Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode an array of data codeword with GaloisField 256.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataBytes">Array of data codewords for a single block.</param>
        /// <param name="numECBytes">Number of error correction codewords for data codewords</param>
        /// <param name="generatorPoly">Cached or newly create GeneratorPolynomial</param>
        /// <returns>Return error correction codewords array</returns>
        internal static byte[] Encode(byte[] dataBytes, int numECBytes, GeneratorPolynomial generatorPoly)
            int dataLength = dataBytes.Length;

            if (generatorPoly is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("generator", $"{nameof(GeneratorPolynomial)} var is null.");

            if (dataLength == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("There is no data bytes to encode.");

            if (numECBytes <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No Error Correction bytes.");

            int[] toEncode = ConvertToIntArray(dataBytes, dataLength, numECBytes);

            Polynomial generator = generatorPoly.GetGenerator(numECBytes);

            Polynomial dataPoly = new Polynomial(generator.GField, toEncode);

            PolyDivideStruct divideResult = dataPoly.Divide(generator);

            int[] remainderCoeffs = divideResult.Remainder.Coefficients;

            return(ConvertTosByteArray(remainderCoeffs, numECBytes));
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode an array of data codeword with GaloisField 256. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataBytes">Array of data codewords for a single block.</param>
        /// <param name="numECBytes">Number of error correction codewords for data codewords</param>
        /// <param name="generatorPoly">Cached or newly create GeneratorPolynomial</param>
        /// <returns>Return error correction codewords array</returns>
        internal static byte[] Encode(byte[] dataBytes, int numECBytes, GeneratorPolynomial generatorPoly)
            int dataLength = dataBytes.Length;
            if(generatorPoly == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("generator", "GeneratorPolynomial var is null");
            if(dataLength == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("There is no data bytes to encode");
            if(numECBytes <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No Error Correction bytes");
            int[] toEncode = ConvertToIntArray(dataBytes, dataLength, numECBytes);

            Polynomial generator = generatorPoly.GetGenerator(numECBytes);

            Polynomial dataPoly = new Polynomial(generator.GField, toEncode);

            PolyDivideStruct divideResult = dataPoly.Divide(generator);

            int[] remainderCoeffs = divideResult.Remainder.Coefficients;

            return ConvertTosByteArray(remainderCoeffs, numECBytes);
Esempio n. 3
		public void PerformanceTest()
			Random randomizer = new Random();
			sbyte[] zxTestCase = PolynomialExtensions.GenerateSbyteArray(40, randomizer);
			int ecBytes = 50;
			byte[] testCase = PolynomialExtensions.ToByteArray(zxTestCase);
			Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
			int timesofTest = 10000;
			string[] timeElapsed = new string[2];
			GaloisField256 gf256 = GaloisField256.QRCodeGaloisField;
			GeneratorPolynomial generator = new GeneratorPolynomial(gf256);
			for(int i = 0; i < timesofTest; i++)
				ReedSolomonEncoder.Encode(testCase, ecBytes, generator);
			timeElapsed[0] = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
			for(int i = 0; i < timesofTest; i++)
				EncoderInternal.generateECBytes(zxTestCase, ecBytes);
			timeElapsed[1] = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
			Assert.Pass("ReedSolomon performance {0} Tests~ QrCode.Net: {1} ZXing: {2}", timesofTest, timeElapsed[0], timeElapsed[1]);
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Generate error correction blocks. Then out put with codewords BitList
		/// ISO/IEC 18004/2006 P45, 46. Chapter 6.6 Constructing final message codewords sequence.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dataCodewords">Datacodewords from DataEncodation.DataEncode</param>
		/// <param name="numTotalBytes">Total number of bytes</param>
		/// <param name="numDataBytes">Number of data bytes</param>
		/// <param name="numECBlocks">Number of Error Correction blocks</param>
		/// <returns>codewords BitList contain datacodewords and ECCodewords</returns>
		internal static BitList FillECCodewords(BitList dataCodewords, VersionDetail vd)
			List<byte> dataCodewordsByte = dataCodewords.List;
			int ecBlockGroup2 = vd.ECBlockGroup2;
			int ecBlockGroup1 = vd.ECBlockGroup1;
			int numDataBytesGroup1 = vd.NumDataBytesGroup1;
			int numDataBytesGroup2 = vd.NumDataBytesGroup2;
			int ecBytesPerBlock = vd.NumECBytesPerBlock;
			int dataBytesOffset = 0;
			byte[][] dByteJArray = new byte[vd.NumECBlocks][];
			byte[][] ecByteJArray = new byte[vd.NumECBlocks][];
			GaloisField256 gf256 = GaloisField256.QRCodeGaloisField;
			GeneratorPolynomial generator = new GeneratorPolynomial(gf256);
			for(int blockID = 0; blockID < vd.NumECBlocks; blockID++)
				if(blockID < ecBlockGroup1)
					dByteJArray[blockID] = new byte[numDataBytesGroup1];
					for(int index = 0; index < numDataBytesGroup1; index++)
						dByteJArray[blockID][index] = dataCodewordsByte[dataBytesOffset + index];
					dataBytesOffset += numDataBytesGroup1;
					dByteJArray[blockID] = new byte[numDataBytesGroup2];
					for(int index = 0; index < numDataBytesGroup2; index++)
						dByteJArray[blockID][index] = dataCodewordsByte[dataBytesOffset + index];
					dataBytesOffset += numDataBytesGroup2;
				ecByteJArray[blockID] = ReedSolomonEncoder.Encode(dByteJArray[blockID], ecBytesPerBlock, generator);
			if(vd.NumDataBytes != dataBytesOffset)
				throw new ArgumentException("Data bytes does not match offset");
			BitList codewords = new BitList();
			int maxDataLength = ecBlockGroup1 == vd.NumECBlocks ? numDataBytesGroup1 : numDataBytesGroup2;
			for(int dataID = 0; dataID < maxDataLength; dataID++)
				for(int blockID = 0; blockID < vd.NumECBlocks; blockID++)
					if( !(dataID == numDataBytesGroup1 && blockID < ecBlockGroup1) )
						codewords.Add((int)dByteJArray[blockID][dataID], 8);
			for(int ECID = 0; ECID < ecBytesPerBlock; ECID++)
				for(int blockID = 0; blockID < vd.NumECBlocks; blockID++)
					codewords.Add((int)ecByteJArray[blockID][ECID], 8);
			if( vd.NumTotalBytes != codewords.Count >> 3)
				throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("total bytes: {0}, actual bits: {1}", vd.NumTotalBytes, codewords.Count));
			return codewords;