Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prints the trumps, laid suit and previous cards laid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"> The current game info. </param>
        protected void PrintGameInfo(GermanWhistInfo args)
            if (args.RoundNumber < 13)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} rounds until playing for tricks.", 13 - args.RoundNumber);
                Console.WriteLine("Playing for tricks!");

            Console.WriteLine("Your Tricks: {0}", this.Score);
            Console.WriteLine("Trumps are {0}", args.Trumps);
            Console.WriteLine("Suit laid is {0}", args.FirstSuitLaid);
            if (args.ToPlayFor != new Card(Value.Null, Suit.Null))
                Console.WriteLine("The card being played for is the {0}", args.ToPlayFor.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Cards laid: ");
            foreach (Card laid in args.CardsInPlay)
                Console.Write(laid.ToUnicodeString() + " ");

        /// <summary>
        /// Prints the trumps, laid suit and previous cards laid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"> The current game info. </param>
        protected void PrintGameInfo(GermanWhistInfo args)
            if (args.RoundNumber < 13)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} rounds until playing for tricks.", 13 - args.RoundNumber);
                Console.WriteLine("Playing for tricks!");

            Console.WriteLine("Your Tricks: {0}", this.Score);
            Console.WriteLine("Trumps are {0}", args.Trumps);
            Console.WriteLine("Suit laid is {0}", args.FirstSuitLaid);
            if (args.ToPlayFor != new Card(Value.Null, Suit.Null))
                Console.WriteLine("The card being played for is the {0}", args.ToPlayFor.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Cards laid: ");
            foreach (Card laid in args.CardsInPlay)
                Console.Write(laid.ToUnicodeString() + " ");

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of cards better than the ones already played.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"> The game info. </param>
        /// <param name="valids"> The valid cards. </param>
        /// <returns> A list of cards better than the cards already played. </returns>
        public List <Card> GetCards(GermanWhistInfo args, List <Card> valids)
            List <Card> betterCards = new List <Card>();

            foreach (Card c in valids)
                // Add the card to the cards in play

                // If the card is the best out of all the other cards, add it to the list of better cards
                if (c == Card.HighestCardFromArray(args.CardsInPlay))

                // Remove the card from the cards in play list

            // If there were no better cards make all the valid cards be returned
            if (betterCards.Count == 0)
                betterCards = valids;

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Decides if its worth winning the card being played for.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"> The game info. </param>
        /// <returns> Whether its worth winning the card. </returns>
        public bool WorthWinning(GermanWhistInfo args)
            if (args.ToPlayFor.Suit == args.Trumps || (int)args.ToPlayFor.Value > 8 || (args.AceHigh && (int)args.ToPlayFor.Value == 1))

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the AI play a card
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"> The game info. </param>
        /// <returns> The played card. </returns>
        public override Card MakeMove(GermanWhistInfo args)
            // Order the hand

            // Prints relevant info, eg trumps and cards already played

            // Evaluates the cards that can be played
            List <Card> valids = DetectValidCards(args);

            // If its worth winning the trick of its playing for tricks
            if (this.WorthWinning(args) || args.ToPlayFor == new Card(Value.Null, Suit.Null))
                // Gets card better than ones played
                List <Card> betterCards = this.GetCards(args, valids);
                Card        cardToPlay  = new Card();

                // If no cards have been played
                if (args.CardsInPlay.Count == 0)
                        // Will play from the 3rd best card and below if its a trump with a value of less than 4 being played for
                        if (args.ToPlayFor.SuitVal == 5 && (int)args.ToPlayFor.Value <= 4)
                            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

                        // Pick the highest card from the list
                        cardToPlay = Card.HighestCardFromArray(betterCards);

                        // Remove that card so that it won't be picked again
                    }while (cardToPlay >= args.ToPlayFor && args.ToPlayFor != new Card(Value.Null, Suit.Null)); // Until the card is less than the card being played for and if there is a card being played for
                    // Otherwise play the lowest card possible
                    cardToPlay = Card.LowestCardFromArray(betterCards);

                // Display what a human would have inputted
                return(this.DisplayInput(cardToPlay, valids));
                // Pick the lowest card possible and display what a human would have displayed
                return(this.DisplayInput(Card.LowestCardFromArray(valids), valids));
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the appropriate move using the given arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"> The information required to make the move. </param>
        /// <returns> The card chosen. </returns>
        public override Card MakeMove(GermanWhistInfo args)
            // Order the hand

            // Prints relevant info, eg trumps and cards already played

            // First evaluates the cards that can be played, then prints the hand with these as selectable
            List<Card> valids = DetectValidCards(args);

            // Retrieves a card which is returned as the move made
            return this.RetrieveInput(valids, args);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the appropriate move using the given arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"> The information required to make the move. </param>
        /// <returns> The card chosen. </returns>
        public override Card MakeMove(GermanWhistInfo args)
            // Order the hand

            // Prints relevant info, eg trumps and cards already played

            // First evaluates the cards that can be played, then prints the hand with these as selectable
            List <Card> valids = DetectValidCards(args);


            // Retrieves a card which is returned as the move made
            return(this.RetrieveInput(valids, args));