private void Read(string file)
			string dir = "/home/david/Projects/Gedcom.NET/Data/tests";
			string gedcomFile = Path.Combine(dir,file);

			long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
			_reader = new GedcomRecordReader();
			bool success = _reader.ReadGedcom(gedcomFile);
			long end = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
			System.Console.WriteLine("Read time: " + TimeSpan.FromTicks(end - start).TotalSeconds + " seconds");
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(true, success, "Failed to read " + gedcomFile);
			_individuals = 0;
			_families = 0;
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(_reader.Database.Count,0,"No records read");
			foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in _reader.Database)
				GedcomRecord record = entry.Value as GedcomRecord;
				if (record.RecordType == GedcomRecordType.Individual)
					_individuals ++;	
				else if (record.RecordType == GedcomRecordType.Family)
					_families ++;

			System.Console.WriteLine(gedcomFile + " contains " + _individuals + " individuals");
Esempio n. 2
		private void Read(string file)
			string dir = "/home/david/Projects/Gedcom.NET/Data/tests";
			string gedcomFile = Path.Combine(dir,file);
			_reader = new GedcomRecordReader();
		private void Read(string file)
			string dir = "/home/david/Projects/Gedcom.NET/Data/tests";
			string gedcomFile = Path.Combine(dir,file);
			_reader = new GedcomRecordReader();
			_database = _reader.Database;
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(_reader.Database.Count,0,"No records read");

Esempio n. 4
		private void Read(string file)
			string dir = "/home/david/Projects/Gedcom.NET/Data/tests";
			string gedcomFile = Path.Combine(dir,file);
			_reader = new GedcomRecordReader();
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(_reader.Database.Count,0,"No records read");
			_parsedDates = 0;
			_notParsedDates = 0;
			foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in _reader.Database)
				GedcomRecord record = entry.Value as GedcomRecord;
				if (record.RecordType == GedcomRecordType.Individual)
					GedcomIndividualRecord indi = (GedcomIndividualRecord)record;
					foreach (GedcomIndividualEvent ev in indi.Attributes)
					foreach (GedcomIndividualEvent ev in indi.Events)
				else if (record.RecordType == GedcomRecordType.Family)
					GedcomFamilyRecord fam = (GedcomFamilyRecord)record;
					foreach (GedcomFamilyEvent ev in fam.Events)

			System.Console.WriteLine(gedcomFile + ": parsed " + _parsedDates + "\t unparsed " + _notParsedDates);
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0,_notParsedDates,"Unparsed Dates");
		private void DumpXML(string file)
			string dir = "/home/david/Projects/Gedcom.NET/Data/tests";
			string gedcomFile = Path.Combine(dir,file);
			_reader = new GedcomRecordReader();
			GedcomXMLGenerator gen = new GedcomXMLGenerator();
			gen.Database = _reader.Database;
			XmlDocument doc = gen.GenerateXML();
			string xmlOutput = Path.Combine(dir, "XmlOutput");
			string xmlFile = Path.Combine(xmlOutput, file + ".xml");
		private void Write(string file)
			string dir = "/home/david/Projects/Gedcom.NET/Data/tests";
			string gedcomFile = Path.Combine(dir,file);
			string outputDir = Path.Combine(dir,"Output");
			string expectedDir = Path.Combine(dir,"Expected");
			GedcomRecordReader reader = new GedcomRecordReader();
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(reader.Database.Count,0,"No records read");
			_writer = new GedcomRecordWriter();
			_writer.Test = true;
			_writer.Database = reader.Database;
			_writer.GedcomFile = Path.Combine(outputDir,file);

			_writer.ApplicationName = "Gedcom.NET";
			_writer.ApplicationSystemID = "Gedcom.NET";
			_writer.ApplicationVersion = "Test Suite";
			_writer.Corporation = "David A Knight";
			string expectedOutput = Path.Combine(expectedDir,file);
			if (!File.Exists(expectedOutput))
			string written = File.ReadAllText(_writer.GedcomFile);
			string expected = File.ReadAllText(expectedOutput);
			NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(written == expected, "Output differs from expected");
Esempio n. 7
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			string searchUri = "" + args[1] + "%20filetype:ged";
			string dataFolder = args[0];// "C:\\Users\\Rwarthen\\Documents\\Family Tree Maker\\SueGedCom\\GreggMaryland";

			//C:\Users\rwarthen\Documents\Family Tree Maker\SueGedCom\GreggLeukemia
			// urls resulting in non gedcom files, ignore them when parsing,
			// leave the files there so we don't attempt to download again
			string[] blacklist =
				"",  // blank
				"", // html
				"", // html;
				"", // blank
				"", // completly broken file, duplicate xrefs
				"", // Kith and Kin Pro seems to completly screw up OCCU, or somehow allowed a newline to get into the name
				"", // blank
				"", // blank
				"", // Mono bug, StreamReader.ReadLine broken
				"", // blank
				"", // duplicate xref S1 on SUBM and SOUR, can we handle this somehow?
			bool doSearch = true;

			if (!Directory.Exists(dataFolder))
			string badFolder = Path.Combine(dataFolder, "Bad");
			if (!Directory.Exists(badFolder))
			if (doSearch)
				int start = 0;

				while (start < 1280)
					WebClient client = new WebClient();
					string searchResult = client.DownloadString(searchUri.Replace("start=0", string.Format("start={0}", start)));
					JavaScriptSerializer s = new JavaScriptSerializer();
					GoogleSearchResponse results = s.Deserialize<GoogleSearchResponse>(searchResult);
					GoogleResponseData data = results.responseData;
					foreach (GoogleResult result in data.results)
						Uri url = new Uri(result.url);

						string domainFolder = dataFolder;// Path.Combine(dataFolder, url.Authority);
						//if (!Directory.Exists(domainFolder))
						//	Directory.CreateDirectory(domainFolder);
						string path = url.AbsolutePath;
						string filename = url.Authority + "_" + path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);

						string localFilename = Path.Combine(domainFolder, filename);
						if (!File.Exists(localFilename) && !File.Exists(Path.Combine(badFolder, Path.GetFileName(localFilename))))
							Console.WriteLine("Downloading {0} to {1}", result.visibleUrl, filename);
								client.DownloadFile(url, localFilename);
								Console.WriteLine("Failed to download {1} from {0}", result.visibleUrl, filename);
							Console.WriteLine("Already downloaded {0}", result.visibleUrl);

					bool pageSet = false;
					foreach (GooglePage page in data.cursor.pages)
						if (page.start > start)
							start = page.start;
							pageSet = true;
					if (!pageSet)
						start = int.MaxValue;

			// *.*, should only be .ged files.  GetFiles is case sensitive though
			// we don't want to miss out on .GED .Ged etc. so use *.*
			// handle filtering out others  in the foreach with an EndsWith
			string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dataFolder, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

			Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} GEDCOM files", files.Length);
			GedcomRecordReader reader = new GedcomRecordReader();
			foreach (string gedcomFile in files)
				if (gedcomFile.EndsWith(".ged", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
					bool blacklisted = false;
					foreach (string b in blacklist)
						if (gedcomFile.EndsWith(b))
							blacklisted = true;
					if (!blacklisted)
						int expectedIndividuals = 0;
						int expectedFamilies = 0;
						Console.WriteLine("Scanning: " + gedcomFile);
						using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(gedcomFile))
							string line = null;
							while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
								if (Regex.Match(line, "^[0-9]+[ \t]@[^@]+@[ \t]INDI[ \t]*$").Success)
									expectedIndividuals ++;
								else if (Regex.Match(line, "^[0-9]+[ \t]@[^@]+@[ \t]FAM[ \t]*$").Success)
									expectedFamilies ++;
						Console.WriteLine("Reading: " + gedcomFile);
						if (!reader.ReadGedcom(gedcomFile))
							Console.WriteLine("\tFailed to read: " + gedcomFile);
							File.Move(gedcomFile, Path.Combine(badFolder, Path.GetFileName(gedcomFile)));
							Console.WriteLine("\tRead: " + gedcomFile);
							Console.WriteLine("\t\tIndividuals: " + reader.Database.Individuals.Count + " Expected: " + expectedIndividuals);
							Console.WriteLine("\t\tFamilies: " + reader.Database.Families.Count + " Expected: " + expectedFamilies);

							//Debug.Assert(reader.Database.Individuals.Count == expectedIndividuals);
							//Debug.Assert(reader.Database.Families.Count == expectedFamilies);
							if (reader.Database.Individuals.Count != expectedIndividuals)
								File.Move(gedcomFile, badFolder);
