Esempio n. 1
 public VssHttpRetryMessageHandler(
     VssHttpRetryOptions options,
     HttpMessageHandler innerHandler)
     : base(innerHandler)
     m_retryOptions = options;
        /// <summary>
        /// Heuristic used to determine whether an exception is a transient network
        /// failure that should be retried.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsTransientNetworkException(
            Exception ex,
            VssHttpRetryOptions options,
            out HttpStatusCode?httpStatusCode,
            out WebExceptionStatus?webExceptionStatus,
            out SocketError?socketErrorCode,
            out WinHttpErrorCode?winHttpErrorCode,
            out CurlErrorCode?curlErrorCode)
            httpStatusCode     = null;
            webExceptionStatus = null;
            socketErrorCode    = null;
            winHttpErrorCode   = null;
            curlErrorCode      = null;

            while (ex != null)
                if (IsTransientNetworkExceptionHelper(ex, options, out httpStatusCode, out webExceptionStatus, out socketErrorCode, out winHttpErrorCode, out curlErrorCode))

                ex = ex.InnerException;

        /// <summary>
        /// Heuristic used to determine whether an exception is a transient network
        /// failure that should be retried.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsTransientNetworkException(
            Exception ex,
            VssHttpRetryOptions options)
            HttpStatusCode?    httpStatusCode;
            SocketError?       socketErrorCode;
            WinHttpErrorCode?  winHttpErrorCode;
            CurlErrorCode?     curlErrorCode;

            return(IsTransientNetworkException(ex, options, out httpStatusCode, out webExceptionStatus, out socketErrorCode, out winHttpErrorCode, out curlErrorCode));
Esempio n. 4
        protected override async Task <HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
            HttpRequestMessage request,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Int32 attempt = 1;
            HttpResponseMessage  response      = null;
            HttpRequestException exception     = null;
            VssTraceActivity     traceActivity = VssTraceActivity.Current;

            // Allow overriding default retry options per request
            VssHttpRetryOptions retryOptions = m_retryOptions;
            object retryOptionsObject;

            if (request.Options.TryGetValue(HttpRetryOptionsKey, out retryOptionsObject)) // NETSTANDARD compliant, TryGetValue<T> is not
                // Fallback to default options if object of unexpected type was passed
                retryOptions = retryOptionsObject as VssHttpRetryOptions ?? m_retryOptions;

            TimeSpan minBackoff  = retryOptions.MinBackoff;
            Int32    maxAttempts = retryOptions.MaxRetries + 1;

            IVssHttpRetryInfo retryInfo = null;
            object            retryInfoObject;

            if (request.Options.TryGetValue(HttpRetryInfoKey, out retryInfoObject)) // NETSTANDARD compliant, TryGetValue<T> is not
                retryInfo = retryInfoObject as IVssHttpRetryInfo;

            if (IsLowPriority(request))
                // Increase the backoff and retry count, low priority requests can be retried many times if the server is busy.
                minBackoff  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(minBackoff.TotalSeconds * 2);
                maxAttempts = maxAttempts * 10;

            TimeSpan backoff = minBackoff;

            while (attempt <= maxAttempts)
                // Reset the exception so we don't have a lingering variable
                exception = null;

                Boolean            canRetry           = false;
                SocketError?       socketError        = null;
                HttpStatusCode?    statusCode         = null;
                WebExceptionStatus?webExceptionStatus = null;
                WinHttpErrorCode?  winHttpErrorCode   = null;
                CurlErrorCode?     curlErrorCode      = null;
                string             afdRefInfo         = null;
                    if (attempt == 1)

                    response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (attempt > 1)
                        TraceHttpRequestSucceededWithRetry(traceActivity, response, attempt);

                    // Verify the response is successful or the status code is one that may be retried.
                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        statusCode = response.StatusCode;
                        afdRefInfo = response.Headers.TryGetValues(HttpHeaders.AfdResponseRef, out var headers) ? headers.First() : null;
                        canRetry   = m_retryOptions.IsRetryableResponse(response);
                catch (HttpRequestException ex)
                    exception = ex;
                    canRetry  = VssNetworkHelper.IsTransientNetworkException(exception, m_retryOptions, out statusCode, out webExceptionStatus, out socketError, out winHttpErrorCode, out curlErrorCode);
                catch (TimeoutException)

                if (attempt < maxAttempts && canRetry)
                    backoff = BackoffTimerHelper.GetExponentialBackoff(attempt, minBackoff, m_retryOptions.MaxBackoff, m_retryOptions.BackoffCoefficient);
                    TraceHttpRequestRetrying(traceActivity, request, attempt, backoff, statusCode, webExceptionStatus, socketError, winHttpErrorCode, curlErrorCode, afdRefInfo);
                    if (attempt < maxAttempts)
                        if (exception == null)
                            TraceHttpRequestFailed(traceActivity, request, statusCode != null ? statusCode.Value : (HttpStatusCode)0, afdRefInfo);
                            TraceHttpRequestFailed(traceActivity, request, exception);
                        TraceHttpRequestFailedMaxAttempts(traceActivity, request, attempt, statusCode, webExceptionStatus, socketError, winHttpErrorCode, curlErrorCode, afdRefInfo);

                // Make sure to dispose of this so we don't keep the connection open
                if (response != null)

                TraceRaw(request, 100011, TraceLevel.Error,
                         "{{ \"Client\":\"{0}\", \"Endpoint\":\"{1}\", \"Attempt\":{2}, \"MaxAttempts\":{3}, \"Backoff\":{4} }}",
                await Task.Delay(backoff, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (exception != null)
                throw exception;

Esempio n. 5
 public VssHttpRetryMessageHandler(VssHttpRetryOptions options)
     m_retryOptions = options;
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper which checks a particular Exception instance (non-recursive).
        /// </summary>
        private static bool IsTransientNetworkExceptionHelper(
            Exception ex,
            VssHttpRetryOptions options,
            out HttpStatusCode?httpStatusCode,
            out WebExceptionStatus?webExceptionStatus,
            out SocketError?socketErrorCode,
            out WinHttpErrorCode?winHttpErrorCode,
            out CurlErrorCode?curlErrorCode)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckForNull(ex, "ex");

            httpStatusCode     = null;
            webExceptionStatus = null;
            socketErrorCode    = null;
            winHttpErrorCode   = null;
            curlErrorCode      = null;

            if (ex is WebException)
                WebException webEx = (WebException)ex;

                if (webEx.Response != null && webEx.Response is HttpWebResponse)
                    var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webEx.Response;
                    httpStatusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;

                    // If the options include this status code as a retryable error then we report the exception
                    // as transient to the caller
                    if (options.RetryableStatusCodes.Contains(httpResponse.StatusCode))

                webExceptionStatus = webEx.Status;

                if (webEx.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure ||
                    webEx.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ConnectionClosed ||
                    webEx.Status == WebExceptionStatus.KeepAliveFailure ||
                    webEx.Status == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure ||
                    webEx.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure ||
                    webEx.Status == WebExceptionStatus.SendFailure ||
                    webEx.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout)
            else if (ex is SocketException)
                SocketException sockEx = (SocketException)ex;

                socketErrorCode = sockEx.SocketErrorCode;

                if (sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.Interrupted ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.NetworkDown ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.NetworkUnreachable ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.NetworkReset ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionAborted ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.HostDown ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.HostUnreachable ||
                    sockEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TryAgain)
            else if (ex is Win32Exception) // WinHttpException when use WinHttp (dotnet core)
                Win32Exception winHttpEx = (Win32Exception)ex;

                Int32 errorCode = winHttpEx.NativeErrorCode;
                if (errorCode > (Int32)WinHttpErrorCode.WINHTTP_ERROR_BASE &&
                    errorCode <= (Int32)WinHttpErrorCode.WINHTTP_ERROR_LAST)
                    winHttpErrorCode = (WinHttpErrorCode)errorCode;

                    if (winHttpErrorCode == WinHttpErrorCode.ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT ||
                        winHttpErrorCode == WinHttpErrorCode.ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR ||
                        winHttpErrorCode == WinHttpErrorCode.ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR ||
                        winHttpErrorCode == WinHttpErrorCode.ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED ||
                        winHttpErrorCode == WinHttpErrorCode.ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT)
            else if (ex is IOException)
                if (null != ex.InnerException &&
                    ex.InnerException is Win32Exception)
                    String stackTrace = ex.StackTrace;

                    if (null != stackTrace &&
                        stackTrace.IndexOf("System.Net.Security._SslStream.StartWriting(", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0)
                        // HACK: There is an underlying HRESULT code for this error which is not set on the exception which
                        //       bubbles from the underlying stack. The top of the stack trace will be in the _SslStream class
                        //       and will have an exception chain of HttpRequestException -> IOException -> Win32Exception.

                        // Check for SEC_E_CONTEXT_EXPIRED as this occurs at random in the underlying stack. Retrying the
                        // request should get a new connection and work correctly, so we ignore this particular error.

            else if (ex.GetType().Name == "CurlException") // CurlException when use libcurl (dotnet core)
                // Valid curl error code should in range (0, 93]
                if (ex.HResult > 0 && ex.HResult < 94)
                    curlErrorCode = (CurlErrorCode)ex.HResult;
                    if (curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_HTTP2 ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_WRITE_ERROR ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_READ_ERROR ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_INTERFACE_FAILED ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_GOT_NOTHING ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_SEND_ERROR ||
                        curlErrorCode == CurlErrorCode.CURLE_RECV_ERROR)
