Material();
            BulletrMat.Diffuse = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
            BulletrMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            BulletrMat.SpecularPower = 10;

            //create Bullet Model
            BulletModel = new TexturedBox(2.0f);

            LoadLevel = false;
            LoadCars = false;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the model itself as well as the minimum bounding box if showBoundingBox
        /// is true. By default, SimpleEffectShader is used to render the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function is called automatically to render the model, so do not call this method
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="material">Material properties of this model</param>
        /// <param name="renderMatrix">Transform of this model</param>
        public virtual void Render(ref Matrix renderMatrix, Material material)
            if (!UseInternalMaterials)
                material.InternalEffect = null;
                if ((shader.CurrentMaterial != material) || material.HasChanged)

                    foreach (IShader afterEffect in afterEffectShaders)

                    material.HasChanged = false;

            BlendState origState = null;
            if (ContainsTransparency)
                origState = State.Device.BlendState;
                State.AlphaBlendingEnabled = true;

            // Render the actual model
            foreach (ModelMesh modelMesh in this.mesh)
                Matrix.Multiply(ref transforms[modelMesh.ParentBone.Index], ref renderMatrix, out tmpMat1);
                if (animationTransforms.Count > 0 && animationTransforms.ContainsKey(modelMesh.Name))
                    tmpMat1 = animationTransforms[modelMesh.Name] * tmpMat1;

                foreach (ModelMeshPart part in modelMesh.MeshParts)
                    if (UseInternalMaterials)
                        material.InternalEffect = part.Effect;

                    String techniqueName = technique;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(techniqueName))
                        techniqueName = part.Effect.CurrentTechnique.Name;
                    curPart = part;
                        ref tmpMat1,

                    foreach (IShader afterEffect in afterEffectShaders)
                        if (UseInternalMaterials)

                            ref tmpMat1,

            foreach (IShader afterEffect in afterEffectShaders)

            if (ContainsTransparency)
                State.Device.BlendState = origState;

            if (showBoundingBox)
                RenderBoundingBox(ref renderMatrix);
Esempio n. 12
        public static void AddRollingBeats(Scene scene, TransformNode parentTrans)
            Vector3 size = new Vector3(10.0f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
            Vector3 location = new Vector3(0, 3, 3);

            GeometryNode bar;
            // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////            
            // Create a bar and attach it to the world with a hinge with limits
            // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                TransformNode pileTrans = new TransformNode();
                pileTrans.Translation = location;
                pileTrans.Rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitZ, MathHelper.PiOver2);

                Material barMat = new Material();
                barMat.Diffuse = Color.Purple.ToVector4();
                barMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                barMat.SpecularPower = 10;

                bar = new GeometryNode("Bar");
                bar.Model = new Cylinder(size.Y, size.Y, size.X, 20);
                bar.Material = barMat;
                bar.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                bar.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
                bar.Physics.Interactable = true;
                bar.Physics.Collidable = true;
                bar.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Cylinder;
                bar.Physics.Mass = 2.0f;


                Vector3 pivot = location + parentTrans.Translation;
                Vector3 pin = Vector3.UnitY;
                pivot.X -= size.X * 0.5f;

                HingeJoint joint = new HingeJoint(pivot, pin);
                joint.NewtonHingeCallback = doubleDoor;

                ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).CreateJoint(bar.Physics, null, joint);

            // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // Add a sliding visualObject with limits
                Vector3 beatLocation = location;
                Vector3 beatSize = new Vector3(0.5f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

                beatLocation.X += size.X * 0.25f;

                TransformNode pileTrans = new TransformNode();
                pileTrans.Translation = beatLocation;

                Material beatMat = new Material();
                beatMat.Diffuse = Color.Red.ToVector4();
                beatMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                beatMat.SpecularPower = 10;

                GeometryNode beat = new GeometryNode("Beat Slider");
                beat.Model = new Box(beatSize);
                beat.Material = beatMat;
                beat.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                beat.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
                beat.Physics.Interactable = true;
                beat.Physics.Collidable = true;
                beat.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Box;
                beat.Physics.Mass = 2.0f;


                Vector3 pivot = beatLocation + parentTrans.Translation;
                Vector3 pin = Vector3.UnitX;

                sliderLimit.X = ((location.X - beatLocation.X) - size.X * 0.5f);
                sliderLimit.Y = ((location.X - beatLocation.X) + size.X * 0.5f);

                SliderJoint joint = new SliderJoint(pivot, pin);
                sliderUpdate = delegate(IntPtr slider, ref Newton.NewtonHingeSliderUpdateDesc desc)
                    float distance = Newton.NewtonSliderGetJointPosit(slider);
                    if (distance < sliderLimit.X)
                        // if the distance is smaller than the predefine interval, stop the slider
                        desc.m_Accel = Newton.NewtonSliderCalculateStopAccel(slider, ref desc, sliderLimit.X);
                        return 1;
                    else if (distance > sliderLimit.Y)
                        // if the distance is larger than the predefine interval, stop the slider
                        desc.m_Accel = Newton.NewtonSliderCalculateStopAccel(slider, ref desc, sliderLimit.Y);
                        return 1;

                    // no action need it if the joint angle is with the limits
                    return 0;
                joint.NewtonSliderCallback = sliderUpdate;

                ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).CreateJoint(beat.Physics, bar.Physics, joint);

            // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // Add a corkscrew visualObject with limits
            // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                Vector3 beatLocation = location;
                Vector3 beatSize = new Vector3(0.5f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

                beatLocation.X -= size.X * 0.25f;

                TransformNode pileTrans = new TransformNode();
                pileTrans.Translation = beatLocation;

                Material beatMat = new Material();
                beatMat.Diffuse = Color.YellowGreen.ToVector4();
                beatMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                beatMat.SpecularPower = 10;

                GeometryNode beat = new GeometryNode("Beat Corkscrew");
                beat.Model = new Box(beatSize);
                beat.Material = beatMat;
                beat.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                beat.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
                beat.Physics.Interactable = true;
                beat.Physics.Collidable = true;
                beat.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Box;
                beat.Physics.Mass = 2.0f;


                Vector3 pivot = beatLocation + parentTrans.Translation;
                Vector3 pin = Vector3.UnitX;

                corkscrewLimit.X = ((location.X - beatLocation.X) - size.X * 0.5f);
                corkscrewLimit.Y = ((location.X - beatLocation.X) + size.X * 0.5f);

                CorkscrewJoint joint = new CorkscrewJoint(pivot, pin);
                corkscrewUpdate = delegate(IntPtr corkscrew, Newton.NewtonHingeSliderUpdateDesc[] desc)
                    // no action need it if the joint angle is with the limits
                    uint retCode = 0;

                    float distance = Newton.NewtonCorkscrewGetJointPosit(corkscrew);

                    // The first entry in NewtonHingeSliderUpdateDesc control the screw linear acceleration 
                    if (distance < corkscrewLimit.X)
                        // if the distance is smaller than the predefine interval, stop the slider
                        desc[0].m_Accel = Newton.NewtonCorkscrewCalculateStopAccel(corkscrew,
                            ref desc[0], corkscrewLimit.X);
                        retCode |= 1;
                    else if (distance > corkscrewLimit.Y)
                        // if the distance is larger than the predefine interval, stop the slider
                        desc[0].m_Accel = Newton.NewtonCorkscrewCalculateStopAccel(corkscrew, ref 
                            desc[0], corkscrewLimit.Y);
                        retCode |= 1;

                    // The second entry in NewtonHingeSliderUpdateDesc control the screw angular acceleration. 
                    // Make s small screw motor by setting the angular acceleration of the screw axis
                    // We are not going to limit the angular rotation of the screw, but is we did we should 
                    // or return code with 2
                    float omega = Newton.NewtonCorkscrewGetJointOmega(corkscrew);
                    desc[1].m_Accel = 1.5f - 0.2f * omega;

                    // or with 0x10 to tell newton this axis is active
                    retCode |= 2;

                    // return the code
                    return retCode;
                joint.NewtonCorkscrewCallback = corkscrewUpdate;

                ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).CreateJoint(beat.Physics, bar.Physics, joint);

            // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // Add a universal joint visualObject with limits
            // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                Vector3 beatLocation = location;
                Vector3 beatSize = new Vector3(0.5f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

                beatLocation.X -= size.X * 0.45f;

                TransformNode pileTrans = new TransformNode();
                pileTrans.Translation = beatLocation;

                Material beatMat = new Material();
                beatMat.Diffuse = Color.YellowGreen.ToVector4();
                beatMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                beatMat.SpecularPower = 10;

                GeometryNode beat = new GeometryNode("Beat Universal");
                beat.Model = new Box(beatSize);
                beat.Material = beatMat;
                beat.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                beat.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
                beat.Physics.Interactable = true;
                beat.Physics.Collidable = true;
                beat.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Box;
                beat.Physics.Mass = 2.0f;


                Vector3 pivot = beatLocation + parentTrans.Translation;
                Vector3 pin0 = Vector3.UnitX;
                Vector3 pin1 = Vector3.UnitY;

                universalLimit.X = -30.0f * MathHelper.Pi / 180.0f;
                universalLimit.Y = 30.0f * MathHelper.Pi / 180.0f;

                UniversalJoint joint = new UniversalJoint(pivot, pin0, pin1);
                universalUpdate = delegate(IntPtr universal, Newton.NewtonHingeSliderUpdateDesc[] desc)
                    // no action need it if the joint angle is with the limits
                    uint retCode = 0;

                    float omega = Newton.NewtonUniversalGetJointOmega0(universal);
                    desc[0].m_Accel = -1.5f - 0.2f * omega;
                    retCode |= 1;

                    float angle = Newton.NewtonUniversalGetJointAngle1(universal);
                    if (angle < universalLimit.X)
                        desc[1].m_Accel = Newton.NewtonUniversalCalculateStopAlpha1(universal, ref desc[1],
                        retCode |= 2;
                    else if (angle > universalLimit.Y)
                        desc[1].m_Accel = Newton.NewtonUniversalCalculateStopAlpha1(universal, ref desc[1],
                        retCode |= 2;

                    // return the code
                    return retCode;
                joint.NewtonUniversalCallback = universalUpdate;

                ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).CreateJoint(beat.Physics, bar.Physics, joint);
Esempio n. 13
        /********************* Basic Elements ****************/
        public GeometryNode CreateCube(MarkerNode Marker, Vector4 CubeColor)
            GeometryNode boxNode;
            // Create a geometry node with a model of a box
            boxNode = new GeometryNode("Box");
            boxNode.Model = new TexturedBox(32.4f);

            // Add this box model to the physics engine for collision detection
            boxNode.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
            boxNode.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Box;
            // Make this box model cast and receive shadows
            boxNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;
            // Assign a shadow shader for this model that uses the IShadowMap we assigned to the scene
            boxNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(GShadowMap);

            // Create a material to apply to the box model
            Material boxMaterial = new Material();
            boxMaterial.Diffuse = CubeColor;
            boxMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            boxMaterial.SpecularPower = 10;

            boxNode.Material = boxMaterial;

            // Add this box model node to the ground marker node

            return boxNode;

            // Create a collision pair and add a collision callback function that will be
            // called when the pair collides
            //NewtonPhysics.CollisionPair pair = new NewtonPhysics.CollisionPair(boxNode.Physics, sphereNode.Physics);
            //((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).AddCollisionCallback(pair, BoxSphereCollision);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a rope-like object by connecting several ball and socket joints.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scene"></param>
        /// <param name="parentTrans"></param>
        public static void AddRope(Scene scene, TransformNode parentTrans)
            Vector3 size = new Vector3(1.5f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
            Vector3 location = new Vector3(0, 9, 0);

            IPhysicsObject link0 = null;
            Color[] colors = {Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Yellow, Color.Green, Color.Blue,
                                  Color.Indigo, Color.Violet};

            PrimitiveModel capsule = new Capsule(size.Y, size.X, 12);
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                TransformNode pileTrans = new TransformNode();
                pileTrans.Translation = location;

                Material linkMat = new Material();
                linkMat.Diffuse = colors[i].ToVector4();
                linkMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                linkMat.SpecularPower = 10;

                GeometryNode link1 = new GeometryNode("Link " + i);
                link1.Model = capsule;
                link1.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;
                link1.Material = linkMat;

                link1.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
                link1.Physics.Interactable = true;
                link1.Physics.Collidable = true;
                link1.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Capsule;
                link1.Physics.Mass = 2.0f;
                link1.Physics.LinearDamping = 1f;
                link1.Physics.AngularDamping = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);


                Vector3 pivot = location + parentTrans.Translation;
                pivot.Y += (size.X - size.Y) * 0.5f;

                BallAndSocketJoint joint = new BallAndSocketJoint(pivot);
                joint.Pin = -Vector3.UnitY;
                joint.MaxConeAngle = 0.0f;
                joint.MaxTwistAngle = 10.0f * MathHelper.Pi / 180;

                ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).CreateJoint(link1.Physics, link0, joint);

                link0 = link1.Physics;
                location = new Vector3(location.X, location.Y
                    - (size.X - size.Y), location.Z);
Esempio n. 15
        public static void AddDoubleSwingDoors(Scene scene, TransformNode parentTrans)
            Vector3 size = new Vector3(2.0f, 5.0f, 0.5f);
            Vector3 location = new Vector3(0, 3.5f, -3);

            Material linkMat = new Material();
            linkMat.Diffuse = Color.Cyan.ToVector4();
            linkMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            linkMat.SpecularPower = 10;

            GeometryNode link1 = null;
            // Make first wing
                TransformNode pileTrans = new TransformNode();
                pileTrans.Translation = location;

                link1 = new GeometryNode("Door 1");
                link1.Model = new Box(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);
                link1.Material = linkMat;
                link1.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                link1.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
                link1.Physics.Interactable = true;
                link1.Physics.Collidable = true;
                link1.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Box;
                link1.Physics.Mass = 2.0f;


                Vector3 pivot = location + parentTrans.Translation;
                Vector3 pin = Vector3.UnitY;
                pivot.X += size.X * 0.5f;
                pivot.Y -= size.Y * 0.5f;

                HingeJoint joint = new HingeJoint(pivot, pin);
                joint.NewtonHingeCallback = doubleDoor;

                ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).CreateJoint(link1.Physics, null, joint);

            // Make second wing
                location.X -= size.X;

                TransformNode pileTrans = new TransformNode();
                pileTrans.Translation = location;

                GeometryNode link2 = new GeometryNode("Door 2");
                link2.Model = new Box(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);
                link2.Material = linkMat;
                link2.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                link2.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
                link2.Physics.Interactable = true;
                link2.Physics.Collidable = true;
                link2.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Box;
                link2.Physics.Mass = 2.0f;


                Vector3 pivot = location + parentTrans.Translation;
                Vector3 pin = Vector3.UnitY;
                pivot.X += size.X * 0.5f;
                pivot.Y -= size.Y * 0.5f;

                HingeJoint joint = new HingeJoint(pivot, pin);
                joint.NewtonHingeCallback = doubleDoor;

                ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).CreateJoint(link2.Physics, link1.Physics, joint);
Esempio n. 16
        private void CreateObjects()
            // Create a sphere geometry
                GeometryNode sphereNode = new GeometryNode("Sphere");
                sphereNode.Model = new TexturedSphere(14, 20, 20);
                sphereNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;
                sphereNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(scene.ShadowMap);

                Material sphereMat = new Material();
                sphereMat.Diffuse = Color.Red.ToVector4();
                sphereMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                sphereMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                sphereNode.Material = sphereMat;

                TransformNode sphereTrans = new TransformNode();
                sphereTrans.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 20);


            // Create a box geometry
                GeometryNode boxNode = new GeometryNode("Box");
                boxNode.Model = new TexturedBox(24);
                boxNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;
                boxNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(scene.ShadowMap);

                Material boxMat = new Material();
                boxMat.Diffuse = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
                boxMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                boxMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                boxNode.Material = boxMat;

                TransformNode boxTrans = new TransformNode();
                boxTrans.Translation = new Vector3(-140, -72, 32);


            // Create a cylinder geometry
                GeometryNode cylinderNode = new GeometryNode("Cylinder");
                cylinderNode.Model = new Cylinder(14, 14, 10, 20);
                cylinderNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                Material cylinderMat = new Material();
                cylinderMat.Diffuse = Color.Green.ToVector4();
                cylinderMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                cylinderMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                cylinderNode.Material = cylinderMat;

                TransformNode cylinderTrans = new TransformNode();
                cylinderTrans.Translation = new Vector3(140, -72, 32);


            // Create a torus geometry
                GeometryNode torusNode = new GeometryNode("Torus");
                torusNode.Model = new Torus(10, 24, 20, 20);
                torusNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                Material torusMat = new Material();
                torusMat.Diffuse = Color.Yellow.ToVector4();
                torusMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                torusMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                torusNode.Material = torusMat;

                TransformNode torusTrans = new TransformNode();
                torusTrans.Translation = new Vector3(-140, 72, 32);


            // Create a capsule geometry
                GeometryNode capsuleNode = new GeometryNode("Capsule");
                capsuleNode.Model = new Capsule(12, 48, 20);
                capsuleNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

                Material capsuleMat = new Material();
                capsuleMat.Diffuse = Color.Cyan.ToVector4();
                capsuleMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                capsuleMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                capsuleNode.Material = capsuleMat;

                TransformNode capsuleTrans = new TransformNode();
                capsuleTrans.Translation = new Vector3(140, 72, 32);

Esempio n. 17
        private void CreateGround()
            GeometryNode groundNode = new GeometryNode("Ground");

            groundNode.Model = new TexturedBox(340, 200, 0.1f);

            // Set this ground model to act as an occluder so that it appears transparent
            groundNode.IsOccluder = true;

            // Make the ground model to receive shadow casted by other objects with
            // CastShadows set to true
            groundNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveOnly;
            groundNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(scene.ShadowMap);

            Material groundMaterial = new Material();
            groundMaterial.Diffuse = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            groundMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            groundMaterial.SpecularPower = 20;

            groundNode.Material = groundMaterial;

Esempio n. 18
        private void CreateObject()
            // Create a primitive mesh for creating our custom pyramid shape
            CustomMesh pyramid = new CustomMesh();

            // Even though we really need 5 vertices to create a pyramid shape, since
            // we want to assign different normals for points with same position to have
            // more accurate lighting effect, we will use 16 vertices.
            // Also, we want to have position, normal, and texture information in our
            // vertices, we'll use VertexPositionNormalTexture format. There are other
            // types of Vertex format as well depending on your needs. 
            VertexPositionNormalTexture[] verts = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[16];

            // Create a pyramid with 8x8 base and height of 6
            Vector3 vBase0 = new Vector3(-4, 0, 4);
            Vector3 vBase1 = new Vector3(4, 0, 4);
            Vector3 vBase2 = new Vector3(4, 0, -4);
            Vector3 vBase3 = new Vector3(-4, 0, -4);
            Vector3 vTop = new Vector3(0, 6, 0);

            verts[0].Position = vTop;
            verts[1].Position = vBase1;
            verts[2].Position = vBase0;

            verts[3].Position = vTop;
            verts[4].Position = vBase2;
            verts[5].Position = vBase1;

            verts[6].Position = vTop;
            verts[7].Position = vBase3;
            verts[8].Position = vBase2;

            verts[9].Position = vTop;
            verts[10].Position = vBase0;
            verts[11].Position = vBase3;

            verts[12].Position = vBase0;
            verts[13].Position = vBase1;
            verts[14].Position = vBase2;
            verts[15].Position = vBase3;

            verts[0].Normal = verts[1].Normal = verts[2].Normal = CalcNormal(vTop, vBase1, vBase0);
            verts[3].Normal = verts[4].Normal = verts[5].Normal = CalcNormal(vTop, vBase2, vBase1);
            verts[6].Normal = verts[7].Normal = verts[8].Normal = CalcNormal(vTop, vBase3, vBase2);
            verts[9].Normal = verts[10].Normal = verts[11].Normal = CalcNormal(vTop, vBase0, vBase3);
            verts[12].Normal = verts[13].Normal = verts[14].Normal = verts[15].Normal = CalcNormal(vBase0, 
                vBase1, vBase3);

            Vector2 texCoordTop = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
            Vector2 texCoordLeftBase = new Vector2(0, 1);
            Vector2 texCoordRightBase = new Vector2(1, 1);

            verts[0].TextureCoordinate = texCoordTop;
            verts[1].TextureCoordinate = texCoordLeftBase;
            verts[2].TextureCoordinate = texCoordRightBase;

            verts[3].TextureCoordinate = texCoordTop;
            verts[4].TextureCoordinate = texCoordLeftBase;
            verts[5].TextureCoordinate = texCoordRightBase;

            verts[6].TextureCoordinate = texCoordTop;
            verts[7].TextureCoordinate = texCoordLeftBase;
            verts[8].TextureCoordinate = texCoordRightBase;

            verts[9].TextureCoordinate = texCoordTop;
            verts[10].TextureCoordinate = texCoordLeftBase;
            verts[11].TextureCoordinate = texCoordRightBase;

            verts[12].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(1, 1);
            verts[13].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(1, 0);
            verts[14].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(0, 0);
            verts[15].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(0, 1);

            pyramid.VertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(graphics.GraphicsDevice, 
                typeof(VertexPositionNormalTexture), 16, BufferUsage.None);
            pyramid.VertexDeclaration = VertexPositionNormalTexture.VertexDeclaration;
            pyramid.NumberOfVertices = 16;

            short[] indices = new short[18];

            indices[0] = 0;
            indices[1] = 1;
            indices[2] = 2;

            indices[3] = 3;
            indices[4] = 4;
            indices[5] = 5;

            indices[6] = 6;
            indices[7] = 7;
            indices[8] = 8;

            indices[9] = 9;
            indices[10] = 10;
            indices[11] = 11;

            indices[12] = 12;
            indices[13] = 13;
            indices[14] = 15;

            indices[15] = 13;
            indices[16] = 14;
            indices[17] = 15;

            pyramid.IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(graphics.GraphicsDevice, typeof(short), 18, 

            pyramid.PrimitiveType = PrimitiveType.TriangleList;
            pyramid.NumberOfPrimitives = 6;

            PrimitiveModel pyramidModel = new PrimitiveModel(pyramid);

            GeometryNode pyramidNode = new GeometryNode();
            pyramidNode.Model = pyramidModel;

            Material pyramidMaterial = new Material();
            pyramidMaterial.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4();
            pyramidMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            pyramidMaterial.SpecularPower = 10;
            pyramidMaterial.Texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("brick_wall_14");

            pyramidNode.Material = pyramidMaterial;

Esempio n. 19
        public static void CreateBall(MarkerNode Marker)
            // Create a geometry node for Sphere
            PrimitiveModel PsphereModel = new Sphere(15f, 20, 20);

            // Create a material to apply to the sphere model
            Material sphereMaterial = new Material();
            sphereMaterial.Diffuse = new Vector4(0, 0.5f, 0, 1);
            sphereMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            sphereMaterial.SpecularPower = 10;

            GeometryNode sphereNode = new GeometryNode("Sphere");
            //sphereNode.Model = new TexturedSphere(16, 20, 20);
            sphereNode.Model = PsphereModel;
            sphereNode.Material = sphereMaterial;

            // Add this sphere model to the physics engine for collision detection
            sphereNode.Physics.Interactable = true;
            sphereNode.Physics.Collidable = true;
            sphereNode.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Sphere;
            sphereNode.Physics.Mass = 30;

            //sphereNode.Physics.ApplyGravity = false;
            sphereNode.Physics.InitialLinearVelocity = new Vector3(30, 0, 0);
            //sphereNode.Physics.MaterialName = "Sphere";
            //sphereNode.Physics.ApplyGravity = true;
            sphereNode.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;

            // Make this sphere model cast and receive shadows
            //sphereNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;
            // Assign a shadow shader for this model that uses the IShadowMap we assigned to the scene
            //sphereNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(scene.ShadowMap);

            TransformNode sphereTransNode = new TransformNode();
            sphereTransNode.Translation = new Vector3(50, 0, 50);

            // Now add the above nodes to the scene graph in the appropriate order.
            // Note that only the nodes added below the marker node are affected by
            // the marker transformation.
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the model itself as well as the minimum bounding box if showBoundingBox
        /// is true. By default, SimpleEffectShader is used to render the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function is called automatically to render the model, so do not call this method
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="material">Material properties of this model</param>
        /// <param name="renderMatrix">Transform of this model</param>
        public override void Render(ref Matrix renderMatrix, Material material)
            if (!UseInternalMaterials)
                material.InternalEffect = null;
                if ((shader.CurrentMaterial != material) || material.HasChanged)

                    foreach (IShader afterEffect in afterEffectShaders)

                    material.HasChanged = false;

            // Render the actual model
            foreach (ModelMesh modelMesh in this.mesh)
                Matrix.Multiply(ref transforms[modelMesh.ParentBone.Index], ref renderMatrix, out tmpMat1);

                if (UseInternalMaterials && (shader is IAlphaBlendable))

                foreach (ModelMeshPart part in modelMesh.MeshParts)
                    if (UseInternalMaterials)
                        material.InternalEffect = part.Effect;

                        ref tmpMat1,
                        (UseInternalMaterials) ? part.Effect.CurrentTechnique.Name : technique,
                            State.Device.Indices = part.IndexBuffer;
                                part.VertexOffset, 0, part.NumVertices, part.StartIndex, part.PrimitiveCount);


                    foreach (IShader afterEffect in afterEffectShaders)
                        if (UseInternalMaterials)

                            ref tmpMat1,
                                    part.VertexOffset, 0, part.NumVertices, part.StartIndex, part.PrimitiveCount);


Esempio n. 21
        /********************* Helpers **********************/
        public static GeometryNode LoadModel(string DirModel, string Modelname, bool InternalMaterial)
            GeometryNode MyNode = new GeometryNode(Modelname);
            //Intento cargar un modelo
            ModelLoader loader = new ModelLoader();

            MyNode.Physics.Mass = 20;
            MyNode.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.ConvexHull;
            MyNode.Physics.MaterialName = Modelname;
            MyNode.Physics.ApplyGravity = true;
            //Debo probar mas esta propiedad
            MyNode.Physics.NeverDeactivate = true;
            MyNode.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;

            //Load Model
            MyNode.Model = (Model)loader.Load(DirModel, Modelname);

            //Define Material
            if (InternalMaterial)
                ((Model)MyNode.Model).UseInternalMaterials = true;
                // Create a material for the Model
                Material ModelMat = new Material();
                ModelMat.Diffuse = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
                ModelMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                ModelMat.SpecularPower = 20;
                //Add Material
                MyNode.Material = ModelMat;

            return MyNode;
Esempio n. 22
        private void CreateObjects()
            // Create a geometry node with a model of a sphere that will be overlaid on
            // top of the ground marker array
            GeometryNode sphereNode = new GeometryNode("Sphere");
            // We will use TexturedSphere instead of regular Box class since we will need the
            // texture coordinates elements for passing the vertices to the SimpleShadowShader
            // we will be using
            sphereNode.Model = new TexturedSphere(16, 20, 20);

            // Add this sphere model to the physics engine for collision detection
            sphereNode.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
            sphereNode.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Sphere;
            // Make this sphere model cast and receive shadows
            sphereNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;
            // Assign a shadow shader for this model that uses the IShadowMap we assigned to the scene
            sphereNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(scene.ShadowMap);

            // Create a marker node to track a ground marker array.
            groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "NyARToolkitGroundArray.xml",
            groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "ALVARGroundArray.xml");

            TransformNode sphereTransNode = new TransformNode();
            sphereTransNode.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 50);

            // Create a material to apply to the sphere model
            Material sphereMaterial = new Material();
            sphereMaterial.Diffuse = new Vector4(0, 0.5f, 0, 1);
            sphereMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            sphereMaterial.SpecularPower = 10;

            sphereNode.Material = sphereMaterial;

            // Now add the above nodes to the scene graph in the appropriate order.
            // Note that only the nodes added below the marker node are affected by 
            // the marker transformation.

            // Create a geometry node with a model of a box that will be overlaid on
            // top of the ground marker array initially. (When the toolbar marker array is
            // detected, it will be overlaid on top of the toolbar marker array.)
            boxNode = new GeometryNode("Box");
            // We will use TexturedBox instead of regular Box class since we will need the
            // texture coordinates elements for passing the vertices to the SimpleShadowShader
            // we will be using
            boxNode.Model = new TexturedBox(32.4f);

            // Add this box model to the physics engine for collision detection
            boxNode.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;
            boxNode.Physics.Shape = ShapeType.Box;
            // Make this box model cast and receive shadows
            boxNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;
            // Assign a shadow shader for this model that uses the IShadowMap we assigned to the scene
            boxNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(scene.ShadowMap);

            // Create a marker node to track a toolbar marker array.
            toolbarMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "ToolbarNyARToolkit.xml",
            toolbarMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "ALVARToolbar.xml");


            // Create a material to apply to the box model
            Material boxMaterial = new Material();
            boxMaterial.Diffuse = new Vector4(0.5f, 0, 0, 1);
            boxMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            boxMaterial.SpecularPower = 10;

            boxNode.Material = boxMaterial;

            // Add this box model node to the ground marker node

            // Create a collision pair and add a collision callback function that will be
            // called when the pair collides
            NewtonPhysics.CollisionPair pair = new NewtonPhysics.CollisionPair(boxNode.Physics, sphereNode.Physics);
            ((NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).AddCollisionCallback(pair, BoxSphereCollision);
Esempio n. 23
        public void CreateGround(bool Occluder)
            GeometryNode groundNode = new GeometryNode("Ground");

            //Cordenates X, y, Z
            groundNode.Model = new TexturedBox(324, 180, 0.1f);

            // Set this model Occluded ist or not
            groundNode.IsOccluder = Occluder;

            //Setup Physics Aspecte
            groundNode.Physics.Collidable = true;
            groundNode.Physics.Shape = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Box;
            groundNode.Physics.MaterialName = "Ground";
            groundNode.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;

            // Make the ground model to receive shadow casted by other objects
            groundNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveOnly;
            // Assign a shadow shader
            groundNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(GShadowMap);

            Material groundMaterial = new Material();
            groundMaterial.Diffuse = Color.Gray.ToVector4();
            groundMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            groundMaterial.SpecularPower = 20;

            //Assig Material
            groundNode.Material = groundMaterial;

            //Add Model in the Scene
Esempio n. 24
 public override void SetParameters(Material material)
     if (material.InternalEffect != null)
         effect = material.InternalEffect;
         defaultTechnique = "GeneralLightingWithTexture";
         if (material.HasTexture)
             defaultTechnique = "GeneralLightingWithTexture";
             defaultTechnique = "GeneralLighting";
Esempio n. 25
        public virtual void SetParameters(Material material)
            if (material.InternalEffect != null)
                if (material.InternalEffect is BasicEffect)
                    BasicEffect be = (BasicEffect)material.InternalEffect;


                    Vector4 diffuse = new Vector4(be.DiffuseColor, be.Alpha);
                    Vector4 specular = new Vector4(be.SpecularColor, 1);
                    Log.Write("Passed internal effect is not BasicEffect, so we can not apply the " +
                        "effect to this shader", Log.LogLevel.Warning);
                if (material.HasTexture)

Esempio n. 26
        private List<Bullet> WBullets; //Bullets For Weapon

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Game_Weapon(PrimitiveModel BulletModel, Material BulletMaterial, MarkerNode GrdMarkerNode)
            FOV = NORMAL_FOV;
            DeltaGiro = DELTA_THETA;
            Active = true;
            ActAngle = 0;
            InitAngle = 0;
            MaxAng = 360;
            RadActAngle = 0;
            GirDir = RotDirection.RECHS;
            RotaMode = RotMode.CONTINUE;

            this.BulletModel = BulletModel;
            BulletMat = BulletMaterial;
            GMarkerNode = GrdMarkerNode;

            WBullets = new List<Bullet>();

            //Config type of Shoot
            WaitBullet = WAIT_SHOOT;
            CountToShoot = WaitBullet;
            ReloadTime = WAIT_RELOAD;
            CountToReload = 0;
            CountOfBullets = 0;
            NumBullets = Game_Logic.MAX_BULLET;

            RadOffset = Math.PI * (95) / 180.0;
            BulletOffset = new Vector3(0, 10, 30);
Esempio n. 27
        private void CreateGround()
            GeometryNode groundNode = new GeometryNode("Ground");

            // We will use TexturedBox instead of regular Box class since we will need the
            // texture coordinates elements for passing the vertices to the SimpleShadowShader
            // we will be using
            groundNode.Model = new TexturedBox(324, 180, 0.1f);

            // Set this ground model to act as an occluder so that it appears transparent
            groundNode.IsOccluder = true;

            // Make the ground model to receive shadow casted by other objects with
            // ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast
            groundNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveOnly;
            // Assign a shadow shader for this model that uses the IShadowMap we assigned to the scene
            groundNode.Model.Shader = new SimpleShadowShader(scene.ShadowMap);

            Material groundMaterial = new Material();
            groundMaterial.Diffuse = Color.Gray.ToVector4();
            groundMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            groundMaterial.SpecularPower = 20;

            groundNode.Material = groundMaterial;

Esempio n. 28
        private void CreateGround()
            GeometryNode groundNode = new GeometryNode("Ground");

            #if USE_ARTAG
            groundNode.Model = new Box(85, 66, 0.1f);
            groundNode.Model = new Box(95, 59, 0.1f);

            // Set this ground model to act as an occluder so that it appears transparent
            groundNode.IsOccluder = true;

            // Make the ground model to receive shadow casted by other objects with
            // CastShadows set to true
            groundNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;

            Material groundMaterial = new Material();
            groundMaterial.Diffuse = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            groundMaterial.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
            groundMaterial.SpecularPower = 20;

            groundNode.Material = groundMaterial;

Esempio n. 29
        public void SetParameters(Material material)
            if (material.InternalEffect != null)
                if (material.InternalEffect is BasicEffect)
                    BasicEffect be = (BasicEffect)material.InternalEffect;

                    alphaEffect.Alpha = be.Alpha;
                    alphaEffect.DiffuseColor = be.DiffuseColor;
                    alphaEffect.Texture = be.Texture;
                    alphaEffect.VertexColorEnabled = be.VertexColorEnabled;
                    Log.Write("Passed internal effect is not BasicEffect, so we can not apply the " +
                        "effect to this shader", Log.LogLevel.Warning);
                alphaEffect.Alpha = material.Diffuse.W;
                alphaEffect.DiffuseColor = Vector3Helper.GetVector3(material.Diffuse);
                alphaEffect.Texture = material.Texture;
Esempio n. 30
        private void CreateObjects()
            // Create a sphere geometry
                GeometryNode sphereNode = new GeometryNode("Sphere");
                sphereNode.Model = new Sphere(3.5f, 20, 20);
                sphereNode.Model.CastShadows = true;
                sphereNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;

                Material sphereMat = new Material();
                sphereMat.Diffuse = Color.Red.ToVector4();
                sphereMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                sphereMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                sphereNode.Material = sphereMat;

                TransformNode sphereTrans = new TransformNode();
                sphereTrans.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);


            // Create a box geometry
                GeometryNode boxNode = new GeometryNode("Box");
                boxNode.Model = new Box(6);
                boxNode.Model.CastShadows = true;
                boxNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;

                Material boxMat = new Material();
                boxMat.Diffuse = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
                boxMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                boxMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                boxNode.Material = boxMat;

                TransformNode boxTrans = new TransformNode();
                boxTrans.Translation = new Vector3(-35, -18, 8);


            // Create a cylinder geometry
                GeometryNode cylinderNode = new GeometryNode("Cylinder");
                cylinderNode.Model = new Cylinder(3.5f, 3.5f, 10, 20);
                cylinderNode.Model.CastShadows = true;
                cylinderNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;

                Material cylinderMat = new Material();
                cylinderMat.Diffuse = Color.Green.ToVector4();
                cylinderMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                cylinderMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                cylinderNode.Material = cylinderMat;

                TransformNode cylinderTrans = new TransformNode();
                cylinderTrans.Translation = new Vector3(35, -18, 8);


            // Create a torus geometry
                GeometryNode torusNode = new GeometryNode("Torus");
                torusNode.Model = new Torus(2.5f, 6.0f, 20, 20);
                torusNode.Model.CastShadows = true;
                torusNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;

                Material torusMat = new Material();
                torusMat.Diffuse = Color.Yellow.ToVector4();
                torusMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                torusMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                torusNode.Material = torusMat;

                TransformNode torusTrans = new TransformNode();
                torusTrans.Translation = new Vector3(-35, 18, 8);


            // Create a capsule geometry
                GeometryNode capsuleNode = new GeometryNode("Capsule");
                capsuleNode.Model = new Capsule(3, 12, 20);
                capsuleNode.Model.CastShadows = true;
                capsuleNode.Model.ReceiveShadows = true;

                Material capsuleMat = new Material();
                capsuleMat.Diffuse = Color.Cyan.ToVector4();
                capsuleMat.Specular = Color.White.ToVector4();
                capsuleMat.SpecularPower = 20;

                capsuleNode.Material = capsuleMat;

                TransformNode capsuleTrans = new TransformNode();
                capsuleTrans.Translation = new Vector3(35, 18, 8);
