Esempio n. 1
    public Shell()
        : base("Mono Heap Profiler")
        entries = new ActionEntry[] {
            new ActionEntry ("FileMenu", null, "_File", null, null, null),
            new ActionEntry ("OpenAction", Stock.Open, null, "<control>O", "Open a profile...", new EventHandler (OnOpen)),
            new ActionEntry ("QuitAction", Stock.Quit, null, "<control>Q", "Quit the application", delegate { Application.Quit (); }),

        DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (700, 700);
        DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit (); };

        main_box = new VBox (false, 0);
        Add (main_box);

        shell_commands = new ActionGroup ("TestActions");
        shell_commands.Add (entries);

        uim = new UIManager ();
        uim.AddWidget += delegate (object obj, AddWidgetArgs args) {
            args.Widget.Show ();
            main_box.PackStart (args.Widget, false, true, 0);

        uim.ConnectProxy += OnProxyConnect;
        uim.InsertActionGroup (shell_commands, 0);
        uim.AddUiFromResource ("shell-ui.xml");
        AddAccelGroup (uim.AccelGroup);

        sb = new Statusbar ();
        main_box.PackEnd (sb, false, true, 0);

        pager = new ShellPager (this);
        main_box.PackEnd (pager, true, true, 0);
Esempio n. 2
		public override void Undo ()
			// maintain the current scaling setting after the operation
			double scale = PintaCore.Workspace.Scale;

			Size swap = PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize;

			PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize = old_size;
			PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize = old_size;
			old_size = swap;
			base.Undo ();
			if (RestoreSelection != null) {
				DocumentSelection old = PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.Selection;
				PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.Selection = RestoreSelection.Clone();

				if (old != null) {
					old.Dispose ();

				PintaCore.Layers.ShowSelection = true;
			} else {
				PintaCore.Layers.ResetSelectionPath ();
			PintaCore.Workspace.Invalidate ();

			PintaCore.Workspace.Scale = scale;
Esempio n. 3
		public ResizeHistoryItem (Size oldSize) : base ()
			old_size = oldSize;

			Icon = "Menu.Image.Resize.png";
			Text = Catalog.GetString ("Resize Image");
Esempio n. 4
        public void Import(string fileName)
            Pixbuf bg;

            // Handle any EXIF orientation flags
            using (var fs = new FileStream (fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                bg = new Pixbuf (fs);

            bg = bg.ApplyEmbeddedOrientation ();

            Size imagesize = new Size (bg.Width, bg.Height);

            Document doc = PintaCore.Workspace.CreateAndActivateDocument (fileName, imagesize);
            doc.HasFile = true;
            doc.ImageSize = imagesize;
            doc.Workspace.CanvasSize = imagesize;

            Layer layer = doc.AddNewLayer (Path.GetFileName (fileName));

            using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (layer.Surface)) {
                CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (g, bg, 0, 0);
                g.Paint ();

            bg.Dispose ();
		/// <summary>
		/// Enmarca una imagen.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="image">
		/// La imagen a enmarcar.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pos">
		/// La esquina de la zona a recortar.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="size">
		/// El tamaño de la zona a recortar.
		/// </param>
		protected void GetEdges(FloatBitmap image, out Point pos, out Size size)
			pos = new Point(0,0);
			size = new Size(image.Width, image.Height);
			bool found =false;
			for(int i = 0; i < image.Width && !found; i++)
				for(int j = 0; j < image.Height && !found; j++)
					if (image[i, j] != FloatBitmap.White)
						pos.X = i-1;
						found = true;
			found =false;
			for(int i = image.Width-1; i >=0 && !found; i--)
				for(int j = 0; j < image.Height && !found; j++)
					if (image[i, j] != FloatBitmap.White)
						size.Width = i - pos.X +2 ;
						found = true;
			found =false;
			for(int j = 0; j < image.Height && !found; j++)
				for(int i = 0; i < image.Width&& !found; i++)
					if (image[i, j] != FloatBitmap.White)
						pos.Y = j-1;
						found = true;
			found =false;
			for(int j = image.Height-1; j >=0 && !found; j--)
				for(int i = 0; i < image.Width && !found; i++)
					if (image[i, j] != FloatBitmap.White)
						size.Height = j - pos.Y +2;
						found = true;
Esempio n. 6
        public override void ApplyTransform (Matrix xform, Size new_size)
			base.ApplyTransform (xform, new_size);

			foreach (ReEditableLayer rel in ReEditableLayers)
				if (rel.IsLayerSetup)
                    rel.Layer.ApplyTransform (xform, new_size);
Esempio n. 7
 public ImageWidget(Pixbuf pixbuf)
     resizingX = resizingY = false;
     this.CanFocus = true;
     this.Events = EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | EventMask.PointerMotionMask;
     this.child = new Gtk.Image ();
     this.child.Pixbuf = pixbuf;
     originalPixbuf = pixbuf;
     Add (child);
     imageSize = child.Allocation.Size;
Esempio n. 8
        public void Initialize(Size sourceSize, Size destinationSize)
            if (sourceSize == source_size && destinationSize == destination_size)

            source_size = sourceSize;
            destination_size = destinationSize;

            scale_factor = new ScaleFactor (source_size.Width, destination_size.Width);
            generated = false;
Esempio n. 9
 private void Init()
     Events = EventMask.PointerMotionMask |
       EventMask.ButtonPressMask |
     _imContext = new Gtk.IMMulticontext();
     _imContext.Commit += ImContext_Commit;
     DoubleBuffered = false;
     _lastClientSize = ClientSize;
Esempio n. 10
        public void Rotate (double angle, Size new_size)
			double radians = (angle / 180d) * Math.PI;
		    var old_size = PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize;

            var xform = new Matrix ();
            xform.Translate (new_size.Width / 2.0, new_size.Height / 2.0);
            xform.Rotate (radians);
            xform.Translate (-old_size.Width / 2.0, -old_size.Height / 2.0);

            ApplyTransform (xform, new_size);
Esempio n. 11
        private void OnMeasure()
            if (!measure_pending)

            measure_pending = false;

            header_height = 0;
            child_size    = OnMeasureChild();
Esempio n. 12
        void HandleBarFrameSizeAllocated(object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args)
            if (!lastFrameSize.Equals(args.Allocation.Size))
                lastFrameSize = args.Allocation.Size;
                if (autoShowFrame != null)
                    bar.Frame.UpdateSize(bar, autoShowFrame);

Esempio n. 13
 public NewFileDialog(Gtk.Window parentWindow, string parentDir, Gdk.Size size)
     this.DefaultSize = size;
     this.parentDir   = parentDir;
     this.btnNew.Name = "MainButton";
     this.entry_FileName.ActivatesDefault = true;
     this.SetToDialogStyle(parentWindow, true, true, true);
Esempio n. 14
        public Document(Gdk.Size size)
            Selection = new DocumentSelection();

            Guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            Layers                = new DocumentLayers(this);
            Workspace             = new DocumentWorkspace(this);
            IsDirty               = false;
            HasFile               = false;
            HasBeenSavedInSession = false;
            ImageSize             = size;

Esempio n. 15
		/// <summary>
		/// Provides a default implementation for performing dst = F(lhs, rhs) over some rectangle of interest.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dst">The Surface to write pixels to.</param>
		/// <param name="dstOffset">The pixel offset that defines the upper-left of the rectangle-of-interest for the dst Surface.</param>
		/// <param name="lhs">The Surface to read pixels from for the lhs parameter given to the method <b>ColorBgra Apply(ColorBgra, ColorBgra)</b>.</param>
		/// <param name="lhsOffset">The pixel offset that defines the upper-left of the rectangle-of-interest for the lhs Surface.</param>
		/// <param name="rhs">The Surface to read pixels from for the rhs parameter given to the method <b>ColorBgra Apply(ColorBgra, ColorBgra)</b></param>
		/// <param name="rhsOffset">The pixel offset that defines the upper-left of the rectangle-of-interest for the rhs Surface.</param>
		/// <param name="roiSize">The size of the rectangles-of-interest for all Surfaces.</param>
		public void Apply (Cairo.ImageSurface dst, Point dstOffset,
				  Cairo.ImageSurface lhs, Point lhsOffset,
				  Cairo.ImageSurface rhs, Point rhsOffset,
				  Size roiSize)
			// Bounds checking only enabled in Debug builds.
			// Create bounding rectangles for each Surface
			Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle (dstOffset, roiSize);
			Rectangle lhsRect = new Rectangle (lhsOffset, roiSize);
			Rectangle rhsRect = new Rectangle (rhsOffset, roiSize);

			// Clip those rectangles to those Surface's bounding rectangles
			Rectangle dstClip = Rectangle.Intersect (dstRect, dst.GetBounds ());
			Rectangle lhsClip = Rectangle.Intersect (lhsRect, lhs.GetBounds ());
			Rectangle rhsClip = Rectangle.Intersect (rhsRect, rhs.GetBounds ());

			// If any of those Rectangles actually got clipped, then throw an exception
			if (dstRect != dstClip) {
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("roiSize", "Destination roi out of bounds");

			if (lhsRect != lhsClip) {
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("roiSize", "lhs roi out of bounds");

			if (rhsRect != rhsClip) {
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("roiSize", "rhs roi out of bounds");

			// Cache the width and height properties
			int width = roiSize.Width;
			int height = roiSize.Height;

			// Do the work.
			unsafe {
				for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
					ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddress (dstOffset.X, dstOffset.Y + row);
					ColorBgra* lhsPtr = lhs.GetPointAddress (lhsOffset.X, lhsOffset.Y + row);
					ColorBgra* rhsPtr = rhs.GetPointAddress (rhsOffset.X, rhsOffset.Y + row);

					Apply (dstPtr, lhsPtr, rhsPtr, width);
Esempio n. 16
 public Browser(string catalog_dir)
     : base("Documentation Browser Sample")
     DefaultSize = new Size (600, 400);
     Gtk.Paned paned = new Gtk.HPaned ();
     Gtk.ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
     DocTree tree = new DocTree (catalog_dir);
     sw.Add (tree);
     paned.Add1 (sw);
     sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
     DocView view = new DocView (tree);
     sw.AddWithViewport (view);
     paned.Add2 (sw);
     paned.Position = 250;
     paned.ShowAll ();
     Add (paned);
Esempio n. 17
        private void CanvasSizeChangeEventHandle(CanvasSizeChangeEventArgs args)
            this.sceneSize = args.NewSize;
            Project currentSelectedProject = Services.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedProject;

            if (currentSelectedProject == null || !(currentSelectedProject.GetProjectType() != NodeType.Node.ToString()))
            Gdk.Size newSize = args.NewSize;
            double   width   = (double)newSize.Width;

            newSize = args.NewSize;
            double height = (double)newSize.Height;

            this.Size = new PointF((float)width, (float)height);
Esempio n. 18
        internal AutoHideBox AutoShow(DockItem item, DockBar bar, int size)
            AutoHideBox aframe = new AutoHideBox(this, item, bar.Position, size);

            Gdk.Size sTop  = GetBarFrameSize(dockBarTop);
            Gdk.Size sBot  = GetBarFrameSize(dockBarBottom);
            Gdk.Size sLeft = GetBarFrameSize(dockBarLeft);
            Gdk.Size sRgt  = GetBarFrameSize(dockBarRight);

            int x, y, w, h;

            if (bar == dockBarLeft || bar == dockBarRight)
                h = Allocation.Height - sTop.Height - sBot.Height;
                w = size;
                y = sTop.Height;
                if (bar == dockBarLeft)
                    x = sLeft.Width;
                    x = Allocation.Width - size - sRgt.Width;
                w = Allocation.Width - sLeft.Width - sRgt.Width;
                h = size;
                x = sLeft.Width;
                if (bar == dockBarTop)
                    y = sTop.Height;
                    y = Allocation.Height - size - sBot.Height;

            AddTopLevel(aframe, x, y, w, h);

Esempio n. 19
        private bool OnMeasure()
            if (!measure_pending)

            measure_pending = false;

            header_height = 0;

            var old_child_size = child_size;

            child_size = OnMeasureChild();

            return(old_child_size != child_size);
Esempio n. 20
        public override void Redo()
            // maintain the current scaling setting after the operation
            double scale = PintaCore.Workspace.Scale;

            Size swap = PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize;

            PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize = old_size;
            PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize = old_size;

            old_size = swap;

            base.Redo ();

            PintaCore.Layers.ResetSelectionPath ();
            PintaCore.Workspace.Invalidate ();

            PintaCore.Workspace.Scale = scale;
Esempio n. 21
        public Document(Gdk.Size size)
            Guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            Workspace = new DocumentWorkspace(this);
            IsDirty   = false;
            HasFile   = false;
            ImageSize = size;

            Layers = new List <Layer> ();

            tool_layer        = CreateLayer("Tool Layer");
            tool_layer.Hidden = true;

            selection_layer        = CreateLayer("Selection Layer");
            selection_layer.Hidden = true;

Esempio n. 22
        public void Import(LayerManager layers, string fileName)
            Pixbuf bg = new Pixbuf (fileName);
            Size imagesize = new Size (bg.Width, bg.Height);

            PintaCore.Workspace.CreateAndActivateDocument (fileName, imagesize);
            PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.HasFile = true;
            PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.ImageSize = imagesize;
            PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveWorkspace.CanvasSize = imagesize;

            Layer layer = layers.AddNewLayer (Path.GetFileName (fileName));

            using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (layer.Surface)) {
                CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (g, bg, 0, 0);
                g.Paint ();

            bg.Dispose ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConfiguratorDialog"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeStore">The tree store.</param>
        /// <param name="dialogTitle">The dialog title.</param>
        /// <param name="parentWindow">The parent window.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">The flags.</param>
        /// <param name="buttonData">The button data.</param>
        public ConfiguratorDialog(
			TreeStore treeStore,
			string dialogTitle = "Configuration",
			Window parentWindow = null,
			DialogFlags flags = DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
			params object[] buttonData)
            : base(dialogTitle, parentWindow, flags, buttonData)
            // Save the various parameters as member variables.
            if (treeStore == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("treeStore");

            // Set up the widget.

            // Set up the default
            DefaultSize = new Size(400, 250);
Esempio n. 24
        void OnConfigureEvent(object o, Gtk.ConfigureEventArgs args)
            var evnt = args.Event;
            args.RetVal = true;
            var newSize = new Size(evnt.Width, evnt.Height);

            if (newSize != _lastClientSize)
                _lastClientSize = newSize;

            var newPosition = new Point(evnt.X, evnt.Y);
            if (newPosition != _lastPosition)
                _lastPosition = newPosition;
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Resizes the canvas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='compoundAction'>
        /// Optionally, the history item for resizing the canvas can be added to
        /// a CompoundHistoryItem if it is part of a larger action (e.g. pasting an image).
        /// </param>
        public void ResizeCanvas(int width, int height, Anchor anchor, CompoundHistoryItem compoundAction)
            double scale;

            if (ImageSize.Width == width && ImageSize.Height == height)


            ResizeHistoryItem hist = new ResizeHistoryItem(ImageSize);

            hist.Icon = "Menu.Image.CanvasSize.png";
            hist.Text = Catalog.GetString("Resize Canvas");

            scale = Workspace.Scale;

            ImageSize = new Gdk.Size(width, height);

            foreach (var layer in UserLayers)
                layer.ResizeCanvas(width, height, anchor);


            if (compoundAction != null)


            Workspace.Scale = scale;
Esempio n. 26
        public DockBarItem(DockBar bar, DockItem it, int size)
            var actionHandler = new ActionDelegate(this);

            actionHandler.PerformPress += OnPerformPress;

            Events        = Events | Gdk.EventMask.EnterNotifyMask | Gdk.EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask;
            this.size     = size;
        = bar;
         = it;
            CanFocus      = true;
            VisibleWindow = false;
            lastFrameSize            = bar.Frame.Allocation.Size;
            bar.Frame.SizeAllocated += HandleBarFrameSizeAllocated;

            tracker                 = new MouseTracker(this);
            tracker.TrackMotion     = false;
            tracker.HoveredChanged += (sender, e) => {
                if (crossfade == null)

                if (tracker.Hovered)

            Styles.Changed += UpdateStyle;

            Accessible.Name = "DockbarItem";
            Accessible.Role = Atk.Role.PushButton;
Esempio n. 27
		public Window (ComparisonInfo info) : base ("ilContrast Assembly Comparison Tool") 
			DefaultSize = new Size (450, 450);

			main_vbox = new VBox (false, 0);
			AddActionUI ();
			browser = new Gecko.WebControl ();
			main_vbox.PackStart (browser, true, true, 0);
			web_view = new WebKit.WebView ();
			ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			sw.Add (web_view);
			main_vbox.PackStart (sw, true, true, 0);
			statusbar = new Statusbar ();
			main_vbox.PackStart (statusbar, false, false, 0);
			Add (main_vbox);
			main_vbox.ShowAll ();
			first_show = true; = info;
Esempio n. 28
        public Document(Gdk.Size size)
            Selection = new DocumentSelection();

            Guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            Workspace             = new DocumentWorkspace(this);
            IsDirty               = false;
            HasFile               = false;
            HasBeenSavedInSession = false;
            ImageSize             = size;

            UserLayers = new List <UserLayer>();

            tool_layer        = CreateLayer("Tool Layer");
            tool_layer.Hidden = true;

            selection_layer        = CreateLayer("Selection Layer");
            selection_layer.Hidden = true;

        public void AnimatedResize()
            if (!GtkUtil.ScreenSupportsARGB())

            disableSizeCheck = true;
            Gtk.Requisition sizeReq = Gtk.Requisition.Zero;
            // use OnSizeRequested instead of SizeRequest to bypass internal GTK caching
            OnSizeRequested(ref sizeReq);
            disableSizeCheck = false;

            Gdk.Size size = new Gdk.Size(sizeReq.Width, sizeReq.Height);

            // ensure that our apint area is big enough for our padding
            if (paintSize.Width <= 15 || paintSize.Height <= 15)
                paintSize = size;

            targetSize = size;
            Gdk.Size start = paintSize;
            Func <double, Gdk.Size> transform = x => new Gdk.Size((int)(start.Width + (size.Width - start.Width) * x),
                                                                  (int)(start.Height + (size.Height - start.Height) * x));

                         s => paintSize = s,
                         length: 150,
                         easing: Easing.SinInOut,
                         finished: (x, aborted) => { if (!aborted)
Esempio n. 30
        internal void UpdateSize(DockBar bar, AutoHideBox aframe)
            Gdk.Size sTop  = GetBarFrameSize(dockBarTop);
            Gdk.Size sBot  = GetBarFrameSize(dockBarBottom);
            Gdk.Size sLeft = GetBarFrameSize(dockBarLeft);
            Gdk.Size sRgt  = GetBarFrameSize(dockBarRight);

            if (bar == dockBarLeft || bar == dockBarRight)
                aframe.HeightRequest = Allocation.Height - sTop.Height - sBot.Height;
                if (bar == dockBarRight)
                    aframe.X = Allocation.Width - aframe.Allocation.Width - sRgt.Width;
                aframe.WidthRequest = Allocation.Width - sLeft.Width - sRgt.Width;
                if (bar == dockBarBottom)
                    aframe.Y = Allocation.Height - aframe.Allocation.Height - sBot.Height;
Esempio n. 31
 internal void UpdatePlaceholder(DockItem item, Gdk.Size size, bool allowDocking)
     container.UpdatePlaceholder(item, size, allowDocking);
Esempio n. 32
 public WindowImpl()
     : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
     DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size(900, 480);
Esempio n. 33
        public virtual void ApplyTransform(Matrix xform, Size new_size)
            var old_size = PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize;
            var dest = new ImageSurface (Format.ARGB32, new_size.Width, new_size.Height);
            using (var g = new Context (dest))
                g.Transform (xform);
                g.SetSource (Surface);
                g.Paint ();

            Surface old = Surface;
            Surface = dest;
            old.Dispose ();
Esempio n. 34
        private unsafe void RenderZoomOut(Cairo.ImageSurface src, Cairo.ImageSurface dst, Gdk.Point offset, Gdk.Size destinationSize, bool checker)
            const int fpShift  = 12;
            const int fpFactor = (1 << fpShift);

            Gdk.Size sourceSize     = src.GetBounds().Size;
            long     fDstLeftLong   = ((long)offset.X * fpFactor * (long)sourceSize.Width) / (long)destinationSize.Width;
            long     fDstTopLong    = ((long)offset.Y * fpFactor * (long)sourceSize.Height) / (long)destinationSize.Height;
            long     fDstRightLong  = ((long)(offset.X + dst.Width) * fpFactor * (long)sourceSize.Width) / (long)destinationSize.Width;
            long     fDstBottomLong = ((long)(offset.Y + dst.Height) * fpFactor * (long)sourceSize.Height) / (long)destinationSize.Height;
            int      fDstLeft       = (int)fDstLeftLong;
            int      fDstTop        = (int)fDstTopLong;
            int      fDstRight      = (int)fDstRightLong;
            int      fDstBottom     = (int)fDstBottomLong;
            int      dx             = (fDstRight - fDstLeft) / dst.Width;
            int      dy             = (fDstBottom - fDstTop) / dst.Height;

            ColorBgra *src_ptr   = (ColorBgra *)src.DataPtr;
            ColorBgra *dst_ptr   = (ColorBgra *)dst.DataPtr;
            int        src_width = src.Width;
            int        dst_width = dst.Width;

            for (int dstRow = 0, fDstY = fDstTop; dstRow < dst.Height && fDstY < fDstBottom; ++dstRow, fDstY += dy)
                int srcY1 = fDstY >> fpShift;                                            // y
                int srcY2 = (fDstY + (dy >> 2)) >> fpShift;                              // y + 0.25
                int srcY3 = (fDstY + (dy >> 1)) >> fpShift;                              // y + 0.50
                int srcY4 = (fDstY + (dy >> 1) + (dy >> 2)) >> fpShift;                  // y + 0.75

                ColorBgra *src1        = src.GetRowAddressUnchecked(src_ptr, src_width, srcY1);
                ColorBgra *src2        = src.GetRowAddressUnchecked(src_ptr, src_width, srcY2);
                ColorBgra *src3        = src.GetRowAddressUnchecked(src_ptr, src_width, srcY3);
                ColorBgra *src4        = src.GetRowAddressUnchecked(src_ptr, src_width, srcY4);
                ColorBgra *dstPtr      = dst.GetRowAddressUnchecked(dst_ptr, dst_width, dstRow);
                int        checkerY    = dstRow + offset.Y;
                int        checkerX    = offset.X;
                int        maxCheckerX = checkerX + dst.Width;

                for (int fDstX = fDstLeft; checkerX < maxCheckerX && fDstX < fDstRight; ++checkerX, fDstX += dx)
                    int        srcX1 = (fDstX + (dx >> 2)) >> fpShift;                          // x + 0.25
                    int        srcX2 = (fDstX + (dx >> 1) + (dx >> 2)) >> fpShift;              // x + 0.75
                    int        srcX3 = fDstX >> fpShift;                                        // x
                    int        srcX4 = (fDstX + (dx >> 1)) >> fpShift;                          // x + 0.50
                    ColorBgra *p1    = src1 + srcX1;
                    ColorBgra *p2    = src2 + srcX2;
                    ColorBgra *p3    = src3 + srcX3;
                    ColorBgra *p4    = src4 + srcX4;

                    int r = (2 + p1->R + p2->R + p3->R + p4->R) >> 2;
                    int g = (2 + p1->G + p2->G + p3->G + p4->G) >> 2;
                    int b = (2 + p1->B + p2->B + p3->B + p4->B) >> 2;
                    int a = (2 + p1->A + p2->A + p3->A + p4->A) >> 2;

                    if (checker)
                        // Blend it over the checkerboard background
                        int v = ((checkerX ^ checkerY) & 8) * 8 + 191;
                        a = a + (a >> 7);
                        int vmia = v * (256 - a);

                        r = ((r * a) + vmia) >> 8;
                        g = ((g * a) + vmia) >> 8;
                        b = ((b * a) + vmia) >> 8;

                        dstPtr->Bgra = (uint)b + ((uint)g << 8) + ((uint)r << 16) + 0xff000000;
                        dstPtr->Bgra = (uint)b + ((uint)g << 8) + ((uint)r << 16) + ((uint)a << 24);

 public static void CachedDraw(this Cairo.Context self, ref SurfaceWrapper surface, Gdk.Point position, Gdk.Size size,
                               object parameters = null, float opacity = 1.0f, Action <Cairo.Context, float> draw = null, double?forceScale = null)
     self.CachedDraw(ref surface, new Gdk.Rectangle(position, size), parameters, opacity, draw, forceScale);
Esempio n. 36
 public void DrawDrawable( Gdk.GC gc, Drawable src, Point src_location, Point dest_location, Size sz )
     this.DrawDrawable( gc, src, src_location.X, src_location.Y, dest_location.X, dest_location.Y, sz.Width, sz.Height );
Esempio n. 37
		public void AnimatedResize ()
			if (!GtkUtil.ScreenSupportsARGB ()) {

			disableSizeCheck = true;
			Gtk.Requisition sizeReq = Gtk.Requisition.Zero;
			// use OnSizeRequested instead of SizeRequest to bypass internal GTK caching
			OnSizeRequested (ref sizeReq);
			disableSizeCheck = false;

			Gdk.Size size = new Gdk.Size (sizeReq.Width, sizeReq.Height);

			// ensure that our apint area is big enough for our padding
			if (paintSize.Width <= 15 || paintSize.Height <= 15)
				paintSize = size;

			targetSize = size;
			Gdk.Size start = paintSize;
			Func<double, Gdk.Size> transform = x => new Gdk.Size ((int)(start.Width + (size.Width - start.Width) * x),
			                                                     (int)(start.Height + (size.Height - start.Height) * x));
			this.Animate ("Resize",
			              s => paintSize = s,
			              length: 150,
			              easing: Easing.SinInOut,
			              finished: (x, aborted) => { if (!aborted) MaybeReanimate(); });
			QueueResize ();
Esempio n. 38
 public void ClearCategories()
     iconSize = new Gdk.Size(24, 24);
Esempio n. 39
 public Rectangle(Point loc, Size sz)
     : this(loc.X, loc.Y, sz.Width, sz.Height)
Esempio n. 40
        public override void Undo()
            Size swap = PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize;

            PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize = old_size;
            PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize = old_size;

            old_size = swap;

            base.Undo ();

            if (RestorePath != null) {
                Cairo.Path old = PintaCore.Layers.SelectionPath;

                PintaCore.Layers.SelectionPath = RestorePath.Clone ();

                if (old != null)
                    (old as IDisposable).Dispose ();

                PintaCore.Layers.ShowSelection = true;
            } else {
                PintaCore.Layers.ResetSelectionPath ();

            PintaCore.Workspace.Invalidate ();
Esempio n. 41
        public override void Redo()
            Size swap = PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize;

            PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize = old_size;
            PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize = old_size;

            old_size = swap;

            base.Redo ();

            PintaCore.Layers.ResetSelectionPath ();
            PintaCore.Workspace.Invalidate ();
Esempio n. 42
		protected override void OnSizeAllocated (Rectangle allocation)
			if (!this.AnimationIsRunning ("Resize"))
				paintSize = new Gdk.Size (allocation.Width, allocation.Height);

			base.OnSizeAllocated (allocation);
Esempio n. 43
 public void DrawArc( Gdk.GC gc, bool filled, Point p, Size s, int angle1, int angle2 )
     Rectangle rect = new Rectangle( p, s );
     this.DrawArc( gc, filled, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, angle1, angle2 );
Esempio n. 44
        public void Import(string fileName)
            ZipFile file = new ZipFile (fileName);
            XmlDocument stackXml = new XmlDocument ();
            stackXml.Load (file.GetInputStream (file.GetEntry ("stack.xml")));

            XmlElement imageElement = stackXml.DocumentElement;
            int width = int.Parse (imageElement.GetAttribute ("w"));
            int height = int.Parse (imageElement.GetAttribute ("h"));

            Size imagesize = new Size (width, height);

            Document doc = PintaCore.Workspace.CreateAndActivateDocument (fileName, imagesize);
            doc.HasFile = true;

            XmlElement stackElement = (XmlElement) stackXml.GetElementsByTagName ("stack")[0];
            XmlNodeList layerElements = stackElement.GetElementsByTagName ("layer");

            if (layerElements.Count == 0)
                throw new XmlException ("No layers found in OpenRaster file");

            doc.ImageSize = imagesize;
            doc.Workspace.CanvasSize = imagesize;

            for (int i = 0; i < layerElements.Count; i++) {
                XmlElement layerElement = (XmlElement) layerElements[i];
                int x = int.Parse (GetAttribute (layerElement, "x", "0"));
                int y = int.Parse (GetAttribute (layerElement, "y", "0"));
                string name = GetAttribute (layerElement, "name", string.Format ("Layer {0}", i));

                try {
                    // Write the file to a temporary file first
                    // Fixes a bug when running on .Net
                    ZipEntry zf = file.GetEntry (layerElement.GetAttribute ("src"));
                    Stream s = file.GetInputStream (zf);
                    string tmp_file = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName ();

                    using (Stream stream_out = File.Open (tmp_file, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) {
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];

                        while (true) {
                            int len = s.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                            if (len > 0)
                                stream_out.Write (buffer, 0, len);

                    UserLayer layer = doc.CreateLayer(name);
                    doc.Insert (layer, 0);

                    layer.Opacity = double.Parse (GetAttribute (layerElement, "opacity", "1"), GetFormat ());
                    layer.BlendMode = StandardToBlendMode (GetAttribute (layerElement, "composite-op", "svg:src-over"));

                    using (var fs = new FileStream (tmp_file, FileMode.Open))
                        using (Pixbuf pb = new Pixbuf (fs)) {
                            using (Context g = new Context (layer.Surface)) {
                                CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (g, pb, x, y);
                                g.Paint ();

                    try {
                        File.Delete (tmp_file);
                    } catch { }
                } catch {
                    MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindow, DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Ok, "Could not import layer \"{0}\" from {0}", name, file);
                    md.Title = "Error";

                    md.Run ();
                    md.Destroy ();

            file.Close ();
Esempio n. 45
        private void SetRequisition(Size size)
            Requisition req = new Requisition ();
            req.Width = size.Width;
            req.Height = size.Height;
            Requisition = req;

            QueueResize ();
Esempio n. 46
        private unsafe void RenderZoomOut(List <Layer> layers, Cairo.ImageSurface dst, Gdk.Point offset, Gdk.Size destinationSize)
            // The first layer should be blended with the transparent checkerboard
            var checker = true;
            CheckerBoardOperation checker_op = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Count; i++)
                var layer = layers[i];

                // If we're in LivePreview, substitute current layer with the preview layer
                if (layer == PintaCore.Layers.CurrentLayer && PintaCore.LivePreview.IsEnabled)
                    layer = CreateLivePreviewLayer(layer);

                // If the layer is offset, handle it here
                if (!layer.Offset.IsEmpty())
                    layer = CreateOffsetLayer(layer);

                var src = layer.Surface;

                // Get the blend mode for this layer and opacity
                var blend_op = UserBlendOps.GetBlendOp(layer.BlendMode, layer.Opacity);

                if (checker)
                    checker_op = new CheckerBoardOperation(layer.Opacity);

                const int fpShift  = 12;
                const int fpFactor = (1 << fpShift);

                Gdk.Size sourceSize     = src.GetBounds().Size;
                long     fDstLeftLong   = ((long)offset.X * fpFactor * (long)sourceSize.Width) / (long)destinationSize.Width;
                long     fDstTopLong    = ((long)offset.Y * fpFactor * (long)sourceSize.Height) / (long)destinationSize.Height;
                long     fDstRightLong  = ((long)(offset.X + dst.Width) * fpFactor * (long)sourceSize.Width) / (long)destinationSize.Width;
                long     fDstBottomLong = ((long)(offset.Y + dst.Height) * fpFactor * (long)sourceSize.Height) / (long)destinationSize.Height;
                int      fDstLeft       = (int)fDstLeftLong;
                int      fDstTop        = (int)fDstTopLong;
                int      fDstRight      = (int)fDstRightLong;
                int      fDstBottom     = (int)fDstBottomLong;
                int      dx             = (fDstRight - fDstLeft) / dst.Width;
                int      dy             = (fDstBottom - fDstTop) / dst.Height;

                ColorBgra *src_ptr   = (ColorBgra *)src.DataPtr;
                ColorBgra *dst_ptr   = (ColorBgra *)dst.DataPtr;
                int        src_width = src.Width;
                int        dst_width = dst.Width;

                for (int dstRow = 0, fDstY = fDstTop; dstRow < dst.Height && fDstY < fDstBottom; ++dstRow, fDstY += dy)
                    int srcY1 = fDstY >> fpShift;                                                // y
                    int srcY2 = (fDstY + (dy >> 2)) >> fpShift;                                  // y + 0.25
                    int srcY3 = (fDstY + (dy >> 1)) >> fpShift;                                  // y + 0.50
                    int srcY4 = (fDstY + (dy >> 1) + (dy >> 2)) >> fpShift;                      // y + 0.75

                    ColorBgra *src1        = src.GetRowAddressUnchecked(src_ptr, src_width, srcY1);
                    ColorBgra *src2        = src.GetRowAddressUnchecked(src_ptr, src_width, srcY2);
                    ColorBgra *src3        = src.GetRowAddressUnchecked(src_ptr, src_width, srcY3);
                    ColorBgra *src4        = src.GetRowAddressUnchecked(src_ptr, src_width, srcY4);
                    ColorBgra *dstPtr      = dst.GetRowAddressUnchecked(dst_ptr, dst_width, dstRow);
                    int        checkerY    = dstRow + offset.Y;
                    int        checkerX    = offset.X;
                    int        maxCheckerX = checkerX + dst.Width;

                    for (int fDstX = fDstLeft; checkerX < maxCheckerX && fDstX < fDstRight; ++checkerX, fDstX += dx)
                        int        srcX1 = (fDstX + (dx >> 2)) >> fpShift;                              // x + 0.25
                        int        srcX2 = (fDstX + (dx >> 1) + (dx >> 2)) >> fpShift;                  // x + 0.75
                        int        srcX3 = fDstX >> fpShift;                                            // x
                        int        srcX4 = (fDstX + (dx >> 1)) >> fpShift;                              // x + 0.50
                        ColorBgra *p1    = src1 + srcX1;
                        ColorBgra *p2    = src2 + srcX2;
                        ColorBgra *p3    = src3 + srcX3;
                        ColorBgra *p4    = src4 + srcX4;

                        int r = (2 + p1->R + p2->R + p3->R + p4->R) >> 2;
                        int g = (2 + p1->G + p2->G + p3->G + p4->G) >> 2;
                        int b = (2 + p1->B + p2->B + p3->B + p4->B) >> 2;
                        int a = (2 + p1->A + p2->A + p3->A + p4->A) >> 2;

                        // Blend it over the checkerboard background
                        if (checker)
                            *dstPtr = checker_op.Apply(ColorBgra.FromUInt32((uint)b + ((uint)g << 8) + ((uint)r << 16) + ((uint)a << 24)), checkerX, checkerY);
                            *dstPtr = blend_op.Apply(*dstPtr, ColorBgra.FromUInt32((uint)b + ((uint)g << 8) + ((uint)r << 16) + ((uint)a << 24)));


                // Only checker the first layer
                checker = false;
Esempio n. 47
        internal bool UpdatePlaceholder(DockItem item, Gdk.Size size, bool allowDocking)
            if (!Runtime.IsMainThread)
                var msg = "UpdatePlaceholder called from background thread.";
                LoggingService.LogInternalError($"{msg}\n{Environment.StackTrace}", new InvalidOperationException(msg));

            var placeholderWindow = this.placeholderWindow;
            var padTitleWindow    = this.padTitleWindow;

            if (placeholderWindow == null || padTitleWindow == null)

            int px, py;

            GetPointer(out px, out py);

            placeholderWindow.AllowDocking = allowDocking;

            int ox, oy;

            GdkWindow.GetOrigin(out ox, out oy);

            int tw, th;

            padTitleWindow.GetSize(out tw, out th);
            padTitleWindow.Move(ox + px - tw / 2, oy + py - th / 2);
            padTitleWindow.GdkWindow.KeepAbove = true;

            DockDelegate dockDelegate;

            Gdk.Rectangle rect;
            if (allowDocking && layout.GetDockTarget(item, px, py, out dockDelegate, out rect))
                placeholderWindow.Relocate(ox + rect.X, oy + rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, true);
                placeholderWindow.SetDockInfo(dockDelegate, rect);
                int w, h;
                var gi = layout.FindDockGroupItem(item.Id);
                if (gi != null)
                    w = gi.Allocation.Width;
                    h = gi.Allocation.Height;
                    w = item.DefaultWidth;
                    h = item.DefaultHeight;
                placeholderWindow.Relocate(ox + px - w / 2, oy + py - h / 2, w, h, false);
                placeholderWindow.AllowDocking = false;

Esempio n. 48
        private void ComputeVirtualSize()
            if (TotalPages == 0)
                VirtualSize = ControlSize;
                Gdk.Size visibleSize = ControlSize;
                // Invalid values may cause invalid values for zoom and lead to flickering and useless computations
                if (document.FormArea.Width <= 0 || document.FormArea.Height <= 0 || visibleSize.Width <= 1 || visibleSize.Height <= 1)

                SizeI pageSize = new SizeI(document.PaperWidth, document.PaperHeight);

                if (autoZoom)
                    // Adjust the zoom ratio in respect to the number of columns and rows
                    double widthRatio  = (visibleSize.Width - (HORIZONTAL_GAP * (columns + 1))) / ((double)(columns * pageSize.Width));
                    double heightRatio = (visibleSize.Height - (VERTICAL_GAP * (rows + 1))) / ((double)(rows * pageSize.Height));
                    double newZoom     = Math.Min(widthRatio, heightRatio);
                    if (newZoom != zoom)
                        zoom = newZoom;
                    // Adjust the number of columns and rows in respect to the zoom ratio
                    columns = 1;
                    int i;
                    for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                        double calcWidth = i * pageSize.Width * zoom + 10 * (i + 1);
                        if (calcWidth > visibleSize.Width)

                        columns = Math.Min(i, document.PageColumns);

                    rows = 1;
                    for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                        double calcHeight = i * pageSize.Height * zoom + 10 * (i + 1);
                        if (calcHeight > visibleSize.Height)

                        rows = Math.Min(i, document.PageRows);

                imageSize = new SizeI((int)(zoom * pageSize.Width), (int)(zoom * pageSize.Height));
                int virtualWidth  = (imageSize.Width * columns) + HORIZONTAL_GAP * (columns + 1);
                int virtualHeight = (imageSize.Height * rows) + VERTICAL_GAP * (rows + 1);

                if (visibleSize.Width > virtualWidth)
                    drawOffset.X = (visibleSize.Width - virtualWidth) / 2;
                    virtualWidth = visibleSize.Width;
                    drawOffset.X = 0;

                if (visibleSize.Height > virtualHeight)
                    drawOffset.Y  = (visibleSize.Height - virtualHeight) / 2;
                    virtualHeight = visibleSize.Height;
                    drawOffset.Y = 0;

                VirtualSize = new Size(virtualWidth, virtualHeight);

            virtualSizeIsInvalid = false;
Esempio n. 49
 public WindowImpl()
     : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
     DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size(900, 480);
Esempio n. 50
        protected override bool OnConfigureEvent(EventConfigure evnt)
            var newSize = new Size(evnt.Width, evnt.Height);

            if (newSize != _clientSize)

            return true;
Esempio n. 51
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes an image from the clipboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toNewLayer">Set to TRUE to paste into a
        /// new layer.  Otherwise, will paste to the current layer.</param>
        /// <param name="x">Optional. Location within image to paste to.
        /// Position will be adjusted if pasted image would hang
        /// over right or bottom edges of canvas.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Optional. Location within image to paste to.
        /// Position will be adjusted if pasted image would hang
        /// over right or bottom edges of canvas.</param>
        public void Paste(bool toNewLayer, int x = 0, int y = 0)
            // Create a compound history item for recording several
            // operations so that they can all be undone/redone together.
            CompoundHistoryItem paste_action;

            if (toNewLayer)
                paste_action = new CompoundHistoryItem(Stock.Paste, Catalog.GetString("Paste Into New Layer"));
                paste_action = new CompoundHistoryItem(Stock.Paste, Catalog.GetString("Paste"));

            Gtk.Clipboard cb = Gtk.Clipboard.Get(Gdk.Atom.Intern("CLIPBOARD", false));

            // See if the current tool wants to handle the paste
            // operation (e.g., the text tool could paste text)
            if (!toNewLayer)
                if (PintaCore.Tools.CurrentTool.TryHandlePaste(cb))


            Path p;

            // Don't dispose this, as we're going to give it to the history
            Gdk.Pixbuf cbImage = cb.WaitForImage();

            if (cbImage == null)

            Gdk.Size canvas_size = PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize;

            // If the image being pasted is larger than the canvas size, allow the user to optionally resize the canvas
            if (cbImage.Width > canvas_size.Width || cbImage.Height > canvas_size.Height)
                ResponseType response = ShowExpandCanvasDialog();

                if (response == ResponseType.Accept)
                    PintaCore.Workspace.ResizeCanvas(cbImage.Width, cbImage.Height,
                                                     Pinta.Core.Anchor.Center, paste_action);
                else if (response == ResponseType.Cancel || response == ResponseType.DeleteEvent)

            // If the pasted image would fall off bottom- or right-
            // side of image, adjust paste position
            x = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(x, canvas_size.Width - cbImage.Width));
            y = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(y, canvas_size.Height - cbImage.Height));

            // If requested, create a new layer, make it the current
            // layer and record it's creation in the history
            if (toNewLayer)
                UserLayer l = AddNewLayer(string.Empty);
                paste_action.Push(new AddLayerHistoryItem("Menu.Layers.AddNewLayer.png", Catalog.GetString("Add New Layer"), UserLayers.IndexOf(l)));

            // Copy the paste to the temp layer, which should be at least the size of this document.
            CreateSelectionLayer(Math.Max(ImageSize.Width, cbImage.Width),
                                 Math.Max(ImageSize.Height, cbImage.Height));
            ShowSelectionLayer = true;

            using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context(SelectionLayer.Surface))
                g.DrawPixbuf(cbImage, new Cairo.Point(0, 0));
                p = g.CreateRectanglePath(new Cairo.Rectangle(x, y, cbImage.Width, cbImage.Height));

            SelectionLayer.Transform.Translate(x, y);

            PintaCore.Tools.SetCurrentTool(Catalog.GetString("Move Selected Pixels"));

            DocumentSelection old_selection = Selection.Clone();
            bool old_show_selection         = ShowSelection;

            Selection.SelectionPath = p;
            ShowSelection = true;


            paste_action.Push(new PasteHistoryItem(cbImage, old_selection, old_show_selection));
Esempio n. 52
        public void NewFile(Size imageSize)
            PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.HasFile = false;
            PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize = imageSize;
            PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize = imageSize;

            PintaCore.Layers.Clear ();
            PintaCore.History.Clear ();
            PintaCore.Layers.DestroySelectionLayer ();
            PintaCore.Layers.ResetSelectionPath ();

            // Start with an empty white layer
            Layer background = PintaCore.Layers.AddNewLayer (Catalog.GetString ("Background"));

            using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (background.Surface)) {
                g.SetSourceRGB (255, 255, 255);
                g.Paint ();

            PintaCore.Workspace.Filename = "Untitled1";
            PintaCore.History.PushNewItem (new BaseHistoryItem (Stock.New, Catalog.GetString ("New Image")));
            PintaCore.Workspace.IsDirty = false;
            PintaCore.Actions.View.ZoomToWindow.Activate ();