Esempio n. 1
        private static IEnumerable <string> GetInteractiveHtmlImpl(IEnumerable <object> vs)
            yield return("<!doctype html>\n<html><head>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\" />\n<title>Console Log Inspector (Show-ConsoleLog)</title>\n<link href=\"file:///");

            yield return(HtmlEncode(InteractiveStylesPath.Replace("\\", "/")));

            yield return("\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />\n</head><body>\n");

            int ctr = 0;

            string[] spaces       = null;
            bool     emptyConsole = true;
            bool     emptyLine    = true;

            foreach (object obj in vs)
                ConsoleLog consoleLog = obj as ConsoleLog;
                if (!ReferenceEquals(consoleLog, null))
                    yield return("<div class=\"container console\" role=\"main\" aria-label=\"Console Log Inspector\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"ctrl");

                    yield return(ctr.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    yield return("\" checked=\"checked\" /><label for=\"ctrl");

                    yield return(ctr.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    yield return("\" role=\"heading\" aria-level=\"1\" aria-label=\"ConsoleLog object, width ");

                    string width = consoleLog.Width.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    spaces = new string[width.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i != width.Length; ++i)
                        spaces[i] = new string(' ', i);
                    yield return(width);

                    yield return(", see checkbox before this heading for expansion collapsion state, press Space to toggle\"><span class=\"color fg-");

                    yield return(ColorToName(consoleLog.Foreground));

                    yield return(" bg-");

                    yield return(ColorToName(consoleLog.Background));

                    yield return("\">ConsoleLog</span> object (width = ");

                    yield return(width);

                    yield return(")</label><div class=\"content\">\n");

                Line line = obj as Line;
                if (!ReferenceEquals(line, null))
                    yield return("<div class=\"container line\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"ctrl");

                    yield return(ctr.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    yield return("\" checked=\"checked\" /><label for=\"ctrl");

                    yield return(ctr.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    yield return("\" role=\"heading\" aria-level=\"2\" aria-label=\"Line object, see checkbox before this heading for expansion collapsion state, press Space to toggle\"><span class=\"color fg-");

                    yield return(ColorToName(line.Foreground));

                    yield return(" bg-");

                    yield return(ColorToName(line.Background));

                    yield return("\">Line</span> object</label><div class=\"content\">\n");

                    emptyConsole = false;
                    emptyLine    = true;
                Span span = obj as Span;
                if (!ReferenceEquals(span, null))
                    yield return("<div class=\"span\">Span (width = ");

                    string width = span.Width.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    if (width.Length < spaces.Length)
                        yield return(spaces[spaces.Length - width.Length]);
                    yield return(width);

                    yield return("): <span class=\"color fg-");

                    yield return(ColorToName(span.Foreground));

                    yield return(" bg-");

                    yield return(ColorToName(span.Background));

                    yield return("\" role=\"img\" aria-label=\"foreground color ");

                    yield return(ColorToFriendlyName(span.Foreground));

                    yield return(", background color ");

                    yield return(ColorToFriendlyName(span.Background));

                    yield return(", content: ");

                    string htmlContent = HtmlEncode(span.Content);
                    yield return(htmlContent);

                    yield return("\">");

                    yield return(htmlContent);

                    yield return("</span></div>\n");

                    emptyLine = false;
                yield return(emptyLine ? "<div class=\"none\">(no Span subobject)</div></div></div>\n" : "</div></div>\n");
            yield return(emptyConsole
                ? "<div class=\"none\">(no Line subobject)</div></div>\n</body></html>\n"
                : "</div></div>\n</body></html>\n");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates the substrings of HTML-formatted ConsoleLog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">$Host from PowerShell.</param>
        /// <param name="includeCurrentLine">Whether the current line should be included.
        /// This can be set to $False if the command is used interactively.</param>
        /// <param name="behavior">Behavior of trailing space characters.</param>
        public static IEnumerable <string> StreamCapture(PSHost host,
                                                         bool includeCurrentLine,
                                                         TrailingSpaceBehavior behavior)
            ConsoleColor fgDefault = ConsoleColor.White, bgDefault = ConsoleColor.Black;
            ConsoleColor fgLine = ConsoleColor.White, bgLine = ConsoleColor.Black;
            ConsoleColor fg = ConsoleColor.White, bg = ConsoleColor.Black;
            bool         emptyLine = true;

            /* The loop directly walks the tree, so we do not need
            ** the tree to be stored in the returned objects.
            ** Setting "populate" to $False make it GC-efficient. */
            foreach (object obj in Capturer.StreamCapture(host, includeCurrentLine, behavior, false))
                ConsoleLog console = obj as ConsoleLog;
                if (!ReferenceEquals(console, null))
                    yield return("<pre class=\"gl-console gl-console-fg-");

                    yield return(Helper.ColorToName(fgDefault = console.Foreground));

                    yield return(" gl-console-bg-");

                    yield return(Helper.ColorToName(bgLine = bgDefault = console.Background));

                    yield return("\" data-width=\"");

                    yield return(console.Width.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    yield return("\">\n");

                Line line = obj as Line;
                if (!ReferenceEquals(line, null))
                    yield return("<code class=\"gl-console-line");

                    if ((fgLine = line.Foreground) != fgDefault)
                        yield return(" gl-console-fg-");

                        yield return(Helper.ColorToName(fgLine));
                    yield return(" gl-console-bg-");

                    ConsoleColor bgLine2 = line.Background;
                    if (bgLine != bgLine2)
                        yield return("change gl-console-bg-");
                    yield return((bgLine = bgLine2) != bgDefault
                        ? Helper.ColorToName(bgLine2) : "none");

                    yield return("\">");

                    emptyLine = true;
                Span span = obj as Span;
                if (!ReferenceEquals(span, null))
                    emptyLine = false;
                    fg        = span.Foreground;
                    bg        = span.Background;
                    if (fg == fgLine && bg == bgLine)
                        yield return("<span>");

                        yield return(Helper.HtmlEncode(span.Content));

                        yield return("</span>");
                    else if (fg == fgLine && bg != bgLine)
                        yield return("<span class=\"gl-console-bg-");

                        yield return(Helper.ColorToName(bg));

                        yield return("\">");

                        yield return(Helper.HtmlEncode(span.Content));

                        yield return("</span>");
                    else if (fg != fgLine && bg == bgLine)
                        yield return("<span class=\"gl-console-fg-");

                        yield return(Helper.ColorToName(fg));

                        yield return("\">");

                        yield return(Helper.HtmlEncode(span.Content));

                        yield return("</span>");
                        yield return("<span class=\"gl-console-fg-");

                        yield return(Helper.ColorToName(fg));

                        yield return(" gl-console-bg-");

                        yield return(Helper.ColorToName(bg));

                        yield return("\">");

                        yield return(Helper.HtmlEncode(span.Content));

                        yield return("</span>");
                /* A line has ended. */
                yield return(emptyLine ? "<span> </span></code>\n" : "</code>\n");
            yield return("</pre>");