// Thread thUpd; // ThreadStart thUpdStart; // thUpdStart = new ThreadStart(UpdateProc); // thUpd = new Thread(thUpdStart); // thUpd.IsBackground = true; // thUpd.Start(); // } //private void UpdateProc() // { // do // { // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15000); // player.GetDetails(); // } while (true); // } public void SaveConfig() { string buff = string.Empty; string gatherpref = string.Empty; gatherpref = gpref.ToString(); buff = buff + "<STNAME>" + uname + "</STNAME>"; buff = buff + "<STPASS>" + upass + "</STPASS>"; buff = buff + "<GPREF>" + gatherpref + "</GPREF>"; buff = buff + "<IWAIT>" + idelay.ToString() + "</IWAIT>"; buff = buff + "<FWAIT>" + fdelay.ToString() + "</FWAIT>"; if (israndomdelayon == true) { buff = buff + "<RNDFAILON>0</RNDFAILON>"; } else { buff = buff + "<RNDFAILON>1</RNDFAILON>"; } buff = buff + "<MIPH>" + miph.ToString() + "</MIPH>"; buff = buff + "<BLTOTAL>" + ntotalblacklist.ToString() + "</BLTOTAL>"; buff = buff + "<GGNAME>" + gatoremail + "</GGNAME>"; buff = buff + "<GGPASS>" + gatorpass + "</GGPASS>"; buff = buff + "<SESSID>" + sessid + "</SESSID>"; buff = buff + "<INVTOTAL>" + ntotalinvite.ToString() + "</INVTOTAL>"; buff = buff + "<BLTOTAL>" + ntotalblacklist.ToString() + "</BLTOTAL>"; GGDisk disk = new GGDisk(); disk.Write(buff, disk.filecfg); }
public Price(string adminname, string adminpass) { disk = new GGDisk(); web = new MyWeb.MyWeb(); utils = new MyUtils.MyUtils(); nvm = new NameValueCollection(); plist = new ArrayList(); pricelocal = disk.dirconfig + "\\pricelist"; pricegetremote = "http://www.groupgatorcommunity.net/GroupGator/2.5/getprice.php"; pricesetremote = "http://www.groupgatorcommunity.net/GroupGator/2.5/setprice.php"; uid = adminname; upass = adminpass; Count = 0; GetAll(); }
public void LoadConfig() { GGDisk disk = new GGDisk(); MyUtils.MyUtils utils = new MyUtils.MyUtils(); string buff = disk.Read(disk.filecfg); string stridelay = string.Empty; string strfdelay = string.Empty; string strmiph = string.Empty; if (buff.Length != 0) { string invitedelay = string.Empty; string invitefaildelay = string.Empty; string gatherpref = string.Empty; uname = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<STNAME>", "</STNAME>"); upass = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<STPASS>", "</STPASS>"); gatherpref = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<GPREF>", "</GPREF>"); stridelay = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<IWAIT>", "</IWAIT>"); strfdelay = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<FWAIT>", "</FWAIT>"); string tmp = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<RNDFAILON>", "</RNDFAILON>"); if (tmp == "0") { israndomdelayon = false; } else { israndomdelayon = true; } strmiph = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<MIPH>", "</MIPH>"); gatoremail = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<GGNAME>", "</GGNAME>"); gatorpass = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<GGPASS>", "</GGPASS>"); sessid = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<SESSID>", "</SESSID>"); string nti = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<INVTOTAL>", "</INVTOTAL>");; string ntbl = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<BLTOTAL>", "</BLTOTAL>");; try { ntotalblacklist = Convert.ToInt32(ntbl); ntotalinvite = Convert.ToInt32(nti); } catch (Exception ex) { ntotalinvite = 0; ntotalblacklist = 0; } if (gatherpref == string.Empty) { gatherpref = "6"; } try { gpref = Convert.ToInt32(gatherpref); } catch (Exception ex) { gpref = 6; } try { miph = Convert.ToInt32(strmiph); } catch (Exception ex) { miph = 100; } try { idelay = Convert.ToInt32(stridelay); } catch (Exception ex) { idelay = 18; } try { fdelay = Convert.ToInt32(strfdelay); } catch (Exception ex) { fdelay = 0; } } }
private void UpdaterProc() { string remote = string.Empty; Constants.AvailableUpdate status = IsUpdateAvailable(ref remote); UpdateMessageDlg updmsgdlg; Constants.UpdateResponse dlgupdresp; if (status == Constants.AvailableUpdate.NoUpdate) { if (type == Constants.UpdateType.Manual) { updmsgdlg = new UpdateMessageDlg("Your version of Group Gator is latest! No new updates available", Constants.UpdateMessageType.Info); updmsgdlg.Display(); updmsgdlg.Dispose(); } checking = false; return; } else if (status == Constants.AvailableUpdate.NonCritical) { updmsgdlg = new UpdateMessageDlg("A new version of GroupGator is available. Do you want to download this update?", Constants.UpdateMessageType.Question); dlgupdresp = updmsgdlg.Display(); updmsgdlg.Dispose(); if (dlgupdresp == Constants.UpdateResponse.Yes) { GGDisk disk = new GGDisk(); try { if (File.Exists(disk.fileupd)) { File.Delete(disk.fileupd); } DownloadUpdate(remote, disk.fileupd); updmsgdlg = new UpdateMessageDlg("Update downloaded! Would you like to exit GroupGator now and install this new update?", Constants.UpdateMessageType.Question); dlgupdresp = updmsgdlg.Display(); updmsgdlg.Dispose(); if (dlgupdresp == Constants.UpdateResponse.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(disk.fileupd); //todo freeversion update Environment.Exit(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { ;// log.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), 0, true); } finally { checking = false; } } } else if (status == Constants.AvailableUpdate.Critical) { GGDisk disk = new GGDisk(); try { if (File.Exists(disk.fileupd)) { File.Delete(disk.fileupd); } DownloadUpdate(remote, disk.fileupd); updmsgdlg = new UpdateMessageDlg("CRITICAL UPDATE: GroupGATOR will now exit and apply the update.", Constants.UpdateMessageType.Info); updmsgdlg.Display(); updmsgdlg.Dispose(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(disk.fileupd); //todo freeversion update Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception ex) { ; } finally { checking = false; } } checking = false; }
private void PluginWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Text = capt; //label1.Text = capt; //"<GGID>" + txtDBName.Text + "</GGID><GGPASS>" + txtDBPass.Text + "</GGPASS>"; //towrite = towrite + "<LIC>PAID</LIC>"; //disk.Write(towrite, disk.filedbdetails); GGDisk disk = new GGDisk(); MyUtils.MyUtils utils = new MyUtils.MyUtils(); string buff = disk.Read(disk.filedbdetails); usr = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<GGID>", "</GGID>"); pass = utils.GetStrBetween(buff, "<GGPASS>", "</GGPASS>"); if (buff.Contains("<LIC>DEMO</LIC>")) { lic = Constants.SoftLicense.Demo; usr = "******"; } else { FingerPrint fp = new FingerPrint(); string mid = fp.GetComuputerID(); WebService serv = new WebService(); WebService.ServerData sdata = new WebService.ServerData(); sdata.email = usr; sdata.pass = pass; sdata.hid = mid; sdata.lockcomp = "false"; Constants.ServerResponse resp = serv.Login(sdata); lic = Constants.SoftLicense.Demo; if (resp == Constants.ServerResponse.Valid) { lic = Constants.SoftLicense.Paid; } else { lic = Constants.SoftLicense.Demo; } } if (lic == Constants.SoftLicense.Demo) { lblUserMail1.Text = "*****@*****.**"; } else { lblUserMail1.Text = usr; } ThreadStart tsSK = new ThreadStart(SideKick); Thread tSK = new Thread(tsSK); tSK.IsBackground = true; tSK.Start( ); }
private void LoadForEdit() { if (price != null) { string buff = string.Empty; buff = cboPriceEdit.Text; if (buff != string.Empty) { //$100.00 OR 1000 Points = 400 Days (75% Savings!) int beg, end; beg = end = -1; beg = 1; end = buff.IndexOf(" "); txtSetPrice.Text = buff.Substring(beg, end - beg); beg = end + " OR ".Length; end = buff.IndexOf(" ", beg); txtSetGP.Text = buff.Substring(beg, end - beg); beg = end + " Points = ".Length; end = buff.IndexOf(" ", beg); txtSetDays.Text = buff.Substring(beg, end - beg); beg = end + " Days (".Length; end = buff.IndexOf("%", beg); txtSetSavings.Text = buff.Substring(beg, end - beg); string tmp = string.Empty; GGDisk disk = new GGDisk(); tmp = disk.Read(price.pricelocal); if (tmp == string.Empty) { price.GetAll(); tmp = disk.Read(price.pricelocal); } if (tmp != string.Empty) { //"{PRICETAG}{AMOUNT}{/AMOUNT}){GP}{/GP}{PROMO}{/PROMO}{DAYS}{/DAYS}{PAYPAL}{/PAYPAL}{SAVE}{/SAVE}{/PRICETAG} MyUtils.MyUtils utils = new MyUtils.MyUtils(); //string ppal = utils.GetStrBetween(tmp, "{/PROMO}{DAYS}" + txtSetDays.Text + "{/DAYS}{PAYPAL}", "{/PAYPAL}"); //txtSetPayPal.Text = price.GetPaypalCode( txtSetDays.Text );//, txtSetDays.Text); txtSetPayPal.Text = utils.GetStrBetween(tmp, "{DAYS}" + txtSetDays.Text + "{/DAYS}{PAYPAL}", "{/PAYPAL}"); string promo = utils.GetStrBetween(tmp, "{PROMO}", "{/PROMO}{DAYS}" + txtSetDays.Text + "{/DAYS}{PAYPAL}"); if (promo == "0 ") { optNo.Checked = true; } else { optYes.Checked = true; } } string txt1 = "$" + txtSetPrice.Text + " = " + txtSetDays.Text + " Days (" + txtSetSavings.Text + "% Savings!)"; if (txtSetSavings.Text == "0") { txt1 = "$" + txtSetPrice.Text + " = " + txtSetDays.Text + " Days (" + txtSetSavings.Text + "Trail Price)"; } string txt2 = txtSetGP.Text + "GP = " + txtSetDays.Text + " Days"; txtPaypalEdit.Text = txt1; txtGPEdit.Text = txt2; //lblPayment1.Text = txt1; //lblPayment2.Text = txt2; } } }