public double GetVal(GekkoTime t) { //Asking a general timeless GetVal() from a timeseries (and not getting a val with a particular GekkoTime) is used in GENR, PRT etc. in an internal GekkoTime loop. Hence the use of Globals.globalGekkoTimeIterator_DO_NOT_ALTER. if (t.IsNull()) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You are trying to extract a single value from timeseries: " + this.ts.variableName + "."); G.Writeln(" Did you forget []-brackets to pick out an observation, for instance x[2020]?"); throw new GekkoException(); } return(this.ts.GetData(t.Add(this.offset))); }
public static IVariable Add(ScalarVal x, MetaTimeSeries ats, GekkoTime t) { //no need to implement swap if (t.IsNull()) { throw new GekkoException(); } TimeSeries ts = ats.ts; double val1 = x.val; double val2 = ts.GetData(t.Add(ats.offset)); return(new ScalarVal(val1 + val2)); }
public double GetVal(GekkoTime t) { //Asking a general timeless GetVal() from a timeseries (and not getting a val with a particular GekkoTime) is used in GENR, PRT etc. in an internal GekkoTime loop. Hence the use of Globals.globalGekkoTimeIterator_DO_NOT_ALTER. if (t.IsNull()) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You are trying to extract a single value from timeseries: " + this.ts.variableName + "."); G.Writeln(" Did you forget []-brackets to pick out an observation, for instance x[2020]?"); throw new GekkoException(); } double d = this.ts.GetData(t.Add(this.offset)); if (Program.options.series_array_ignoremissing && !this.ts.IsTimeless() && this.ts.variableName != null && this.ts.variableName.Contains(Globals.symbolTurtle)) { if (double.IsNaN(d)) { d = 0d; } } return(d); }
public static void C1(P p) { GekkoTime t = Globals.tNull; p.SetText(@"¤9"); O.List o9 = new O.List(); = O.GetString((new ScalarString("i"))); o9.listItems = new List <string>(); o9.p = p; o9.listItems = new List <string>(); o9.listItems.AddRange(O.GetList((new ScalarString("a")))); o9.listItems.AddRange(O.GetList((new ScalarString("b")))); o9.Exe(); p.SetText(@"¤10"); O.Genr o10 = new O.Genr(); IVariable ts11 = O.GetTimeSeries(O.GetString(new ScalarString("[FIRST]")) + ":" + O.GetString((new ScalarString("y"))), 1, O.ECreatePossibilities.Can); IVariable ts13 = O.GetTimeSeries(O.GetString(new ScalarString("[FIRST]")) + ":" + O.GetString((new ScalarString("x"))), 1); o10.t1 = Globals.globalPeriodStart; o10.t2 = Globals.globalPeriodEnd; o10.lhs = null; o10.p = p; foreach (GekkoTime t2 in new GekkoTimeIterator(o10.t1, o10.t2)) { t = t2; double[] storage16 = new double[2]; int counter17 = 0; GekkoTime t3 = t2; foreach (IVariable s1177 in new O.GekkoListIterator(O.GetScalarFromCache(ref list12, "#i", false, false))) { t = t3; double[] storage14 = new double[0 - (-1) + 1]; int counter15 = 0; foreach (GekkoTime t4 in new GekkoTimeIterator(t3.Add(-1), t3.Add(0))) { t = t4; storage14[counter15] = O.GetVal(O.Indexer(t, ts13, false, s1177), t); counter15++; t = t3; } storage16[counter17] = O.GetVal(O.HandleSummations("dif", storage14), t); counter17++; } double data = O.GetVal(O.HandleSummations("sum", storage16), t); if (o10.lhs == null) { o10.lhs = O.GetTimeSeries(ts11); } o10.lhs.SetData(t, data); } t = Globals.tNull; o10.meta = @"ser y = sum(#i, dif(x[#i]))"; o10.Exe(); p.SetText(@"¤12"); O.Prt o11 = new O.Prt(); o11.prtType = "p"; o11.t1 = Globals.globalPeriodStart; o11.t2 = Globals.globalPeriodEnd; o11.printCodes.Add(new OptString("n", O.GetString(new ScalarString("yes")))); { List <int> bankNumbers = null; O.Prt.Element ope11 = new O.Prt.Element(); ope11.label = O.SubstituteScalarsAndLists("x['a']", false); bankNumbers = O.Prt.GetBankNumbers(null, Program.GetElementPrintCodes(o11, ope11)); foreach (int bankNumber in bankNumbers) { IVariable ts18 = O.GetTimeSeries(O.GetString(new ScalarString("[FIRST]")) + ":" + O.GetString((new ScalarString("x"))), bankNumber); foreach (GekkoTime t2 in new GekkoTimeIterator(o11.t1.Add(-2), o11.t2)) { t = t2; O.GetVal777(O.Indexer(t, ts18, false, new ScalarString(@"a")), bankNumber, ope11, t); } t = Globals.tNull; } o11.prtElements.Add(ope11); } { List <int> bankNumbers = null; O.Prt.Element ope11 = new O.Prt.Element(); ope11.label = O.SubstituteScalarsAndLists("x['b']", false); bankNumbers = O.Prt.GetBankNumbers(null, Program.GetElementPrintCodes(o11, ope11)); foreach (int bankNumber in bankNumbers) { IVariable ts19 = O.GetTimeSeries(O.GetString(new ScalarString("[FIRST]")) + ":" + O.GetString((new ScalarString("x"))), bankNumber); foreach (GekkoTime t2 in new GekkoTimeIterator(o11.t1.Add(-2), o11.t2)) { t = t2; O.GetVal777(O.Indexer(t, ts19, false, new ScalarString(@"b")), bankNumber, ope11, t); } t = Globals.tNull; } o11.prtElements.Add(ope11); } { List <int> bankNumbers = null; O.Prt.Element ope11 = new O.Prt.Element(); ope11.label = O.SubstituteScalarsAndLists("x['a']+x['b']", false); bankNumbers = O.Prt.GetBankNumbers(null, Program.GetElementPrintCodes(o11, ope11)); foreach (int bankNumber in bankNumbers) { IVariable ts20 = O.GetTimeSeries(O.GetString(new ScalarString("[FIRST]")) + ":" + O.GetString((new ScalarString("x"))), bankNumber); foreach (GekkoTime t2 in new GekkoTimeIterator(o11.t1.Add(-2), o11.t2)) { t = t2; O.GetVal777(O.Add(O.Indexer(t, ts20, false, new ScalarString(@"a")), O.Indexer(t, ts20, false, new ScalarString(@"b")), t), bankNumber, ope11, t); } t = Globals.tNull; } o11.prtElements.Add(ope11); } { List <int> bankNumbers = null; O.Prt.Element ope11 = new O.Prt.Element(); ope11.label = O.SubstituteScalarsAndLists("y", false); bankNumbers = O.Prt.GetBankNumbers(null, Program.GetElementPrintCodes(o11, ope11)); foreach (int bankNumber in bankNumbers) { IVariable ts21 = O.GetTimeSeries(O.GetString(new ScalarString("[FIRST]")) + ":" + O.GetString((new ScalarString("y"))), bankNumber); foreach (GekkoTime t2 in new GekkoTimeIterator(o11.t1.Add(-2), o11.t2)) { t = t2; O.GetVal777(ts21, bankNumber, ope11, t); } t = Globals.tNull; } o11.prtElements.Add(ope11); } o11.counter = 1; o11.Exe(); }