Esempio n. 1
 public static void errorArgument(string command)
     if (command == "diff")                                                         //This can be tailored to each type of command for varies responses.
         Output.writeOut("Diff takes text files as arguments. Please use 'help'."); //Or if the command takes specific arguments
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Start()
            var logLine = new Logger.logFile();

            logLine.logCreate();                                           //Create or overwrite the log file to be used during runtime
            Output.writeOut("----- C# Git Diff Implementation -----");
            Output.writeOut("Input 'help' for directions on how to use."); //A few niceties to help with console usability.
Esempio n. 3
 public static void help(string command)
     if (command == "help")
         Output.writeOut("'help' displays information about how to use a specific command.\nFor instance, 'help diff' shows how to use diff.");
     else if (command == "diff")
         Output.writeOut("'diff' returns the difference between two files.\nFor intance, 'diff fileOne.txt fileTwo.txt' will return the differences between those two files.\n'diff' takes at least two arguments.");
     else if (command == "quit")
         Output.writeOut("'quit' will quit from the program.\nFor instance, 'quit' will close the console window.");
         UnknownCommand.unknownCommand(command); //If the command isn't listed in the help command, raise an error.
 public static List <List <string[]> > Read(string fileOne, string fileTwo)
     if (fileOne.Contains(".txt") && fileTwo.Contains(".txt"))                                        //Check to make sure both are text files
         List <string[]>         contentsOne = new List <string[]>();                                 //Initialise new lists
         List <string[]>         contentsTwo = new List <string[]>();
         List <List <string[]> > contentsAll = new List <List <string[]> >();                         //And one for the contents of both combined
         try                                                                                          //Attempt to read the content of the file
             string[] contentsFileOne = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines($@"../../../../Files/{fileOne}"); //Only looking at this particular path
         catch (Exception) //And catch the exception if something is wrong, such as the file not existing or being corrupt
             Output.writeOut($"File name {fileOne} is invalid.");
             return(null); //Return something to satisfy the return state
             string[] contentsFileTwo = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines($@"../../../../Files/{fileTwo}");
         catch (Exception)
             Output.writeOut($"File name {fileTwo} is invalid.");
         return(contentsAll); //Contents all is returned with two lists of the file's contents
         Output.writeOut($"File names don't contain .txt...");
Esempio n. 5
        public void parse(string userInput)   //Take the user's input as an argument
            var words = userInput.Split(" "); //And split it into the seperate words

            if (words[0] == "help")           //Check what the first (command) word is
          [1]); //If there's a command afterwards, for specific help, attempt to use that
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
          [0]); //Else use "help" as the help argument
            else if (words[0] == "diff")
                List <List <string[]> > contents = new List <List <string[]> >(); //Create a new empty string to put the file contents
                    contents = FileRead.Read(words[1], words[2]);           //Attempt to read the files given
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)                            //If only one file was given
                    UnknownCommand.unknownArgument("diff");                 //Raise an error
                    contents = FileRead.Read("nullOne.txt", "nullTwo.txt"); //Proceed with empty files to prevent later issues
                catch (NullReferenceException)                              //If the tile is not a readable file
                    contents = FileRead.Read("nullOne.txt", "nullTwo.txt");
                Diff.Difference(contents); //Find the difference using the contents
            else if (words[0] == "debug")  //Debug allows for quick testing of the diff command
                List <List <string[]> > contents = new List <List <string[]> >();
                    contents = FileRead.Read("test1.txt", "test2.txt"); //The only two text files used are the test files.
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                Diff.Difference(contents); //Custom files are ignored.
            else if (words[0] == "quit")
                Output.writeOut("Exiting the console...");
                Environment.Exit(0);                    //Gracefully exit the console.
            else if (words[0] == "" || words[0] == " ") //If the user accidentally enters nothing
                Console.WriteLine("");                  //Don't throw an error, just ignore it and move on
                UnknownCommand.unknownCommand(words[0]); //If nothing is recognised, raise an error.
Esempio n. 6
 //A broad class for all kinds of errors
 public static void unknownCommand(string command)
     Output.writeOut($"'{command}' is an unknown command. Please use 'help'."); //If the command isn't recognised
Esempio n. 7
 public static void unknownArgument(string command)
     Output.writeOut($"{command} takes arguments. Please use 'help'."); //If the command takes arguments
        public static void Difference(List <List <string[]> > fileContents) //Take the list of lines of text (from both files)
            List <string[]> One = new List <string[]>();                    //Create new lists for both seperate files
            List <string[]> Two = new List <string[]>();

            bool commence = true; //Use a flag to prevent unnecessary output if inputs are invalid

            if (fileContents == null)
                commence = false; //If the content isn't there, don't commensce
            else if (fileContents.Count > 0)
                One = fileContents[0]; //If the content is there, split it into the two seperate files
                Two = fileContents[1];

            if (commence == true)
                List <List <string> > linesOne = new List <List <string> >(); //Make some new lists for the lines of text
                List <List <string> > linesTwo = new List <List <string> >();
                int maxLines = 0;                                             //And a variable to hold the max number of lines in the two

                foreach (string[] list in One)
                    foreach (string line in list)
                        List <string> words = new List <string>(line.Split(" ")); //For each line split them into their words
                        linesOne.Add(words);                                      //And add them to the lists
                foreach (string[] list in Two)
                    foreach (string line in list)
                        List <string> words = new List <string>(line.Split(" "));
                // ---Equalise Length of Files---
                if (linesOne.Count > linesTwo.Count)
                    maxLines = linesOne.Count;         //Assigning the maxLines to the number of lines in the biggets file.
                    linesTwo.Add(new List <string>()); //Add a new empty line to prevent indexing errors when comparing to the end of the list + 1
                else if (linesTwo.Count > linesOne.Count)
                    maxLines = linesTwo.Count;
                    linesOne.Add(new List <string>());
                    maxLines = linesOne.Count; //If neither are larger, just use linesOne

                Output.writeOut("\nFile One:");

                for (int i = 0; i < linesOne.Count; i += 1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < linesOne[i].Count; j += 1)
                        Output.Write($"{linesOne[i][j]} "); //Write out the content of fileOne

                Output.writeOut("\n\nFile Two:");

                for (int i = 0; i < linesTwo.Count; i += 1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < linesTwo[i].Count; j += 1)
                        Output.Write($"{linesTwo[i][j]} "); //And fileTwo


                for (int i = 0; i < maxLines; i += 1)                                      //For every line in the files
                    Output.Write($"\n>: [Output] Line {i} ");                              //Write the line number
                    IEnumerable <string> differencesTwo = linesTwo[i].Except(linesOne[i]); //Find the differences between the lines in the two text files
                    IEnumerable <string> differencesOne = linesOne[i].Except(linesTwo[i]);

                    if (linesOne[i].Count < linesTwo[i].Count) //If one of the lines is smaller than the otehr
                        for (int q = linesOne[i].Count; q < linesTwo[i].Count; q++)
                            linesOne[i].Add(""); //Add empty strings onto them to make them equal length.
                    else if (linesTwo[i].Count < linesOne[i].Count)
                        for (int q = linesTwo[i].Count; q < linesOne[i].Count; q++)

                    linesOne[i].Add(""); //And add an extra to prevent over-indexing like before

                    for (int j = 0; j < linesOne[i].Count; j += 1) //For every word in the line
                        if (linesOne[i][j] == linesTwo[i][j])
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                            Output.Write($"{linesOne[i][j]} "); //If theyre the same just output them
                        else if (linesTwo[i][j] == "")
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                            Output.Write($"{linesOne[i][j]} "); //If there's nothing in fileTwo (it's gotten to the end), keep writing fileOne
                        else if (linesOne[i][j] == "")
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                            Output.Write($"{linesTwo[i][j]} ");          //If fileOne has reached the end, keep writing fileTwo in green (as it is an addition)
                        else if (linesOne[i][j] != linesTwo[i][j])       //If theyre not the same
                            if (differencesTwo.Contains(linesTwo[i][j])) //If the word is different to fileTwo
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                                Output.writeOut($"{linesTwo[i][j]} ");    //It was added, so write it in green
                                if (linesTwo[i][j + 1] != linesOne[i][j]) //But if the next word isn't the same as it, it's been replaced and not inserted beforehand
                                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                                    Output.Write($"{linesOne[i][j]} "); //So also say that the current word was taken away (replaced)
                            else if (differencesOne.Contains(linesOne[i][j])) //If the word is different to fileOne
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                                Output.Write($"{linesOne[i][j]} "); //It's been taken away, so write it in red
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; //Reset the terminal to white
                Output.writeOut(" ");                         //And add a spare empty line to keep the console neat.