Esempio n. 1
        protected override void OnThreadUnSafeEventFired(object source, CharacterSessionDataChangedEventArgs args)
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"Starting process to download world.");

            UnityAsyncHelper.UnityMainThreadContext.PostAsync(async() =>
                long worldId = 0;
                    //TODO: Handle failure

                    //TODO: Handle throwing/error
                    //We need to know the world the zone is it, so we can request a download URL for it.
                    var worldConfig = await ZoneDataService.GetZoneWorldConfigurationAsync(args.ZoneIdentifier)

                    if (!worldConfig.isSuccessful)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to query World Configuration for ZoneId: {args.ZoneIdentifier}");

                    worldId = worldConfig.Result.WorldId;

                    //With the worldid we can get the download URL.
                    ContentDownloadURLResponse urlDownloadResponse = await ContentService.RequestWorldDownloadUrl(worldId)

                    if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                        Logger.Info($"World Download Url: {urlDownloadResponse.DownloadURL}");

                    //Can't do web request not on the main thread, sadly.
                    await new UnityYieldAwaitable();

                    WorldDownloader downloader = new WorldDownloader(Logger);

                    await downloader.DownloadAsync(urlDownloadResponse.DownloadURL, urlDownloadResponse.Version, o =>
                        OnWorldDownloadBegins?.Invoke(this, new WorldDownloadBeginEventArgs(o));
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                        Logger.Error($"Failed to query for Download URL for ZoneId: {args.ZoneIdentifier} WorldId: {worldId} (0 if never succeeded request). Error: {e.Message}");
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task OnGameInitialized()
            //TODO: Handle throwing/error
            ContentDownloadURLResponse downloadUrlResponse = await ContentService.RequestWorldDownloadUrl(WorldConfig.WorldId)

            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"World Download Url: {downloadUrlResponse.DownloadURL}");

            //Can't do web request not on the main thread, sadly.
            await new UnityYieldAwaitable();

            //TODO: Handle failure.
            WorldDownloader downloader = new WorldDownloader(Logger);

            //At this point after this finishes the world shoud be downloaded.
            await downloader.DownloadAsync(downloadUrlResponse.DownloadURL, downloadUrlResponse.Version, null, true);             //important that the world loads ontop of the existing scene.
Esempio n. 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <IPrefabContentResourceHandle> LoadContentPrefabAsync(long contentId)
            //If it's already available, we can just return immediately
            if (IsContentResourceAvailable(contentId))

            ContentDownloadURLResponse downloadUrlResponse = await RequestDownloadURL(contentId);

            //TODO: Handle failure
            TaskCompletionSource <IPrefabContentResourceHandle> completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <IPrefabContentResourceHandle>();

            //Asset bundle requests can sadly only happen on the main thread, so we must join the main thread.
            await new UnityYieldAwaitable();

            //TODO: We should handle caching, versioning and etc here.
            UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation asyncOperation = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(downloadUrlResponse.DownloadURL, (uint)downloadUrlResponse.Version, 0).SendWebRequest();

            //TODO: We should render these operations to the loading screen UI.
            asyncOperation.completed += operation =>
                //When we first get back on the main thread, the main concern
                //is that this resource manager may be from the last scene
                //and that the client may have moved on
                //to avoid this issues we check disposal state
                //and do nothing, otherwise if we check AFTER then we just have to release the assetbundle immediately anyway.
                if (isDisposed)
                    //Just tell anyone awaiting this that it is canceled. They should handle that case, not us.

                //GetContent will throw if the assetbundle has already been loaded.
                //So to prevent this from occuring due to multiple requests for the
                //content async we will check, on this main thread, via a write lock.
                lock (SyncObj)
                    //We're on the main thread again. So, we should check if another
                    //request already got the bundle
                    if (IsContentResourceAvailable(contentId))

                        //otherwise, we still don't have it so we should initialize it.
                        this.ResourceHandleCache[contentId] = new ReferenceCountedPrefabContentResourceHandle(DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(asyncOperation.webRequest));
                        completionSource.SetResult(TryLoadContentPrefab(contentId));                         //we assume this will work now.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                            Logger.Error($"Failed to load AssetBundle for Content: {contentId}. Reason: {e.ToString()}");

                        //Don't rethrow, causing build breaking.

            return(await completionSource.Task