Esempio n. 1
 void IClickable3D.MouseUp(Ray pointer)
Esempio n. 2
 void IClickable3D.MouseDown(Ray pointer)
     mouseDownPoint = mouseHoverPoint;
     mouseDownOffset = offset;
     Console.WriteLine("Mouse Down TriMeshGUI");
Esempio n. 3
 void IClickable3D.MouseMove(Ray pointer)
     Ray adjustedPointer = new Ray(pointer.Start - mouseDownOffset, pointer.Direction);
     // Move the object in the XY plane
     Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.UnitZ, mouseDownPoint);
     Vector3 point = plane.Distance(adjustedPointer) * adjustedPointer.Direction + adjustedPointer.Start;
     Offset = mouseDownOffset + point - mouseDownPoint;
Esempio n. 4
 internal void Zoom(Ray pointer, int ticks)
     Vector3 target = pointer.Start + (plane.Distance(pointer) * pointer.Direction);
     viewMatrix = Matrix4.Mult(Matrix4.CreateTranslation((target - CameraPosition) * .10f * ticks), viewMatrix);
     ClampMatrix(ref viewMatrix);
Esempio n. 5
        //Edge closestEdge = null;
        float IClickable3D.DistanceToObject(Ray pointer)
            Ray adjustedPointer = new Ray(pointer.Start - offset, pointer.Direction);
            hovered = false;
            float distance = float.PositiveInfinity;
            foreach (Triangle t in base.Triangles)
                TriangleRayIntersect i = new TriangleRayIntersect(t, adjustedPointer);
                if (i.Intersects)
                    float d = (adjustedPointer.Start - i.Point).Length;
                    if (d < distance)
                        distance = d;
                        mouseHoverPoint = i.Point;

            // Remember the closest edge - debugging
            //float x = 0;
            //closestEdge = null;
            //foreach (Edge edge in this.Edges)
            //    List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(edge.Vertices);
            //    LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(vertices[0], vertices[1]);
            //    float d = segment.Distance(mouseHoverPoint);
            //    if (d < x || closestEdge == null)
            //    {
            //        closestEdge = edge;
            //        x = d;
            //    }

            isPointedAt = distance < float.PositiveInfinity;
            return distance;
Esempio n. 6
 void IClickable3D.MouseUp(Ray pointer)
     isMouseDown = false;
Esempio n. 7
        public void MouseMove(Ray pointer)
            float distance = plane.Distance(pointer);
            Vector3 point = pointer.Start + pointer.Direction * distance;

            if (isMouseDown)
                Vector3 downLocation = plane.Distance(mouseDownRay) * mouseDownRay.Direction + mouseDownRay.Start;
                viewMatrix = Matrix4.Mult(Matrix4.CreateTranslation(point.X - downLocation.X, point.Y - downLocation.Y, 0), mouseDownMatrix);
                ClampMatrix(ref viewMatrix);
Esempio n. 8
 float IClickable3D.DistanceToObject(Ray pointer)
     return plane.Distance(pointer);
Esempio n. 9
 void IClickable3D.MouseDown(Ray pointer)
     mouseDownRay = pointer;
     mouseDownMatrix = viewMatrix;
     mouseDownCameraPosition = CameraPosition;
     isMouseDown = true;
Esempio n. 10
        void IClickable3D.MouseMove(Ray pointer)
            float distance = drawSlice.Plane.Distance(pointer);
            Vector3 mousePoint = pointer.Start + pointer.Direction * distance + mouseOffset - locationOffset;

            selectedTabDraggedOff = true;
            float closestPointDistance = tabRadius;
            Vector3 closestPoint = mousePoint;
            foreach (var segment in TabPath.Segments(LineStrip.Type.Closed))
                Vector3 test = segment.ClosestPoint(mousePoint);
                float d = (mousePoint - test).Length;
                if (d < closestPointDistance)
                    selectedTabDraggedOff = false;
                    closestPoint = test;
                    closestPointDistance = d;

            tabLocations[selectedTabIndex] = closestPoint;
Esempio n. 11
 void IClickable3D.MouseUp(Ray pointer)
     if (selectedTabDraggedOff && selectedTabIndex >= 0)
     selectedTabIndex = -1;
Esempio n. 12
 void IClickable3D.MouseDown(Ray pointer)
     float distance = drawSlice.Plane.Distance(pointer);
     Vector3 mousePoint = pointer.Start + pointer.Direction * distance - locationOffset;
     if (selectedTabIndex < 0)
         selectedTabIndex = tabLocations.Count - 1;
     mouseOffset = tabLocations[selectedTabIndex] - mousePoint;
     mouseHovering = true;
Esempio n. 13
        float IClickable3D.DistanceToObject(Ray pointer)
            mouseHovering = false;
            float distance = drawSlice.Plane.Distance(pointer);
            Vector3 mousePoint = pointer.Start + pointer.Direction * distance - locationOffset;
            hovered = false;
            float closestPointDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;
            Vector3 closestPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            if (distance > 0)
                selectedTabIndex = -1;
                float minDistanceToTab = tabRadius;
                for (int i = 0; i < tabLocations.Count; i++)
                    float d = (mousePoint - tabLocations[i]).Length;
                    if (d < minDistanceToTab)
                        selectedTabIndex = i;
                        minDistanceToTab = d;
                        hovered = true;
                if (selectedTabIndex < 0)
                    foreach (var segment in TabPath.Segments(LineStrip.Type.Closed))
                        Vector3 test = segment.ClosestPoint(mousePoint);
                        float d = (mousePoint - test).Length;
                        if (d < closestPointDistance)
                            closestPoint = test;
                            closestPointDistance = d;
                    if (closestPointDistance < toolRadius)
                        hovered = true;
                        hoveredPoint = closestPoint;

            if (!hovered)
                return float.PositiveInfinity;
            return distance;
Esempio n. 14
        public TriangleRayIntersect(Triangle triangle, Ray ray)
            point = Vector3.Zero;
            intersects = false;

            float distance = triangle.Plane.Distance(ray);
            if (distance <= 0 || float.IsNaN(distance))
                // Plane is behind the ray, no intersection

            point = ray.Direction * distance + ray.Start;
            // Make sure the point is within the triangle
            foreach (Plane p in triangle.EdgePlanes)
                if (p.Distance(point) < 0)
                    // Outside of triangle, no intersection
            intersects = true;
Esempio n. 15
        private IClickable3D GetClosestObject(Ray pointer)
            IClickable3D closestClickable = null;
            float closest = float.PositiveInfinity;
            foreach (var o in objects)
                if (o is IClickable3D)
                    var clickable = o as IClickable3D;
                    float distance = clickable.DistanceToObject(pointer);
                    if (distance < closest)
                        closestClickable = clickable;
                        closest = distance;

            if (FilterSelectable(closestClickable))
                closestClickable.MouseHover(); // TODO: find a better way to handle hover indication...
                return closestClickable;
            return viewport as IClickable3D;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the distance along the ray to this plane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray"></param>
        /// <returns>Distance along the ray until the plane is reached.  If the plane is behind the ray, the return value is negative.</returns>
        public float Distance(Ray ray)
            float fromRayStart = Distance(ray.Start);

            float alongRay = Math.Abs(fromRayStart / Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, normal));
            Vector3 target = ray.Start + alongRay * ray.Direction; // This should be on the plane - if not, the distance has the wrong sign.
            Vector3 target2 = ray.Start - alongRay * ray.Direction; // Rather than compare with zero, which is not deterministic, compare with the possible result if the plane were behind the ray.

            if (Math.Abs(Distance(target)) > Math.Abs(Distance(target2)))
                alongRay = -alongRay;
            return alongRay;