Esempio n. 1
        private void buttonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            VerbButton button = (VerbButton)sender;

            Console.CurrentConsole.WriteLine(ConsoleSeverity.Debug, "Clicked verb: {0}", button.Verb);

            // TODO: this is temporary. Eventually we have to handle the approach
            // correctly. But for now we'll just teleport the actor to the location.
            if (button.Approach == Gk3Main.Game.NvcApproachType.WalkTo)


            if (button.Verb == Game.Verbs.V_Z_CHAT)
            else if (Game.VerbsUtils.IsTopicVerb(button.Verb))
                Game.GameManager.IncrementTopicCount(button.Noun, button.Verb);

            Game.GameManager.IncrementNounVerbCount(button.Noun, button.Verb);
Esempio n. 2
        public VerbButtonSet(Resource.ResourceManager content,
                             int screenX, int screenY, List <Game.NounVerbCase> nvcs, bool cancel)
            _screenX = screenX;
            _screenY = screenY;
            int buttonOffsetX = 0;

            foreach (Game.NounVerbCase nvc in nvcs)
                // TODO: apparently the inventory verb is a special case.
                // for now just ignore it.
                if (nvc.Verb == Game.Verbs.V_ANY_INV_ITEM)

                Game.VerbInfo info = Game.GameManager.Verbs[nvc.Verb];

                VerbButton b = new VerbButton(this, content, nvc.Noun, nvc.Verb, nvc.Script,
                                              nvc.Approach, nvc.Target,
                                              string.Format("{0}.BMP", info.DownButton),
                                              string.Format("{0}.BMP", info.HoverButton),
                                              string.Format("{0}.BMP", info.UpButton),
                                              info.DisableButton != null ? string.Format("{0}.BMP", info.DisableButton) : null,
                                              info.Verb != Game.Verbs.V_NONE ? Game.GameManager.Strings.GetVerbTooltip(info.Verb) : null);
                b.X        = new Unit(0, buttonOffsetX);
                b.OnClick += new EventHandler(buttonClicked);


                buttonOffsetX += ButtonWidth;

            if (cancel)
                Game.VerbInfo info = Game.GameManager.Verbs["t_cancel"];

                Button b = new Button(this, content, string.Format("{0}.BMP", info.DownButton),
                                      string.Format("{0}.BMP", info.HoverButton),
                                      string.Format("{0}.BMP", info.UpButton),
                                      info.DisableButton != null ? string.Format("{0}.BMP", info.DisableButton) : null,
                b.X        = new Unit(0, buttonOffsetX);
                b.OnClick += delegate { cancelClicked(); };


                buttonOffsetX += ButtonWidth;

            // now that we've got all the buttons go back and center them around the cursor
            _screenX -= (_buttons.Count * ButtonWidth) / 2;
            _screenY -= ButtonWidth / 2; // assume the buttons are square